982 resultados para Adynamic bone disease
RESUMO: A presente dissertação para tese de doutoramento apresenta o desenvolvimento e a validação de um método simples e original para o diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares em doentes em diálise, utilizando um score semiquantitativo criado por nós e obtido em RX simples da bacia e das mãos, denominado score de calcifi cação vascular simples. Demonstramos que este score vascular simples é preditor de risco cardiovascular nos doentes em diálise. O score de calcificação vascular simples associou-se ainda à baixa densidade mineral óssea avaliada por dual energy X -ray absortiometry (DXA) no colo do fémur. Verifi camos igualmente que, em doentes em diálise, as calcifi cações coronárias quantifi cadas pelo score de Agatston e o score de calcifi cação vascular simples se associaram a um menor volume ósseo avaliado em biopsias ósseas. Estes trabalhos corroboram a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular nos doentes em diálise, e um dos elementos que contribuem para este elo de ligação podem ser as calcificações vasculares. Este score de calcificação vascular simples avalia calcifi cações em artérias de grande, médio e pequeno calibre, e inclui os dois padrões radiológicos de calcificação: calcificação linear, associada à calcifi cação da camada média da parede arterial, e calcificação irregular, associada à calcifi cação da camada íntima arterial1. Nos diferentes trabalhos por nós publicados demonstramos que as calcificações vasculares avaliadas por este método simples e barato permitem a identificação de indivíduos com elevado risco cardiovascular. Este score vascular associa -se a maior risco de mortalidade cardiovascular2, de mortalidade de causa global3, de internamentos cardiovasculares2, de doença ardiovascular2, de doença arterial periférica2,4,de calcifi cações valvulares5 e de rigidez arterial3. As guidelines KDIGO (Kidney disease: improving global outcomes), publicadas em 2009,sugerem que os doentes renais crónicos nos estadios 3 a 5, com calcificações vasculares e valvulares, devem ser considerados como apresentando o mais elevado risco cardiovascular6. A elevada mortalidade dos doentes renais crónicos não é totalmente explicada pelos fatores de risco tradicionais7. A organização KDIGO defende, desde 2006, a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular8. Esta ligação pode ser explicada pelas alterações do metabolismo mineral e ósseo e pela sua interação com as calcificações vasculares. Verificamos, nos nossos trabalhos, uma associação entre calcifi cações vasculares e doença óssea. O baixo volume ósseo diagnosticado por análise histomorfométrica de biopsias ósseas foi preditor de maior risco de calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcifi cação vascular simples (dados apresentados nesta dissertação, no capítulo 6) e pelo score coronário de Agatston num grupo de doentes em diálise9. A contribuição original deste artigo9 foi considerada merecedora de um editorial feito pelo Dr. Gérard London10, investigador líder na área da calcificação vascular dos doentes renais crónicos e actual Presidente da EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association). Fomos também os primeiros a descrever uma associação independente e inversa entre a densidade mineral avaliada no colo do fémur por DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) com calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcificação vascular simples, com rigidez arterial avaliada por velocidade de onda de pulsocarotidofemoral e com doença arterial periférica diagnosticada por critérios clínicos11. Fomos igualmente os primeiros a mostrar uma correlação signifi cativa entre a densidade mineral óssea avaliada por DXA no colo do fémur, mas não na coluna lombar, com a espessura cortical avaliada por análise histomorfométrica em biopsia óssea12. O nosso estudo atribui pela primeira vez à DXA um papel no diagnóstico de porosidade cortical nos doentes em diálise. A utilidade da avaliação diferencial da densidade mineral óssea cortical e trabecular necessita ainda de ser confirmada em estudos prospectivos. Este achado inovador do nosso estudo foi mencionado pela ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) no comentário feito à posição da KDIGO que considera ser reduzida a utilidade da densidade mineral óssea nos doentes em diálise13. Dois dos trabalhos incluídos nesta dissertação foram referenciados nas guidelines KDIGO 2009 para avaliar a prevalência das calcificações vasculares (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 10, Fig. 3.6) e para validar a associação entre calcificações vasculares e mortalidade cardiovascular (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 12, Fig. 3.7)6. A inclusão destes nossos dois estudos nas referências destas guidelines, que utilizaram o exigente sistema GRADE (Grades of recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation) na classificação e selecção dos estudos, valida o interesse científico dos nossos trabalhos. O diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares tem um interesse prático para os doentes renais crónicos. A presença de calcifi cações vasculares é um sinal de alerta para a existência de um elevado risco cardiovascular, e esta informação pode ser utilizada para modificar a terapêutica nestes doentes6. Diferentes métodos podem ser usados para diagnosticar calcificações vasculares nos doentes em diálise14,15. O score de calcificação vascular simples tem a vantagem da simplicidade e de poder ser facilmente interpretado pelo nefrologista, sem necessidade de um radiologista. A reprodutibilidade deste score já foi demonstrada por diferentes grupos em estudos nacionais e internacionais16-24. Nestes estudos foi demonstrado que as calcifi cações vasculares avaliadas pelo método criado por nós são preditoras de maior risco de eventos cardiovasculares16, de amputações dos membros inferiores17, de velocidade de onda de pulso18,19, de calcificações corneanas e conjuntivais20 e de calcifi cações coronárias21. Também foi demonstrada uma associação inversa entre o score de calcificação vascular simples com os níveis séricos de PTH21, com os níveis de 25(OH)vitamina D 22,23 e com os níveis de fetuína A19,24. Todos estes estudos, realizados por diferentes grupos, que utilizaram o score de calcificação vascular simples na sua metodologia, comprovam a facilidade de utilização deste score e a concordância de resultados atestam a sua reprodutibilidade e a utilidade na avaliação dos doentes