941 resultados para Amazon Forest
An improved estimate of leaf area index based on the histogram analysis of hemispherical photographs
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key parameter that affects the surface fluxes of energy, mass, and momentum over vegetated lands, but observational measurements are scarce, especially in remote areas with complex canopy structure. In this paper we present an indirect method to calculate the LAI based on the analyses of histograms of hemispherical photographs. The optimal threshold value (OTV), the gray-level required to separate the background (sky) and the foreground (leaves), was analytically calculated using the entropy crossover method (Sahoo, P.K., Slaaf, D.W., Albert, T.A., 1997. Threshold selection using a minimal histogram entropy difference. Optical Engineering 36(7) 1976-1981). The OTV was used to calculate the LAI using the well-known gap fraction method. This methodology was tested in two different ecosystems, including Amazon forest and pasturelands in Brazil. In general, the error between observed and calculated LAI was similar to 6%. The methodology presented is suitable for the calculation of LAI since it is responsive to sky conditions, automatic, easy to implement, faster than commercially available software, and requires less data storage. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The National Alcohol Program - ProAlcool, created by the government of Brazil in 1975 resulted less dependency on fossil fuels. The addition of 25% ethanol to gasoline reduced the import of 550 million barrels oil and also reduced the emission CO(2) by 110 million tons. Today, 44% of the Brazilian energy matrix is renewable and 13.5% is derived from sugarcane. Brazil has a land area of 851 million hectares, of which 54% are preserved, including the Amazon forest (350 million hectares). From the land available for agriculture (340 million hectares), only 0.9% is occupied by sugarcane as energy crop, showing a great expansion potential. Studies have shown that in the coming years, ethanol yield per hectare of sugarcane, which presently is 6000 L/ha, could reach 10,000 L/ha, if 50% of the produced bagasse would be converted to ethanol. This article describes the efforts of different Brazilian institutions and research groups on second generation bioethanol production, especially from sugarcane bagasse. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of scat surveys to obtain DNA has been well documented in temperate areas, where DNA preservation may be more effective than in tropical forests. Samples obtained in the tropics are often exposed to high humidity, warm temperatures, frequent rain and intense sunlight, all of which can rapidly degrade DNA. Despite these potential problems, we demonstrate successful mtDNA amplification and sequencing for faeces of carnivores collected in tropical conditions and quantify how sample condition and environmental variables influence the success of PCR amplification and species identification. Additionally, the feasibility of genotyping nuclear microsatellites from jaguar (Panthera onca) faeces was investigated. From October 2007 to December 2008, 93 faecal samples were collected in the southern Brazilian Amazon. A total of eight carnivore species was successfully identified from 71% of all samples obtained. Information theoretic analysis revealed that the number of PCR attempts before a successful sequence was an important negative predictor across all three responses (success of species identification, success of species identification from the first sequence and PCR amplification success), whereas the relative importance of the other three predictors (sample condition, season and distance from forest edge) varied between the three responses. Nuclear microsatellite amplification from jaguar faeces had lower success rates (15-44%) compared with those of the mtDNA marker. Our results show that DNA obtained from faecal samples works efficiently for carnivore species identification in the Amazon forest and also shows potential for nuclear DNA analysis, thus providing a valuable tool for genetic, ecological and conservation studies.
According to most studies on seed dispersal in tropical forests, mammals and birds are considered the main dispersal agents and the role played by other animal groups remains poorly explored. We investigate qualitative and quantitative components of the role played by the tortoise Chelonoidis denticulata in seed dispersal in southeastern Amazon, and the influence of seasonal variation in tortoise movement patterns on resulting seed shadows. Seed shadows produced by this tortoise were estimated by combining information on seed passage times through their digestive tract, which varied from 3 to 17 days, with a robust dataset on movements obtained from 18 adult C. denticulata monitored with radio transmitters and spoon-and-line tracking devices. A total of 4,206 seeds were found in 94 collected feces, belonging to 50 seed morphotypes of, at least, 25 plant genera. Very low rates of damage to the external structure of the ingested seeds were observed. Additionally, results of germination trials suggested that passage of seeds through C. denticulata`s digestive tract does not seem to negatively affect seed germination. The estimated seed shadows are likely to contribute significantly to the dispersal of seeds away from parent plants. During the dry season seeds were dispersed, on average, 174.1 m away from the location of fruit ingestion; during the rainy season, this mean dispersal distance increased to 276.7 m. Our results suggest that C. denticulata plays an important role in seed dispersal in Amazonian forests and highlight the influence of seasonal changes in movements on the resulting seed shadows.
Castoraeschna corbeti sp. nov. is described and diagnosed based on four males (holotype: Brazil, Para State, Floresta Nacional cle Carajas [6 degrees 06`13.9 `` S, 50 degrees 08`13.1 `` W, ca 600 m a.s.l.], 28 ix 2007 to be deposited in Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro). This species is similar to C. longfieldae and C. coronata but can be distinguished mainly by the absence of medio-dorsal spots on S8; postero-dorsal spots on S8-9 very narrow; cerci external margin almost straight in lateral view, without a distinct angulation between stern and base of lamina; cerci apex blunt. The probable ultimate stadium larva is described based on two individuals, male and female, collected at the type locality. Adults were observed flying along margins of a small shaded second-order stream where the larvae were taken. The surrounding forest is under impact of iron ore extraction and will probably disappear in the next years.
Nesse trabalho, estudamos o papel que a percepção de impunidade tem sobre os agentes que escolhem invadir áreas públicas na Amazônia para explorar de forma predatória os recursos florestais e ocupar a terra. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo microeconômico de escolha sob incerteza, em que os fazendeiros comparam os payoffs provenientes da invasão ou de seguir a lei. O payoff da invasão foi calculado do ganho/perda resultante de ser pego ou não no ato ilegal, pesando as probabilidades de cada um desses eventos ocorrer (que é função dos gastos do governo com fiscalização na região). Em seguida, foi calculado a quantidade ótima de gastos do governo em fiscalização, levando em conta um governo interessado em maximizar a produção agropecuária regional, já que, por um lado, o desmatamento resulta em maior disponibilidade de terra para o setor agropecuário, porém, por outro, diminui a produtividade dado seu impacto sobre a qualidade ambiental. Depois, fazemos uma analise sobre desenho de mecanismo e desmatamento, desenvolvendo o melhor mecanismo direto de um Equilíbrio de Nash no jogo de informação perfeita, para em seguida descrever as opções de mecanismos possíveis para o governo brasileiro lidar com o desmatamento na Amazônia.
Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa realizada em 65 municípios turísticos brasileiros, no período de dezembro de 2007 a fevereiro de 2008, cujo objetivo é avaliar a implementação do Programa de Regionalização do Turismo nesses municípios. Este programa é o eixo principal das políticas públicas do turismo brasileiro, lançado pelo Ministério do Turismo em 2004. Para compreensão dessa política pública do turismo, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental nos arquivos do Ministério do Turismo, neste descrevem-se o Plano Nacional de Turismo (2003-2007) e o Programa de Regionalização do Turismo; também se realizou uma revisão de literatura sobre os princípios e conceitos em que se alicerça o programa: descentralização participativa, integração, sustentabilidade e a elaboração de uma matriz para avaliação de processo utilizada neste trabalho. Faziam parte da pesquisa as 27 capitais estaduais, o Distrito Federal e mais 37 municípios localizados em consolidados destinos turísticos (Floresta Amazônica, Pantanal Mato-grossense, Serras Gaúchas, Cidades Históricas de Minas, Litoral do Nordeste e outros). Por meio da pesquisa de campo e observação sistemática in loco, 23 pesquisadores coletaram informações dos gestores de turismo locais, utilizando-se de formulários fechados. Estes formulários forma elaborados tendo em vista os objetivos dos nove módulos operacionais previstos no Programa de Regionalização do Turismo e seus indicadores de resultados previamente determinados. As respostas, depois da tabuladas e calculadas suas frequências, foram transformadas em gráficos de colunas para fornecer uma visão clara da atual situação do programa em relação à sua implementação nos municípios. Analisando os resultados, obteve-se que, dos nove módulos do programa, quatro foram implementados com eficácia restrita nos municípios, necessitando de ajustes em suas ações operacionais, por parte dos municípios; outros quatro módulos alcançaram resultados mais modestos quanto à sua implementação, demandando melhor acompanhamento e correções por conta dos gestores de turismo; e um módulo teve resultado ineficaz, pois foi implementado em apenas sete municípios, este sim, merecendo maior atenção na sua estruturação, nos seus objetivos, competências delegadas e estratégias. Confrontando esses resultados com a revisão teórica aqui levantada, verificou-se que o processo descentralizador aflorou a fragilidade dos municípios que não cumprem com suas atribuições previstas no programa; evidenciou-se uma fraca integração entre municípios e entre setores público/privado, no sentido de formarem ¿redes¿ de relacionamento e mostrou que o principal programa público de turismo do Brasil está carente de monitoramento e avaliação.
