957 resultados para Amazonian vegetable oil
The liquid-liquid equilibria of systems composed of rice bran oil, free fatty acids, ethanol and water were investigated at temperatures ranging from 10 to 60 degrees C. The results of the present study indicated that the mutual solubility of the compounds decreased with an increase in the water content of the solvent and a decrease in the temperature of the solution. The experimental data set was correlated by applying the UNIQUAC model. The average variance between the experimental and calculated compositions was 0.35%, indicating that the model can accurately predict behavior of the compounds at different temperatures and degrees of hydration. The adjustment of interaction parameters enables both the simulation of liquid-liquid extractors for deacidification of vegetable oil and the prediction of phase compositions for the oil and alcohol-rich phases that are generated during cooling of the stream exiting the extractor (when using ethanol as the solvent). (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Access to affordable and renewable sources of energy is crucial to reducing poverty and enhancing rural development in countries of the global South. Straight vegetable oil was recently identified as a possible alternative to conventional biomass for rural energy supply. In this context, the Jatropha curcas Linn. species has been extensively investigated with regard to its potential as a biofuel feedstock. In contrast, only little is known about Jatropha mahafalensis Jum. & H. Perrier, which is an indigenous and endemic representative of the Jatropha genus in Madagascar. This paper explores the potential and suitability of J. mahafalensis as a biofuel feedstock. Seed samples were collected in the area of Soalara in south-western Madagascar in February and September 2011. Two agro-ecological zones (coastal area and calcareous plateau) and two plant age groups (below and above 10 years) were considered. These four sample groups were analyzed with regard to oil properties, element contents, and fatty acid profiles. Measured values differed greatly between the two harvests, probably owing to different climatic or storage conditions. No direct relation between age of trees or location and oil quality could be established. The analyses indicate that J. mahafalensis oil can be used in oil lamps, cooking stoves and stationary combustion engines for electrification or for biodiesel production. However, modifications in storage and extraction methods, as well as further processing steps are necessary to enable its utilization as a straight vegetable oil and feedstock for biodiesel production. If these technical requirements can be met, and if it turns out that J. mahafalensis oil is economically competitive in comparison with firewood, charcoal, paraffin and petroleum, it can be considered as a promising feedstock for rural energy supply.
Enhancing the quality of beef meat is an important goal in terms of improving both the nutritional value for the consumer and the commercial value for producers. The aim of this work was to study the effects of different vegetable oil supplements on growth performance, carcass quality and meat quality in beef steers reared under intensive conditions. A total of 240 Blonde D? Aquitaine steers (average BW = 293.7 ± 38.88 kg) were grouped into 24 batches (10 steers/batch) and were randomly assigned to one of the three dietary treatments (eight batches per treatment), each supplemented with either 4% hydrogenated palm oil (PALM) or fatty acids (FAs) from olive oil (OLI) or soybean oil (SOY). No differences in growth performance or carcass quality were observed. For the meat quality analysis, a steer was randomly selected from each batch and the 6th rib on the left half of the carcass was dissected. PALM meat had the highest percentage of 16:0 ( P< 0.05) and the lowest n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ratio ( P< 0.05), OLI had the highest content of t 11-18:1 ( P< 0.01) and c 9,t 11-18:2 ( P< 0.05) and SOY showed the lowest value of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) ( P< 0.001), the highest percentage of PUFA ( P< 0.01) and a lower index of atherogenicity ( P = 0.07) than PALM. No significant differences in the sensory characteristics of the meat were noted. However, the results of the principal component analysis of meat characteristics enabled meat from those steers that consumed fatty acids from olive oil to be differentiated from that of steers that consumed soybean oil.
