981 resultados para Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
The reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLES) is a condition characterised by reversible neurological and radiological findings that has been associated with use of immunosuppressive, chemotherapeutic and more recently novel targeted therapies. We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy. The clinical, radiological and EEG findings during and post event are presented and are in keeping with a diagnosis of RPLES. Early recognition of this rare syndrome, supportive management and withdrawal of the offending agent appear to result in a reversal of the manifestations described. © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Foetal Alcohol Syndrome has long gone unrecognised and undiagnosed in Australia. In the last few years of the 21st Century (2010-14) health practitioners are finally seeking ways of diagnosing the effects of alcohol in pregnancy on the next generation. The author offers a power point presentation which gives guidance on making an accurate diagnosis.
Background: The existence of an ecstasy dependence syndrome is controversial. We examined whether the acute after-effects of ecstasy use (i.e., the “come-down”) falsely lead to the identification of ecstasy withdrawal and the subsequent diagnosis of ecstasy dependence. Methods: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Disorders: Research Version (SCID-RV) was administered to 214 Australian ecstasy users. Ecstasy withdrawal was operationalized in three contrasting ways: (i) as per DSM-IV criteria; (ii) as the expected after effects of ecstasy (a regular come-down); or (iii) as a substantially greater or longer come-down than on first use (intense come-down). These definitions were validated against frequency of ecstasy use, readiness to change and ability to resist the urge to use ecstasy. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to see how they aligned with the overall dependence syndrome. Results: Come-down symptoms increased the prevalence of withdrawal from 1% (DSM-IV criterion) to 11% (intense come-downs) and 75% (regular come-downs). Past year ecstasy dependence remained at 31% when including the DSM-IV withdrawal criteria and was 32% with intense come-downs, but increased to 45% with regular come-downs. Intense come-downs were associated with lower ability to resist ecstasy use and loaded positively on the dependence syndrome. Regular come-downs did not load positively on the ecstasy dependence syndrome and were not related to other indices of dependence. Conclusion: The acute after-effects of ecstasy should be excluded when assessing ecstasy withdrawal as they can lead to a false diagnosis of ecstasy dependence. Worsening of the ecstasy come-down may be a marker for dependence.
The highest rates of fetal alcohol syndrome worldwide can be found in South Africa. Particularly in impoverished townships in the Western Cape, pregnant women live in environments where alcohol intake during pregnancy has become normalized and interpersonal violence (IPV) is reported at high rates. For the current study we sought to examine how pregnancy, for both men and women, is related to alcohol use behaviors and IPV. We surveyed 2,120 men and women attending drinking establishments in a township located in the Western Cape of South Africa. Among women 13.3% reported being pregnant, and among men 12.0% reported their partner pregnant. For pregnant women, 61% reported attending the bar that evening to drink alcohol and 26% reported both alcohol use and currently experiencing IPV. Daily or almost daily binge drinking was reported twice as often among pregnant women than non-pregnant women (8.4% vs. 4.2%). Men with pregnant partners reported the highest rates of hitting sex partners, forcing a partner to have sex, and being forced to have sex. High rates of alcohol frequency, consumption, binge drinking, consumption and binge drinking were reported across the entire sample. In general, experiencing and perpetrating IPV were associated with alcohol use among all participants except for men with pregnant partners. Alcohol use among pregnant women attending shebeens is alarmingly high. Moreover, alcohol use appears to be an important factor in understanding the relationship between IPV and pregnancy. Intensive, targeted, and effective interventions for both men and women are urgently needed to address high rates of drinking alcohol among pregnant women who attend drinking establishments.