renais crónicos. ---------------------------ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the development and validation of a simple and original method to identify vascular calcifications in dialysis patients, using a semi -quantitative score that we have created and that is obtained in plain X -ray of pelvis and hands. This score was named in different publications as “simple vascular calcifi cation score”. We have demonstrated that this score is a predictor of higher cardiovascular risk in dialysis patients. The simple vascular calcification score was also associated with lower mineral bone density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck. In hemodialysis patients coronary calcifications evaluated by the coronary Agatston score and by the simple vascular calcification score were associated with lower bone volume analysed in bone biopsies. These studies corroborate the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease in dialysis patients and one of the elements of this link may be vascular calcifications. This simple vascular calcification score identifi es calcifications in large, medium and small calibre arteries and includes the two radiological patterns of arterial calcifi cation: linear calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the media layer of the arterial wall and irregular and patchy calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the intima layer of the arterial wall1. In the several studies that we have published we have demonstrated that vascular calcifications evaluated by this simple and inexpensive method allow the identification of patients with high cardiovascular risk. This simple vascular calcification score is an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality2, all -cause mortality3, cardiovascular hospitalizations2, cardiovascular disease2, peripheral artery disease2,4, valvular calcifi cations5 and arterial stiffness3.KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines published in 2009 suggest that chronic kidney disease patients in stages 3 to 5, with vascular and valvular calcifications should be considered to be at the highest cardiovascular risk6. The high mortality of chronic kidney disease patients is not completely explained by the traditional risk factors7 and KDIGO group supports, since 2006, the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease8.This link may be explained by the alterations of the bone and mineral metabolism and their interaction with development and progression of vascular calcifications. We have also verifi ed in our studies the existence of an association between vascular calcifications and bone disease. Low bone volume diagnosed by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies, in a group of dialysis patients, was independently associated with the simple vascular calcification score (data presented in this thesis,chapter 6) and with coronary calcifications evaluated by the Agatston score9. The original contribution of this article published in CJASN9 deserved a commentary in an Editorial written by Prof. Gérard London10 leader investigator in this area and current EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association) President. We were also the fi rst group to describe an independent and inverse association between bone mineral density evaluated in the femoral neck by DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) with vascular calcifications evaluated by the simple vascular calcification score, with arterial stiffness evaluated by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and with peripheral artery disease diagnosed by clinical criteria11. We were also the first group to demonstrate a significant correlation between bone mineral density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck but not in lumbar spine, with cortical thickness evaluated by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsy12. Our study has attributed to DXA, for the first time, a role in the diagnosis of cortical porosity in dialysis patients. The clinical utility of the differential evaluation of bone mineral density in cortical or trabecular bone needs, however, to be confi rmed in prospective studies. This original fi nding of our study was mentioned by ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) commenting the KDIGO position in relation with the reduced utility of bone mineral density evaluation in dialysis patients13. Two of the studies included in this thesis have been integrated in a group of studies selected as references by the KDIGO guidelines published in 2009 to evaluate the prevalence of vascular calcifications in CKD patients (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 10, Fig. 3.6) and to corroborate the association between vascular calcifications and cardiovascular mortality (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 12, Fig. 3.7)6. The inclusion of both studies as references in the KDIGO guidelines that have used the exigent GRADE system (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) in the classifi cation and selection of studies, validates the scientifi c value of our studies. The diagnosis of vascular calcifi cations has a practical interest for chronic kidney disease patients. The presence of vascular calcifications is an alert sign to the existence of a high cardiovascular risk and this information may be used to modify the treatment of these patients6. Different methods may be used to detect the presence of vascular calcifications in dialysis patients14,15. The simple vascular calcifi cation score has the advantage of being simple, inexpensive and easily evaluated by the Nephrologist without the need for a Radiologist interpretation. The reproducibility of this method has already been demonstrated by other groups in national and international studies16 -24. It was demonstrated in those studies that vascular calcifi cations evaluated by the method created by us, predict higher risk of cardiovascular events16, higher risk of lower limbs amputations17, higher pulse wave velocity18,19, corneal and conjuntival calcifi cations 20 and coronary calcifi cations21. A negative association between the simple vascular calcification score and PTH levels21, 25(OH) vitamin D levels22,23 and Fetuin A levels19,24 has also been demonstrated. All these studies performed by different groups that have used the simple vascular calcifi cation score in their methods demonstrate that this score is simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients.
