978 resultados para American independent cinema
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; U.S. General W. Scott's account of the battle of Chippewa; U.S. General P. B. Porter's account of the battle of Chippewa; Major J. Hindman's account of the battle of Chippewa; news of British war ships attacking and capturing U.S. cargo ships; Page 2: news of a soldier shot for desertion; military news from Erie, Pennsylvania; New York appropriates money to pay troops and build two encampments; James Madison issues orders for state of Rhode Island to raise a militia of 500 troops; U.S. military news from Bermuda; report of the death of Capt. Parker of the U.S. ship Syren; account of the battle of Chippewa and a list of important officers wounded; report of a raft captured that was taking supplies to the British; report of U.S. General Brown being wounded in battle; list of further details of the battle of Chippewa; report of Indian attack near Champlain; news of prisoner exchange and announcement that exchanged prisoners should return to their regiments; listing of the total number of British forces in the U.S.; report of British shipwrecks; Naval news for the Port of Boston; news of various U.S. war ships; Page 4: Marshal's notice announcing a trial for members of a private American ship accused of supplying the British with provisions;
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; account of the battle of Bridgewater; list of important military figures wounded in the battle; news of prisoner exchange; Americans and the British negotiate and new prisoner exchange convention; Page 2: report of more British troops sailing to North America; report of some Indian tribes signing a treaty to fight against the British; report of battle near Detroit; report of militia moving from Fredricksburg, Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland; report of troop numbers and casualties in the battle of Bridgewater; report that Commodore Chauncey has recovered from his illness; news of American Naval forces sailing from Sackett's Harbor; Indian tribes sign peace treaty with U.S.; news of U.S. relations with Indians in the southern U.S.; account of battle of Bridgewater and list of casualties; report of the number of men killed and wounded on both sides in the battle of Chippewa; Page 3: report of surprise attack on the British; news of warship movements in and out of Halifax; frigate Java launched in Baltimore; news of British ship movements; 3 companies of Massachusetts militia arrive at Fort Warren; news of ship movements in and out of the Port of Boston; various Marshal's notices alleging U.S. ships supplying goods to the British;
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: report of Independence Day celebration including multiple toasts to the military; Page 2: report of South Carolina militia marching home; report of U.S. schooner Alligator being lost to a tornado in Port Royal; report of 10,000 militia and 2,000 regular Army troops to be used in defense of the District of Columbia and vicinity; report U.S. is to try to raise 100,000 militia for defense; news of British deserters providing information to the U.S.; report of skirmishes along the U.S. coast; statement from U.S. Navy Capt. David Porter stating he had taken possession of Sir Henry Martin's Island; report of British troops burning a militia barracks in Lewiston, N.Y.; 4 accounts of the battle of Chippewa and the taking of Fort Erie; statement from Maj. Gen. Brown in praise of his troops in the battle of Chippewa; copy of General Brown's orders to attack at Fort Erie; essay arguing against U.S. citizens boarding enemy ships; report of peace treaty rumours; Page 3: account of Capt. Porter's capture and subsequent escape from the British; list of American prisoners held on the British ship Nymph; report of British cargo ship captured by U.S. war ship; Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; Page 4: 2 reward advertisements for return of military deserters;
Ce mémoire de recherche-création prend comme point de départ le film documentaire American Utopias que j’ai réalisé en 2014-2015. Le film nous plonge au cœur du quotidien de cinq communautés alternatives et expérimentales des États-Unis et réfléchit aux multiples défis et enjeux que vivent leurs membres. Organisé autour du thème de l’utopie, ce récit de voyage documentaire nous fait connaître tour à tour une communauté de mini-maisons à Washington D.C., une communauté « Earthship » à Ithaca, une communauté vivant sans électricité et sans pétrole au Missouri, un laboratoire urbain dans le désert de l’Arizona et le festival Burning Man au Nevada. La portion théorique de ce mémoire s’organise quant à elle autour de la question des approches du cinéma documentaire. Prenant comme appui la typologie de Bill Nichols, il s’agit ici de voir comment chaque approche privilégiée par le créateur de documentaire renvoie au réel d’une manière qui lui est propre. Grâce à une approche autopoïétique et un travail d’analyse de films, ce mémoire cherche également à circonscrire les forces et les limites intrinsèques à chaque mode. Ce faisant, le lecteur est amené à mieux comprendre les motivations qui soutiennent certains choix de création dans American Utopias.