Background: Little is known about the risk of progression to hazardous alcohol use in people currently drinking at safe limits. We aimed to develop a prediction model (predictAL) for the development of hazardous drinking in safe drinkers. Methods: A prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees in six European countries and Chile followed up over 6 months. We recruited 10,045 attendees between April 2003 to February 2005. 6193 European and 2462 Chilean attendees recorded AUDIT scores below 8 in men and 5 in women at recruitment and were used in modelling risk. 38 risk factors were measured to construct a risk model for the development of hazardous drinking using stepwise logistic regression. The model was corrected for over fitting and tested in an external population. The main outcome was hazardous drinking defined by an AUDIT score >= 8 in men and >= 5 in women. Results: 69.0% of attendees were recruited, of whom 89.5% participated again after six months. The risk factors in the final predictAL model were sex, age, country, baseline AUDIT score, panic syndrome and lifetime alcohol problem. The predictAL model's average c-index across all six European countries was 0.839 (95% CI 0.805, 0.873). The Hedge's g effect size for the difference in log odds of predicted probability between safe drinkers in Europe who subsequently developed hazardous alcohol use and those who did not was 1.38 (95% CI 1.25, 1.51). External validation of the algorithm in Chilean safe drinkers resulted in a c-index of 0.781 (95% CI 0.717, 0.846) and Hedge's g of 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.78). Conclusions: The predictAL risk model for development of hazardous consumption in safe drinkers compares favourably with risk algorithms for disorders in other medical settings and can be a useful first step in prevention of alcohol misuse.
La schizophrénie est une maladie mentale grave qui présente une comorbidité fréquente avec la toxicomanie et avec divers troubles immunitaires. Une méta-analyse réalisée récemment dans notre laboratoire a montré une augmentation d’IL-6 (une cytokine pro-inflammatoire), du récepteur soluble d’IL-2 (un marqueur d’activation du système immunitaire), et d’IL-1RA (une cytokine anti-inflammatoire) dans la schizophrénie, suggérant l’existence d’un syndrome inflammatoire dans cette maladie. La toxicomanie aussi est associée au dérèglement du réseau des cytokines inflammatoires, mais les effets dépendent du type de drogues et ils sont parfois diamétralement opposés. On dispose encore de peu d’informations sur le statut immunitaire et inflammatoire des patients qui ont un double diagnostic de schizophrénie et de toxicomanie. Le but de ce travail était d’explorer l’existence d’un état inflammatoire systémique chez les patients schizophrènes et toxicomanes, et l’influence du traitement avec un médicament antipsychotique atypique, la quétiapine. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : 1) Mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques des cytokines inflammatoires chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes avant, pendant et après traitement avec la quétiapine ; et 2) Faire des études de corrélations entre les taux de cytokines, les symptômes cliniques, et la consommation de drogues. Les résultats montrent que comparativement aux contrôles normaux, les patients avec un double diagnostic présentent une augmentation d’IL-6, d’IL-1RA, du sIL-2R et d’IL-8 avant traitement à la quétiapine. Les augmentations des concentrations plasmatiques d’IL-1RA sont particulièrement importantes chez les patients avec double diagnostic, si on les compare à celles publiées chez les schizophrènes sans toxicomanie. Le traitement à la quétiapine n’influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques de ces cytokines, sauf sIL-2R qui augmente davantage au cours du traitement. Des corrélations positives de puissance modérée sont retrouvées entre IL-6 et dépression, IL-6 et alcool, IL-1RA et cognition, IL-8 et dépression, IL-8 et alcool, sIL-2R et cannabis. Notre étude révèle que la réponse inflammatoire est activée chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes. De plus, la toxicomanie semble jouer un rôle facilitant ou potentialisateur dans les augmentations des taux circulants d’IL-1RA. Les études en cours sur différentes populations de schizophrènes avec ou sans toxicomanie, et chez des toxicomanes non schizophrènes permettront de préciser le rôle des différentes drogues d’abus dans le syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes, ainsi que les implications de ce syndrome sur le plan clinique et thérapeutique.
