967 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti
This paper details methodologies that have been explored for the fast proofing of on-chip architectures for Circular Dichroism techniques. Flow-cell devices fabricated from UV transparent Quartz are used for these experiments. The complexity of flow-cell production typically results in lead times of six months from order to delivery. Only at that point can the on-chip architecture be tested empirically and any required modifications determined ready for the next six month iteration phase. By using the proposed 3D printing and PDMS moulding techniques for fast proofing on-chip architectures the optimum design can be determined within a matter of hours prior to commitment to quartz chip production.
As complex radiotherapy techniques become more readily-practiced, comprehensive 3D dosimetry is a growing necessity for advanced quality assurance. However, clinical implementation has been impeded by a wide variety of factors, including the expense of dedicated optical dosimeter readout tools, high operational costs, and the overall difficulty of use. To address these issues, a novel dry-tank optical CT scanner was designed for PRESAGE 3D dosimeter readout, relying on 3D printed components and omitting costly parts from preceding optical scanners. This work details the design, prototyping, and basic commissioning of the Duke Integrated-lens Optical Scanner (DIOS).
The convex scanning geometry was designed in ScanSim, an in-house Monte Carlo optical ray-tracing simulation. ScanSim parameters were used to build a 3D rendering of a convex ‘solid tank’ for optical-CT, which is capable of collimating a point light source into telecentric geometry without significant quantities of refractive-index matched fluid. The model was 3D printed, processed, and converted into a negative mold via rubber casting to produce a transparent polyurethane scanning tank. The DIOS was assembled with the solid tank, a 3W red LED light source, a computer-controlled rotation stage, and a 12-bit CCD camera. Initial optical phantom studies show negligible spatial inaccuracies in 2D projection images and 3D tomographic reconstructions. A PRESAGE 3D dose measurement for a 4-field box treatment plan from Eclipse shows 95% of voxels passing gamma analysis at 3%/3mm criteria. Gamma analysis between tomographic images of the same dosimeter in the DIOS and DLOS systems show 93.1% agreement at 5%/1mm criteria. From this initial study, the DIOS has demonstrated promise as an economically-viable optical-CT scanner. However, further improvements will be necessary to fully develop this system into an accurate and reliable tool for advanced QA.
Pre-clinical animal studies are used as a conventional means of translational research, as a midpoint between in-vitro cell studies and clinical implementation. However, modern small animal radiotherapy platforms are primitive in comparison with conventional linear accelerators. This work also investigates a series of 3D printed tools to expand the treatment capabilities of the X-RAD 225Cx orthovoltage irradiator, and applies them to a feasibility study of hippocampal avoidance in rodent whole-brain radiotherapy.
As an alternative material to lead, a novel 3D-printable tungsten-composite ABS plastic, GMASS, was tested to create precisely-shaped blocks. Film studies show virtually all primary radiation at 225 kVp can be attenuated by GMASS blocks of 0.5cm thickness. A state-of-the-art software, BlockGen, was used to create custom hippocampus-shaped blocks from medical image data, for any possible axial treatment field arrangement. A custom 3D printed bite block was developed to immobilize and position a supine rat for optimal hippocampal conformity. An immobilized rat CT with digitally-inserted blocks was imported into the SmART-Plan Monte-Carlo simulation software to determine the optimal beam arrangement. Protocols with 4 and 7 equally-spaced fields were considered as viable treatment options, featuring improved hippocampal conformity and whole-brain coverage when compared to prior lateral-opposed protocols. Custom rodent-morphic PRESAGE dosimeters were developed to accurately reflect these treatment scenarios, and a 3D dosimetry study was performed to confirm the SmART-Plan simulations. Measured doses indicate significant hippocampal sparing and moderate whole-brain coverage.
This dissertation investigates de role of the new additive manufacturing techniques in the treatment of pathologies with a patient-specific approach. Throughout this work the development methodology of these said products is explained in order to understand the different stages required to achieve a tailor made solution. The goal is to demonstrate the importance of the manufacturing technique and its capabilities to tailor-fit devices to patients and the adaptability of the process to tackle the most diverse situations. Three real cases are documented in order to prove the viability of the method and to showcase its advantages. Whenever possible patient-specific solutions are compared to their “off-the-shelf” counterparts in order to establish the pros and cons of each one of them. The dissertation is an insight into a possible future for the medical devices industry, where customization is expected to be the standard approach in the treatment of patients.
