998 resultados para Aigües residuals -- Plantes de tractament


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In the last decades, the awareness of environmental issues has increased in society considerably. There is an increasing need to improve the effluent quality of domestic wastewater treatment processes. This thesis describes the application of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) technology for Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) from the wastewater. In particular, the work presented evolves from the nitrogen removal to the biological nutrient removal (i.e. nitrogen plus phosphorous removal) with special attention to the operational strategy design, the identification of possible reactor cycle controls or the influent composition related to the process efficiency. In such sense, also the use of ethanol as an external carbon (when low influent Carbon:Phosphorus (C:P) or Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) ratios are presented) are studied as an alternative to maintain the BNR efficiency.


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En aquesta tesis s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de control capaç d'optimitzar el funcionament dels Reactors Discontinus Seqüencials dins el camp de l'eliminació de matèria orgànica i nitrogen de les aigües residuals. El sistema de control permet ajustar en línia la durada de les etapes de reacció a partir de mesures directes o indirectes de sondes. En una primera etapa de la tesis s'ha estudiat la calibració de models matemàtics que permeten realitzar fàcilment provatures de diferents estratègies de control. A partir de l'anàlisis de dades històriques s'han plantejat diferents opcions per controlar l'SBR i les més convenients s'han provat mitjançant simulació. Després d'assegurar l'èxit de l'estratègia de control mitjançant simulacions s'ha implementat en una planta semi-industrial. Finalment es planteja l'estructura d'uns sistema supervisor encarregat de controlar el funcionament de l'SBR no només a nivell de fases sinó també a nivell cicle.


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Aquesta tesi presenta un projecte de gestió integral d'infraestructures hidràuliques de sanejament a la Conca del riu Besòs. S'han considerat dos sistemes de sanejament (La Garriga i Granollers) amb les seves respectives xarxes de clavegueram i Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR), i un tram del riu Congost, afluent del Besòs, com a medi receptor de les seves aigües residuals. Amb aquesta finalitat es construeix i s'utilitza un Sistema de Suport a la Decisió Ambiental (SSDA). Aquesta eina incorpora l'ús de models de simulació de qualitat de l'aigua pels sistemes de clavegueram, EDAR i riu, com a forma d'extracció de coneixement sobre la gestió integrada d'aquests elements. Aquest coneixement es conceptualitza, posteriorment, en forma d'arbres de decisió, que proporcionaran a l'usuari les actuacions a realitzar davant de les diferents situacions reals de gestió diària.