Contexte Autant dans une population schizophrène que non schizophrène, l‘abus de substance a pour conséquence la manifestation de symptômes psychiatriques et neurologiques. Dans les présentes études cas-témoins, nous avons examiné les différences initiales ainsi que les changements suite au traitement de 12 semaines à la quetiapine au niveau de la sévérité de la toxicomanie et des symptômes psychiatriques et neurologiques chez 3 groupes distincts. Ces 3 groupes sont: des patients schizophrènes avec une toxicomanie (double diagnostic: DD), des patients schizophrènes sans toxicomanie concomittante (SCZ) et finalement, des toxicomanes non schizophrènes (SUD). Parallèlement, afin de nous aider à interpréter nos résultats, nous avons mené deux revues systématiques: la première regardait l‘effet d‘antipsychotiques dans le traitement de troubles d‘abus/dépendance chez des personnes atteintes ou non de psychoses, la deuxième comparait l‘efficacité de la quetiapine et sa relation dose-réponse parmi différents désordres psychiatriques. Méthodes Pour nos études cas-témoins, l‘ensemble des symptômes psychiatriques et neurologiques ont été évalués via l‘Échelle du syndrome positif et négatif (PANSS), l‘Échelle de dépression de Calgary, l‘Échelle des symptômes extrapyramidaux (ESRS) ainsi qu‘avec l‘Échelle d‘akathisie de Barnes. Résultats À la suite du traitement de 12 semaines avec la quetiapine, les groupes SCZ et DD recevaient des doses de quetiapine significativement plus élevées (moyenne = 554 et 478 mg par jour, respectivement) par rapport au groupe SUD (moyenne = 150 mg par jour). Aussi, nous avons observé chez ces mêmes patients SUD une plus importante baisse du montant d‘argent dépensé par semaine en alcool et autres drogues, ainsi qu‘une nette amélioration de la sévérité de la toxicomanie comparativement aux patients DD. Par conséquent, à la fin de l‘essai de 12 semaines, il n‘y avait pas de différence significative dans l‘argent dépensé en alcool et drogues entre les deux groupes de toxicomanes iv or, les patients DD présentait, comme au point de départ, un score de toxicomanie plus sévère que les SUD. Étonnamment, aux points initial et final de l‘étude, le groupe DD souffrait de plus de symptômes parkinsoniens et de dépression que le groupe SCZ. Par ailleurs, nous avons trouvé qu‘initiallement, les patients SUD présentaient significativement plus d‘akathisie, mais qu‘en cours de traitement, cette akathisie reliée à l‘abus/dépendance de cannabis s‘est nettement améliorée en comparaison aux patients SCZ. Enfin, les patients SUD ont bénéficié d‘une plus grande diminution de leurs symptômes positifs que les 2 groupes atteints de schizophrénie. Conclusions Bref, l‘ensemble de nos résultats fait montre d‘une vulnérabilité accentuée par les effets négatifs de l‘alcool et autres drogues dans une population de patients schizophrènes. Également, ces résultats suggèrent que l‘abus de substance en combinaison avec les états de manque miment certains symptômes retrouvés en schizophrénie. De futures études seront nécessaires afin de déterminer le rôle spécifique qu‘a joué la quetiapine dans ces améliorations.