Objective. This study was performed to determine the prevalence of and associated risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Latin American (LA) patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods. First, a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 310 Colombian patients with SLE in whom CVD was assessed. Associated factors were examined by multivariate regression analyses. Second, a systematic review of the literature on CVD in SLE in LA was performed. Results. There were 133 (36.5%) Colombian SLE patients with CVD. Dyslipidemia, smoking, coffee consumption, and pleural effusion were positively associated with CVD. An independent effect of coffee consumption and cigarette on CVD was found regardless of gender and duration of disease. In the systematic review, 60 articles fulfilling the eligibility criteria were included. A wide range of CVD prevalence was found (4%–79.5%). Several studies reported ancestry, genetic factors, and polyautoimmunity as novel risk factors for such a condition.Conclusions. A high rate of CVD is observed in LA patients with SLE. Awareness of the observed risk factors should encourage preventive population strategies for CVD in patients with SLE aimed at facilitating the suppression of cigarette smoking and coffee consumption as well as at the tight control of dyslipidemia and other modifiable risk factors.
The human right to water is nowadays more broadly recognised, mainly due to the essential societal function that this resource plays; likewise, because of the present water scarcity is generating conflicts between its different uses. Thus, this right aims at protecting human beings by guaranteeing access to clean water that is essential to satisfy vital human needs. Similarly, access to clean water is an important element to guarantee other rights including the right to life and health. The recognition of the right to water is mainly achieved in two ways: as a new and independent right and as a subordinate or derivative right. Concerning the latter, the right to water can emanate from civil and political rights, such as the right to life; or can be derived from economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to housing. This contribution explores the position of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding the right to water, and analyses whether the Court has recognised the right to water and, if so, in which manner.
This paper discusses visual-motor tests and reading tests for hearing impaired children.
The complexity inherent in climate data makes it necessary to introduce more than one statistical tool to the researcher to gain insight into the climate system. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is one of the most widely used methods to analyze weather/climate modes of variability and to reduce the dimensionality of the system. Simple structure rotation of EOFs can enhance interpretability of the obtained patterns but cannot provide anything more than temporal uncorrelatedness. In this paper, an alternative rotation method based on independent component analysis (ICA) is considered. The ICA is viewed here as a method of EOF rotation. Starting from an initial EOF solution rather than rotating the loadings toward simplicity, ICA seeks a rotation matrix that maximizes the independence between the components in the time domain. If the underlying climate signals have an independent forcing, one can expect to find loadings with interpretable patterns whose time coefficients have properties that go beyond simple noncorrelation observed in EOFs. The methodology is presented and an application to monthly means sea level pressure (SLP) field is discussed. Among the rotated (to independence) EOFs, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) pattern, an Arctic Oscillation–like pattern, and a Scandinavian-like pattern have been identified. There is the suggestion that the NAO is an intrinsic mode of variability independent of the Pacific.
The question of whether and how tropical Indian Ocean dipole or zonal mode (IOZM) interannual variability is independent of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability in the Pacific is addressed in a comparison of twin 200-yr runs of a coupled climate model. The first is a reference simulation, and the second has ENSO-scale variability suppressed with a constraint on the tropical Pacific wind stress. The IOZM can exist in the model without ENSO, and the composite evolution of the main anomalies in the Indian Ocean in the two simulations is virtually identical. Its growth depends on a positive feedback between anomalous equatorial easterly winds, upwelling equatorial and coastal Kelvin waves reducing the thermocline depth and sea surface temperature off the coast of Sumatra, and the atmospheric dynamical response to the subsequently reduced convection. Two IOZM triggers in the boreal spring are found. The first is an anomalous Hadley circulation over the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent, with an early northward penetration of the Southern Hemisphere southeasterly trades. This situation grows out of cooler sea surface temperatures in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean left behind by a reinforcement of the late austral summer winds. The second trigger is a consequence of a zonal shift in the center of convection associated with a developing El Nino, a Walker cell anomaly. The first trigger is the only one present in the constrained simulation and is similar to the evolution of anomalies in 1994, when the IOZM occurred in the absence of a Pacific El Nino state. The presence of these two triggers-the first independent of ENSO and the second phase locking the IOZM to El Nino-allows an understanding of both the existence of IOZM events when Pacific conditions are neutral and the significant correlation between the IOZM and El Nino.