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El aumento de la cantidad de lodos y las dificultades inherentes a su aplicación agrícola y/o disposición en vertederos, hace necesario encontrar nuevas alternativas para su gestión. A nivel europeo, hoy en día se tiende hacia la aplicación de tratamientos térmicos (incineración, pirólisis y gasificación) que permiten una valoración energética de los lodos, si bien generan un residuo sólido que sigue siendo necesario gestionar. El problema medioambiental provocado por (malos) olores resulta difícil de abordar de una manera genérica, teniendo en consideración la propia naturaleza del olor y sus posibles causas. Los olores en las EDARs son provocados básicamente por la degradación de la materia orgánica en condiciones anaeróbicas y se detectan en todas las operaciones unitarias en diferentes niveles de concentración. Esta tesis incidiendo en ambos aspectos, tiene por objeto investigar la valorización de lodos como materiales precursores de adsorbentes/ catalizadores para la eliminación de olores en el entorno de las EDARs, maximizando la reutilización de los lodos. Para la realización de los experimentos se han seleccionado lodos procedentes de tres EDARs situadas en la región de Girona (SC, SB, SL) que difieren en cuanto al tratamiento de los lodos. Ambas muestras han sido caracterizadas con el fin de determinar las diferencias más importantes en los lodos de partida. Los parámetros de caracterización incluyen el análisis de composición química (análisis elemental e inmediato, determinación contenido en cenizas, medida pH, DRX, FT-IR, SEM / EDX) así como análisis de superficie (adsorción de N2 y CO2). En primer lugar los lodos caracterizados han sido sometidos a diferentes tratamientos térmicos de gasificación y pirólisis y los adsorbentes/ catalizadores obtenidos se han probado como adsorbentes para la eliminación de H2S. Como consecuencia de este estudio, se ha desechado el uso de uno de lodos (SC) puesto que se obtenían resultados muy similares a (SB), a continuación el estudio se centró en el lodo de SL. Con este objetivo se han preparado 12 muestras 6 de ellas pirolizadas y 6 gasificadas en el rango de temperaturas que comprende 600-1100 ºC. Posteriormente las muestras han sido caracterizadas y se ha determinado la capacidad de eliminación (x/M) del H2S. Los resultados muestran que hemos sido capaces de obtener unos materiales que si bien, presentan un bajo desarrollo de porosidad dan lugar a valores de capacidades de eliminación elevados y comparables a carbones y materiales adsorbentes comerciales (Centaur, Sorbalit). Las elevadas eficiencias de eliminación se atribuyen básicamente a la presencia de especies catalíticamente activas tales como los óxidos mixtos de calcio y hierro determinados por DRX en las muestras tratadas térmicamente. El segundo bloque de resultados se centra la mejora de las propiedades texturales de estos materiales adsorbentes. Con este objetivo se llevaron acabo procesos de activación física con CO2 y química con H3PO4 e hidróxidos alcalinos (NaOH y KOH), que hasta el momento no se había probado con este tipo de precursores. Los resultados indican que la activación física (CO2) y química (H3PO4) no son unos buenos métodos para la obtención de adsorbentes altamente porosos con este tipo de materia prima bajo las condiciones probadas, sin embargo la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos da lugar a materiales adsorbentes con superficies específicas de hasta 1600 m2g-1. En el caso de la activación con hidróxidos, tanto el incremento de la relación agente activante/ precursor como el incremento de la temperatura producen un descenso del rendimiento, al mismo tiempo que incrementan el valor de SBET. Los materiales resultantes de la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos se han probado como adsorbentes/ catalizadores para la eliminación de H2S. Los resultados indican que un incremento del área superficial no es indicativo de un aumento de la capacidad de eliminación dada la naturaleza ácida de estos materiales obtenidos. Con el fin de contrarrestar el efecto ácido de estos materiales se han realizado los mismos ensayos añadiendo NaOH al lecho de reacción llegando a valores de x/M de hasta 450 mgg-1. Posteriormente también se han realizado ensayos de eliminación de NH3 con algunas de estas muestras, y los resultados obtenidos de x/M son del orden de carbones activados comerciales. Los materiales adsorbentes obtenidos tras la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos se convierten en materiales muy atractivos para ser utilizados como adsorbentes/ catalizadores de múltiples contaminantes (COVs, Hg...).


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La gestió de l'aigua residual és una tasca complexa. Hi ha moltes substàncies contaminants conegudes però encara moltes per conèixer, i el seu efecte individual o col·lgectiu és difícil de predir. La identificació i avaluació dels impactes ambientals resultants de la interacció entre els sistemes naturals i socials és un assumpte multicriteri. Els gestors ambientals necessiten eines de suport pels seus diagnòstics per tal de solucionar problemes ambientals. Les contribucions d'aquest treball de recerca són dobles: primer, proposar l'ús d'un enfoc basat en la modelització amb agents per tal de conceptualitzar i integrar tots els elements que estan directament o indirectament involucrats en la gestió de l'aigua residual. Segon, proposar un marc basat en l'argumentació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agents raonar efectivament. La tesi conté alguns exemples reals per tal de mostrar com un marc basat amb agents que argumenten pot suportar diferents interessos i diferents perspectives. Conseqüentment, pot ajudar a construir un diàleg més informat i efectiu i per tant descriure millor les interaccions entre els agents. En aquest document es descriu primer el context estudiat, escalant el problema global de la gestió de la conca fluvial a la gestiódel sistema urbà d'aigües residuals, concretament l'escenari dels abocaments industrials. A continuació, s'analitza el sistema mitjançant la descripció d'agents que interaccionen. Finalment, es descriuen alguns prototips capaços de raonar i deliberar, basats en la lògica no monòtona i en un llenguatge declaratiu (answer set programming). És important remarcar que aquesta tesi enllaça dues disciplines: l'enginyeria ambiental (concretament l'àrea de la gestió de les aigües residuals) i les ciències de la computació (concretament l'àrea de la intel·ligència artificial), contribuint així a la multidisciplinarietat requerida per fer front al problema estudiat. L'enginyeria ambiental ens proporciona el coneixement del domini mentre que les ciències de la computació ens permeten estructurar i especificar aquest coneixement.