Na década de 80 teve início o Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado para o Noroeste do Brasil. Financiado pelo Governo Federal e o Banco Mundial sob coordenação do Governo Federal e execução de institutos federais e estaduais. Seria através do POLONOROESTE que as instituições chaves do Estado seriam criadas e/ou fortalecidas. O objetivo do POLONOROESTE era absorver o fluxo migratório de maneira coordenada e sustentável. E principalmente concluir o asfaltamento da BR-364. Na visão dos ambientalistas vários problemas surgiram a partir do POLONOROESTE. O próprio Banco Mundial chegou ã conclusão que o plano foi aplicado de forma precipitada, embora tivesse seus pontos positivos. Realizou-se em 1984 uma revisão de meio termo no programa. Apresentou, inicialmente, em versão preliminar o Zoneamento Sócio-Econômico-Ecológico que seria o instrumento básico de planejamento e ordenamento territorial. A partir de estudos feitos pelo Zoneamento Sócio-Econômico-Ecológico teve início o PLANAFLORO. O Brasil não pode estagnar seu desenvolvimento em nome da questão ambiental. O foco não é somente estratégico, mas uma questão de sobrevivência dos povos da floresta amazônica. Entendendo-se como povos da floresta todos os cidadãos que lá habitam. Inúmeros países formaram Comitês Internacionais de Defesa da Amazônia com o pensamento de que a posse da floresta amazônica pela Guiana inglesa, BrasiL Venezuela, Colômbia, Peru e Bolívia era meramente circunstancial. Que a floresta na verdade era patrimônio da humanidade. Esse nível de consciência pelo resto do mundo tem transcendido os limites da tranqüilidade dos países a que pertence a Amazônia. Problemas sociais como a denominada "chacina dos yanomamis" em Roraima, servem para que as ONG's procurem mostrar a incompetência do Brasil em administrar esse rico território.
A entrada de agentes fitopatogênicos em novas localidades através de mudas infectadas constitui uma das principais formas de disseminação. Meloidogyne enterolobii é uma espécie de nematoide altamente virulenta que tem causado sérios danos a plantas cultivadas no Brasil. Neste trabalho é relatada a primeira ocorrência de M. enterolobii em mudas de muricizeiro (Byrsonima cydoniifolia), uma planta nativa da Amazônia e em mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava), no Estado de Mato Grosso. Com base nos caracteres morfológicos do padrão perineal de fêmeas, região labial dos machos e no fenótipo isoenzimático de esterase, foi confirmado que a espécie encontrada tanto nas mudas de muricizeiro quanto nas de goiabeira é M. enterolobii.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as diferenças ocorridas, após a atividade da mineração de cassiterita, em uma área de floresta amazônica. As amostras foram coletadas, superficialmente, em área de mineração de cassiterita na Floresta Nacional do Jamari (RO), ao longo de uma linha compreendendo: floresta, capoeira, piso de lavra, área de deposição de rejeito seco e área de deposição de rejeito úmido. em cada situação descrita foram coletadas cinco amostras, que serviram como repetição, totalizando 25. Nas amostras coletadas foram realizadas análises físicas e químicas. O processo de extração de cassiterita promoveu alterações significativas nos atributos dos solos estudados. A matéria orgânica, o fósforo disponível, a densidade de partículas e a resistência à penetração foram os mais alterados pelo processo de supressão da vegetação original e extração do minério.
The present study discusses the geographical distribution and the context on the occupation of mangrove swamp areas by capuchin monkeys. In addition, we assess how the dispersion to the mangrove allowed the exploration of different food items, permitting the development of predation by ambush and the use of cracking tools. From 2004 to 2008 we surveyed the main estuaries of Brazilian Amazon coast, from northeastern state of Pará to the eastern boundary of the state of Maranhão, and recorded the presence of two species of capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forest areas. Cebus apella has been widely distributed in the mangrove at the estuaries examined (excluding C. libidinosus areas). Its presence is often related to Amazon forest remnants in the neighbourhood of the mangrove swamps and thus it is possible that some groups live in both kinds of habitats. However, we recorded some populations restricted only to mangrove swamp surrounded by open areas. On the other hand, Cebus libidinosus had a distribution more restricted and isolated in mangroves. Its pattern of habitat use is consistent with geographic distribution in mangrove patches. It seems that the possible contact zone previously proposed in the literature for that two species has no evident barriers in the mangrove. Furthermore, we record cracking sites and systematic observations on the tool use, carnivory and predation by ambush in Cebus libidinosus from 2006 to 2008. Cebus libidinosus is the only Neotropical primate species in which the tool use has been systematically recorded in nature. However all previous studies had been obtained is open areas (Cerrado and Caatinga). Thus, the present study is first one to report that behaviour in forested habitats in which the tool use to cracking by capuchin monkeys is associated with the consumption of meat. In the Caatinga and Cerrado, food shortages and terrestriality has been proposed by different authors to explain the evolution of tool use in primates. Here, we analyzed the relative contribution of these two variables as selective pressures for the tool use by capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forests, an ecological scenario in which food resources is available around the year and terrestriality is limited by structural habitat features, as the presence of stilt roots and muddy soil
The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species