In the most recent years, Additive Manufacturing (AM) has drawn the attention of both academic research and industry, as it might deeply change and improve several industrial sectors. From the material point of view, AM results in a peculiar microstructure that strictly depends on the conditions of the additive process and directly affects mechanical properties. The present PhD research project aimed at investigating the process-microstructure-properties relationship of additively manufactured metal components. Two technologies belonging to the AM family were considered: Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). The experimental activity was carried out on different metals of industrial interest: a CoCrMo biomedical alloy and an AlSi7Mg0.6 alloy processed by LPBF, an AlMg4.5Mn alloy and an AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel processed by WAAM. In case of LPBF, great attention was paid to the influence that feedstock material and process parameters exert on hardness, morphological and microstructural features of the produced samples. The analyses, targeted at minimizing microstructural defects, lead to process optimization. For heat-treatable LPBF alloys, innovative post-process heat treatments, tailored on the peculiar hierarchical microstructure induced by LPBF, were developed and deeply investigated. Main mechanical properties of as-built and heat-treated alloys were assessed and they were well-correlated to the specific LPBF microstructure. Results showed that, if properly optimized, samples exhibit a good trade-off between strength and ductility yet in the as-built condition. However, tailored heat treatments succeeded in improving the overall performance of the LPBF alloys. Characterization of WAAM alloys, instead, evidenced the microstructural and mechanical anisotropy typical of AM metals. Experiments revealed also an outstanding anisotropy in the elastic modulus of the austenitic stainless-steel that, along with other mechanical properties, was explained on the basis of microstructural analyses.
I veicoli ad alte prestazioni sono soggetti ad elevati carichi per piccoli intervalli di tempo. Questo comporta diverse criticità sulle componenti che costituiscono la vettura: una di queste è la pinza freno. Al fine di renderla performante è necessario il possesso di due proprietà. In primo luogo, la pinza freno deve essere il più leggera possibile poiché essa conferisce un'inerzia nella risposta della sospensione del veicolo, procurando il distacco dello pneumatico dal suolo e causando perdita di aderenza. In secondo luogo, è necessario contenere le deformazioni della pinza freno garantendo un determinato feeling per il pilota. Il compito del progettista è ottimizzare questi due parametri che hanno effetti antitetici. Questa difficoltà porta il progettista a creare design molto complessi per raggiungere l’ottimale e non sempre le geometrie ottenute sono realizzabili con tecnologie convenzionali. Questo studio riguarda il miglioramento prestazionale di una pinza freno costruita con una lega di alluminio 7075-T6 e lavorato dal pieno. Gli obbiettivi sono quello di produrre il nuovo corpo in titanio TI6Al4V, dal momento che le temperature di esercizio portano a grandi decadute di caratteristiche meccaniche dell’alluminio, contenere il più possibile la massa a fronte dell’aumento di densità di materiale e ovviamente limitare le deformazioni. Al fine di ottenere gli obbiettivi prefissati sono utilizzati metodi agli elementi finiti in diverse fasi della progettazione: per acquisire una geometria di partenza (ottimizzazione topologica) e per la validazione delle geometrie ottenute. Le geometrie ricavate tramite l’ottimizzazione topologica devono essere ricostruite tramite software CAD affinché possano essere ingegnerizzate. Durante la modellazione è necessario valutare quale tecnologia è più vantaggiosa per produrre il componente. In questo caso studio si utilizza un processo di addizione di materiale, più specificatamente una tecnica Selective Laser Melting (SLM).
This research work concerns the application of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in new electric mobility sectors. The unmatched freedom that AM offers can potentially change the way electric motors are designed and manufactured. The thesis investigates the possibility of creating optimized electric machines that exploit AM technologies, with potential in various industrial sectors, including automotive and aerospace. In particular, we will evaluate how the design of electric motors can be improved by producing the rotor core using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and how the resulting design choices affect component performance. First, the metallurgical and soft magnetic properties of the pure iron and silicon iron alloy parts (Fe-3% wt.Si) produced by LPBF will be defined and discussed, considering the process parameters and the type of heat treatment. This research shows that using LPBF, both pure iron and iron silicon, the parts have mechanical and magnetic properties different from the laminated ones. Hence, FEM-based modeling will be employed to design the rotor core of an SYN RM machine to minimize torque ripple while maintaining structural integrity. Finally, we suggest that further research should extend the field of applicability to other electrical devices.
This dissertation contributes to the scholarly debate on temporary teams by exploring team interactions and boundaries.The fundamental challenge in temporary teams originates from temporary participation in the teams. First, as participants join the team for a short period of time, there is not enough time to build trust, share understanding, and have effective interactions. Consequently, team outputs and practices built on team interactions become vulnerable. Secondly, as team participants move on and off the teams, teams’ boundaries become blurred over time. It leads to uncertainty among team participants and leaders about who is/is not identified as a team member causing collective disagreement within the team. Focusing on the above mentioned challenges, we conducted this research in healthcare organisations since the use of temporary teams in healthcare and hospital setting is prevalent. In particular, we focused on orthopaedic teams that provide personalised treatments for patients using 3D printing technology. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using interviews, observations, questionnaires and archival data at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy. This study provides the following research outputs. The first is a conceptual study that explores temporary teams’ literature using bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review to highlight research gaps. The second paper qualitatively studies temporary relationships within the teams by collecting data using group interviews and observations. The results highlighted the role of short-term dyadic relationships as a ground to share and transfer knowledge at the team level. Moreover, hierarchical structure of the teams facilitates knowledge sharing by supporting dyadic relationships within and beyond the team meetings. The third paper investigates impact of blurred boundaries on temporary teams’ performance. Using quantitative data collected through questionnaires and archival data, we concluded that boundary blurring in terms of fluidity, overlap and dispersion differently impacts team performance at high and low levels of task complexity.
