963 resultados para Agro-industrial residue


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Ocho variedades de caña de azúcar (sacoharum ssp), fueron estudiadas en la estación experimental de caña de azúcar del complejo azucarero agro-industrial victoria de julio planteado en enero de 1987, tomando como diseño experimental el de bloque completo al azar, con cuatro repeticiones evaluando los durante la primera cosecha, por los caracteres, crecimiento, desarrollo, rendimiento agrícola, rendimiento industriales y rendimiento agro-industrial. Los resultados demostraron que existió diferencia significativa entre las variedades salvo en cuanto al contenido de sacarosa en caña, en donde las variedades se comportaron de igual forma. Las variedades L .72-3 y CP.63-588 se obtuvieron un rendimiento de 151.07 y 146.60 ton. /ha. Respectivamente, obteniendo el último lugar, asimismo dicha variedades obtuvieron los más bajo rendimiento con 17.76 y 17.13 ton. De azúcar por HA, donde el resto de las variedades evaluadas se comportaron con similar rendimiento agrícola a agro-industrial. Ubicándose en el primer lugar.


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Una de las mayores brechas que tienen los empresarios colombianos es la falta de información sobre las opciones de exportación hacia otros países, especialmente con Estados Unidos siendo uno de los principales socios comerciales que tiene Colombia. Por esta razón el presente trabajo de investigación se propuso identificar y analizar las oportunidades de exportaciones de productos agrícolas y agro-industriales potenciales desde Colombia hacia Estados Unidos en el periodo de 2003 hasta 2012. Después de contextualizar el entorno de los dos países así como el del sector agrícola de cada uno de ellos; se procedió a la selección de diez sub-partidas arancelarias a través de las bases de datos de TRADE MAP y UN COMTRADE. Con base en los resultados observados, se eligieron los dos productos agrícolas o agro-industriales potenciales para la exportación hacia Estados Unidos; adicionalmente se exploró el Tratado de Libre Comercio con dicho país para reconocer las ventajas, beneficios y oportunidades que este acuerdo generó en los productos seleccionados. Por lo tanto se concluye que Estados Unidos influye significativamente en las relaciones tanto comerciales como financieras a nivel mundial. En el caso de Colombia ha alcanzado resultados positivos en la balanza comercial, niveles óptimos de inversión y crecimiento de la economía comercial. Finalmente se puede afirmar que el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre los dos países promueve el ingreso preferencial de manera permanente, genera mayor estabilidad, competitividad en el largo plazo y acceso a mercados al agilizar los procesos normativos de los productos agrícolas y agro-industriales.


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This project was a practical assessment of the giant reed Arundo donax in comparison with the common reed, Phragmites autralis, in gravel substrate-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands designed to treat agro-industrial effluent. Results indicated, the planted CWs were more effective at removing nutrients than the unplanted conrol CWs with A.donax produce larger amounts of biomass than P. australis planted CWs.


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Este estudo propõe-se a realizar uma análise de cara ter exploratório do comportamento da indústria de máquinas agrícolas no Brasil, setor esse que se constitui em parcela significativa da indústria de bens de capital como um todo e que, também, devido às suas características. peculiares (como, por exemplo, aquelas relativas ao seu mercado consumidor), vem merecendo um notável destaque dentro do chamado complexo agro-industrial. Além disso, este setor apresenta-se como um dos componentes vitais do processo de modernização agrícola, cujo desenvolvimento mais intenso vem ocorrendo desde a década de 60 com a crescente penetração do capital no campo.


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Agricultural and agro-industrial residues are often considered both an environmental and an economical problem. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed, assuming residues as biorefinery feedstocks. In this work cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) seeds, which are lipid-rich (ca. 30%) and have a significant lignocellulosic fraction, were used as an example of a residue without any current valorization. Firstly, the lipid fraction was obtained by solvent extraction. Extraction yield varied from 13% to 28%, according to the extraction method and time, and solvent purity. This oil was converted into biodiesel (by base-catalyzed transesterification), yielding 76 g FAME/100 g oil. The obtained biodiesel is likely to be incorporated in the commercial chain, according to the EN14214 standard. The remaining lignocellulosic fraction was subjected to two alternative fractionation processes for the selective recovery of hemicellulose, aiming different products. Empirical mathematical models were developed for both processes, aiming future scale-up. Autohydrolysis rendered essentially oligosaccharides (10 gL-1) with properties indicating potential food/feed/pharmacological applications. The remaining solid was enzymatically saccharified, reaching a saccharification yield of 83%. The hydrolyzate obtained by dilute acid hydrolysis contained mostly monosaccharides, mainly xylose (26 gL-1), glucose (10 gL-1) and arabinose (3 gL-1), and had low content of microbial growth inhibitors. This hydrolyzate has proven to be appropriate to be used as culture media for exopolisaccharide production, using bacteria or microbial consortia. The maximum conversion of monosaccharides into xanthan gum was 0.87 g/g and kefiran maximum productivity was 0.07 g.(Lh)-1. This work shows the technical feasibility of using cherimoya seeds, and materials as such, as potential feedstocks, opening new perspectives for upgrading them in the biorefinery framework.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Solid substrate cultivation (SSC) has become an efficient alternative towards rational use of agro industrial wastes and production of value-added products, mainly in developing countries. This work presents the production and functional application results of phenolic extracts obtained by solid substrate cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) residues associated to soy flour and bioprocessed by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Two experimental groups were tested: (1) 9g of fruit residue and 1g of soy flour (A9 or G9); (2) 5g of fruit residue and 5g of soy flour (A5 or G5). After SSC, 100ml of distilled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flask containing 10g of bioprocessed material in order to obtain the phenolic extracts. Samples were taken every two days for total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity evaluation by DPPH test during 12-day cultivation. The 2-day and 10-d ay extracts were selected and concentrated by ebullition until 1/10 of original volume was reached. After that, both non-concentrated and concentrated extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica and a-amylase inhibitory capacity. It was observed an inverse relationship between total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity during the cultivation. Besides that, the concentrated pineapple samples after two days were able to inhibit both pathogens tested, especially S. aureus. Guava concentrated extracts after 2 days showed expressive inhibition against S. enterica, but negative results against S. aureus growth. When it comes to a-amylase inhibition, A9 extracts after 2 days, both concentrated or not, completely inhibited enzyme activity. Similar behavior was observed for G9 samples, but only for concentrated samples. It was shown that concentration by ebullition positively affected the enzymatic inhibition of G9 and A9 samples, but on the other side, decreased antiamylase activity of A5 and G5 samples


