164 resultados para Amalgam
A presente dissertação trata de propostas artísticas destinadas ao espaço público e que se organizam enquanto trabalhos colaborativos. Pretendemos situar a ação Atrocidades Maravilhosas (2000) enquanto proposta modificada e modulada conforme o interesse dos artistas participantes, bem como as condições ambientais as quais a ação estava sujeita. Por essa via, a investigação problematiza contextos culturais dos anos 1990 e 2000, mais especificamente, às unidades discursivas que contribuem para refletirmos sobre as ações coletivas. Pelas considerações de autores como Clair Bishop, MiwonKwon, André Mesquita e Steward Home, pretende-se pensar o espaço artístico contemporâneo ante à mercantilização da cultura vigente. Nesse ínterim, será questionada a identificação e a identidade entre atores sociais, bem como a relação entre os artistas e os espaços culturais os quais se destinam algumas propostas artísticas. Essa investigação adentra o território brasileiro do início do anos 2000 e, aponta por esse contexto, as afinidades de alguns coletivos com propostas artísticas em outras partes do mundo. Essa pesquisa trata ainda de assuntos tangente às negociações e conflitos inerentes aos projetos colaborativos a partir deles pretendemos repensar o espaço comunicacional ativado por esses grupos, buscando na descentralização dos discursos, a potência dos dissensos. Pretendemos, com esse panorama iluminar nas ações de participação efetiva, não as novas respostas ao projeto de democratização ou inclusão de culturas periféricas, mas novas perguntas sobre o antigo problema acerca da colonização cultural da arte
This is a review of electrodes based on nontoxic solid amalgams (MeSAE) (prepared by amalgamation of soft metal powders) in connection with some other kinds of voltammetric electrodes is given. Information is summarized on various types of MeSAEs (esp. AgSAE, CuSAE, AuSAE), pretreatment of their surfaces, their hydrogen overvoltage in aqueous solutions, conditions for their testing, electroanalytical parameters and use, in compared with the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). Although the solid amalgam electrodes do not reach the quality of the HMDE, in many cases they represent its possible alternative. The broad range of voltammetric applications of the MeSAEs, especially of the AgSAEs, their good mechanical stability, simple handling, and new aspects of their use in electrochemical techniques are documented by numerous examples.
The diffusion coefficients(D-app) and the heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constants(k(s)) for ferrocene in MPEG/salt electrolytes were determined by using steady-state voltammetry. The temperature dependence of the two parameters obeys the Arrhenius equation. The effect of the ionic size of six supporting electrolytes on diffusion and electron transfer dynamics of ferrocene was discussed.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Ireland’s landscape is marked by fault lines of religious, ethnic, and political identity that have shaped its troubled history. Troubled Geographies maps this history by detailing the patterns of change in Ireland from 16th century attempts to “plant” areas of Ireland with loyal English Protestants to defend against threats posed by indigenous Catholics, through the violence of the latter part of the 20th century and the rise of the “Celtic Tiger.” The book is concerned with how a geography laid down in the 16th and 17th centuries led to an amalgam based on religious belief, ethnic/national identity, and political conviction that continues to shape the geographies of modern Ireland. Troubled Geographies shows how changes in religious affiliation, identity, and territoriality have impacted Irish society during this period. It explores the response of society in general and religion in particular to major cultural shocks such as the Famine and to long term processes such as urbanization.
Ammonium chloride/mercuric chloride mixtures (molar ratio 2: 1) react at 350degreesC with Monel (Cu68Ni32) to yield (NH4)NiCl3 and mercury and copper amalgam, respectively. With larger amounts of (NH4)Cl in the reaction mixture, dark green (NH4)(2)(NH3)(x)[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4] (x approximate to 0.77) (1) is also formed as a main product. Light blue crystals of the mixed-valent copper(I,II) chloride (NH4)(5)Cl-5[CuCl2][CuCl4] (2) were obtained as a minor byproduct from a 4:1 reaction mixture. The crystal structures were determined from single crystal X-ray data; (1): tetragonal, I4/mmm, a = 770.9(1), e = 794.2(2) pm, 190 reflections, R-1 = 0.0263; (2): tetragonal, I4/mcm, a = 874.8(1), c = 2329.2(3) pm, 451 reflections, R-1 = 0.0736. In (1) Ni2+ resides in trans-[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4](2-) octahedra, and in (2) copper(l) is linearly two-coordinated in ECUC121- and copper(II) resides in a flattened tetrahedron [CuCl4](2-) with a tetrahedricity of 89%. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science.