The metabolic syndrome may have its origins in thriftiness, insulin resistance and one of the most ancient of all signalling systems, redox. Thriftiness results from an evolutionarily-driven propensity to minimise energy expenditure. This has to be balanced with the need to resist the oxidative stress from cellular signalling and pathogen resistance, giving rise to something we call 'redox-thriftiness'. This is based on the notion that mitochondria may be able to both amplify membrane-derived redox growth signals as well as negatively regulate them, resulting in an increased ATP/ROS ratio. We suggest that 'redox-thriftiness' leads to insulin resistance, which has the effect of both protecting the individual cell from excessive growth/inflammatory stress, while ensuring energy is channelled to the brain, the immune system, and for storage. We also suggest that fine tuning of redox-thriftiness is achieved by hormetic (mild stress) signals that stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and resistance to oxidative stress, which improves metabolic flexibility. However, in a non-hormetic environment with excessive calories, the protective nature of this system may lead to escalating insulin resistance and rising oxidative stress due to metabolic inflexibility and mitochondrial overload. Thus, the mitochondrially-associated resistance to oxidative stress (and metabolic flexibility) may determine insulin resistance. Genetically and environmentally determined mitochondrial function may define a 'tipping point' where protective insulin resistance tips over to inflammatory insulin resistance. Many hormetic factors may induce mild mitochondrial stress and biogenesis, including exercise, fasting, temperature extremes, unsaturated fats, polyphenols, alcohol, and even metformin and statins. Without hormesis, a proposed redox-thriftiness tipping point might lead to a feed forward insulin resistance cycle in the presence of excess calories. We therefore suggest that as oxidative stress determines functional longevity, a rather more descriptive term for the metabolic syndrome is the 'lifestyle-induced metabolic inflexibility and accelerated ageing syndrome'. Ultimately, thriftiness is good for us as long as we have hormetic stimuli; unfortunately, mankind is attempting to remove all hormetic (stressful) stimuli from his environment.
Aim. To establish a protocol for the early introduction of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and to assess its acute and sustained effects on oxygenation and ventilator settings.Patients and Methods. Ten children with ARDS, aged 1 to 132 months (median, 11 months), with arterial saturation of oxygen <88% while receiving a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2))
Alcoholism is rampant in modern society and some antioxidant compound could perhaps be useful to reduce the damage done by alcohol consumption and abstinence. The present study was undertaken to investigate the association of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) intake, alcoholism, and alcohol abstinence on lipid profile, in vivo low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, oxidative stress, and antioxidant status in serum and liver of rats. Initially, male Wistar 30 rats were divided into two groups: (C, N = 6) given standard chow and water; (E, N = 24) receiving standard chow and aqueous ethanol solution in semi-voluntary research. After 30 days of ethanol exposure, (E) group was divided into four subgroups (N = 6/group): (E-E) continued drinking 30% ethanol solution; (E-NAC) drinking ethanol solution containing 2 g/L NAC (AB) changed ethanol solution to water; (AB-NAC) changed ethanol to aqueous solution 2 g/L NAC. After 15 days of the E-group division, E-E rats had higher serum alanine transaminase, lower body weight, and surface area, despite higher energy intake than C. E-E rats had also lower feed efficiency, dyslipidemia with enhanced triacyl glycerol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), lipid hydroperoxide (LH) and in vivo oxidized-LDL (ox-LDL). AB, E-NAC, and AB-NAC rats ameliorated serum oxidative stress markers and normalized serum lipids. E-E rats had higher hepatic LH and lower reduced glutathione (GSH)/oxidized glutathione (GSSG) ratio than C, indicating hepatic oxidative stress. AB and E-NAC rats normalized hepatic LH, GSSG, and the GSH/GSSG ratio, compared to E-E. AB-NAC rats had the lowest serum ox-LDL, hepatic LH levels, and the highest GSH reductase activity in hepatic tissue. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights into alcohol consumption, because ethanol exposure enhanced serum in vivo ox-LDL, as well as serum and hepatic oxidative stress. N-acetylcysteine offers promising therapeutic value to inhibit ethanol-induced adverse effects. Ethanol withdrawal had beneficial effects on serum lipids, but was more effective when coupled with NAC supplementation. Ethanol abstinence and NAC intake interact synergistically, improving serum lipids and hepatic antioxidant defenses. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND. The present report was carried out to determine whether alcohol intake could induce prostate lesions.METHODS. We tested male rats for 300 days. Animals were divided into three groups: controls received only tap water as liquid diet; the chronic alcohol intake group received only ethanol solution in semivoluntary research; and the withdrawal group received the same treatment as chronic alcohol intake until 240 days, after which they reverted to drinking water.RESULTS. Chronic alcohol intake increased lipoperoxide concentrations and acid phosphatase activities. Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) was decreased at 60 days, but approached controls values at 300 days following treatment. The serum increased alkaline phosphatase, and alanine transaminase activities reflected the chronic toxic effect of ethanol.CONCLUSIONS. Since SOD activity was unable to scavenge superoxide radical and lipoperoxide formation, we can conclude that superoxide is an important intermediate in prostate damage of chronic alcohol intake. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Maternal alcoholism (ethanol and sugar cane brandy) during gestation induces delayed cellular growth and differentiation in fetal rat palate epithelium, with increased nuclear, cytoplasmic and cellular volumes, increased epithelial and keratin thickness and decreased cellular numerical density.