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This work studies the development, implementation and improvement of a macroscopic model to describe the behavior of the spouted bed dryer with continuous feeding for pastes and suspensions drying. This model is based on the CST model (Freire et al., 2009) and the model of Fernandes (2005), whose theoretical foundation is based on macroscopic mass and heat balances for the three phases involved in the process: gas, liquid and solid. Because this technique is quite relevant, the studies of modeling and simulation of spouted bed drying are essential in the analysis of the process as a whole, because through them it is possible to predict and understand the behavior of the process, which contributes significantly to more efficient project and operation. The development and understanding of the phenomena involved in the drying process can be obtained by comparing the experimental data with those from computer simulations. Such knowledge is critical for choosing properly the process conditions in order to obtain a good drying efficiency. Over the past few years, researches and development of works in the field of pastes and suspensions drying in spouted bed has been gaining ground in Brazil. The Particulate Systems Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, has been developing several researches and generating a huge collection of experimental data concerning the drying of fruit pulps, vegetables pastes, goat milk and suspensions of agro-industrial residues. From this collection, some data of goat milk and residue from acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) drying were collected. For the first time, these data were used for the development and validation of a model that can describe the behavior of spouted bed dryer. Thus, it was possible to model the dryer and to evaluate the influence of process variables (paste feeding, temperature and flow rate of the drying air) in the drying dynamics. We also performed water evaporation experiments in order to understand and to study the behavior of the dryer wall temperature and the evaporation rate. All these analysis will contribute to future works involving the implementation of control strategies in the pastes and suspensions drying. The results obtained in transient analysis were compared with experimental data indicating that this model well represents the process


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O impacto dos resíduos orgânicos agroindustriais no ambiente pode ser reduzido com o seu uso agrícola. do ponto de vista da fertilidade do solo, o que se deseja com a aplicação dos resíduos é aumentar o teor de matéria orgânica e fornecer nutrientes para as plantas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do lodo biológico de indústria de gelatina em atributos químicos de dois Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos (PVA-arenoso e PVA-textura média) e de um Latossolo Vermelho (LV-argiloso). O experimento foi conduzido por 120 dias em laboratório, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial combinando os três solos e seis doses de lodo (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 m³ ha-1), com três repetições. A aplicação de até 500 m³ ha-1 de lodo diminui a acidez do solo e aumenta a CTC efetiva e a disponibilidade de N, Ca, Mg e P, sem ultrapassar o limite de tolerância para Na. O aumento do teor de bases, maior do que o da CTC efetiva, indica que a maior parte dos cátions adicionados pelo lodo permanece em solução e pode ser perdida por lixiviação.


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Strong diurnal cycles in ambient aerosol mass were observed in a rural region of Southeast Brazil where the trace composition of the lower troposphere is governed mainly by emissions from agro-industry. An optical particle counter was used to record size-segregated aerosol number concentrations between 13 May 2010 and 15 March 2011. The data were collected every 10 min and used to calculate aerosol mass concentrations. Aerosol samples were also collected onto filters during daytime (10:00-16:00 local time) and nighttime (20:00-06:00) periods, for subsequent analysis of soluble ions and water-soluble organic carbon. Biomass burning aerosols predominated during the dry winter, while secondary aerosols were most important in the summer rainy season. In both seasons, diurnal cycles in calculated aerosol mass concentrations were due to the uptake of water by the aerosols and, to a lesser extent, to emissions and secondary aerosol formation. In neither season could the observed mass changes be explained by changes in the depth of the boundary layer. In the summer, nighttime increases in aerosol mass ranged from 2.7-fold to 81-fold, depending on particle size, while in the winter, the range was narrower, from 2.2-fold to 9.5-fold, supporting the possibility that the presence of particles derived from biomass burning reduced the overall ability of the aerosols to absorb water. Key Points Diurnal cycle of agro-industrial aerosol mass governed by humidity Biomass burning emissions act to suppress particle growth Need to consider diurnal mass cycles in aerosol dry deposition models ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.


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Amylases from Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus were obtained using agro-industrial wastes as substrates in submerged batch cultures. The enzymatic complex was partially characterised for use in the production of glucose syrup. Type II wheat flour proved better than cassava bagasse as sole carbon source for amylase production. The optimum fermentation condition for both microorganisms was 96 hours at 30°C and the amylase thus produced was used for starch hydrolysis. The product of the enzymatic hydrolysis indicated that the enzyme obtained was glucoamylase, only glucose as final product was attained for both microorganisms. R. oligosporus was of greater interest than R. oryzae for amylase production, taking into account enzyme activity, cultivation time, thermal stability and pH range. Glucose syrup was produced using concentrated enzyme and 100 g L-1 starch in a 4 hours reaction at 50°C. The bioprocess studied can contribute to fungus glucoamylase production and application. © 2013 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA