976 resultados para Alkali activated systems


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This study reports the formulation/characterisation of novel polymeric platforms designed to behave as low-viscosity systems in the nonaqueous state, however, following uptake of aqueous ?uids, exhibit rheological structuring and mucoadhesion. The rheological/mechanical and mucoadhesive properties of platforms containing poly(acrylic acid) (PAA, 1%, 3%, 5%, w/w) and poloxamines (Tetronic 904, 901, 704, 701, 304), both in the absence and presence of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) are described. With the exception of Tetronic 904, all formulations exhibited Newtonian ?ow in the nonaqueous state, whereas, all aqueous formulations displayed pseudoplastic ?ow. The consistency and viscoelastic properties were dependent on the concentrations of PAA and PBS and Tetronic grade. PBS signi?cantly increased the consistency, viscoelasticity and mucoadhesion, reaching a maximum at a de?ned concentration of PBS that was dependent on PAA concentration and Tetronic grade. Formulations containing Tetronic 904 exhibited greatest consistency and elasticity both prior to and after dilution with PBS. Increasing PAA concentration enhanced the mucoadhesive properties. Prolonged drug release of metronidazole was observed from formulations containing 10% (w/w) PBS, 3% and, particularly, 5% (w/w) PAA. It is suggested that the physicochemical properties of formulations containing 3% or 5% (w/w) PAA and Tetronic 904, would render them suitable platforms for administration to body cavities.


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The central theme of this investigation is to evaluate the feasibility of using bituminous coal as a precursor material for the production of chars and activated carbons using physical and chemical activation processes. The chemical activation process was accomplished by impregnating the raw materials with different dehydrating agents in different ratios and concentrations, prior to heat treatment (ZnCl2, KCl, KOH, NaOH and Fe2(SO4)3·xH2O). Steam activation of the precursor material was adopted for the preparation of activated carbon using physical activation technology. Different types of bituminous coal; namely, contaminated Columbian (contaminated with pet. coke), pure Columbian, Venezuelan and New Zealand bituminous coal were used in the production processes. BET surface area, micropore area, pore size distribution and total pore volume of the chars and activated carbons were determined from N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, measured at 77 K. Charring conditions, charring temperature of 800 °C and charring time of 4 h, proved to be the optimum conditions for preparing chars. Contaminated Columbian were found to be the best precursor material for the production of char with reasonable physical characteristics (surface area = 138.1 m2 g-1 and total pore volume of 8.656 × 10-0.2 cm3 g-1). An improvement in the physical characteristics of the activated carbons was obtained upon the treatment of coal with dehydrating agents. Contaminated Columbian treated with 10 wt% ZnCl2 displayed the highest surface area and total pore volume (surface area = 231.5 m2 g-1 and total pore volume = 0.1227 cm3 g-1) with well-developed microporisity (micropore area = 92.3 m2 g-1). Venezuelan bituminous coal using the steam activation process was successful in producing activated carbon with superior physical characteristics (surface area = 863.50 m2 g-1, total pore volume = 0.469 cm3 g-1 and micropore surface area = 783.58 m2 g-1).


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A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) was developed for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water hatchery systems in the tropics. The reactors were activated by immobilizing ammonia-oxidizing (AMONPCU- 1) and nitrite-oxidizing (NIONPCU-1) bacterial consortia on polystyrene and low-density polyethylene beads, respectively. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of autotrophic nitrifiers belong to Nitrosococcus mobilis, lineage of b ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizer Nitrobacter sp. in the consortia. The activated reactors upon integration to the hatchery system resulted in significant ammonia removal (P\0.01) culminating to its undetectable levels. Consequently, a significantly higher percent survival of larvae was observed in the larval production systems. With spent water the reactors could establish nitrification with high percentage removal of ammonia (78%), nitrite (79%) and BOD (56%) within 7 days of initiation of the process. PBBR is configured in such a way to minimize the energy requirements for continuous operation by limiting the energy inputs to a single stage pumping of water and aeration to the aeration cells. The PBBR shall enable hatchery systems to operate under closed recirculating mode and pave the way for better water management in the aquaculture industry.


