145 resultados para Anabaena-circinalis


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Studies on mixed mass cultivation of Anabaena spp. on a large scale (5170 m2) were conducted continuously for 3 years. Under the continental monsoon climate in northern subtropics (30-degrees-N, 115-degrees-E), 7-11 g dry weight m-2 day-1 of microalgal biomass on average was harvested in simple plastic greenhouses in the effective growth days during the warmer seasons. The maximum productivity was 22 g m-2 day-1 in the middle of summer. Observations on the productive properties of strains of Anabaena spp. indicated that they were different from and could compensate for each other in their productivities and adaptations to the seasonal changes. With different lining materials (PVC sheets, concrete, sand and soil) in the culture ponds, no significant variation of productivity was found, but bubbling with biogas in the middle of the day and the application of some growth regulating substances (2,4-D, NaHSO3 and extracts of oyster mushroom spawn) was able to improve the production. The cost of microalgal biomass in this way was around 0.75-1.0 US dollar(s) per kilogram.


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The effects of N (NaNO3) and C (NaAc) source in medium on the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) gene in transgenic Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 were compared. The data showed that N source stabilized the expression of foreign protein and C source altered the synthesis of cell walls. Comparing several methods for breaking the cells, supersonic was able to extract TNF-alpha better than others. For purification of TNF-alpha, transgenic Anabaena cells were broken, the extracts were precipitated with ammonia sulfate, and the impure TNF-alpha was eluted from DEAE ion exchange chromatography. Electrophoresis (PAGE-SDS) showed a single band at 17 kD position.


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The construction of the shuttle, expression vector of human tumor necrosis factor alpha (hTNF-alpha) gene and its expression in a cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was reported. The 700-bp hTNF cDNA fragments have been recovered from plasmid pRL-rhTNF, then inserted downstream of the promoter PpsbA in the plasmid pRL439. The resultant intermediary plasmid pRL-TC has further been combined with the shuttle vector pDC-8 to get the shuttle, expression vector pDC-TNF. The expression of the rhTNF gene in Escherichia coil has been analyzed by SDS-PAGE and thin-layer scanning, and the results show that the expressed TNF protein with these two vectors is 16.9 percent (pRL-TC) and 15.0 percent (pDC-TNF) of the total proteins in the cells, respectively, while the expression level of TNF gene in plasmid pRL-rhTNF is only 11.8 percent. Combined with the participation of the conjugal and helper plasmids, pDC-TNF has been introduced into Anabaena sg PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer, and the stable transgenic strains have been obtained. The existence of the introduced plasmid pDC-TNF in recombinant cyanobacterial cells has been demonstrated by the results of the agarose electrophoresis with the extracted plasmid samples and Southern blotting with alpha-(32)p labeled hTNF cDNA probes, while the expression of the hTNF gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 has been confirmed by the results of Western blotting with extracted protein samples and human TNF-alpha monoclonal antibodies. The cytotoxicity assays using the mouse cancer cell line L929 proved the cytotoxicity of the TNF in the crude extracts from the transgenic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.


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Concentrated cultures (25-86 mg Chl a l(-1)) of Anabaena variabilis PK84 were incubated under 99% Ar+1% CO2 atmosphere in the photobioreactor made of coaxial cylinders. Under illumination equal to 353 mu E m(-2) s(-1) they produced hydrogen with the rate more than 20 ml l(-1) h(-1) for several days. The efficiency of light energy conversion into H-2 was approx. 1% and did not depend significantly on initial Chl a concentration. H-2/O-2 ratio reached 41.5% of theoretical value for water photolysis. Data indicate that dense cultures might be used for outdoor systems under direct sun light. Supra-optimal temperatures 36 degrees C were not harmful for cultures even for 2 days period. Short-term incubation of cultures under 36 degrees C even increased H2 production rate and efficiency of light energy bioconversion by 1.25 times. (c) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anabaena PCC 7120 nifHDK operon is interrupted by an 11 kb DNA element which is excised during the development of heterocysts by Excisase A, encoded by the xisA gene residing on the element. The excision is a site-specific recombination event that occurs at the I I base pair direct repeats flanking the element. Earlier work showed the excision of the I I kb element in Escherichia coli at a frequency 0.3%. We report here the excision of this element at 1.1% and 1.98% in E. coli DH5 alpha, and 1.9% and 10.9% in E. coli JM 101 when grown on Luria broth and minimal media, respectively. Excision of nifD element in isogenic recA(-) (RK1) and recA(+) (RK2) E. coli JM101 P1 transductants, showed similar results to that of E. coli JM101 and DH5 alpha, respectively. A plasmid pMX32, carrying a xisA defective 11 kb element, showed no excision in E. coli RK2 strain. In contrast to Anabaena PCC 7120, excision of nifD element did not increase in E. call DH5 alpha grown in iron-deficient conditions. A PxisA::lacZ transcriptional fusion, used to detect the expression of elusive xisA gene, showed maximal beta-galactosidase activity in the stationary phase. The results suggest that the excision event in E. coli may involve additional factors, such as RecA and that the physiological status can influence the excision of nifD element. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Light-induced electric signals in intact E. coli cells generated by heterologously expressed full-length and C-terminally truncated versions of Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR) demonstrate that the charge movements within the membrane-embedded part of the molecule are stringently controlled by the cytoplasmic domain. In particular, truncation inverts the direction of proton movement during Schiff base deprotonation from outward to cytoplasmic. Truncation also alters faster charge movements that occur before Schiff base deprotonation. Asp(217) as previously shown by FTIR serves as a proton acceptor in the truncated ASR but not in the full-length version, and its mutation to Asn restores the natural outward direction of proton movement. Introduction of a potential negative charge (Ser(86) to Asp) on the cytoplasmic side favors a cytoplasmic direction of proton release from the Schiff base. In contrast, mutation of the counterion Asp(75) to Glu reverses the photocurrent to the outward direction in the truncated pigment, and in both truncated and full-length versions accelerates Schiff base deprotonation more than 10-fold. The communication between the cytoplasmic domain and the membrane-embedded photoactive site of ASR demonstrated here is likely to derive from the receptor's use of a cytoplasmic protein for signal transduction, as has been suggested previously from binding studies.


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We present crystal structures of the Anabaena sensory rhodopsin transducer (ASRT), a soluble cytoplasmic protein that interacts with the first structurally characterized eubacterial retinylidene photoreceptor Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR). Four crystal structures of ASRT from three different spacegroups were obtained, in all of which ASRT is present as a planar (C4) tetramer, consistent with our characterization of ASRT as a tetramer in solution. The ASRT tetramer is tightly packed, with large interfaces where the well-structured beta-sandwich portion of the monomers provides the bulk of the tetramer-forming interactions, and forms a flat, stable surface on one side of the tetramer (the beta-face). Only one of our four different ASRT crystals reveals a C-terminal alpha-helix in the otherwise all-beta protein, together with a large loop from each monomer on the opposite face of the tetramer (the alpha-face), which is flexible and largely disordered in the other three crystal forms. Gel-filtration chromatography demonstrated that ASRT forms stable tetramers in solution and isothermal microcalorimetry showed that the ASRT tetramer binds to ASR with a stoichiometry of one ASRT tetramer per one ASR photoreceptor with a K(d) of 8 microM in the highest affinity measurements. Possible mechanisms for the interaction of this transducer tetramer with the ASR photoreceptor via its flexible alpha-face to mediate transduction of the light signal are discussed.


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At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.


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Heterocyst differentiation in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 requires a functional hetR gene. Increased expression of the hetR gene is seen in developing and mature heterocysts in response to fixed nitrogen limitation. We mapped four likely transcriptional start sites for hetR and identified a specific transcript that is positively autoregulated. By using the copper-responsive petE promoter from Anabaena PCC 7120 to drive hetR expression, we show that ectopic expression of hetR increases heterocyst frequency and induces heterocyst differentiation under fully repressing conditions. Coexpression of a reporter gene shows that expression from the petE promoter is smoothly induced depending on the amount of copper supplied. In the heterocyst pattern mutant PatA, where terminally positioned heterocysts are formed almost exclusively, expression of the petE∷hetR fusion does not result in the formation of intercalary heterocysts. These results suggest that although the intracellular concentration of HetR has to be elevated for the differentiation decision, PatA plays a role as well. This role may be in the form of posttranslational modification of HetR, because PatA is a member of the response regulator family of proteins.


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From the characterization of enzyme activities and the analysis of genomic sequences, the complement of DNA methyltransferases (MTases) possessed by the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 has been deduced. Anabaena has nine DNA MTases. Four are associated with Type II restriction enzymes (AvaI, AvaII, AvaIII and the newly recognized inactive AvaIV), and five are not. Of the latter, four may be classified as solitary MTases, those whose function lies outside of a restriction/modification system. The group is defined here based on biochemical and genetic characteristics. The four solitary MTases, DmtA/M.AvaVI, DmtB/M.AvaVII, DmtC/M.AvaVIII and DmtD/M.AvaIX, methylate at GATC, GGCC, CGATCG and rCCGGy, respectively. DmtB methylates cytosines at the N4 position, but its sequence is more similar to N6-adenine MTases than to cytosine-specific enzymes, indicating that it may have evolved from the former. The solitary MTases, appear to be of ancient origin within cyanobacteria, while the restriction MTases appear to have arrived by recent horizontal transfer as did five now inactive Type I restriction systems. One Mtase, M.AvaV, cannot reliably be classified as either a solitary or restriction MTase. It is structurally unusual and along with a few proteins of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin defines a structural class of MTases distinct from all previously described.


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The occurrence of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya and Subba Raju is a global water quality issue. The misidentification of C. raciborskii in the past is a major concern for water quality users, considering the reported cases of human and livestock poisonings associated with the cyanobacterium. Many of the available taxonomic descriptions for this species provide little or no detail of the morphology of early developmental phases that may assist with identification. Therefore, typifying the morphological changes throughout the entire life cycle for such a species requires urgent attention. In this study, five distinct morphological phases identified using a new culturing technique are reported for the process of akinete germination in C. raciborskii. Before the terminal emergence of three to four cell germlings through a ruptured akinete envelope (phase 3), mature akinetes (phase 1) elongated and the endospore separated from the akinete envelope (phase 2). After the association with the envelope was lost, four-cell germlings (phase 4a) matured into young trichomes of more than four cells (phase 4b). Throughout the process of germination, internal granular structures decreased in size and were irregular in shape in germlings and young trichomes. The culturing technique, which used a Sedgwick-Rafter cell, was successful in its application but was limiting in that the development of young trichomes after phase 4b could not be monitored.


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Las cianobacterias, organismos procariotas fotosintéticos, pueden formar parte del fitoplancton de lagos y embalses y que en algunas ocasiones, si las condiciones de temperatura, pH y disponibilidad de luz son favorables y abundan los nutrientes, principalmente el fósforo y el nitrógeno, pueden dar lugar a proliferaciones (“blooms”). Los efectos negativos que se producen como consecuencia del crecimiento masivo de estas poblaciones, entre estas la producción de potentes toxinas por parte de algunas especies y teniendo en cuenta la extraordinaria importancia ecológica del lago de Ilopango, la realización de estudios que permitan conocer la abundancia, distribución y variación de cianobacterias potencialmente tóxicas (Anabaena sp, Oscillatoria sp y Microcystis sp), así como su relación con diversos parámetros físico-químicos como temperatura, pH, disponibilidad de luz, fósforo y nitrógeno, no sólo estaría plenamente justificada, sino que se revela como un instrumento totalmente imprescindible, debido a las diversas actividades que se desarrollan o están próximas a desarrollarse en el lago, entre estas la potabilización del agua. Con este fin se realizaron muestreos mensuales de cianobacterias (Anabaena sp, Microcystis sp y Oscillatoria sp), nitrógeno, fósforo, pH superficial, temperatura superficial del agua y penetración de la luz en los meses de noviembre de 2012 a febrero de 2013 a diferentes profundidades de la columna de agua en 7 puntos de muestreo previamente establecidos. Para determinar las diferencias significativas entre los puntos de muestreo y los meses muestreados se utilizó una Anova, asimismo se utilizó una correlación de Pearson para determinar la relación existente entre la abundancia de las cianobacterias y los parámetros muestreados. Los datos encontrados sugieren que la proliferación de cianobacterias en el lago de Ilopango es un fenómeno que no se presenta en época seca, probablemente por las bajas concentraciones de nitrógeno durante los meses muestreados, claramente relacionado con, la escasa precipitación que evita la llegada de nutrientes al lago por escorrentía; mientras que la influencia de los demás parámetros físico-químicos por sí solos, no constituyen un factor determinante en la proliferación de estos microorganismos.


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Mass occurrences (blooms) of cyanobacteria are common in aquatic environments worldwide. These blooms are often toxic, due to the presence of hepatotoxins or neurotoxins. The most common cyanobacterial toxins are hepatotoxins: microcystins and nodularins. In freshwaters, the main producers of microcystins are Microcystis, Anabaena, and Planktothrix. Nodularins are produced by strains of Nodularia spumigena in brackish waters. Toxic and nontoxic strains of cyanobacteria co-occur and cannot be differentiated by conventional microscopy. Molecular biological methods based on microcystin and nodularin synthetase genes enable detection of potentially hepatotoxic cyanobacteria. In the present study, molecular detection methods for hepatotoxin-producing cyanobacteria were developed, based on microcystin synthetase gene E (mcyE) and the orthologous nodularin synthetase gene F (ndaF) sequences. General primers were designed to amplify the mcyE/ndaF gene region from microcystin-producing Anabaena, Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Nostoc, and nodularin-producing Nodularia strains. The sequences were used for phylogenetic analyses to study how cyanobacterial mcy genes have evolved. The results showed that mcy genes and microcystin are very old and were already present in the ancestor of many modern cyanobacterial genera. The results also suggested that the sporadic distribution of biosynthetic genes in modern cyanobacteria is caused by repeated gene losses in the more derived lineages of cyanobacteria and not by horizontal gene transfer. Phylogenetic analysis also proposed that nda genes evolved from mcy genes. The frequency and composition of the microcystin producers in 70 lakes in Finland were studied by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Potential microcystin producers were detected in 84% of the lakes, using general mcyE primers, and in 91% of the lakes with the three genus-specific mcyE primers. Potential microcystin-producing Microcystis were detected in 70%, Planktothrix in 63%, and Anabaena in 37% of the lakes. The presence and co-occurrence of potential microcystin producers were more frequent in eutrophic lakes, where the total phosphorus concentration was high. The PCR results could also be associated with various environmental factors by correlation and regression analyses. In these analyses, the total nitrogen concentration and pH were both associated with the presence of multiple microcystin-producing genera and partly explained the probability of occurrence of mcyE genes. In general, the results showed that higher nutrient concentrations increased the occurrence of potential microcystin producers and the risk for toxic bloom formation. Genus-specific probe pairs for microcystin-producing Anabaena, Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Nostoc, and nodularin-producing Nodularia were designed to be used in a DNA-chip assay. The DNA-chip can be used to simultaneously detect all these potential microcystin/nodularin producers in environmental water samples. The probe pairs detected the mcyE/ndaF genes specifically and sensitively when tested with cyanobacterial strains. In addition, potential microcystin/nodularin producers were identified in lake and Baltic Sea samples by the DNA-chip almost as sensitively as by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), which was used to validate the DNA-chip results. Further improvement of the DNA-chip assay was achieved by optimization of the PCR, the first step in the assay. Analysis of the mcy and nda gene clusters from various hepatotoxin-producing cyanobacteria was rewarding; it revealed that the genes were ancient. In addition, new methods detecting all the main producers of hepatotoxins could be developed. Interestingly, potential microcystin-producing cyanobacterial strains of Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Anabaena, co-occurred especially in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes. Protecting waters from eutrophication and restoration of lakes may thus decrease the prevalence of toxic cyanobacteria and the frequency of toxic blooms.