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L’explotació minera, especialment la mineria metàl•lica, ha estat sempre associada a riscos de contaminació ambiental de sòls, aigües i vegetació, originats per l’activitat extractiva, les operacions de concentració dels minerals i pels emplaçaments de residus miners sense una gestió adequada. En molts casos els residus miners s’abocaven directament a rius i rierols o s’acumulaven en piles pròximes a centres habitats i activitats agrícoles. Concretament s’estudia els cas de les mines d’Osor. Donada la possible presència de quantitats elevades de metalls pesants en aquests sòls es decideix avaluar una tècnica de remediació de sòls lleugera com la fitoextracció. La fitoextracció es basa en l’ús de plantes bioacumuladores que absorbeixen metalls del sòl. Aquesta tècnica permet una descontaminació del sòl no agressiva i de baix cost però requereix un tractament de llarga durada


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This thesis studies quantile residuals and uses different methodologies to develop test statistics that are applicable in evaluating linear and nonlinear time series models based on continuous distributions. Models based on mixtures of distributions are of special interest because it turns out that for those models traditional residuals, often referred to as Pearson's residuals, are not appropriate. As such models have become more and more popular in practice, especially with financial time series data there is a need for reliable diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate them. The aim of the thesis is to show how such diagnostic tools can be obtained and used in model evaluation. The quantile residuals considered here are defined in such a way that, when the model is correctly specified and its parameters are consistently estimated, they are approximately independent with standard normal distribution. All the tests derived in the thesis are pure significance type tests and are theoretically sound in that they properly take the uncertainty caused by parameter estimation into account. -- In Chapter 2 a general framework based on the likelihood function and smooth functions of univariate quantile residuals is derived that can be used to obtain misspecification tests for various purposes. Three easy-to-use tests aimed at detecting non-normality, autocorrelation, and conditional heteroscedasticity in quantile residuals are formulated. It also turns out that these tests can be interpreted as Lagrange Multiplier or score tests so that they are asymptotically optimal against local alternatives. Chapter 3 extends the concept of quantile residuals to multivariate models. The framework of Chapter 2 is generalized and tests aimed at detecting non-normality, serial correlation, and conditional heteroscedasticity in multivariate quantile residuals are derived based on it. Score test interpretations are obtained for the serial correlation and conditional heteroscedasticity tests and in a rather restricted special case for the normality test. In Chapter 4 the tests are constructed using the empirical distribution function of quantile residuals. So-called Khmaladze s martingale transformation is applied in order to eliminate the uncertainty caused by parameter estimation. Various test statistics are considered so that critical bounds for histogram type plots as well as Quantile-Quantile and Probability-Probability type plots of quantile residuals are obtained. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 contain simulations and empirical examples which illustrate the finite sample size and power properties of the derived tests and also how the tests and related graphical tools based on residuals are applied in practice.


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As Voyages... são estudos completos, abrangendo todos os aspectos das regiões percorridas; servem de subsídio ao estudo das condições de vida no Brasil no século passado. "Fonte primordial de informações sobre os prédios coloniais do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Goiás. Poucas obras no gênero atingem o valor de Saint-Hilarire. São clássicas e indispensáveis para o estudo do sul do Brasil, antes da Independência" segundo Borba de Moraes


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The gasteropods sampling from roots system of floating plants Pistia striatiotes, Salvinia molesta, Salvinia nymphellula, Eichhornia crassipes, show that those biotopes are not azoic. We collected 18 species of gasteropods. The mapping of the species collected has been realized and permitted to identify three regions and three groups of gasteropods: 1 The gasteropods collected between 5° and 7° South; 2 The gasteropods collected between 8° and 10° North; 3 The widespread gasteropods. The species distribution according to latitude shows that 90% of species are found between 5° and 6° South, 65% between 6° and 7° South, 20% between 7° and 8°, 20% between 8° and 9° and 15% between 9° and 10° North.


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In the U.S., coal fired power plants produce over 136 million tons of coal combustion residuals (CCRs) annually. CCRs are enriched in toxic elements, and their leachates can have significant impacts on water quality. Here we report the boron and strontium isotopic ratios of leaching experiments on CCRs from a variety of coal sources (Appalachian, Illinois, and Powder River Basins). CCR leachates had a mostly negative δ(11)B, ranging from -17.6 to +6.3‰, and (87)Sr/(86)Sr ranging from 0.70975 to 0.71251. Additionally, we utilized these isotopic ratios for tracing CCR contaminants in different environments: (1) the 2008 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) coal ash spill affected waters; (2) CCR effluents from power plants in Tennessee and North Carolina; (3) lakes and rivers affected by CCR effluents in North Carolina; and (4) porewater extracted from sediments in lakes affected by CCRs. The boron isotopes measured in these environments had a distinctive negative δ(11)B signature relative to background waters. In contrast (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios in CCRs were not always exclusively different from background, limiting their use as a CCR tracer. This investigation demonstrates the validity of the combined geochemical and isotopic approach as a unique and practical identification method for delineating and evaluating the environmental impact of CCRs.