The predominant clinical and radiological features of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) in children are due to osseous involvement. Extra-osseous disease is far less common, occurring in association with bone disease or in isolation; nearly all anatomical sites may be affected and in very various combinations. The following article is based on a multicentre review of 31 children with extra-osseous LCH. The objective is to summarise the diverse possibilities of organ involvement. The radiological manifestations using different imaging modalities are rarely pathognomonic on their own. Nevertheless, familiarity with the imaging findings, especially in children with systemic disease, may be essential for early diagnosis.
Introduction: Osteoporosis presenting as low-impact fractures to traumatology units is often undiagnosed and under-treated. Results from the Osteocare study in Lausanne (a nurse based intervention, passive pathway) showed that only 19% of patients received management for osteoporosis, and in the literature [1], the rate is between 10-25%. We have evaluated a different management concept, based on the systematic assessment of patients with osteoporotic fractures during and after hospitalization (active pathway). Methods: Inpatients admitted to the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine for a fragility fracture were identified by a nurse according to a predefined questionnaire and were then clinically evaluated by a doctor. Based on the results, a management plan was proposed to the patients. Patients could choose between follow up either by their GP or by the Centre of Bone Disease of the CHUV. For patients who chose follow-up in our Centre, we assessed their adherence to medical follow-up 1 year inclusion. The results of patients who had been evaluated in our cohort between the 1 November 2008 and the 1 December 2009 were analysed. Results: 573 inpatients received specific management of their osteoporotic fracture over 18 months. The mean age was 77 y (31-99), 81% were women (203 hip fractures, 40 pelvis fractures, 101 arm fractures, 57 vertebral fractures, 63 ankle fractures, and 25 others sites). During the study period, 303 patients received a proposition of a specific treatment. 39 (13%) chose a follow up with the GP, 19 (6%) dead and 245 (81%) preferred a follow up in our Centre. After 1 year, 166 (67%) patients are under follow up in our outpatient clinic. Conclusion: With an active clinical pathway that starts during the hospitalization, consisting on a nursing evaluation followed by a medical consultation by an expert in osteoporosis, the adherence increased from 19% to 67% in terms of follow up. These results lead us to propose a consultation with a doctor experienced in osteoporosis after all osteoporotic fractures.
The diagnosis of tick-borne diseases such as babesiosis still depends on observing the parasite in the infected erythrocyte. Microscopic observation is tedious and often problematic in both early and carrier infections. Better diagnostic methods are needed to prevent clinical disease, especially when susceptible cattle are being moved into disease enzootic areas. This study evaluates two techniques for early diagnosis of Babesia bovis infections in cattle, DNA probes specific for the organism and fluorescent probes specific nucleic acid. The radioisotopically labeled DNA probes are used in slot blot hybridizations whith lysed blood samples, not purified DNA. Thusfar, the probe is specific for B. bovis and can detect as few as 1000 B. bovis parasites in 10µl of blood. The specificity of the fluorescent probe depends on the characteristic morphology of the babesia in whole blood samples, as determined microscopically. The fluorescent probe detects as afew as 10,000 B. bovis parasites in 10*l as blood. The application of each method for alboratory and field use is discussed.