Traditionally, undergraduate students in University College Cork (UCC) have been taught to use amalgam as the first choice material for direct restoration of posterior cavities. Since 2005 the use of composite resins has replaced amalgam as the first choice material. An audit was conducted of all direct restorations placed by final year students from UCC from 2004 until 2009. Results showed that over a six year period, final year UCC dental undergraduate students placed proportionately more direct composite resin restorations and significantly fewer amalgam restorations. The need for and undergraduate exposure to, provision of amalgam restorations may have to be revisited.
This chapter has two major sections, one by Lederach and the apprentices, and one by Goldberg. The introduction above represents an amalgam of Lederach’s own writing and Goldberg’s, which summarizes some key information, but loses in written flow what it gains in information. As Goldberg reviewed Lederach’s initial chapter, she became deeply interested and asked Lederach for further materials. She conducted two interviews and collected background and supplementary materials and used them to explore some areas that were touched on by Lederach, but, if expanded, offered greater richness. In order to preserve the clarity of writing, the material will be presented in two sections. The first will include Lederach’s original chapter with the apprentice narratives. We start with an overview provided by John Paul that describes several practices incorporated into the process of the past three years. Each of the four apprentices will then reflect on how they experienced these practices and the impact, if any, they have had on their lives and professional careers. Each segment written by Lederach and the apprentices is written in the first person, starting with Lederach’s practices, below. Following will be Goldberg’s work deepening the information presented in Lederach’s section, and the conclusion.
This work describes the electrochemical methodology for the determination of the Donnan potential from diffusion-limited steady-state voltammograms of acrylamide gels. The technique is based upon the measurement of gel–sol systems that have reached Donnan equilibrium and contain Cd2+ as a probe ion. Au-amalgam microelectrodes are used to measure the Cd concentration in the gel phase relative to the solution phase, thus permitting comparison of the Cd voltammograms obtained in both phases. This approach yields two independent measures of the Donnan potential resulting from (i) the potential shift relative to the reference electrode, and (ii) the enhancement of the Cd2+ wave. Two suites of acrylamide gels containing 0.2% and 0.5% Na-acrylate were studied as a function of ionic strength by varying [NaNO3] and maintaining a constant concentration of the electroactive probe ion, [Cd2+] = 1 · 10 5 mol/L in the equilibrating solutions. Independent model predictions of the Donnan potential as a function of ionic strength that consider the effects of differential swelling on the charge density, the influence of a mixed electrolyte on the potential developed in the gel at the limit of low ionic strength and the effects of incomplete dissociation of the carboxylic functional groups were in agreement with the Donnan potentials independently measured by the twofold steady-state voltammetric approach.
OBJECTIVE: We examined the correlation between clinical wear rates of restorative materials and enamel (TRAC Research Foundation, Provo, USA) and the results of six laboratory test methods (ACTA, Alabama (generalized, localized), Ivoclar (vertical, volumetric), Munich, OHSU (abrasion, attrition), Zurich). METHODS: Individual clinical wear data were available from clinical trials that were conducted by TRAC Research Foundation (formerly CRA) together with general practitioners. For each of the n=28 materials (21 composite resins for intra-coronal restorations [20 direct and 1 indirect], 5 resin materials for crowns, 1 amalgam, enamel) a minimum of 30 restorations had been placed in posterior teeth, mainly molars. The recall intervals were up to 5 years with the majority of materials (n=27) being monitored, however, only for up to 2 years. For the laboratory data, the databases MEDLINE and IADR abstracts were searched for wear data on materials which were also clinically tested by TRAC Research Foundation. Only those data for which the same test parameters (e.g. number of cycles, loading force, type of antagonist) had been published were included in the study. A different quantity of data was available for each laboratory method: Ivoclar (n=22), Zurich (n=20), Alabama (n=17), OHSU and ACTA (n=12), Munich (n=7). The clinical results were summed up in an index and a linear mixed model was fitted to the log wear measurements including the following factors: material, time (0.5, 1, 2 and 3 years), tooth (premolar/molar) and gender (male/female) as fixed effects, and patient as random effect. Relative ranks were created for each material and method; the same was performed with the clinical results. RESULTS: The mean age of the subjects was 40 (±12) years. The materials had been mostly applied in molars (81%) and 95% of the intracoronal restorations were Class II restorations. The mean number of individual wear data per material was 25 (range 14-42). The mean coefficient of variation of clinical wear data was 53%. The only significant correlation was reached by OHSU (abrasion) with a Spearman r of 0.86 (p=0.001). Zurich, ACTA, Alabama generalized wear and Ivoclar (volume) had correlation coefficients between 0.3 and 0.4. For Zurich, Alabama generalized wear and Munich, the correlation coefficient improved if only composites for direct use were taken into consideration. The combination of different laboratory methods did not significantly improve the correlation. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of composite resins is mainly dependent on differences between patients and less on the differences between materials. Laboratory methods to test conventional resins for wear are therefore less important, especially since most of them do not reflect the clinical wear.
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) (Option: droit des affaires )"
Cette thèse explore le leitmotiv de la prostitution dans l’oeuvre de Tennessee Williams et soutient que la plupart des personnages de Williams sont engagés dans une forme de prostitution ou une autre. En effectuant une analyse formaliste des textes de Williams qui illustrent toute forme de prostitution, avec une attention particulière à quatre grandes pièces, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Suddenly Last Summer (1958) et Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), cette présente étude fait valoir que le dramaturge utilise un mode de fiction—le gothique—en lien avec une pratique transgressive—la prostitution—pour relier les classes sociales et troubler les catégories de prostitution. Ce faisant, Williams offre une vision plus représentative et nuancée de la prostitution. Théoriquement, cette thèse repose sur des oeuvres critiques portant sur le genre, la sexualité et l'histoire de Michel Foucault, David Savran, et Michael Paller afin de situer la dramaturgie de Williams dans le contexte historique et culturel des années 1940 et 1950. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitres un et deux) fournit de nombreuses informations autobiographiques et biographiques qui expliquent pourquoi la prostitution est devenue le thème de prédilection pour Williams. Cette section met l’accent sur sa préoccupation constante à l’égard de sa prostitution artistique (en prostituant son art pour le succès commercial) et sexuelle (en payant pour des prostitués). Cette partie présente également un inventaire détaillé des prostituté(e)s, que je divise en trois catégories: 1) la prostitution des enfants, 2) la prostitution masculine et 3) la prostitution féminine. La deuxième partie de cette étude, composée des chapitres trois et quatre, identifie les personnages de Williams qui s’engagent dans une forme de prostitution morale. Ce groupe comprend ceux qui tirent directement profit de la prostitution des autres ainsi que ceux qui se marient uniquement pour un gain financier ou une promotion sociale ou les deux. L’oeuvre de Williams résiste la représentation stéréotypée de la prostituée en littérature comme étant uniquement de sexe féminin ou provenant des classes sociales défavorisées ou les deux. La prostituée de Williams n’est ni une figure romantique ni une rebelle menaçant la société. Cette thèse conclut qu’en représentant des enfants prostitués, des femmes de rue, des prostitués de sexe masculin, des souteneurs, des proxénètes, des propriétaires de bordels, des leaders corrompus et des personnes qui se prostituent en concluant des mariages de convenance, Williams a effectivement et incontestablement dramatisé la prostitution sous toutes ses formes.
Le site archéologique de Las Mercedes est situé sur le versant atlantique du Costa Rica. Ce site monumental est considéré comme le haut lieu d'une société hiérarchisée ayant une organisation sociopolitique complexe. Las Mercedes semble avoir été un centre administratif et cérémoniel dont l'apogée se situe entre 1000 et 1500 ans de notre ère. Notre mémoire porte sur la documentation d'assemblages céramiques extraits de contextes archéologiques stratigraphiques provenant notamment de deux monticules architecturaux. Notre projet se veut une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de Las Mercedes, selon une perspective diachronique d'affiliation culturelle et de séquences d'occupation. Les datations radiométriques provenant de l'assise des monticules convergent aux alentours de l'an 1000 de notre ère. D'autre part, les assemblages céramiques correspondant aux styles culturels El Bosque (500 avant notre ère à 500 de notre ère), La Selva (500-1000) et La Cabana (1000-1500) représentant une séquence temporelle d'environ deux millénaires. La présente étude vise à comprendre ce phénomène à l'aide des données provenant de l'intervention archéologique conduite, en 2005, conjointement par le Museo Nacional du Costa Rica et l'Université de Montréal. Les assemblages sont décrits selon des attributs technologiques, morphologiques et stylistiques en vue d'en faire une étude comparative et interprétative. Les résultats de notre recherche suggèrent qu'indépendamment des contextes archéologiques, les assemblages ont un composition hétérogène formée des trois styles culturels. Par ailleurs, le modèle présente un certain caractère homogène. Ainsi, les assemblages se composent de façon récurrente de 12% de céramique El Bosque, 55 % La Selva et 33 % La Cabana. Une interprétation parcellaire peut être soutirée de ce mélange céramique. L'amalgame des styles culturels témoignent que Las Mercedes a connu une longue occupation, toutefois les résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer ou d'infirmer nos hypothèses de travail.
A joint distribution of two discrete random variables with finite support can be displayed as a two way table of probabilities adding to one. Assume that this table has n rows and m columns and all probabilities are non-null. This kind of table can be seen as an element in the simplex of n · m parts. In this context, the marginals are identified as compositional amalgams, conditionals (rows or columns) as subcompositions. Also, simplicial perturbation appears as Bayes theorem. However, the Euclidean elements of the Aitchison geometry of the simplex can also be translated into the table of probabilities: subspaces, orthogonal projections, distances. Two important questions are addressed: a) given a table of probabilities, which is the nearest independent table to the initial one? b) which is the largest orthogonal projection of a row onto a column? or, equivalently, which is the information in a row explained by a column, thus explaining the interaction? To answer these questions three orthogonal decompositions are presented: (1) by columns and a row-wise geometric marginal, (2) by rows and a columnwise geometric marginal, (3) by independent two-way tables and fully dependent tables representing row-column interaction. An important result is that the nearest independent table is the product of the two (row and column)-wise geometric marginal tables. A corollary is that, in an independent table, the geometric marginals conform with the traditional (arithmetic) marginals. These decompositions can be compared with standard log-linear models. Key words: balance, compositional data, simplex, Aitchison geometry, composition, orthonormal basis, arithmetic and geometric marginals, amalgam, dependence measure, contingency table
l artículo explora el contenido de la idea de Europa, con el objetivo de mostrar que no está definida por la “identidad” como un resultado producto de la historia, la geografía, o los aspectos económicos, sino por un conjunto de factores, en parte aleatorios, que la han ido constituyendo a través del tiempo. La aproximación cultural (en este caso histórico-antropológica) a las características de lo europeo se efectúa comenzando con la misma idea de Europa, que se analiza desde sus comienzos como el resultado de una amalgama de culturas como la cretense, la fenicia y la egipcia, con el aporte y el discurso que al respecto han tenido los griegos, los romanos, las tentativas de unidad europea desde Carlo Magno y Carlos V, hasta la Unión Europea de nuestros días.El estudio de las estructuras simbólicas e históricas que han construido una idea de lo europeo ha sido multiforme y no siempre idéntico. Además, concluye la autora, no puede definirse a Europa en términos de una ‘identidad’ fija que sea necesario proteger a toda costa frente a intrusiones culturales externas. Por el contrario, se trata de un proceso o ‘configuración’ sociohistórica que permite que en futuras ampliaciones países que por su pasado no podrían aspirar a ser miembros de la Unión Europea, pueden llegar a serlo por su futuro; tal es el caso en especial de Turquía y Ucrania.-----This article explores the idea of Europe in order to show that it is defined not by “identity” as a result or product of history, geography or economic factors, but by a set of partially random factors that have gradually shaped the idea over time. The cultural approach to Europe’s characteristics (in this case historical-anthropological) starts by analyzing the idea of Europe from its origins as an amalgam of Cretan, Phoenician, Egyptian and other cultures, which later absorbed Greek and Roman contributions and thinking, followed by the attempts by Charlemagne and Charles V to unify Europe, and culminating in the modernday European Union. The symbolic and historical structures that have shaped the idea of Europe have taken a variety of different forms. Furthermore, the author concludes that Europe cannot be defined in terms of a fixed “identity” that must be protected from external cultural interference at all costs. On the contrary, it is a socio-historical process or “configuration” which, in future enlargements, will allow countries that formerly could not aspire to become members of the European Union to become future members. This applies especially to Turkey and the Ukraine.