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Given a relation α (a binary sociogram) and an a priori equivalence relation π, both on the same set of individuals, it is interesting to look for the largest equivalence πo that is contained in and is regular with respect to α. The equivalence relation πo is called the regular interior of π with respect to α. The computation of πo involves the left and right residuals, a concept that generalized group inverses to the algebra of relations. A polynomial-time procedure is presented (Theorem 11) and illustrated with examples. In particular, the regular interior gives meet in the lattice of regular equivalences: the regular meet of regular equivalences is the regular interior of their intersection. Finally, the concept of relative regular equivalence is defined and compared with regular equivalence.


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In animal contests selection should favour information gathering regarding the likely costs and benefits of continued conflict, and displays may provide a means for contestants to gain information about the fighting ability or aggressive intent of competitors. However, there is debate over the reliability of such displays and low levels of deception may occur within otherwise honest signalling systems. Hermit crabs use displays involving the chelipeds during agonistic encounters. We examined how variation in chelae size in relation to body size, a determinant of fighting ability, affects their use in displays and the process and outcome of contests over gastropod shells. In accordance with deceptive use of an otherwise honest signal, we found that contestants with large chelipeds for their body size spent more time performing the cheliped presentation display. Moreover, cheliped residuals and displays influenced the escalation level of encounters. There was a positive association between cheliped displays and the occurrence of 'grappling', but a negative association between displays and the occurrence of shell fights, suggesting that displays may signal aggressive intent and a reluctance to back off or accept the more passive defender role in a fight. Furthermore, the smaller of the two contestants in shell fights had larger cheliped residuals compared to those smaller contestants not involved in shell fights, which is consistent with disrupted opponent assessment. This study adds to mounting evidence that when acting as a signaller, individuals for whom the display exaggerates competitive ability attempt to manipulate opponents, using the display more often. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Short rotation willow coppice (SRWC) treatment of biosolids is limited by the oversupply of biosolid derived phosphorus; this can lead to eventual losses of phosphorus to water. Water treatment residuals (WTR), a by-product of potable water treatment, have been identified as a viable soil amendment for mitigation of phosphorus loss. WTR exploit the capacity of internally held aluminium oxide-hydroxide complexes to immobilise labile phosphorus. However indiscriminate additions to plots can result in inadequate control or excessive immobilization of soluble P, leading to crop deficiencies. Four commercially grown common willow (Salix) genotypes (Terra Nova, Endeavour, Resolution and Tora) were grown in soil amended with WTR at five different application rates (0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 tonne ha-1 air-dry basis) in a glasshouse pot experiment. The effects of application rates on plant yields, tissue P concentrations, P uptake and soil labile P availability were measured. Results indicate labile P was reduced with increasing WTR application rates, without any negative agronomic impacts.


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The Niger Coal Society (Societé Nigérienne de Charbon – SONICHAR) produces electricity for local consumption in Tefereyre, 75 km north-west from Agadez, Niger. The coal combustion residuals production is about 150,000 tons per year. In order to reduce this environmental burden and to valorize these by-products, a study focusing on their physical and chemical features as well as on the mechanical resistance of compressed brick has been undertaken. Physical characterization of coal slag, chemical and lixiviation tests have been carried out, assessing the material main parameters, verifying the presence of hazardous composites and elements and comparing the obtained results with the findings of an in-deep literary review. Cement powder has been chosen as stabilizing agent as a preliminary option. Four different dosages have been tested and bricks have been produced with a hand-operated press. Compressive strength has been tested at different days of curing. Results show remarkable uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) for all the mixes after cure, ranging from 4MPa up to more than 20MPa for the highest stabilization ratio. UCS higher than 5MPa have been observed for 20% and 30% cement stabilization ratios after only 7 days of cure, reaching respectively about 11MPa and 13MPa after 45 days. In conclusion obtained bricks show good mechanical resistance and low weight. No health threat has been detected from the obtained sample. Study developments are oriented towards the feasibility of the utilization of low-cost, locally available stabilization means, notably clay and cohesive soils, and on thermal properties assessment.