714 resultados para Admissions


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Résumé Introduction: Les infections urinaires (IU) sont les infections bactériennes les plus fréquentes chez les patients hospitalisés. Cette étude décrit les tendances temporelles d'admission et de mortalité liées aux hospitalisations pour les IU, ainsi que le fardeau économique associé. Les prédicteurs de mauvaise évolution clinique et de mortalité sont examinés par la suite. Méthodes: Les données ont été extraites à partir de la base de données du NIS entre le 1er janvier 1998 et le 31 décembre 2010. 1,717,181 hospitalisations liées aux IU ont été retenues. L'incidence et la mortalité ont été calculées et stratifiées selon le sexe, l'âge et la présence de sepsis. Les frais médians et totaux pour les hospitalisations sont calculés et ajustés pour l'inflation. Finalement, les prédicteurs d'avoir un sepsis induit par les IU et de mortalité sont examinés avec une analyse par régression logistique multivariée. Résultats: L'incidence globale d'hospitalisation et la mortalité associées aux IU voit une croissance annuel estimé (EAPC) de +4.764 et +4.610 respectivement (p<0.0001). L'augmentation d'incidence est le plus marquée pour les patients âgés de 55 à 64 ans (EAPC = +7.805; p<0.0001). Les frais médians par hospitalisation ont augmenté de $10 313 en 1998 à $21 049 en 2010 (EAPC +9.405; p<0.0001). Les frais globaux pour les hospitalisations des IU ont augmenté de $8.9 milliard en 1998 à $33.7 milliard en 2010 (EAPC +0.251; p<0.0001). Les patients âgés, de sexe masculin, de race afro-américaine, ainsi que les patients assurés par Medicaid ou ceux sans assurance, et les patients soignés à des centres non-académiques sont à risque plus important de mortalité (p<0.0001). Conclusion: L'incidence et la mortalité associées aux IU ont augmenté au cours de la dernière décennie. Les frais médians ajustés pour l'inflation ainsi que les frais globaux ont augmenté progressivement au cours de la période d'étude. Dans la cohorte étudiée, les patients âgés, de sexe masculin, de race afro-américaine, ainsi que les patients assurés par Medicaid ou ceux sans assurance, et les patients soignés à des centres non-académiques sont à risque plus important de mortalité. Ces données représentent des indicateurs de qualité de soins qui pourraient permettre d'adapter certaines politiques de soins de santé aux besoins des sous-populations plus vulnérables.


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Aim: Previous systematic reviews have found that drug-related morbidity accounts for 4.3% of preventable hospital admissions. None, however, has identified the drugs most commonly responsible for preventable hospital admissions. The aims of this study were to estimate the percentage of preventable drug-related hospital admissions, the most common drug causes of preventable hospital admissions and the most common underlying causes of preventable drug-related admissions. Methods: Bibliographic databases and reference lists from eligible articles and study authors were the sources for data. Seventeen prospective observational studies reporting the proportion of preventable drug-related hospital admissions, causative drugs and/or the underlying causes of hospital admissions were selected. Included studies used multiple reviewers and/or explicit criteria to assess causality and preventability of hospital admissions. Two investigators abstracted data from all included studies using a purpose-made data extraction form. Results: From 13 papers the median percentage of preventable drug-related admissions to hospital was 3.7% (range 1.4-15.4). From nine papers the majority (51%) of preventable drug-related admissions involved either antiplatelets (16%), diuretics (16%), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (11%) or anticoagulants (8%). From five studies the median proportion of preventable drug-related admissions associated with prescribing problems was 30.6% (range 11.1-41.8), with adherence problems 33.3% (range 20.9-41.7) and with monitoring problems 22.2% (range 0-31.3). Conclusions: Four groups of drugs account for more than 50% of the drug groups associated with preventable drug-related hospital admissions. Concentrating interventions on these drug groups could reduce appreciably the number of preventable drug-related admissions to hospital from primary care.


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Objective: To explore the causes of preventable drug-related admissions (PDRAs) to hospital. Design: Qualitative case studies using semi-structured interviews and medical record review; data analysed using a framework derived from Reason's model of organisational accidents and cascade analysis. Participants: 62 participants, including 18 patients, 8 informal carers, 17 general practitioners, 12 community pharmacists, 3 practice nurses and 4 other members of healthcare staff, involved in events leading up to the patients' hospital admissions. Setting: Nottingham, UK. Results: PDRAs are associated with problems at multiple stages in the medication use process, including prescribing, dispensing, administration, monitoring and help seeking. The main causes of these problems are communication failures ( between patients and healthcare professionals and different groups of healthcare professionals) and knowledge gaps ( about drugs and patients' medical and medication histories). The causes of PDRAs are similar irrespective of whether the hospital admission is associated with a prescribing, monitoring or patient adherence problem. Conclusions: The causes of PDRAs are multifaceted and complex. Technical solutions to PDRAs will need to take account of this complexity and are unlikely to be sufficient on their own. Interventions targeting the human causes of PDRAs are also necessary - for example, improving methods of communication.


