973 resultados para Alcohol oxidation


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Chemically modified electrodes with Methylene Green adsorbed on the graphite surface and incorporated into carbon paste exhibit excellent electrocatalytic ability for oxidation of NADH. Alcohol dehydrogenase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and m


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A tri-phasic catalytic system consisting of aqueous hydrogen peroxide, benzyl alcohol and a solid catalyst such as tungsten trioxide has been proved effective for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol in the presence of cetyl trimethyl aniline bromide (CTMAB). At first, the oxide reacts with CTMAB to form a complex, which can be oxidized by aqueous hydrogen peroxide to form a peroxide which effectively oxidizes benzyl alcohol.


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To evaluate the effect of mass transfer limitations in the three-phase oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol carried out in toluene and an ionic liquid (1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide), studies have been performed in a rotating disc reactor and compared with those carried out in a stirred tank reactor where mass transfer effects are considered negligible. High catalyst efficiencies are found in the stirred tank reactor with the use of both ionic liquid and toluene, although there is a decrease in rate for the ionic liquid reactions. In contrast, internal pore diffusion limits the reaction in both solvents in the rotating disc reactor. This mass transfer resistance reduces the problem of overoxidation of the metal surface when the reaction is carried out in toluene, leading to significantly higher rates of reaction than expected, although at the cost of decreased selectivity.


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Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of dimethylglyoxime and N,N-ethylenebis(7-methylsalicylideneamine) have been synthesized in situ in Y zeolite by the reaction of ion-exchanged metal ions with the flexible ligand molecules that had diffused into the cavities. The hybrid materials obtained have been characterized by elemental analysis, SEM, XRD, surface area, pore volume, magnetic moment, FTIR, UV-Vis and EPR techniques. Analysis of data indicates the formation of complexes in the pores without affecting the zeolite framework structure, the absence of any extraneous species and the geometry of encapsulated complexes. The catalytic activities for hydrogen peroxide decomposition and oxidation of benzyl alcohol and ethylbenzene of zeolite complexes are reported. Zeolite Cu(II) complexes were found to be more active than the corresponding Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes for oxidation reactions. The catalytic properties of the complexes are influenced by their geometry and by the steric environment of the active sites. Zeolite complexes are stable enough to be reused and are suitable to be utilized as partial oxidation catalysts.


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Synchronous, time-resolved DRIFTS/MS/XAS cycling studies of the vapor-phase selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol over nanoparticulate Pd have revealed surface oxide as the desired catalytically active phase, with dynamic, reaction-induced Pd redox processes controlling selective versus combustion pathways.


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Ultrathin alumina monolayers grafted onto an ordered mesoporous SBA-15 silica framework afford a composite catalyst support with unique structural properties and surface chemistry. Palladium nanoparticles deposited onto Al-SBA-15 via wet impregnation exhibit the high dispersion and surface oxidation characteristic of pure aluminas, in conjunction with the high active site densities characteristic of thermally stable, high-area mesoporous silicas. This combination confers significant rate enhancements in the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of cinnamyl alcohol over Pd/Al-SBA-15 compared to mesoporous alumina or silica supports. Operando, liquid-phase XAS highlights the interplay between dissolved oxygen and the oxidation state of palladium nanoparticles dispersed over Al-SBA-15 towards on-stream reduction: ambient pressures of flowing oxygen are sufficient to hinder palladium oxide reduction to metal, enabling a high selox activity to be maintained, whereas rapid PdO reduction and concomitant catalyst deactivation occurs under static oxygen. Selectivity to the desired cinnamaldehyde product mirrors these trends in activity, with flowing oxygen minimising CO cleavage of the cinnamyl alcohol reactant to trans-β-methylstyrene, and of cinnamaldehyde decarbonylation to styrene. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The thermal evolution of titania-supported Au shell–Pd core bimetallic nanoparticles, prepared via colloidal routes, has been investigated by in situ XPS, DRIFTS, EXAFS and XRD and ex situ HRTEM. As-prepared nanoparticles are terminated by a thin (∼5 layer) Au shell, encapsulating approximately 20 nm diameter cuboctahedral palladium cores, with the ensemble stabilised by citrate ligands. The net gold composition was 40 atom%. Annealing in vacuo or under inert atmosphere rapidly pyrolyses the citrate ligands, but induces only limited Au/Pd intermixing and particle growth <300 °C. Higher temperatures promote more dramatic alloying, accompanied by significant sintering and surface roughening. These changes are mirrored by the nanoparticle catalysed liquid phase selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde; palladium surface segregation enhances both activity and selectivity, with the most active surface alloy attainable containing ∼40 atom% Au.


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The selective oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde over ultrathin Au overlayers on Pd(1 1 1) and Au/Pd(1 1 1) surface alloys has been investigated by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mass spectrometry. Pure gold is catalytically inert towards crotyl alcohol which undergoes reversible adsorption. In contrast, thermal processing of a 3.9 monolayer (ML) gold overlayer allows access to a range of AuPd surface alloy compositions, which are extremely selective towards crotonaldehyde production, and greatly reduce the extent of hydrocarbon decomposition and eventual carbon laydown compared with base Pd(1 1 1). XPS and CO titrations suggest that palladium-rich surface alloys offer the optimal balance between alcohol oxidative dehydrogenation activity while minimising competitive decomposition pathways, and that Pd monomers are not the active surface ensemble for such selox chemistry over AuPd alloys. Crown Copyright © 2008.


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Here, we report on the first application of high-pressure XPS (HP-XPS) to the surface catalyzed selective oxidation of a hydrocarbon over palladium, wherein the reactivity of metal and oxide surfaces in directing the oxidative dehydrogenation of crotyl alcohol (CrOH) to crotonaldehyde (CrHCO) is evaluated. Crotonaldehyde formation is disfavored over Pd(111) under all reaction conditions, with only crotyl alcohol decomposition observed. In contrast, 2D Pd5O4 and 3D PdO overlayers are able to selectively oxidize crotyl alcohol (1 mTorr) to crotonaldehyde in the presence of co-fed oxygen (140 mTorr) at temperatures as low as 40 °C. However, 2D Pd5O4 ultrathin films are unstable toward reduction by the alcohol at ambient temperature, whereas the 3D PdO oxide is able to sustain catalytic crotonaldehyde production even up to 150 °C. Co-fed oxygen is essential to stabilize palladium surface oxides toward in situ reduction by crotyl alcohol, with stability increasing with oxide film dimensionality.


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In-situ, synchronous MS/XANES reveals the Pd catalyzed selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol is regulated by the balance between the oxidation state and reducibility. Dynamic XANES measurements provide a new, rapid method to determine redox kinetics of nanoparticles and identify important parameters to optimize catalyst design. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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The extremely surface sensitive technique of metastable de-excitation spectroscopy (MDS) has been utilized to probe the bonding and reactivity of crotyl alcohol over Pd(111) and provide insight into the selective oxidation pathway to crotonaldehyde. Auger de-excitation (AD) of metastable He (23S) atoms reveals distinct features associated with the molecular orbitals of the adsorbed alcohol, corresponding to emission from the hydrocarbon skeleton, the O n nonbonding, and C═C π states. The O n and C═C π states of the alcohol are reversed when compared to those of the aldehyde. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the alcohol show that an adsorption mode with both C═C and O bonds aligned somewhat parallel to the surface is energetically favored at a substrate temperature below 200 K. Density of states calculations for such configurations are in excellent agreement with experimental MDS measurements. MDS revealed oxidative dehydrogenation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde between 200 and 250 K, resulting in small peak shifts to higher binding energy. Intramolecular changes lead to the opposite assignment of the first two MOs in the alcohol versus the aldehyde, in accordance with DFT and UPS studies of the free molecules. Subsequent crotonaldehyde decarbonylation and associated propylidyne formation above 260 K could also be identified by MDS and complementary theoretical calculations as the origin of deactivation and selectivity loss. Combining MDS and DFT in this way represents a novel approach to elucidating surface catalyzed reaction pathways associated with a “real-world” practical chemical transformation, namely the selective oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes.