77 resultados para Aflatoxins


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Fungal and mycotoxin contamination was investigated in field samples of nuts, shells and pods of the Brazil nut collected during different periods in Itacoatiara, State of Amazonas, Brazil: day 0, samples still on the tree: days 5, 10 and 15, samples in contact with soil for 5, 10 and 15 days, respectively. The most prevalent fungi were Aspergillus flavus in fruit pods and nuts and Fusarium spp. in shells. Penicillium spp. and A. flavus were isolated from soil, and Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. from air. Aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid were not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The high frequency of isolation of aflatoxigenic A. flavus strains from soil and Brazil nuts increases the chance of aflatoxin production in these substrates. These findings suggest a possible contamination before drying and indicate soil as the main source of fungal contamination of Brazil nuts. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the ability of weevils to transmit Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides fungal spores and the consequent production of mycotoxins. For this purpose, corn grain samples were stored in flasks connected to a hose to form a closed system (flasks A and B). Flasks A were inoculated with the following groups: group 1 (corn + weevil); group 2 (corn + A. flavus); group 3 (corn + A. flavus + weevil); group 4 (corn + F. verticillioides); group 5 (corn + E verticillioides + weevil), and group 6 (corn + A. flavus + E verticillioides + weevil). Flasks B contained sterile grains. The samples were incubated for 10, 20 and 30 days, posteriorly, weight, water activity, mycoflora, aflatoxins and fumonisins. The corn grain samples were also submitted to scanning electron microscopy. Our results showed that weevils could enhance corn grains contamination by these fungi, hence, could increase mycotoxins production. These findings demonstrate the importance of weevils as fungal vectors and the need for good manipulation and storage practices of grains. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aflatoxins can cause great economic losses and serious risks to humans and animals health. The largest aflatoxin producers belong to Aspergillus section Flavi and can occur naturally in food commodities. Studies showed that molecular tools as well as the type of sclerotia produced by the strains could be helpful for identification of Aspergillus species and could be correlated with levels of toxin production. The purpose of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity using AFLP technique, the type of sclerotia and the ability of aflatoxin production by isolated strains from corn of different origins in Brazil, and to verify whether qPCR based on aflR and aflP genes is appropriate for estimating the level of aflatoxin production. All the 75 strains were classified as A. flavus and the AFLP technique showed a wide intraspecific variability within them. Regarding sclerotia production, 34% were classified as S and 66% as L type. Among the aflatoxin-producers, 52.8% produced aflatoxin B-1, while 47.2% aflatoxins B-1 and B-2. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between sclerotia production and aflatoxigenicty, and no correlation between the phylogenetic clusters and aflatoxin production. Concerning the relative expression of aflR and aflP, Pearson's correlation test demonstrated low positive correlation between the expression of the aflR and aflP genes and the production of AFB(1) and AFB(2), but showed high positive correlation between aflR and aflP expression. In contrast to the other reference strains, A. oryzae ATCC 7282 showed no amplification of aflR and aflP. The results highlight the need for detection of reliable and reproducible markers with a high positive correlation with aflatoxin production.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of fungi and mycotoxins (aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid) in Brazil nut samples collected in different states of the Brazilian Amazon region: Acre, Amazonas, Amapa, and Para. A total of 200 husk samples and 200 almond samples were inoculated onto Aspergillus flavus-parasiticus agar for the detection of fungi. Mycotoxins were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The mycobiota comprised the following fungi, in decreasing order of frequency: almonds - Phialemonium spp. (54%), Penicillium spp. (16%), Fusarium spp. (13%), Phaeoacremonium spp. (11%), and Aspergillus spp. (4%), husks - Phialemonium spp. (62%), Phaeoacremonium spp. (11%), Penicillium spp. (10%), Fusarium spp. (9%), and Aspergillus spp. A polyphasic approach was used for identification of Aspergillus species. Aflatoxins were detected in 22 (11%) of the 200 almond samples, with 21 samples presenting aflatoxin B-1 levels above 8 mu g/kg, the limit established by the European Commission for Brazil nuts for further processing. Nineteen (9.5%) of the 200 husk samples contained aflatoxins, but at levels lower than those seen in almonds. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) was detected in 44 (22%) almond samples, with levels ranging from 98.65 to 1612 mu g/kg. Aspergillus nomius and A. flavus were the most frequent Aspergillus species. The presence of fungi does not necessarily imply mycotoxin contamination, but almonds of the Brazil nut seem to be a good substrate for fungal growth. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus flavus is the second most common cause of aspergillosis infection in immunocompromised patients and is responsible for the production of aflatoxins. Little is known about the population structure of A. flavus, although recent molecular and phenotypic data seem to demonstrate that different genetic lineages exist within this species. The aim of this study was to carry out a morphological, physiological, and molecular analysis of a set of clinical and environmental isolates to determine whether this variability is due to species divergence or intraspecific diversity, and to assess whether the clinical isolates form a separate group. The amdS and omtA genes were more phylogenetically informative than the other tested genes and their combined analysis inferred three main clades, with no clear distinction between clinical and environmental isolates. No important morphological and physiological differences were found between the members of the different clades, with the exception of the assimilation of D-glucosamine, which differentiates the members of the clade II from the others. (C) 2012 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brazil nuts are an important export market in its main producing countries, including Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. Approximately 30,000 tons of Brazil nuts are harvested each year. However, substantial nut contamination by Aspergillus section Flavi occurs with subsequent production of aflatoxins. In our study, Aspergillus section Flavi were isolated from Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), and identified by morphological and molecular means. We obtained 241 isolates from nut samples, 41% positive for aflatoxin production. Eighty-one isolates were selected for molecular investigation. Pairwise genetic distances among isolates and phylogenetic relationships were assessed. The following Aspergillus species were identified: A. flavus, A. caelatus, A. nomius, A. tamarii, A. bombycis, and A. arachidicola. Additionally, molecular profiles indicated a high level of nucleotide variation within beta-tubulin and calmodulin gene sequences associated with high genetic divergence from RAPD data. Among the 81 isolates analyzed by molecular means, three of them were phylogenetically distinct from all other isolates representing the six species of section Flavi. A putative novel species was identified based on molecular profiles.