Introduction: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is considered to be the backbone of colorectal cancer (CRC) systemic therapy since the great majority of recommended regimens include its administration. A clinical picture consisting of chest pain, sometimes cardiac enzyme elevation, electrocardiogram abnormalities consistent with myocardial ischemia, and normal coronary angiogram associated with 5-FU administration have been infrequently reported. The clinical dilemma is: Which chemotherapy regimen should we use in CRC patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome (ACS) associated with 5-FU? Case Report: We describe the case of a 55-year-old otherwise healthy woman with metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who presented an ACS probably secondary to arterial vasospasm while receiving continuous intravenous 5-FU infusion (mFOLFOX6 regimen). After the ACS, the patient was treated with raltitrexate plus oxaliplatin (TOMOX) and subsequently with irinotecan plus cetuximab with no other cardiac event. Conclusion: The risk of cardiotoxicity associated with 5-FU is low but real. The probable mechanism is arterial vasospasm, as suggested by our case report. Both the use of the TOMOX regimen and irinotecan plus cetuximab seems to be safe regimens to be considered in this clinical scenario. © 2009 Humana Press Inc.
The Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms syndrome, also known as Drug Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome presents clinically as an extensive mucocutaneous rash, accompanied by fever, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, hematologic abnormalities with eosinophilia and atypical lymphocytes, and may involve other organs with eosinophilic infiltration, causing damage to several systems, especially to the kidneys, heart, lungs, and pancreas. Recognition of this syndrome is of paramount importance, since the mortality rate is about 10% to 20%, and a specific therapy may be necessary. The pathogenesis is related to specific drugs, especially the aromatic anticonvulsants, altered immune response, sequential reactivation of herpes virus and association with HLA alleles. Early recognition of the syndrome and withdrawal of the offending drug are the most important and essential steps in the treatment of affected patients. Corticosteroids are the basis of the treatment of the syndrome, which may be associated with intravenous immunoglobulin and, in selected cases, Ganciclovir. The article reviews the current concepts involving this important manifestation of adverse drug reaction.
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence shows that excessive alcohol consumption during adolescence increases vulnerability to alcohol use disorders in adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine differences between adolescent and adult C57BL/6J mice in drinking behavior and blood ethanol (EtOH) concentrations (BECs) after chronic EtOH exposure and withdrawal. METHODS: Male adolescent (PND = 28 to 30) and adult (PND = 70) C57BL/6J mice were allowed to consume EtOH in a 2-bottle choice paradigm (15% EtOH vs. water) for 3 weeks (Baseline drinking, Test 1, and Test 2), which were interspersed with 2 cycles (Cycles I and II) of chronic EtOH vapor or air inhalation (16 hours) and withdrawal (8 hours). BECs were determined during both cycles. RESULTS: Chronic EtOH exposure led to increased EtOH intake during Test 1 and Test 2 in both adolescent and adult mice compared with air-exposed controls, and no differences between age groups were observed. During Cycle I adult mice showed higher BECs compared with adolescents. During Cycle II, BECs were lower in adult mice as compared to Cycle I, and BECs in adolescent mice did not change between the 2 cycles. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic EtOH exposure followed by withdrawal periods increases EtOH consumption similarly in both adolescent and adult mice, despite differences in BECs