153 resultados para Adenylates


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Inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) are essential enzymes for every living cell. PPases provide the necessary thermodynamic pull for many biosynthetic reactions by hydrolyzing pyrophosphate. There are two types of PPases: integral membrane-bound and soluble enzymes. The latter type is divided into two non-homologous protein families, I and II. Family I PPases are present in all kingdoms of life, whereas family II PPases are only found in prokaryotes, including archae. Family I PPases, particularly that from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are among the most extensively characterized phosphoryl transfer enzymes. In the present study, we have solved the structures of wild-type and seven active site variants of S. cerevisiae PPase bound to its natural metal cofactor, magnesium ion. These structures have facilitated derivation of the complete enzyme reaction scheme for PPase, fulfilling structures of all the reaction intermediates. The main focus in this study was on a novel subfamily of family II PPases (CBSPPase) containing a large insert formed by two CBS domains and a DRTGG domain within the catalytic domain. The CBS domain (named after cystathionine beta-synthase in which it was initially identified) usually occurs as tandem pairs with two or four copies in many proteins in all kingdoms of life. The structure formed by a pair of CBS domains is also known as a Bateman domain. CBS domains function as regulatory units, with adenylate ligands as the main effectors. The DRTGG domain (designated based on its most conserved residues) occurs less frequently and only in prokaryotes. Often, the domain co-exists with CBS domains, but its function remains unknown. The key objective of the current study was to explore the structural rearrangements in the CBS domains induced by regulatory adenylate ligands and their functional consequences. Two CBS-PPases were investigated, one from Clostridium perfringens (cpCBS-PPase) containing both CBS and DRTGG domains in its regulatory region and the other from Moorella thermoacetica (mt CBS-PPase) lacking the DRTGG domain. We additionally constructed a separate regulatory region of cpCBS-PPase (cpCBS). Both full-length enzymes and cpCBS formed homodimers. Two structures of the regulatory region of cpCBS-PPase complexed with the inhibitor, AMP, and activator, diadenosine tetraphosphate, were solved. The structures were significantly different, providing information on the structural pathway from bound adenylates to the interface between the regulatory and catalytic parts. To our knowledge, these are the first reported structures of a regulated CBS enzyme, which reveal large conformational changes upon regulator binding. The activator-bound structure was more open, consistent with the different thermostabilities of the activator- and inhibitor-bound forms of cpCBS-PPase. The results of the functional studies on wild-type and variant CBS-PPases provide support for inferences made on the basis of structural analyses. Moreover, these findings indicate that CBS-PPase activity is highly sensitive to adenine nucleotide distribution between AMP, ADP and ATP, and hence to the energy level of the cell. CBS-PPase activity is markedly inhibited at low energy levels, allowing PPi energy to be used for cell survival instead of being converted into heat.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit ging es um die Erarbeitung, Anwendung und Beurteilung von quantitativen Analysenverfahren / Methoden für ein Monitoring von durch Bt-Mais verursachbaren Umwelteffekten im Boden. Die Ausgangsthese besagte, dass sich transgene Maisstreu beim mikrobiellen Abbau anders verhält als konventionelle. Bezugnehmend auf die These wurden zwei Freilandversuche (Freilandmikrokosmenmethode nach Raubuch 1997 über 2 Jahre, Quantifizierung des Maisstreuabbaus mit Hilfe kleiner Bodensäulen über 1 Jahr) und zwei Inkubationsversuche im Labor (INK bei drei verschiedenen Temperaturen über 49 Tage und INK mit verschiedenen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden über 49 Tage mit jeweils kontinuierlicher Respirationsratenermittlung nach Isermeyer 1952) sowie Inhaltsstoffbestimmungen der Maisstreu durchgeführt. Für alle Untersuchungen wurde Streu der vier Maissorten Novelis (transgen, Monsanto 810), Nobilis (Isolinie von Novelis), Valmont (transgen, Bt 176, Fa. Syngenta) und Prelude (Isolinie von Valmont) eingesetzt. Nach Beendigung der Laborversuche sowie des Freilandversuches nach der Freilandmikrokosmenmethode wurden mikrobielle Messgrößen wie Adenylategehalt, Ergosterolgehalt, Cmik- und Nmik-Gehalt am Boden-Streu-Gemisch bestimmt. Der Einsatz der Isotopentechnik (Bestimmung von 13C/12C an gemahlenem Boden-Streu-Gemisch bzw. gefriergetrocknetem K2SO4 als Extrakt aus dem Boden-Streu-Gemisch) ermöglichte eine genaue Quantifizierung der abgebauten Maisstreu und brachte dadurch Aufschluss über das Abbauverhalten verschiedener Maissorten. Bezüglich der Ermittlung der mikrobiellen Messgrößen ergab sich für die transgene Sorte Novelis* stets eine durchschnittlich geringere pilzliche Biomasse. Langfristig ergaben sich bei der Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik keine Trends hinsichtlich transgener bzw. konventioneller Maisstreu. Sowohl im Freilandversuch nach der Mikrokosmenmethode als auch in den Inkubationsversuchen trat das Phänomen der kurzzeitigen Respirationsratenerhöhung der Mikroorganismen nach Zugabe der transgenen Maissorten auf, welches nicht bei Zugabe der konventionellen Maisstreu auszumachen war. ______________________________


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UPTAKE AND METABOLISM OF 5’-AMP IN THE ERYTHROCYTE PLAY KEY ROLES IN THE 5’-AMP INDUCED MODEL OF DEEP HYPOMETABOLISM Publication No. ________ Isadora Susan Daniels, B.A. Supervisory Professor: Cheng Chi Lee, Ph.D. Mechanisms that initiate and control the natural hypometabolic states of mammals are poorly understood. The laboratory developed a model of deep hypometabolism (DH) initiated by uptake of 5’-adenosine monophosphate (5’-AMP) into erythrocytes. Mice enter DH when given a high dose of 5’-AMP and the body cools readily. Influx of 5’-AMP appears to inhibit thermoregulatory control. In a 15°C environment, mice injected with 5’-AMP (0.5 mg/gw) enter a Phase I response in which oxygen consumption (VO2) drops rapidly to 1/3rd of euthermic levels. The Phase I response appears independent of body temperature (Tb). This is followed by gradual body temperature decline that correlates with VO2 decline, called Phase II response. Within 90 minutes, mouse Tb approaches 15°C, and VO2 is 1/10th of normal. Mice can remain several hours in this state, before gradually and safely recovering. The DH state translates to other mammalian species. Our studies show uptake and metabolism of 5’-AMP in erythrocytes causes biochemical changes that initiate DH. Increased AMP shifts the adenylate equilibrium toward ADP formation, consequently decreasing intracellular ATP. In turn, glycolysis slows, indicated by increased glucose and decreased lactate. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate levels rise, allosterically reducing oxygen affinity for hemoglobin, and deoxyhemoglobin rises. Less oxygen transport to tissues likely triggers the DH model. The major intracellular pathway for AMP catabolism is catalyzed by AMP deaminase (AMPD). Multiple AMPD isozymes are expressed in various tissues, but erythrocytes only have AMPD3. Mice lacking AMPD3 were created to study control of the DH model, specifically in erythrocytes. Telemetric measurements demonstrate lower Tb and difficulty maintaining Tb under moderate metabolic stress. A more dramatic response to lower dose of 5’-AMP suggests AMPD activity in the erythrocyte plays an important role in control of the DH model. Analysis of adenylates in erythrocyte lysate shows 3-fold higher levels of ATP and ADP but similar AMP levels to wild-type. Taken together, results indicate alterations in energy status of erythrocytes can induce a hypometabolic state. AMPD3 control of AMP catabolism is important in controlling the DH model. Genetically reducing AMP catabolism in erythrocytes causes a phenotype of lower Tb and compromised ability to maintain temperature homeostasis.