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Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) is an important commodity from the Brazilian Amazon, and approximately 37,000 tons (3.36 × 10⁷ kg) of Brazil nuts are harvested each year. However, substantial nut contamination by Aspergillus section Flavi occurs, with subsequent production of mycotoxins. In this context, the objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the presence of fungi and mycotoxins (aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid) in 110 stored samples of cultivated Brazil nut (55 samples of nuts and 55 samples of shells) collected monthly for 11 months in Itacoatiara, State of Amazonas, Brazil. The samples were inoculated in duplicate onto Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus agar and potato dextrose agar for the detection of fungi, and the presence of mycotoxins was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The most prevalent fungi in nuts and shells were Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Penicillium spp. A polyphasic approach was used for identification of Aspergillus species. Aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid were not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The low water activity of the substrate was a determinant factor for the presence of fungi and the absence of aflatoxin in Brazil nut samples. The high frequency of isolation of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus section Flavi strains, mainly A. flavus, and their persistence during storage increase the chances of aflatoxin production on these substrates and indicates the need for good management practices to prevent mycotoxin contamination in Brazil nuts.


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Aspergillus flavus, a haploid organism found worldwide in a variety of crops, including maize, cottonseed, almond, pistachio, and peanut, causes substantial and recurrent worldwide economic liabilities. This filamentous fungus produces aflatoxins (AFLs) B1 and B2, which are among the most carcinogenic compounds from nature, acutely hepatotoxic and immunosuppressive. Recent efforts to reduce AFL contamination in crops have focused on the use of nonaflatoxigenic A. flavus strains as biological control agents. Such agents are applied to soil to competitively exclude native AFL strains from crops and thereby reduce AFL contamination. Because the possibility of genetic recombination in A. flavus could influence the stability of biocontrol strains with the production of novel AFL phenotypes, this article assesses the diversity of vegetative compatibility reactions in isolates of A. flavus to identify heterokaryon self-incompatible (HSI) strains among nonaflatoxigenic isolates, which would be used as biological controls of AFL contamination in crops. Nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants were recovered from 25 A. flavus isolates, and based on vegetative complementation between nit mutants and on the microscopic examination of the number of hyphal fusions, five nonaflatoxigenic (6, 7, 9 to 11) and two nontoxigenic (8 and 12) isolates of A. flavus were phenotypically characterized as HSI. Because the number of hyphal fusions is reduced in HSI strains, impairing both heterokaryon formation and the genetic exchanges with aflatoxigenic strains, the HSI isolates characterized here, especially isolates 8 and 12, are potential agents for reducing AFL contamination in crops


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Mycotoxins are contaminants of agricultural products both in the field and during storage and can enter the food chain through contaminated cereals and foods (milk, meat, and eggs) obtained from animals fed mycotoxin contaminated feeds. Mycotoxins are genotoxic carcinogens that cause health and economic problems. Ochratoxin A and fumonisin B1 have been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1993, as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (class 2B). To control mycotoxins induced damages, different strategies have been developed to reduce the growth of mycotoxigenic fungi as well as to decontaminate and/or detoxify mycotoxin contaminated foods and animal feeds. Critical points, target for these strategies, are: prevention of mycotoxin contamination, detoxification of mycotoxins already present in food and feed, inhibition of mycotoxin absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, reduce mycotoxin induced damages when absorption occurs. Decontamination processes, as indicate by FAO, needs the following requisites to reduce toxic and economic impact of mycotoxins: it must destroy, inactivate, or remove mycotoxins; it must not produce or leave toxic and/or carcinogenic/mutagenic residues in the final products or in food products obtained from animals fed decontaminated feed; it must be capable of destroying fungal spores and mycelium in order to avoiding mycotoxin formation under favorable conditions; it should not adversely affect desirable physical and sensory properties of the feedstuff; it has to be technically and economically feasible. One important approach to the prevention of mycotoxicosis in livestock is the addition in the diets of the non-nutritionally adsorbents that bind mycotoxins preventing the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Activated carbons, hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS), zeolites, bentonites, and certain clays, are the most studied adsorbent and they possess a high affinity for mycotoxins. In recent years, there has been increasing interest on the hypothesis that the absorption in consumed food can be inhibited by microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous investigators showed that some dairy strains of LAB and bifidobacteria were able to bind aflatoxins effectively. There is a strong need for prevention of the mycotoxin-induced damages once the toxin is ingested. Nutritional approaches, such as supplementation of nutrients, food components, or additives with protective effects against mycotoxin toxicity are assuming increasing interest. Since mycotoxins have been known to produce damages by increasing oxidative stress, the protective properties of antioxidant substances have been extensively investigated. Purpose of the present study was to investigate in vitro and in vivo, strategies to counteract mycotoxin threat particularly in swine husbandry. The Ussing chambers technique was applied in the present study that for the first time to investigate in vitro the permeability of OTA and FB1 through rat intestinal mucosa. Results showed that OTA and FB1 were not absorbed from rat small intestine mucosa. Since in vivo absorption of both mycotoxins normally occurs, it is evident that in these experimental conditions Ussing diffusion chambers were not able to assess the intestinal permeability of OTA and FB1. A large number of LAB strains isolated from feces and different gastrointestinal tract regions of pigs and poultry were screened for their ability to remove OTA, FB1, and DON from bacterial medium. Results of this in vitro study showed low efficacy of isolated LAB strains to reduce OTA, FB1, and DON from bacterial medium. An in vivo trial in rats was performed to evaluate the effects of in-feed supplementation of a LAB strain, Pediococcus pentosaceus FBB61, to counteract the toxic effects induced by exposure to OTA contaminated diets. The study allows to conclude that feed supplementation with P. pentosaceus FBB61 ameliorates the oxidative status in liver, and lowers OTA induced oxidative damage in liver and kidney if diet was contaminated by OTA. This P. pentosaceus FBB61 feature joined to its bactericidal activity against Gram positive bacteria and its ability to modulate gut microflora balance in pigs, encourage additional in vivo experiments in order to better understand the potential role of P. pentosaceus FBB61 as probiotic for farm animals and humans. In the present study, in vivo trial on weaned piglets fed FB1 allow to conclude that feeding of 7.32 ppm of FB1 for 6 weeks did not impair growth performance. Deoxynivalenol contamination of feeds was evaluated in an in vivo trial on weaned piglets. The comparison between growth parameters of piglets fed DON contaminated diet and contaminated diet supplemented with the commercial product did not reach the significance level but piglet growth performances were numerically improved when the commercial product was added to DON contaminated diet. Further studies are needed to improve knowledge on mycotoxins intestinal absorption, mechanism for their detoxification in feeds and foods, and nutritional strategies to reduce mycotoxins induced damages in animals and humans. The multifactorial approach acting on each of the various steps could be a promising strategy to counteract mycotoxins damages.


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Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is a worldwide cereal disease responsible of significant yield reduction, inferior grain quality, and mycotoxin accumulation. Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum are the prevalent causal agents. FHB has been endemic in Italy since 1995, while there are no records about its presence in Syria. Forty-eight and forty-six wheat kernel samples were collected from different localities and analyzed for fungal presence and mycotoxin contamination. Fusarium strains were identified morphologically but the molecular confirmation was performed only for some species. Further differentiation of the chemotypes for trichothecene synthesis by F. graminearum and F. culmorum strains was conducted by PCR assays. Fusarium spp. were present in 62.5% of Syrian samples. 3Acetyl-Deoxynivalenol and nivalenol chemotypes were found in F. culmorum whilst all F. graminearum strains belonged to NIV chemotype. Italian samples were infected with Fusarium spp for 67.4%. 15Ac-DON was the prevalent chemotype in F. graminearum, while 3Ac-DON chemotype was detected in F. culmorum. The 60 Syrian Fusarium strains tested for mycotoxin production by HPLC-MS/MS have shown the prevalence of zearalenone while the emerging mycotoxins were almost absent. The analysis of the different Syrian and Italian samples of wheat kernels for their mycotoxin content showed that Syrian kernels were mainly contaminated with storage mycotoxins, aflatoxins and ochratoxin whilst Italian grains with mainly Fusarium mycotoxins. The aggressiveness of several Syrian F. culmorum isolates was estimated using three different assays: floret inoculation in growth chamber, ear inoculation in the field and a validated new Petri-dish test. The study of the behaviour of different Syrian wheat cultivars, grown under different conditions, has revealed that Jory is a FHB Syrian tolerant cultivar. This is the first study in Syria on Fusarium spp. associated to FHB, Fusarium mycotoxin producers and grain quality.


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La presenza di micotossine nelle materie prime desta grande preoccupazione a causa delle importanti implicazioni nella sicurezza di alimenti e mangimi. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di mettere a punto e validare una metodica analitica rapida e semplice, in cromatografia liquida ad ultra prestazione accoppiata a spettrometria di massa-tandem (UPLC-MS/MS), per la determinazione simultanea di differenti micotossine: aflatossine (B1, B2, G1, G2), ocratossina A, fumonisine (B1, B2), deossinivalenolo e zearalenone in matrici biologiche. Il metodo sviluppato per l’analisi di campioni di mangime secco per cani ha mostrato prestazioni adeguate ed è stato applicato a 49 campioni reperibili in commercio, al fine di valutare la sua efficacia e di ottenere alcuni dati preliminari sulla contaminazione da micotossine in alimenti per cani disponibili sul mercato italiano. Lo studio ha evidenziato una percentuale alta di campioni positivi, contenenti principalmente fumonisine, deossinivalenolo e ocratossina A; tutti i tenori si sono dimostrati inferiori al limite di legge previsto (Racc. CE 576/2006). Una seconda metodica è stata messa a punto e validata per l’identificazione e la quantificazione micotossine in campioni di formaggio; per questa matrice è stata inserita anche l’aflatossina M1, specifica dei prodotti lattiero - caseari. Le differenti proprietà chimico-fisiche degli analiti e la complessità della matrice hanno implicato alcune difficoltà nello sviluppo della metodica. Tuttavia, il metodo validato si è mostrato rapido, semplice ed affidabile ed è stato applicato a diversi tipi di formaggi per verificarne la versatilità. I risultati preliminari hanno mostrato l’assenza di contaminazione da parte delle micotossine in oggetto. Entrambi i metodi si sono dimostrati utili per il monitoraggio di contaminanti in matrici complesse ad oggi ancora poco studiate.


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A study to assess possible exposure to carcinogenic metabolites (aflatoxins) from a mold Aspergillus flavus has been made in a rice producing area of Brazoria County, Texas. One hundred samples of unmilled rice were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) for the amount of aflatoxin produced by the mold during rice growth and storage. Two well water samples and two rice elevator dust samples were also checked for possible aflatoxin content. The mortality rates from gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancers in the rice-growing part of the county were compared with mortality rates in the nonrice-producing areas of the same county.^ This study was an outgrowth of an earlier investigation by Cech and co-workers in Brazoria County which focused on environmental differences, specifically on the quality of drinking water in the former residences of decedents from primary liver cancer. It also compared subjects who died from other causes. The author of this dissertation participated in this phase of the overall investigation by performing some of the chemical analyses and by preparing synographic maps of water quality, and thus, part of those results from the early phase is also included in this manuscript.^ No aflatoxin was detected by TLC methods. However, when extracts of rice dust were checked for mutagenesis by the Ames Salmonella-microsome assay as a supplement to the TLC analysis, the result suggested that these dusts might have contained mutagenic material. The age-adjusted mortality rates in the rice-growing area were higher than those in the comparison area for both male and female gastrointestinal tract cancer and for male urinary tract cancer, but the differences were not statistically significant. ^


