112 resultados para Airfoil


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Experimental study and optimization of Plasma Ac- tuators for Flow control in subsonic regime PRADEEP MOISE, JOSEPH MATHEW, KARTIK VENKATRAMAN, JOY THOMAS, Indian Institute of Science, FLOW CONTROL TEAM | The induced jet produced by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) setup is capable of preventing °ow separation on airfoils at high angles of attack. The ef-fect of various parameters on the velocity of this induced jet was studied experimentally. The glow discharge was created at atmospheric con-ditions by using a high voltage RF power supply. Flow visualization,photographic studies of the plasma, and hot-wire measurements on the induced jet were performed. The parametric investigation of the charac- teristics of the plasma show that the width of the plasma in the uniform glow discharge regime was an indication of the velocity induced. It was observed that the spanwise and streamwise overlap of the two electrodes,dielectric thickness, voltage and frequency of the applied voltage are the major parameters that govern the velocity and the extent of plasma.e®ect of the optimized con¯guration on the performance characteristics of an airfoil was studied experimentally.


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The three-dimensional asymmetric turbulent near-Rake behind an infinitely swept wing with GAW(2) airfoil has been investigated at low speeds. The near-wake in the present study is asymmetric because the boundary layers on the top and bottom surfaces of the model develop under different streamwise pressure gradients. Distributions of mean velocity, three turbulent normal stresses, and two important Reynolds shear stresses have been measured using hot-wire anemometry. The profiles of mean velocity and Reynolds shear stress exhibit asymmetry near the trailing edge and seem to have become symmetric within a short distance of 6 trailing edge momentum thicknesses. Results of computation using K-epsilon turbulence model with a simple scheme to predict the near-wake behind the swept wing have also been presented and compared with the experimental data. The agreement of the predicted mean How development with the experiment is fair considering the simplicity of the scheme.


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Abstract | There exist a huge range of fish species besides other aquatic organisms like squids and salps that locomote in water at large Reynolds numbers, a regime of flow where inertial forces dominate viscous forces. In the present review, we discuss the fluid mechanics governing the locomotion of such organisms. Most fishes propel themselves by periodic undulatory motions of the body and tail, and the typical classification of their swimming modes is based on the fraction of their body that undergoes such undulatory motions. In the angulliform mode, or the eel type, the entire body undergoes undulatory motions in the form of a travelling wave that goes from head to tail, while in the other extreme case, the thunniform mode, only the rear tail (caudal fin) undergoes lateral oscillations. The thunniform mode of swimming is essentially based on the lift force generated by the airfoil like crosssection of the fish tail as it moves laterally through the water, while the anguilliform mode may be understood using the “reactive theory” of Lighthill. In pulsed jet propulsion, adopted by squids and salps, there are two components to the thrust; the first due to the familiar ejection of momentum and the other due to an over-pressure at the exit plane caused by the unsteadiness of the jet. The flow immediately downstream of the body in all three modes consists of vortex rings; the differentiating point being the vastly different orientations of the vortex rings. However, since all the bodies are self-propelling, the thrust force must be equal to the drag force (at steady speed), implying no net force on the body, and hence the wake or flow downstream must be momentumless. For such bodies, where there is no net force, it is difficult to directly define a propulsion efficiency, although it is possible to use some other very different measures like “cost of transportation” to broadly judge performance.


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The flow produced by a rigid symmetric NACA0015 airfoil purely pitching at a fixed location in quiescent fluid (the limiting case of infinite Strouhal number) is studied using visualizations and particle image velocimetry. A weak jet is generated whose inclination changes continually with time. This meandering is observed to be random and independent of the initial conditions, over a wide range of pitching parameters. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a compliant aircraft wing, which can morph from a given airfoil shape to another given shape under the actuation of internal forces and can offer sufficient stiffness in both configurations under the respective aerodynamic loads. The least square error in displacements, Fourier descriptors, geometric moments, and moment invariants are studied to compare candidate shapes and to pose the optimization problem. Their relative merits and demerits are discussed in this paper. The `frame finite element ground structure' approach is used for topology optimization and the resulting solutions are converted to continuum solutions. The introduction of a notch-like feature is the key to the success of the design. It not only gives a good match for the target morphed shape for the leading and trailing edges but also minimizes the extension of the flexible skin that is to be put on the airfoil frame. Even though linear small-displacement elastic analysis is used in optimization, the obtained designs are analysed for large displacement behavior. The methodology developed here is not restricted to aircraft wings; it can be used to solve any shape-morphing requirement in flexible structures and compliant mechanisms.


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In this paper, an implicit scheme is presented for a meshless compressible Euler solver based on the Least Square Kinetic Upwind Method (LSKUM). The Jameson and Yoon's split flux Jacobians formulation is very popular in finite volume methodology, which leads to a scalar diagonal dominant matrix for an efficient implicit procedure (Jameson & Yoon, 1987). However, this approach leads to a block diagonal matrix when applied to the LSKUM meshless method. The above split flux Jacobian formulation, along with a matrix-free approach, has been adopted to obtain a diagonally dominant, robust and cheap implicit time integration scheme. The efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated by computing 2D flow past a NACA 0012 airfoil under subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow conditions. The results obtained are compared with available experiments and other reliable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results. The present implicit formulation shows good convergence acceleration over the RK4 explicit procedure. Further, the accuracy and robustness of the scheme in 3D is demonstrated by computing the flow past an ONERA M6 wing and a clipped delta wing with aileron deflection. The computed results show good agreement with wind tunnel experiments and other CFD computations.


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Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes model performances in the stagnation and wake regions for turbulent flows with relatively large Lagrangian length scales (generally larger than the scale of geometrical features) approaching small cylinders (both square and circular) is explored. The effective cylinder (or wire) diameter based Reynolds number, ReW ≤ 2.5 × 103. The following turbulence models are considered: a mixing-length; standard Spalart and Allmaras (SA) and streamline curvature (and rotation) corrected SA (SARC); Secundov's νt-92; Secundov et al.'s two equation νt-L; Wolfshtein's k-l model; the Explicit Algebraic Stress Model (EASM) of Abid et al.; the cubic model of Craft et al.; various linear k-ε models including those with wall distance based damping functions; Menter SST, k-ω and Spalding's LVEL model. The use of differential equation distance functions (Poisson and Hamilton-Jacobi equation based) for palliative turbulence modeling purposes is explored. The performance of SA with these distance functions is also considered in the sharp convex geometry region of an airfoil trailing edge. For the cylinder, with ReW ≈ 2.5 × 103 the mixing length and k-l models give strong turbulence production in the wake region. However, in agreement with eddy viscosity estimates, the LVEL and Secundov νt-92 models show relatively little cylinder influence on turbulence. On the other hand, two equation models (as does the one equation SA) suggest the cylinder gives a strong turbulence deficit in the wake region. Also, for SA, an order or magnitude cylinder diameter decrease from ReW = 2500 to 250 surprisingly strengthens the cylinder's disruptive influence. Importantly, results for ReW ≪ 250 are virtually identical to those for ReW = 250 i.e. no matter how small the cylinder/wire its influence does not, as it should, vanish. Similar tests for the Launder-Sharma k-ε, Menter SST and k-ω show, in accordance with physical reality, the cylinder's influence diminishing albeit slowly with size. Results suggest distance functions palliate the SA model's erroneous trait and improve its predictive performance in wire wake regions. Also, results suggest that, along the stagnation line, such functions improve the SA, mixing length, k-l and LVEL results. For the airfoil, with SA, the larger Poisson distance function increases the wake region turbulence levels by just under 5%. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The work in this paper forms part of a project on the use of large eddy simulation (LES) for broadband rotor-stator interaction noise prediction. Here we focus on LES of the flow field near a fan blade trailing edge. The first part of the paper aims to evaluate LES suitability for predicting the near-field velocity field for a blunt NACA-0012 airfoil at moderate Reynolds numbers (2× 10 5 and 4× 10 5). Preliminary computations of turbulent mean and root-mean-square velocities, as well as energy spectra at the trailing edge, are compared with those from a recent experiment.1 The second part of the paper describes preliminary progress on an LES calculation of the fan wakes on a fan rig. 2 The CFD code uses a mixed element unstructured mesh with a median dual control volume. A wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity sub-grid scale model is employed. A very small amount of numerical dissipation is added in the numerical scheme to keep the compressible solver stable. Further results for the fan turbulentmean and RMS velocity, and especially the aeroacoustics field will be presented at a later stage. Copyright © 2008 by Qinling LI, Nigel Peake & Mark Savill.


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This work forms part of a project on the use of large eddy simulation (LES) for broadband rotor-stator interaction noise prediction. In this paper, we focus on LES calculations of noise sources on and close to a blade trailing edge. We consider two test cases; one an isolated NACA0012 airfoil in flow, and the other an industry-standard rotating fan. In the first case, turbulent mean and RMS velocities and energy spectra at different locations are compared with those from experiment. 1,2The sound generated by the unsteady pressure fluctuations on the airfoil surface and by the flow turbulence will be predicted using a Ffowcs Williams Hawkings (FW-H) surface. In the second case, unsteady flow and acoustic fields around the blade passage 3 are presented for a refined mesh, and the rotor-stator tonal noise will be predicted by using the rotor-wake mean velocity profile and the methodology described in Lloyd & Peake 4. Copyright © 2009 by Qinling Li, Nigel Peake & Mark Savill.


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The flow structure around an NACA 0012 aerofoil oscillating in pitch around the quarter-chord is numerically investigated by solving the two-dimensional compressible N-S equations using a special matrix-splitting scheme. This scheme is of second-order accuracy in time and space and is computationally more efficient than the conventional flux-splitting scheme. A 'rigid' C-grid with 149 x 51 points is used for the computation of unsteady flow. The freestream Mach number varies from 0.2 to 0.6 and the Reynolds number from 5000 to 20,000. The reduced frequency equals 0.25-0.5. The basic flow structure of dynamic stall is described and the Reynolds number effect on dynamic stall is briefly discussed. The influence of the compressibility on dynamic stall is analysed in detail. Numerical results show that there is a significant influence of the compressibility on the formation and convection of the dynamic stall vortex. There is a certain influence of the Reynolds number on the flow structure. The average convection velocity of the dynamic stall vortex is approximately 0.348 times the freestream velocity.


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A quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian grid generator and flow solver were developed. The grid adaptation based on pressure or density gradient was performed and a gridless method based on the least-square fashion was used to treat the wall surface boundary condition, which is generally difficult to be handled for the common Cartesian grid. First, to validate the technique of grid adaptation, the benchmarks over a forward-facing step and double Mach reflection were computed. Second, the flows over the NACA 0012 airfoil and a two-element airfoil were calculated to validate the developed gridless method. The computational results indicate the developed method is reasonable for complex flows.


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A new transition prediction model is introduced, which couples the intermittency effect into the turbulence transport equations and takes the characteristics of fluid transition into consideration to mimic the exact process of transition. Test cases include a two-dimensional incompressible plate and a two-dimensional NACA0012 airfoil. Performance of this transition model for incompressible flows is studied, with numerical results consistent to experimental data. The requirement of grid resolution for this transition model is also studied.


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An approximate theory for steady irrotational flow through a cascade of thin cambered airfoils is developed. Isolated thin airfoils have only slight camber is most applications, and the well known methods that replace the source and vorticity distributions of the curved camber line by similar distributions on the straight chord line are adequate. In cascades, however, the camber is usually appreciable, and significant errors are introduced if the vorticity and source distributions on the camber line are approximated by the same distribution on the chord line.

The calculation of the flow field becomes very clumsy in practice if the vorticity and source distributions are not confined to a straight line. A new method is proposed and investigated; in this method, at each point on the camber line, the vorticity and sources are assumed to be distributed along a straight line tangent to the camber line at that point, and corrections are determined to account for the deviation of the actual camber line from the tangent line. Hence, the basic calculation for the cambered airfoils is reduced to the simpler calculation of the straight line airfoils, with the equivalent straight line airfoils changing from point to point.

The results of the approximate method are compared with numerical solutions for cambers as high as 25 per cent of the chord. The leaving angles of flow are predicted quite well, even at this high value of the camber. The present method also gives the functional relationship between the exit angle and the other parameters such as airfoil shape and cascade geometry.


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[ES]El proyecto investigador tiene el objeto el estudio del comportamiento de un perfil aerodinámico frente a un flujo turbulento, en este caso el aire. Se trata de evaluar las presiones que se ejercen sobre dicho perfil, que será un alerón de monoplaza tipo Formula Student, para comprobar si aporta alguna mejora en el comportamiento del monoplaza la introducción de este paquete aerodinámico. Con la introducción de este perfil en el monoplaza se pretende ganar un mayor agarre en el paso por curva siendo la resistencia al avance en recta la mínima posible, ya que lo que se pretende es hacer el recorrido del circuito en el menor tiempo posible. Por tanto hay dos variables a tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar el alerón, por un lado esta mejorar el agarre de los neumáticos sobre el asfalto al tomar una curva, lo que nos permitirá tomar la curva a mayor velocidad y por tanto en menos tiempo, y por otro lado, la oposición que el alerón ejerce en el avance en recta disminuyendo su velocidad máxima. En resumen, se trata de comparar la fuerza horizontal y la fuerza vertical que el aire ejerce sobre el perfil aerodinámico a introducir en el monoplaza y evaluar si es beneficioso para este, es decir, si añadiendo dicho perfil se realiza el trazado del circuito en menor tiempo que sin él. Para ello se realizarán simulaciones con un software de modelado físico de flujos y turbulencias sobre un diseño de un alerón dado, con diferentes tipos de flujo, de forma que se asemeje de mejor forma a las condiciones de la pista y se obtendrán los resultados de las presiones que el flujo de aire ejerce sobre las superficies del perfil. Después se obtendrán las fuerzas puntuales vertical y horizontal y se analizaran los datos obtenidos. Deberán tenerse en cuenta, además de los resultados obtenidos, los materiales a emplear a la hora de su fabricación, el proceso de dicha fabricación y el coste que supone tanto el proceso como los materiales empleados.