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The business of admissions to higher education in England is a significant task for academic and support staff. This paper draws on the Evaluation of the New Social Work Degree Qualification in England (2004-2008) to describe the changes in admissions work for social work staff in higher education associated with the change from diploma to a degree level qualification for entry to the profession; to report how staff involved in admissions work are managing these changes; and to identify elements of admissions processes that are perceived to be fulfilling the new requirements of the degree and those which are identified as more problematic. The article draws on two telephone/email surveys of a national sample of social work programmes and on face-to-face in-depth interviews with a sample of teaching staff from nine social work programmes in six higher education institutions undertaken during 2005-2007. The work of admissions staff is rarely scrutinised in studies of higher education or specifically in social work programmes: this article discusses the spectrum of approaches. It recommends monitoring of the outcomes of practices in admissions work that are recasting Department of Health Requirements as the minimum.


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Background Cohort studies can provide valuable evidence of cause and effect relationships but are subject to loss of participants over time, limiting the validity of findings. Computerised record linkage offers a passive and ongoing method of obtaining health outcomes from existing routinely collected data sources. However, the quality of record linkage is reliant upon the availability and accuracy of common identifying variables. We sought to develop and validate a method for linking a cohort study to a state-wide hospital admissions dataset with limited availability of unique identifying variables.

Methods A sample of 2000 participants from a cohort study (n = 41 514) was linked to a state-wide hospitalisations dataset in Victoria, Australia using the national health insurance (Medicare) number and demographic data as identifying variables. Availability of the health insurance number was limited in both datasets; therefore linkage was undertaken both with and without use of this number and agreement tested between both algorithms. Sensitivity was calculated for a sub-sample of 101 participants with a hospital admission confirmed by medical record review.

Results Of the 2000 study participants, 85% were found to have a record in the hospitalisations dataset when the national health insurance number and sex were used as linkage variables and 92% when demographic details only were used. When agreement between the two methods was tested the disagreement fraction was 9%, mainly due to "false positive" links when demographic details only were used. A final algorithm that used multiple combinations of identifying variables resulted in a match proportion of 87%. Sensitivity of this final linkage was 95%.

Conclusions High quality record linkage of cohort data with a hospitalisations dataset that has limited identifiers can be achieved using combinations of a national health insurance number and demographic data as identifying variables.


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In recent years, influenced by the pervasive power of technology, standards and mandates, Australian hospitals have begun exploring digital forms of keeping this record. The main rationale is the ease of accessing different data sources at the same time by varied staff members. The initial step in this transition was implementation of scanned medical record systems, which converts the paper based records to digitised form, which required process flow redesign and changes to existing modes of work. For maximising the benefits of scanning implementation and to better prepare for the changes, Austin Hospital in the State of Victoria commissioned this research focused on elective admissions area. This structured case study redesigned existing processes that constituted the flow of external patient forms and recommended a set of best practices at the same time highlighting the significance of user participation in maximising the potential benefits anticipated. In the absence of published academic studies focused on Victorian hospitals, this study has become a conduit for other departments in the hospital as well as other hospitals in the incursion.


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To determine prevalence of hyponatremia in acute medical admissions in Northern Australasia.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a telephone health coaching and support service provided to members of an Australian private health insurance fund-Telephonic Complex Care Program (TCCP)-on hospital use and associated costs. A case-control pre-post study design was employed using propensity score matching. Private health insurance members (n=273) who participated in TCCP between April and December 2012 (cases) were matched (1:1) to members who had not previously been enrolled in the program or any other disease management programs offered by the insurer (n=232). Eligible members were community dwelling, aged ≥65 years, and had 2 or more hospital admissions in the 12 months prior to program enrollment. Preprogram variables that estimated the propensity score included: participant demographics, diagnoses, and hospital use in the 12 months prior to program enrollment. TCCP participants received one-to-one telephone support, personalized care plan, and referral to community-based services. Control participants continued to access usual health care services. Primary outcomes were number of hospital admission claims and total benefits paid for all health care utilizations in the 12 months following program enrollment. Secondary outcomes included change in total benefits paid, hospital benefits paid, ancillary benefits paid, and total hospital bed days over the 12 months post enrollment. Compared with matched controls, TCCP did not appear to reduce health care utilization or benefits paid in the 12 months following program enrollment. However, program characteristics and implementation may have impacted its effectiveness. In addition, challenges related to evaluating complex health interventions such as TCCP are discussed.


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Over a quarter century of hard work, retiring Dean of Admissions Parker Beverage had a hand in Colby’s steady rise.


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Hospital admissions (n = 15,450) to a state psychiatric hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, over a 10-year period (1982-1991) were reviewed. 157 (1%) patients received a probable diagnosis of affective disorder according to DSM-III-R criteria. Among them, 46% had been diagnosed by the staff psychiatrists, and their diagnoses were sustained by the researchers, whereas 54% were diagnosed only by one of the researchers (F.K.C.). These last patients had previously received a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia or unspecified psychosis (ICD-9). Most of the patients with affective disorders were bipolar: 72 and 8%, respectively, presented manic and depressive episodes. Thus, only 20% received a diagnosis of major depression. A seasonal pattern in hospital admission was observed only for mania in women, their episodes occurring more often (p < 0.02) in spring and summer. No significant seasonal pattern in hospital admission for depression was found.