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Sterigmatocystin (ST) and the aflatoxins (AFs), related fungal secondary metabolites, are among the most toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic natural products known. The ST biosynthetic pathway in Aspergillus nidulans is estimated to involve at least 15 enzymatic activities, while certain Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus nomius strains contain additional activities that convert ST to AF. We have characterized a 60-kb region in the A. nidulans genome and find it contains many, if not all, of the genes needed for ST biosynthesis. This region includes verA, a structural gene previously shown to be required for ST biosynthesis, and 24 additional closely spaced transcripts ranging in size from 0.6 to 7.2 kb that are coordinately induced only under ST-producing conditions. Each end of this gene cluster is demarcated by transcripts that are expressed under both ST-inducing and non-ST-inducing conditions. Deduced polypeptide sequences of regions within this cluster had a high percentage of identity with enzymes that have activities predicted for ST/AF biosynthesis, including a polyketide synthase, a fatty acid synthase (alpha and beta subunits), five monooxygenases, four dehydrogenases, an esterase, an 0-methyltransferase, a reductase, an oxidase, and a zinc cluster DNA binding protein. A revised system for naming the genes of the ST pathway is presented.


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As aflatoxinas são metabólitos secundários produzidos por fungos toxigênicos das espécies Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus e A. nomius. São amplamente encontradas em matérias-primas de rações animais, em especial o milho, e têm a capacidade de levar a quadros clínicos agudos ou crônicos de aflatoxicose, caracterizados por, desde a morte por hepatite aguda até a diminuição do desempenho zootécnico por diminuição de peso ou consumo de ração. A aflatoxina B1 tem sido considerada o metabólito mais perigoso, uma vez que possui alto poder hepatotóxico, além de ser mutagênica e carcinogênica. Atualmente a ciência trabalha rumo à descoberta de substâncias que sejam indicadoras confiáveis de contaminação por componentes tóxicos em homens e em animais, os chamados biomarcadores, que medem uma mudança celular, biológica ou molecular em um meio biológico (tecidos humanos, células ou fluídos) que fornecem informação a respeito de uma doença ou exposição a uma determinada substância. Sua detecção pode auxiliar na identificação, no diagnóstico e no tratamento de indivíduos afetados que podem estar sob risco, mas ainda não exibem os sintomas. Sendo assim, com o auxílio de análises que confirmem a patogenicidade da aflatoxina B1 (determinação da atividade de enzimas hepáticas, da avaliação da função renal, de hematologia, da dosagem de minerais séricos e da avaliação de desempenho zootécnico), o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicabilidade da determinação de resíduos hepáticos de aflatoxinas e do aduto sérico AFB1-lisina na avaliação da eficiência de adsorventes em frangos de corte. Utilizou-se 240 pintos de 1 dia, machos, de linhagem Cobb 500®, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 dietas experimentais: Controle Negativo: Ração Basal (RB); RB + 0,5% de adsorvente ((aluminosilicato de cálcio e sódio hidratado/HSCAS); RB + 0,5% de adsorvente + 500 µg de AFB1/kg de ração e; RB + 500 µg de AFB1/kg de ração.Os resultados experimentais mostram que o efeito deletério da AFB1, na concentração utilizada, é mais pronunciado que os efeitos protetores do HSCAS sobre os parâmetros de saúde dos animais. Não houve ação efetiva do adsorvente utilizado sobre quase nenhuma variável estudada, apenas para a redução das lesões histopatológicas em fígado, na redução da concentração de gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), fósforo e aumento da contagem de hemáceas aos 21 dias de idade. Porém, influenciou positivamente a redução de resíduos hepáticos de aflatoxina G1 aos 21 dias e as concentrações de AFB1-lisina sérica aos 21 e aos 42 dias de idade. Estes dados são importantes porque permite concluir que, embora sintomatologicamente o HSCAS não tenha exercido função efetiva, molecularmente foi capaz de mostrar de eficácia sobre os alguns biomarcadores de aflatoxinas no organismo das aves