The deoxygenation of vegetable oils was studied over a Ni/Zr-laponite catalyst in various nickel loading composition. Stearic acid has been used as a model compounds. The liquid and gas products were analyzed using gas chromatograph equipped with thermal conductivity detector and flame ionization detector. From product distribution it was determined the effect of catalyst composition on reaction conditions
Fast pyrolysis liquid or bio-oil has been used in engines with limited success. It requires a pilot fuel and/or an additive for successful combustion and there are problems with materials and liquid properties. It is immiscible with all conventional hydrocarbon fuels. Biodiesel, a product of esterification of vegetable oil with an alcohol, is widely used as a renewable liquid fuel as an additive to diesel at up to 20%. There are however limits to its use in conventional engines due to poor low temperature performance and variability in quality from a variety of vegetable oil qualities and variety of esterification processes. Within the European Project Bioliquids-CHP - a joint project between the European Commission and Russia - a study was undertaken to develop small scale CHP units based on engines and microturbines fuelled with bioliquids from fast pyrolysis and methyl esters of vegetable oil. Blends of bio-oil and biodiesel were evaluated and tested to overcome some of the disadvantages of using either fuel by itself. An alcohol was used as the co-solvent in the form of ethanol, 1-butanol or 2-propanol. Visual inspection of the blend homogeneity after 48 h was used as an indicator of the product stability and the results were plotted in a three phase chart for each alcohol used. An accelerated stability test was performed on selected samples in order to predict its long term stability. We concluded that the type and quantity of alcohol is critical for the blend formation and stability. Using 1-butanol gave the widest selection of stable blends, followed by blends with 2-propanol and finally ethanol, thus 1-butanol blends accepted the largest proportion of bio-oil in the mixture. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Pseudomonas mendocina, using different vegetable oils such as, coconut oil, groundnut oil, corn oil and olive oil, as the sole carbon source was investigated for the first time. The PHA yield obtained was compared with that obtained during the production of PHAs using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. The fermentation profiles at shaken flask and bioreactor levels revealed that vegetable oils supported the growth of Pseudomonas mendocina and PHA accumulation in this organism. Moreover, when vegetable oil (coconut oil) was used as the sole carbon source, fermentation profiles showed better growth and polymer production as compared to conditions when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. In addition, comparison of PHA accumulation at shaken flask and fermenter level confirmed the higher PHA yield at shaken flask level production. The highest cell mass found using sodium octanoate was 1.8 g/L, whereas cell mass as high as 5.1 g/L was observed when coconut oil was used as the feedstock at flask level production. Moreover, the maximum PHA yield of 60.5% dry cell weight (dcw) was achieved at shaken flask level using coconut oil as compared to the PHA yield of 35.1% dcw obtained using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. Characterisations of the chemical, physical, mechanical, surface and biocompatibility properties of the polymers produced have been carried out by performing different analyses as described in the second chapter of this study. Chemical analysis using GC and FTIR investigations showed medium chain length (MCL) PHA production in all conditions. GC-MS analysis revealed a unique terpolymer production, containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid, 3-hydroxydecanoic acid and 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid when coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil, and corn oil were used as the carbon source. Whereas production of the homopolymer containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid was observed when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. MCL-PHAs produced in this study using sodium octanoate, coconut oil, and olive oil exhibited melting transitions, indicating that each of the PHA was crystalline or semi-crystalline polymer. In contrast, the thermal properties of PHAs produced from groundnut and corn oils showed no melting transition, indicating that they were completely amorphous or semi-crystalline, which was also confirmed by the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results obtained in this study. Mechanical analysis of the polymers produced showed higher stiffness of the polymer produced from coconut oil than the polymer from sodium octanoate. Surface characterisation of the polymers using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed a rough surface topography and surface contact angle measurement revealed their hydrophobic nature. Moreover, to investigate the potential applicability of the produced polymers as the scaffold materials for dental pulp regeneration, multipotent human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were cultured onto the polymer films. Results indicated that these polymers are not cytotoxic towards the hMSCs and could support their attachment and proliferation. Highest cell growth was observed on the polymer samples produced from corn oil, followed by the polymer produced using coconut oil. In conclusion, this work established, for the first time, that vegetable oils are a good economical source of carbon for production of MCL-PHA copolymers effectively by Pseudomonas mendocina. Moreover, biocompatibility studies suggest that the produced polymers may have potential for dental tissue engineering application.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability of the use of spent laying hens' meat in the manufacturing of mortadella-type sausages with healthy appeal by using vegetable oil instead of animal fat. 120 Hy-line® layer hens were distributed in a completely randomized design into two treatments of six replicates with ten birds each. The treatments were birds from light Hy-line® W36 and semi-heavy Hy-line® Brown lines. Cold carcass, wing, breast and leg fillets yields were determined. Dry matter, protein, and lipid contents were determined in breast and leg fillets. The breast and legg fillets of three replicates per treatment were used to manufacture mortadella. After processing, sausages were evaluated for proximal composition, objective color, microbiological parameters, fatty acid profile and sensory acceptance. The meat of light and semi-heavy spent hens presented good yield and composition, allowing it to be used as raw material for the manufacture of processed products. Mortadellas were safe from microbiological point of view, and those made with semi-heavy hens fillets were redder and better accepted by consumers. Values for all sensory attributes were evaluated over score 5 (neither liked nor disliked). Both products presented high polyunsaturated fatty acid contents and good polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio. The excellent potential for the use of meat from spent layer hens of both varieties in the manufacturing of healthier mortadella-type sausage was demonstrated.
Os óleos vegetais comestíveis foram introduzidos na dieta humana em substituição as gorduras animais nas últimas décadas sendo amplamente consumidos em todo o mundo. O presente artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para análise de aldrin, dieldrin, endrin e endosulfan em óleos vegetais por cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução (HRGC) utilizando-se extração em fase sólida (SPE). As médias de recuperação dos pesticidas estiveram entre 70 e 110%[1].