Accommodation is considered to be a symmetrical response and to be driven by the least ametropic and nonamblyopic eye in anisometropia. We report the case of a 4-year-old child with anisometropic amblyopia who accommodates asymmetrically, reliably demonstrating normal accommodation in the nonamblyopic eye and antiaccommodation of the amblyopic eye to near targets. The abnormal accommodation of the amblyopic eye remained largely unchanged during 7 subsequent testing sessions undertaken over the course of therapy. We suggest that a congenital dysinnervation syndrome may result in relaxation of accommodation in relation to near cues and might be a hitherto unconsidered additional etiological factor in anisometropic amblyopia.
A method of estimating dissipation rates from a vertically pointing Doppler lidar with high temporal and spatial resolution has been evaluated by comparison with independent measurements derived from a balloon-borne sonic anemometer. This method utilizes the variance of the mean Doppler velocity from a number of sequential samples and requires an estimate of the horizontal wind speed. The noise contribution to the variance can be estimated from the observed signal-to-noise ratio and removed where appropriate. The relative size of the noise variance to the observed variance provides a measure of the confidence in the retrieval. Comparison with in situ dissipation rates derived from the balloon-borne sonic anemometer reveal that this particular Doppler lidar is capable of retrieving dissipation rates over a range of at least three orders of magnitude. This method is most suitable for retrieval of dissipation rates within the convective well-mixed boundary layer where the scales of motion that the Doppler lidar probes remain well within the inertial subrange. Caution must be applied when estimating dissipation rates in more quiescent conditions. For the particular Doppler lidar described here, the selection of suitably short integration times will permit this method to be applicable in such situations but at the expense of accuracy in the Doppler velocity estimates. The two case studies presented here suggest that, with profiles every 4 s, reliable estimates of ϵ can be derived to within at least an order of magnitude throughout almost all of the lowest 2 km and, in the convective boundary layer, to within 50%. Increasing the integration time for individual profiles to 30 s can improve the accuracy substantially but potentially confines retrievals to within the convective boundary layer. Therefore, optimization of certain instrument parameters may be required for specific implementations.
However common it has become, the term World Cinema still lacks a proper, positive definition. Despite its all-encompassing, democratic vocation, it is not usually employed to mean cinema worldwide. On the contrary, the usual way of defining it is restrictive and negative, as ‘the non-Hollywood cinema’. Needless to say, negation here translates a positive intention to turn difference from the dominant model into a virtue to be rescued from an unequal competition. However, it unwittingly sanctions the American way of looking at the world, according to which Hollywood is the centre and all other cinemas are the periphery. As an alternative to this model, this chapter proposes: • World Cinema is simply the cinema of the world. It has no centre. It is not the other, but it is us. It has no beginning and no end, but is a global process. World Cinema, as the world itself, is circulation. • World Cinema is not a discipline, but a method, a way of cutting across film history according to waves of relevant films and movements, thus creating flexible geographies. • As a positive, inclusive, democratic concept, World Cinema allows all sorts of theoretical approaches, provided they are not based on the binary perspective.
Dietary nitrate, from beetroot, has been reported to lower blood pressure (BP) by the sequential reduction of nitrate to nitrite and further to NO in the circulation. However, the impact of beetroot on microvascular vasodilation and arterial stiffness is unknown. In addition, beetroot is consumed by only 4.5% of the UK population, whereas bread is a staple component of the diet. Thus, we investigated the acute effects of beetroot bread (BB) on microvascular vasodilation, arterial stiffness, and BP in healthy participants. Twenty-three healthy men received 200 g bread containing 100 g beetroot (1.1 mmol nitrate) or 200 g control white bread (CB; 0 g beetroot, 0.01 mmol nitrate) in an acute, randomized, open-label, controlled crossover trial. The primary outcome was postprandial microvascular vasodilation measured by laser Doppler iontophoresis and the secondary outcomes were arterial stiffness measured by Pulse Wave Analysis and Velocity and ambulatory BP measured at regular intervals for a total period of 6 h. Plasma nitrate and nitrite were measured at regular intervals for a total period of 7 h. The incremental area under the curve (0-6 h after ingestion of bread) for endothelium-independent vasodilation was greater (P = 0.017) and lower for diastolic BP (DBP; P = 0.032) but not systolic (P = 0.99) BP after BB compared with CB. These effects occurred in conjunction with increases in plasma and urinary nitrate (P < 0.0001) and nitrite (P < 0.001). BB acutely increased endothelium-independent vasodilation and decreased DBP. Therefore, enriching bread with beetroot may be a suitable vehicle to increase intakes of cardioprotective beetroot in the diet and may provide new therapeutic perspectives in the management of hypertension.