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mRNA 3′ polyadenylation is central to mRNA biogenesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and is implicated in numerous aspects of mRNA metabolism, including efficiency of mRNA export from the nucleus, message stability, and initiation of translation. However, due to the great complexity of the eukaryotic polyadenylation apparatus, the mechanisms of RNA 3 ′ end processing have remained elusive. Although the RNA processing reactions leading to polyadenylated messenger RNA have been studied in many systems, and much progress has been made, a complete understanding of the biochemistry of the poly(A) polymerase enzyme is still lacking. My research uses Vaccinia virus as a model system to gain a better understanding of this complicated polyadenylation process, which consist of RNA binding, catalysis and polymerase translocation. ^ Vaccinia virus replicates in the cytoplasm of its host cell, so it must employ its own poly(A) polymerase (PAP), a heterodimer of two virus encoded proteins, VP55 and VP39. VP55 is the catalytic subunit, adding 30 adenylates to a non-polyadenylated RNA in a rapid processive manner before abruptly changing to a slow, non-processive mode of adenylate addition and dissociating from the RNA. VP39 is the stimulatory subunit. It has no polyadenylation catalytic activity by itself, but when associated with VP55 it facilitates the semi-processive synthesis of tails several hundred adenylates in length. ^ Oligonucleotide selection and competition studies have shown that the heterodimer binds a minimal motif of (rU)2 (N)25 U, the “heterodimer binding motif”, within an oligonucleotide, and its primer selection for polyadenylation is base-type specific. ^ Crosslinking studies using photosensitive uridylate analogs show that within a VP55-VP39-primer ternary complex, VP55 comes into contact with all three required uridylates, while VP39 only contacts the downstream uridylate. Further studies, using a backbone-anchored photosensitive crosslinker show that both PAP subunits are in close proximity to the downstream −10 to −21 region of 50mer model primers containing the heterodimer binding motif. This equal crosslinking to both subunits suggests that the dimerization of VP55 and VP39 creates either a cleft or a channel between the two subunits through which this region of RNA passes. ^ Peptide mapping studies of VP39 covalently crosslinked to the oligonucleotide have identified residue R107 as the amino acid in close proximity to the −10 uridylate. This helps us project a conceptual model onto the known physical surface of this subunit. In the absence of any tertiary structural data for VP55, we have used a series of oligonucleotide selection assays, as well as crosslinking, nucleotide transfer assays, and gel shift assays to gain insight into the requirements for binding, polyadenylation and translocation. Collectively, these data allow us to put together a comprehensive model of the structure and function of the polyadenylation ternary complex consisting of VP39, VP55 and RNA. ^


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During the 'Meteor' expedition SUBTROPEX '82, sediment samples were taken at 14 stations in different water depths at 35, 29, 25, 21 and 17 °N, and measurements of bacterial biomasses and activities were carried out in these different upwelling-intensity areas. Highest densities and biomasses by AODC (2.2 x 10**8 cells, corresponding to 14.8 µg C/g sediment dry wt) were recorded at 21 °N, year-round upwelling, at 1200 and 800 m, but at 500 m biomass was still 4.3 µg C/g dry wt. Relatively high densities and biomasses (6.5 and 6.8 µg C/g dry wt) were found at 17 °N, upwelling mostly in winter and spring, at 1200 and 800 m. AODC were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than viable counts, incubation at 2 or 20 °C. For deep-water sediments, counts at 2 °C were higher than at 20 °C. Biomass and ATP concentrations were highest in the 0 to 2 cm sediment layers; they decreased with sediment depth. Bacterial biomasses were correlated with organic carbon and ATP concentrations. The fractions of Bacterial ATP were calculated to be 2 to 24% of ATP-biomass. On the basis of organic carbon, however, fractions of Bacterial Organic Carbon were only 0.02 to 0.06%. For microbial communities, the conversion factor 0.004 for BOC to BATP seems 2 orders of magnitude too high. Maximum AEC ratios of 0.53 to 0.70 were found at 21 and 17 °N; the other stations had AEC ratios of 0.21 to 0.47. Numbers of bacteria with respiratory ETS were between 0.5 and 10.5 % of AODC. An exception was the shelf station at 35 °N with 34.2% of AODC.