β-Casein and sodium caseinate stabilized emulsions were produced and had their rheological properties investigated as a function of the nature of the oil phase, ionic strength and pH. Oil phases of distinct structural characteristics, namely decane and vegetable oil of high triglyceride content, were assayed. The former was much more effectively emulsified than the latter. Effects of pH and ionic strength were minor. Emulsion rheological properties were strikingly distinct in each case, with viscoelastic, solid-like structures being formed with decane (G' >> G"), differently from what is observed for samples containing triglycerides as the oil phase, in which viscoelasticity was not even apparent. The relevance of the spatial features of the oil phase structure in the development of the emulsion viscoelastic character is discussed. Factors responding for the system distinct behaviour possibly reside at the emulsion droplet interface, unapproachable by optical microscopy, rather than on aspects related to particle size or shape.
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de gordura de origem animal ou vegetal e de óleo mineral sobre a aceitabilidade, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e as concentrações plasmáticas de triglicérides e colesterol em equinos. Utilizaram-se quatro potros de 13 a 16 meses de idade recebendo dieta contendo feno de gramínea e concentrado, em delineamento quadrado latino, analisado por contrastes ortogonais. A aceitabilidade não foi influenciada pela quantidade nem pelo tipo de óleo adicionado às dietas. Os menores valores de digestibilidade de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO) e extrato etéreo (EE) foram observados para as dietas acrescidas de óleo mineral (58,90; 60,29 e 32,02%) em comparação à dieta controle, cujos valores foram de 62,58; 64,41 e 77,72%. O coeficiente de digestibilidade do EE obtido com a dieta com óleo mineral foi menor (32,02%) que o obtido para as dietas com gordura animal (90,26%) e gordura vegetal (86,47%). A dieta com óleo mineral reduziu a concentração de HDL-C (68,75 mg/dL) em relação à dieta controle (76,00 mg/dL). A adição de fontes lipídicas e óleo mineral não influencia na aceitabilidade da dieta por equinos. O óleo vegetal não se diferencia da gordura animal quanto à digestibilidade dos nutrientes, no entanto, essas fontes de lipídios afetam a digestibilidade do extrato etéreo. A adição de óleo mineral reduz os níveis plasmáticos de HDL-C, ao passo que a adição de gordura animal e gordura vegetal não altera as concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol.
A gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada tem sido utilizada na aromatização de snacks. Entretanto, o risco à saúde ocasionado pelo elevado consumo de ácidos graxos saturados e trans (AGT) vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de abordagens alternativas a essa gordura. Substituímos a gordura vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada (F) por óleo de canola (O) na aromatização de snacks. Snacks com diferentes níveis de O foram produzidos, embalados e armazenados em temperatura ambiente durante vinte semanas. Monitoramos o perfil de ácidos graxos, o teor de substâncias reativas ao TBA (TBARS), a força de cisalhamento e a aceitabilidade sensorial. A substituição total reduziu o teor de ácidos graxos saturados em 72,5 por cento, em comparação aos snacks comerciais. Os snacks eram inicialmente isentos de AGT, porém, após 8 semanas, esses compostos surgiram, havendo aumento gradual durante o período de armazenamento. Entretanto, estes níveis mantiveram-se inferiores aos observados em snacks comercializados. Também foram observados baixos teores de TBARS e estabilidade da força de cisalhamento. Snacks aromatizados com F ou O foram igualmente bem aceitos durante as vinte semanas de armazenamento. É possível desenvolver snacks com teores reduzidos de ácidos graxos saturados e trans, estáveis durante o armazenamento, mantendo a elevada aceitabilidade sensorial típica deste tipo de produto
Emulsões estabilizadas por 'beta'-caseína e sódio caseinato tiveram suas propriedades reológicas investigadas em função da natureza da fase oleosa, da força iônica e do pH. Fases oleosas de características estruturais distintas, a saber, decano e óleos vegetais de alto teor triglicerídico, foram ensaiadas. A emulsificação dos sistemas contendo decano foi significativamente mais efetiva do que aquela das amostras contendo triglicérides. Efeitos de pH e força iônica mostraram-se relativamente pouco importantes sobre a capacidade emulsificante da proteína. As propriedades reológicas foram marcadamente distintas em cada caso, com estruturas de caráter sólido (G' G") sendo produzidas com decano, diferentemente do que foi observado para amostras contendo triglicérides, nas quais a viscoelasticidade não foi nem mesmo aparente. A relevância de aspectos espaciais da estrutura da fase oleosa no desenvolvimento do caráter viscoelástico é discutida. Propõe-se que os fatores responsáveis pelo comportamento distinto observado residam possivelmente na interface gotícula/meio dispersante, inacessível por microscopia óptica, e guardam pouca relação com tamanho ou forma da gotícula.