Estrogens and progesterones are major drivers of breast development but also promote carcinogenesis in this organ. Yet, their respective roles and the mechanisms underlying their action in the human breast are unclear. Receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) has been identified as a pivotal paracrine mediator of progesterone function in mouse mammary gland development and mammary carcinogenesis. Whether the factor has the same role in humans is of clinical interest because an inhibitor for RANKL, denosumab, is already used for the treatment of bone disease and might benefit breast cancer patients. We show that progesterone receptor (PR) signaling failed to induce RANKL in PR(+) breast cancer cell lines and in dissociated, cultured breast epithelial cells. In clinical specimens from healthy donors and intact breast tissue microstructures, hormone response was maintained and RANKL expression was under progesterone control, which increased RNA stability. RANKL was sufficient to trigger cell proliferation and was required for progesterone-induced proliferation. The findings were validated in vivo where RANKL protein expression in the breast epithelium correlated with serum progesterone levels and the protein was expressed in a subset of luminal cells that express PR. Thus, important hormonal control mechanisms are conserved across species, making RANKL a potential target in breast cancer treatment and prevention.
Patients with intestinal failure who receive HPN are at high risk of developing MBD. The origin of this bone alteration is multifactorial and depends greatly on the underlying disease for which the nutritional support is required. Data on the prevalence of this disease in our environment is lacking, so NADYA-SEMPE group has sponsored this transversal study with the aim of knowing the actual MBD prevalence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective data from 51 patients from 13 hospitals were collected. The questionnaire included demographic data as well as the most clinically relevant for MBD data. Laboratory data (calciuria, PTH, 25 -OH -vitamin D) and the results from the first and last bone densitometry were also registered. RESULTS: Bone mineral density had only been assessed by densitometry in 21 patients at the moment HPN was started. Bone quality is already altered before HPN in a significant percentage of cases (52%). After a mean follow up of 6 years, this percentage increases up to 81%. Due to retrospective nature of the study and the low number of subjects included it has not been possible to determine the role that HPN plays in MBD etiology. Only 35% of patients have vitamin D levels above the recommended limits and the majority of them is not on specific supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: HPN is associated with very high risk of MBD, therefore, management protocols that can lead to early detection of the problem as well as guiding for follow up and treatment of these patients are needed.
We report on a series of 514 consecutive diagnoses of skeletal dysplasia made over an 8-year period at a tertiary hospital in Kerala, India. The most common diagnostic groups were dysostosis multiplex group (n = 73) followed by FGFR3 (n = 49) and osteogenesis imperfecta and decreased bone density group (n = 41). Molecular confirmation was obtained in 109 cases. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was obtained in close diagnostic collaboration with expert groups abroad through Internet communication for difficult cases. This has allowed for targeted biochemical and molecular studies leading to the correct identification of rare or novel conditions, which has not only helped affected families by allowing for improved genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis but also resulted in several scientific contributions. We conclude that (1) the spectrum of genetic bone disease in Kerala, India, is similar to that of other parts of the world, but recessive entities may be more frequent because of widespread consanguinity; (2) prenatal detection of skeletal dysplasias remains relatively rare because of limited access to expert prenatal ultrasound facilities; (3) because of the low accessibility to molecular tests, precise clinical-radiographic phenotyping remains the mainstay of diagnosis and counseling and of gatekeeping to efficient laboratory testing; (4) good phenotyping allows, a significant contribution to the recognition and characterization of novel entities. We suggest that the tight collaboration between a local reference center with dedicated personnel and expert diagnostic networks may be a proficient model to bring current diagnostics to developing countries. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease that is characterized by a generalized reduction of the bone mass. It is the main cause of fractures in elderly women. Bone densitometry is used in the lumbar spine and hip in order to detect osteoporosis in its early stages. Different studies have observed a correlation between the bone mineral density of the jaw (BMD) and that of the lumbar spine and/or hip. On the other hand, there are studies that evaluate the findings in the orthopantomograms and perapical X-rays, correlating them with the early diagnosis of osteoporosis and highlighting the role of the dentist in the early diagnosis of this disease. Materials and methods: A search was carried out in the Medline-Pubmed database in order to identify those articles that deal with the association between the X-ray findings observed in the orthopantomograms and the diagnosis of the osteoporosis, as well as those that deal with the bone mineral density of the jaw. Results: There were 406 articles, and with the limits established, this number was reduced to 21. Almost all of the articles indicate that when examining oral X-rays, it is possible to detect signs indicative of osteoporosis. Discussion: The radiomorphometric indices use measurements in orthopantomograms and evaluate possible loss of bone mineral density. They can be analyzed alone or along with the visual indices. In the periapical X-rays, the photodensimetric analyses and the trabecular pattern appear to be the most useful. There are seven studies that analyze the densitometry of the jaw, but only three do so independently of the photodensitometric analysis. Conclusions: The combination of mandibular indices, along with surveys on the risk of fracture, can be useful as indicators of early diagnosis of osteoporosis. Visual and morphometric indices appear to be especially important in the orthopantomograms. Photodensitometry indices and the trabecular pattern are used in periapical X-rays. Studies on mandibular dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry are inconclusive
Renal osteodystrophy is an amalgam of a number of distinct pathological conditions, in particular, hyperparathyroidism and osteomalacia. In addition, there may be a change in the guantity of bone, i.e., osteopenia (osteoporosis) or osteosclerosis. While bone biopsy may be the most reliable method for detecting these lesions, it is not yet a routine procedure in many centers. Radiological assessment of the bones, therefore, is the most widely used method for assessing the type and severity of the bone lesions in patients with chronic renal failure. This article reviews the world literature and pays attention to conventional radiological techniques as well as macroradiography. In addition, studies in which radiological appearances are correlated with histological appearances are described. Mention is also made of the effects on radiological bone disease of dialysis and transplantation. Consideration is also given to the manifestations of soft-tissue calcification, both of the vascular and subcutaneous type, and to the effects of treatment.
BACKGROUND: To determine the clinical presentation, current treatment and outcome of children with nonbacterial inflammatory bone disease. METHODS: Retrospective multicenter study of patients entered into the Swiss Pediatric Rheumatology Working Group registry with a diagnosis of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome. The charts were reviewed for informations about disease presentation, treatment, course and outcome. RESULTS: Forty-one children (31 girls and 10 boys) from 6 pediatric hospitals in Switzerland diagnosed between 1995 and 2010 were included in the study. The diagnosis was multifocal CNO (n = 33), unifocal CNO (n = 4) and SAPHO syndrome (n = 4). Mean age at onset of CNO was 9.5 years (range 1.4-15.6) and mean follow-up time was 52 months (range 6-156 months). Most patients (n = 27) had a chronic persistent disease course (>6 months), 8 patients had a course with one or more relapses and 6 patients had only one episode of CNO. Forty nine percent had received at least one course of antibiotics. In 57% treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) was sufficient to control the disease. Twelve out of 16 children with NSAID failure subsequently received corticosteroids, methotrexate, TNF α inhibitors, bisphosphonates or a combination of these drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter cohort of 41 children 22% started with unifocal lesion with a significant diagnostic delay. A higher proportion presented with chronic persistent disease than with a recurrent form. An osteomyelitis in the pelvic region is significantly associated with other features of juvenile spondylarthritis.
Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a rare genetic bone disease with genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, sometimes translating into delayed diagnosis and treatment. In particular, cases of intermediate severity often constitute a diagnostic challenge and represent good candidates for exome sequencing. Here, we describe the tortuous path to identification of the molecular defect in two siblings, in which osteopetrosis diagnosed in early childhood followed a milder course, allowing them to reach the adult age in relatively good conditions with no specific therapy. No clearly pathogenic mutation was identified either with standard amplification and resequencing protocols or with exome sequencing analysis. While evaluating the possible impact of a 3'UTR variant on the TCIRG1 expression, we found a novel single nucleotide change buried in the middle of intron 15 of the TCIRG1 gene, about 150 nucleotides away from the closest canonical splice site. By sequencing a number of independent cDNA clones covering exons 14 to 17, we demonstrated that this mutation reduced splicing efficiency but did not completely abrogate the production of the normal transcript. Prompted by this finding, we sequenced the same genomic region in 33 patients from our unresolved ARO cohort and found three additional novel single nucleotide changes in a similar location and with a predicted disruptive effect on splicing, further confirmed in one of them at the transcript level. Overall, we identified an intronic region in TCIRG1 that seems to be particularly prone to splicing mutations, allowing the production of a small amount of protein sufficient to reduce the severity of the phenotype usually associated with TCIRG1 defects. On this basis, we would recommend including TCIRG1 not only in the molecular work-up of severe infantile osteopetrosis but also in intermediate cases and carefully evaluating the possible effects of intronic changes. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma usually present with signs of liver disease, but bone metastasis at the initial presentation is a rare condition. We report a case of bone metastasis at the initial presentation in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. A 39 years old man complained of abdominal pain, fever, and weight loss. Computed tomography revealed osteolytic lesions in the body of the lumbar vertebra. Histological examination of the liver showed to be hepatocellular carcinoma. The authors believe that hepatocellular carcinoma should be included in the protocols in patients with clinical manifestations of bone disease.
Hyperparathyroidism is a desease caused by increase of parathormone secretion, leading to a misfunction of calcium metabolism. Although not very common among population in general, it is frequently observed in patients with cronic renal disease. It can involve a slight syntomatic form, but as a whole, its main repercurssions occur in skeletic muscles, urinary and intestinal systems. The authors conduct a broad revision of the literature, focusing on the methods of diagnosis and spot checking before and during the operations of parathyroid glands. Surgical recommendations, tatic aspects and types of surgery to be implemented are discussed. A systematization for adequate surgical technics performed at the General Surgery Service of Clementino Fraga Filho Hospital of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is fully discribed and recommended.
Bone marrow fibrosis occurs in association with a number of pathological states. Despite the extensive fibrosis that sometimes characterizes renal osteodystrophy, little is known about the factors that contribute to marrow accumulation of fibrous tissue. Because circulating cytokines are elevated in uremia, possibly in response to elevated parathyroid hormone levels, we have examined bone biopsies from 21 patients with end-stage renal disease and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Bone sections were stained with antibodies to human interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha), IL-6, IL-11, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) using an undecalcified plastic embedding method. Intense staining for IL-1alpha, IL-6, TNF-alpha and TGF-ß was evident within the fibrotic tissue of the bone marrow while minimal IL-11 was detected. The extent of cytokine deposition corresponded to the severity of fibrosis, suggesting their possible involvement in the local regulation of the fibrotic response. Because immunoreactive TGF-ß and IL-6 were also detected in osteoblasts and osteocytes, we conclude that selective cytokine accumulation may have a role in modulating bone and marrow cell function in parathyroid-mediated uremic bone disease.
Les patients atteints de la fibrose kystique (FK) ont désormais un âge médian de survie dépassant la cinquantaine. Par contre, avec ce vieillissement surviennent de nouvelles complications dont l'une des plus prévalente est la maladie osseuse associée à la FK. Les souris dont le Cftr est invalidé génétiquement présentent une densité osseuse amoindrie qui découle d’un débalancement du remodelage osseux caractérisé par une diminution de la formation et une augmentation de la résorption osseuse. L'observation que plusieurs modèles murins FK ont un phénotype ostéopénique et ce, même en absence de certains facteurs étiologiques (inflammation chronique, prise de glucocorticoïdes, insuffisance pancréatique etc.) laisse croire que le Cftr, le gène muté dans la FK, joue un rôle non-négligeable dans le métabolisme osseux. Le présent projet étudiera l’impact de l’absence du CFTR, sur les ostéoblastes (Ob) et ostéoclastes (Oc) dans un modèle murin de FK, soit les souris Cftr-/- de souche BALB/c. De plus, les Ob, sont reconnus comme ayant un effet modulateur sur le microenvironnement leucocytaire de la moelle osseuse (MO). Ce projet visera également à investiguer l’impact de l’absence du CFTR sur la niche leucocytaire de la MO. Nos résultats de densitométrie osseuse et de microtomographie à rayons X ont confirmé que les souris Cftr -/- ont une densité osseuse et un contenu minéral osseux abaissé, une diminution du volume osseux trabéculaire, un nombre amoindri de travées osseuses et une plus grande séparation entre les travées comparé aux souris Cftr+/+. Afin de mieux comprendre ce phénotype osseux, nous avons vérifié et confirmé que l’expression génique et protéique du CFTR est présente chez des Ob dérivés de la MO, mais est absent au niveau des Oc dérivés de la MO. Ces observations corroborent nos résultats portant sur la différenciation des cellules osseuses où nous avons démontré que seule la différenciation et fonction ostéoblastique sont affectées par l'absence du CFTR. Ce défaut ostéoblastique semble influencer négativement la leucopoïèse puisque nous observons une quantité moindre de cellules T, de macrophages et de cellules dendritiques chez les souris Cftr -/- vs. Cftr +/+. À la lumière de ces résultats, l'absence du CFTR semble avoir un impact important sur les ostéoblastes et la moelle osseuse.