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El sistema de fangs activats és el tractament biològic més àmpliament utilitzat arreu del món per la depuració d'aigües residuals. El seu funcionament depèn de la correcta operació tant del reactor biològic com del decantador secundari. Quan la fase de sedimentació no es realitza correctament, la biomassa no decantada s'escapa amb l'efluent causant un impacte sobre el medi receptor. Els problemes de separació de sòlids, són actualment una de les principals causes d'ineficiència en l'operació dels sistemes de fangs activats arreu del món. Inclouen: bulking filamentós, bulking viscós, escumes biològiques, creixement dispers, flòcul pin-point i desnitrificació incontrolada. L'origen dels problemes de separació generalment es troba en un desequilibri entre les principals comunitats de microorganismes implicades en la sedimentació de la biomassa: els bacteris formadors de flòcul i els bacteris filamentosos. Degut a aquest origen microbiològic, la seva identificació i control no és una tasca fàcil pels caps de planta. Els Sistemes de Suport a la Presa de Decisions basats en el coneixement (KBDSS) són un grup d'eines informàtiques caracteritzades per la seva capacitat de representar coneixement heurístic i tractar grans quantitats de dades. L'objectiu de la present tesi és el desenvolupament i validació d'un KBDSS específicament dissenyat per donar suport als caps de planta en el control dels problemes de separació de sòlids d'orígen microbiològic en els sistemes de fangs activats. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu principal, el KBDSS ha de presentar les següents característiques: (1) la implementació del sistema ha de ser viable i realista per garantir el seu correcte funcionament; (2) el raonament del sistema ha de ser dinàmic i evolutiu per adaptar-se a les necessitats del domini al qual es vol aplicar i (3) el raonament del sistema ha de ser intel·ligent. En primer lloc, a fi de garantir la viabilitat del sistema, s'ha realitzat un estudi a petita escala (Catalunya) que ha permès determinar tant les variables més utilitzades per a la diagnosi i monitorització dels problemes i els mètodes de control més viables, com la detecció de les principals limitacions que el sistema hauria de resoldre. Els resultats d'anteriors aplicacions han demostrat que la principal limitació en el desenvolupament de KBDSSs és l'estructura de la base de coneixement (KB), on es representa tot el coneixement adquirit sobre el domini, juntament amb els processos de raonament a seguir. En el nostre cas, tenint en compte la dinàmica del domini, aquestes limitacions es podrien veure incrementades si aquest disseny no fos òptim. En aquest sentit, s'ha proposat el Domino Model com a eina per dissenyar conceptualment el sistema. Finalment, segons el darrer objectiu referent al seguiment d'un raonament intel·ligent, l'ús d'un Sistema Expert (basat en coneixement expert) i l'ús d'un Sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos (basat en l'experiència) han estat integrats com els principals sistemes intel·ligents encarregats de dur a terme el raonament del KBDSS. Als capítols 5 i 6 respectivament, es presenten el desenvolupament del Sistema Expert dinàmic (ES) i del Sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos temporal, anomenat Sistema de Raonament Basat en Episodis (EBRS). A continuació, al capítol 7, es presenten detalls de la implementació del sistema global (KBDSS) en l'entorn G2. Seguidament, al capítol 8, es mostren els resultats obtinguts durant els 11 mesos de validació del sistema, on aspectes com la precisió, capacitat i utilitat del sistema han estat validats tant experimentalment (prèviament a la implementació) com a partir de la seva implementació real a l'EDAR de Girona. Finalment, al capítol 9 s'enumeren les principals conclusions derivades de la present tesi.


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The Epiphany (TM) Sealer is a new dual-curing resin-based sealer and has been introduced as an alternative to gutta-percha and traditional root canal sealers. The canal filling is claimed to create a seal with the dentinal tubules within the root canal system producing a 'monoblock' effect between the sealer and dentinal tubules. Therefore, considering the possibility to incorporate the others adhesive systems, it is important to study the bond strength of the resulting cement. Forty-eight root mandibular canines were sectioned 8-mm below CEJ. The dentine discs were prepared using a tapered diamond bur and irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Previous the application Epiphany (TM) Sealer, the Epiphany (TM) Primer, AdheSE, and One Up Bond F were applied to the root canal walls. The LED and QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) were used to photo-activation during 45 s with power density of 400 and 720 mW/cm(2), respectively. The specimens were performed on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until bond failure occurred. The force was recorded and the debonding values were used to calculate Push-out bond strength. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post-hoc tests showed significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) to Epiphany (TM) Sealer/Epiphany (TM) Primer/QTH and EpiphanyTM Sealer/AdheSE/QTH, which had the highest mean values of bond strength. The efficiency of resin-based filling materials are dependent the type of light curing unit used including the power density, the polymerization characteristics of these resin-based filling materials, depending on the primer/adhesive used.


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Objectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reactivity and polymerization kinetics behavior of a model dental adhesive resin with water-soluble initiator systems. Methods. A monomer blend based on Bis-GMA, TEGDMA and HEMA was used as a model dental adhesive resin, which was polymerized using a thioxanthone type (QTX) as a photoinitiator. Binary and ternary photoinitiator systems were formulated using 1 mol% of each initiator. The co-initiators used in this study were ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate (EDAB), diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate (DPIHFP), 1,3-diethyl-2-thiobarbituric acid (BARB), p-toluenesulfinic acid and sodium salt hydrate (SULF). Absorption spectra of the initiators were measured using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and the photon absorption energy (PAE) was calculated. The binary system camphorquinone (CQ)/amine was used as a reference group (control). Twelve groups were tested in triplicate. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to investigate the polymerization reaction during the photoactivation period to obtain the degree of conversion (DC) and maximum polymerization rate (R-p(max)) profile of the model resin. Results. In the analyzed absorption profiles, the absorption spectrum of QTX is almost entirely localized in the UV region, whereas that of CQ is in the visible range. With respect to binary systems, CQ + EDAB exhibited higher DC and R-p(max) values. In formulations that contained ternary initiator systems, the group CQ + QTX + EDAB was the only one of the investigated experimental groups that exhibited an R-p(max) value greater than that of CQ + EDAB. The groups QTX + EDAB + DPIHFP and QTX + DPIHFP + SULF exhibited values similar to those of CQ + EDAB with respect to the final DC; however, they also exhibited lower reactivity. Significance. Water-soluble initiator systems should be considered as alternatives to the widely used CQ/amine system in dentin adhesive formulations. (C) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pain differs from other sensations in many respects. Primary pain-sensitive neurons respond to a wide variety of noxious stimuli, in contrast to the relatively specific responses characteristic of other sensory systems, and the response is often observed to sensitize on repeated presentation of a painful stimulus, while adaptation is typically observed in other sensory systems. In most cases the cellular mechanisms of transduction and sensitization in response to painful stimuli are not understood. We report here that application of pulses of noxious heat to a subpopulation of isolated primary sensory neurons rapidly activates an inward current. The ion channel activated by heat discriminates poorly among alkali cations. Calcium ions both carry current and partially suppress the current carried by other ions. The current is markedly increased by bradykinin, a potent algogenic nonapeptide that is known to be released in vivo by tissue damage. Phosphatase inhibitors prolong the sensitization caused by bradykinin, and a similar sensitization is caused by activators of protein kinase C. We conclude that bradykinin sensitizes the response to heat by activating protein kinase C.


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Thermally activated Palygorskite (Pg) has been found to be a good adsorbent material for ammonia (NH3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). This research investigated the effect of thermal treatment on pore structure and surface acid-alkali properties of Pg through the adsorption-desorption of NH3 and SO2. The results showed that, up to 200 °C, the adsorption of NH3 on Pg was significantly higher than SO2. This was due to NH3 being adsorbed in the internal surface of Pg and forming hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) with coordinated water. The increase in thermal treatment temp. from 150 to 550 °C, showed a gradual decrease in the no. of surface acid sites, while the no. of surface alk. sites increased from 200 to 400 °C. The change of surface acidity-alk. sites is due to the collapse of internal channels of Pg and desorption of different types of hydroxyls assocd. with the Pg structure.


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The elastic task model, a significant development in scheduling of real-time control tasks, provides a mechanism for flexible workload management in uncertain environments. It tells how to adjust the control periods to fulfill the workload constraints. However, it is not directly linked to the quality-of-control (QoC) management, the ultimate goal of a control system. As a result, it does not tell how to make the best use of the system resources to maximize the QoC improvement. To fill in this gap, a new feedback scheduling framework, which we refer to as QoC elastic scheduling, is developed in this paper for real-time process control systems. It addresses the QoC directly through embedding both the QoC management and workload adaptation into a constrained optimization problem. The resulting solution for period adjustment is in a closed-form expressed in QoC measurements, enabling closed-loop feedback of the QoC to the task scheduler. Whenever the QoC elastic scheduler is activated, it improves the QoC the most while still meeting the system constraints. Examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the QoC elastic scheduling.