Formation of a normal (not temporary) W/O/W multiple emulsion via the one-step method as a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes has been recently reported. Critical features of this process include the emulsification temperature (corresponding to the ultralow surface tension point), the use of a specific nonionic surfactant blend and the surfactant blend/oil phase ratio, and the addition of the surfactant blend to the oil phase. The purpose of this study was to investigate physicochemical properties in an effort to gain a mechanistic understanding of the formation of these emulsions. Bulk, surface, and interfacial theological properties of adsorbed nonionic surfactant (CremophorRH40 and Span80) films were investigated under conditions known to affect W/O/W emulsion formation. Bulk viscosity results demonstrated that CremophorRH40 has a higher mobility in oil compared than in water, explaining the significance of the solvent phase. In addition, the bulk viscosity profile of aqueous solutions containing CremophorRH40 indicated a phase transition at around 78 +/- 2 degrees C, which is in agreement with cubic phase formation in the Winsor III region. The similarity in the interfacial elasticity values of CremophorRH40 and Span80 indicated that canola oil has a major effect on surface activity, showing the significance of vegetable oil. The highest interfacial shear elasticity and viscosity were observed when both surfactants were added to the oil phase, indicating the importance of the microstructural arrangement. CremophorRH40/Span80 complexes tended to desorb from the solution/solution interface with increasing temperature, indicating surfactant phase formation as is theoretically predicted in the Winsor III region. Together these interfacial and bulk rheology data demonstrate that one-step W/O/W emulsions form as a result of the simultaneous occurrence of phase-transition processes in the Winsor III region and explain the critical formulation and processing parameters necessary to achieve the formation of these normal W/O/W emulsions.
Background and Objectives: This study evaluated the hybrid layer (HL) morphology created by three adhesive systems (AS) on dentin surfaces treated with Er:YAG laser using two irradiation parameters. Study Design: Occlusal flat dentin surfaces of 36 human third molars were assigned into nine groups (n = 4) according to the following ASs: one bottle etch&rinse Single Bond Plus (3M ESPE), two-step Clearfil Protect Bond (Kuraray), and all-in-one S3 Bond (Kuraray) self-etching, which were labeled with rhodamine B or fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran and were applied to dentin surfaces that were irradiated with Er:YAG laser at either 120 (38.7 J/cm(2)) or 200 mJ/pulse (64.5 J/cm(2)), or were applied to untreated dentin surfaces (control group). The ASs were light-activated following MI and the bonded surfaces were restored with resin composite Z250 (3M ESPE). After 24 hours of storage in vegetable oil, the restored teeth were vertically, serially sectioned into 1-mm thick slabs, which had the adhesive interfaces analyzed with confocal laser microscope (CLSM-LSM 510 Meta). CLSM images were recorded in the fluorescent mode from three different regions along each bonded interface. Results: Non-uniform HL was created on laser-irradiated dentin surfaces regardless of laser irradiation protocol for all AS, while regular and uniform HL was observed in the control groups. ""Stretch mark""-like red lines were found within the HL as a result of resin infiltration into dentin microfissures, which were predominantly observed in 200 mJ/pulse groups regardless of AS. Poor resin infiltration into peritubular dentin was observed in most regions of adhesive interfaces created by all ASs on laser-irradiated dentin, resulting in thin resin tags with neither funnel-shaped morphology nor lateral resin projections. Conclusion: Laser irradiation of dentin surfaces at 120 or 200 mJ/pulse resulted in morphological changes in HL and resin tags for all ASs evaluated in the study. Lasers Surg. Med. 42:662-670, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The effect of dietary vitamin E on immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody production, which acts as the first line of defence at the intestinal mucosa, has not been evaluated in chickens. In the present study the impact of the inclusion of supplementary levels of vitamin E to the diet, on total and antigen-specific IgA antibody titres, T-cell subsets and Ia+ cells, was assessed. From hatching, chickens received a maize-based diet which was supplemented with either 25, 250, 2500 or 5000 mg dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate/kg. Primary immunisation with tetanus toxoid (T. toxoid) emulsified in a vegetable oil-in-water adjuvant was administered by the intraperitoneal route at 21 d of age. At 35 d of age all birds received an oral booster vaccination of T. toxoid. Significantly higher total IgA antibody titres were present in the day 42 intestinal scrapings of birds receiving the 5000 mg/kg vitamin E-supplemented diet (VESD) (P=0.05) and a notable increase was observed in birds receiving the 250 mg/kg VESD (P=0.06). At days 21 and 42 total serum IgA antibody titres of birds receiving the 250 mg/kg VESD was significantly higher (P