Studies on Brazilian biodiversity are still very few and can observe the difference of knowledge between the different regions of the country. This affirmation can be verified in the investigation to identify the rare species in Brazil and the key biodiversity areas (ACBs). In that study were identified for Brasil 2.256 rare species and 752 ACBs. The Rio Grande do Norte (RN) was the only Brazilian state that has not been identified any rare species and no ACBs, possibly due to the lack of floristic studies in this state. A particular area was selected for this study: an area of ecological tension with savanna physiognomy in Rio do Fogo, RN. This savanna community is represented in RN in a fragment and immersed in restinga and caatinga and was identified and described only through of radar imagens there are no studies to date in loco . We have prepared the following questions about this community savanna: 1) The region delimited and described by through of radar images by the RADAMBRASIL, 1976, can be associated of the Cerrado, in terms of floristic ?; 2) What is the floristic composition of this area? This area includes rare species, endemic or endangered? 3) What is the geographical and phytogeographical distribution of plant species registered in this area? 4) Those plant species registered are endemic or have affinity with other areas phytoecological Brazilian? To answer these questions we performed a floristic inventory of the August 2007 to September/2009. The results are presented in two chapters (manuscripts). The first chapter, titled "The Savannah Rio Grande do Norte: floristic links with other plant formations in the Northeast and Center-West Brazil" was submitted to the Revista Brasileira de Botância. Chapter 1 discusses the phytogeographical distribution of the species, by comparing floristic studies conducted in the Cerrado, Caatinga and Restinga in the Northeast and Cerrado of the Central Brazil. The analysis of data of this study and compilation with other studies indicated that: i) the record of 94 plant species; ii) of total species, about 64% are associated with the Cerrado, the second specialized bibliography, and about 78% as the List of Species of Flora of Brazil. However, about 73% of total species (94) are also distributed in the Caatinga, the Atlantic forest 64%, the Amazon forest 64%, the Pantanal 15% and the Pampa 12%. Floristically the data show that the community studied is influenced by other floras, has a structure where grasses dominate and also because of his appearance the same savanna then be classified as a Savana gramíneo-lenhosa do tabuleiro . Chapter 2, titled "Considerations on the flora of a savanna community in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil: Subsidy key area for conservation" was submitted to the Revista Natureza e Conservação. This has the objective of improve the knowledge of flora of Rio Grande do Norte and to identify possible rare species and consequently increase the key areas of biodiversity in Brazil. The data indicated that: i) of 94 species registered in the study area, 40 were new records for the Rio Grande do Norte state; ii) These citations to unpublished state, Stylosanthes montevidensis Vogel (Fabaceae) and Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth (Poaceae) are indicated for the first time to the Northeast of Brazil; iii) are registered in the area 24 species endemic to Brazil and 63 non-endemic; iv) Aspilia procumbens Baker (Asteraceae) registered in the area is considered a restricted species and micro endemic Rio Grande do Norte, ie rare species; v) Aspilia procumbens is also cited in the category of critically endangered species and Stilpnopappus cearensis Hubber (Asteraceae) a species vulnerable to extinction. This study shows a new area phytoecological in Rio Grande do Norte and indicates the area's potential to contribute with the sites of global significance for biodiversity conservation, either locally, regionally and nationally. This will certainly contribute to respond some targets set by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and the Convention on Biological Diversity such as the inventory of vegetal diversity in a region with little collection, which will provide data that contributes to questions and themes related to biodiversity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo apresenta a composição florística de trechos de uma faixa de vegetação de transição existente na região centro-leste do Estado de Mato Grosso, mais precisamente no município de Gaúcha do Norte (13° 10'S e 53° 15' O), onde dá-se o contato entre a Floresta Ombrófila e a Floresta Estacional. O levantamento florístico foi realizado em março de 1999 e bimestralmente a partir de agosto de 1999 até março de 2001, em excursões com duração média de 5 dias, por meio de caminhadas na borda e no interior de florestas, sendo coletadas fanerógamas em fase reprodutiva. Também foram incluídas amostras vegetativas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas, que não floresceram ou frutificaram durante o período de amostragem, amostradas em 3ha destinados ao levantamento fitossociológico. O levantamento florístico resultou em 72 famílias, 168 gêneros e 268 espécies. do total de espécies, 66% apresentaram hábito arbóreo e 18% foram lianas. As ervas e arbustos praticamente restringiram-se às áreas de borda ou clareiras, somando 13%. Já a flora epifítica mostrou-se pouco expressiva (1%), quando comparada ao restante da Amazônia, em conseqüência do clima regional mais seco. Hemiepífitas, parasitas e palmeiras constituíram o percentual restante. Constatou-se que 39 espécies amostradas em Gaúcha do Norte ainda não haviam sido depositadas em herbários que mantém coleções representativas da flora matogrossense, enfatizando a carência de coletas nas áreas florestais do Estado.