The research project aims to improve the Design for Additive Manufacturing of metal components. Firstly, the scenario of Additive Manufacturing is depicted, describing its role in Industry 4.0 and in particular focusing on Metal Additive Manufacturing technologies and the Automotive sector applications. Secondly, the state of the art in Design for Additive Manufacturing is described, contextualizing the methodologies, and classifying guidelines, rules, and approaches. The key phases of product design and process design to achieve lightweight functional designs and reliable processes are deepened together with the Computer-Aided Technologies to support the approaches implementation. Therefore, a general Design for Additive Manufacturing workflow based on product and process optimization has been systematically defined. From the analysis of the state of the art, the use of a holistic approach has been considered fundamental and thus the use of integrated product-process design platforms has been evaluated as a key element for its development. Indeed, a computer-based methodology exploiting integrated tools and numerical simulations to drive the product and process optimization has been proposed. A validation of CAD platform-based approaches has been performed, as well as potentials offered by integrated tools have been evaluated. Concerning product optimization, systematic approaches to integrate topology optimization in the design have been proposed and validated through product optimization of an automotive case study. Concerning process optimization, the use of process simulation techniques to prevent manufacturing flaws related to the high thermal gradients of metal processes is developed, providing case studies to validate results compared to experimental data, and application to process optimization of an automotive case study. Finally, an example of the product and process design through the proposed simulation-driven integrated approach is provided to prove the method's suitability for effective redesigns of Additive Manufacturing based high-performance metal products. The results are then outlined, and further developments are discussed.
Bone disorders have severe impact on body functions and quality life, and no satisfying therapies exist yet. The current models for bone disease study are scarcely predictive and the options existing for therapy fail for complex systems. To mimic and/or restore bone, 3D printing/bioprinting allows the creation of 3D structures with different materials compositions, properties, and designs. In this study, 3D printing/bioprinting has been explored for (i) 3D in vitro tumor models and (ii) regenerative medicine. Tumor models have been developed by investigating different bioinks (i.e., alginate, modified gelatin) enriched by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to increase printing fidelity and increase biomimicry level, thus mimicking the organic and inorganic phase of bone. High Saos-2 cell viability was obtained, and the promotion of spheroids clusters as occurring in vivo was observed. To develop new syntethic bone grafts, two approaches have been explored. In the first, novel magnesium-phosphate scaffolds have been investigated by extrusion-based 3D printing for spinal fusion. 3D printing process and parameters have been optimized to obtain custom-shaped structures, with competent mechanical properties. The 3D printed structures have been combined to alginate porous structures created by a novel ice-templating technique, to be loaded by antibiotic drug to address infection prevention. Promising results in terms of planktonic growth inhibition was obtained. In the second strategy, marine waste precursors have been considered for the conversion in biogenic HA by using a mild-wet conversion method with different parameters. The HA/carbonate ratio conversion efficacy was analysed for each precursor (by FTIR and SEM), and the best conditions were combined to alginate to develop a composite structure. The composite paste was successfully employed in custom-modified 3D printer for the obtainment of 3D printed stable scaffolds. In conclusion, the osteomimetic materials developed in this study for bone models and synthetic grafts are promising in bone field.
Given the rise in the emergence of new composite materials, their multifunctional properties, and possible applications in simple and complex structural components, there has been a need to unravel the characterization of these materials. The possibility of printing these conductive composite materials has opened a new area in the design of structural components which can conduct, transmit, and modulate electric signals with no limitation from complex geometry. Although several works have researched the behaviour of polymeric composites due to the immediate growth, however, the electrothermal behaviour of the material when subjected to varying AC applied voltage (Joule’s effect) has not been thoroughly researched. This study presents the characterization of the electrothermal behaviour of conductive composites of a polylactic acid matrix reinforced with conductive carbon black particles (CB-PLA). An understanding of this behaviour would contribute to the improved work in additive manufacturing of functional electro-mechanical conductive materials with potential application in energy systems, bioelectronics, etc. In this study, the electrothermal interplay is monitored under applied AC voltage, varying lengths, and filament printing orientations (longitudinal, oblique, and transverse). Each sample was printed using the fused deposition modeling technique such that each specimen has three different lengths (1L, 2L, 2.75L). To this end, deductions were made on properties that affect composite’s efficiency and life expectancy. The result of this study shows a great influence of printing orientation on material properties of 3D printed conductive composites of CB-PLA. The result also identifies the contribution of AC applied voltage to composites' stabilization time. This knowledge is important to provide experimental background for components' electrothermal interplay, estimate possible degradation and operating limits of composite structures when used in applications.
Da anni è iniziata la quarta rivoluzione industriale che ha portato all’industria 4.0 e che, a differenza delle precedenti, è trainata da diverse tecnologie, tra cui l’Additive Manufacturing (AM). Lo scopo della tesi è quello di analizzare i prodotti ottenuti tramite AM e le loro proprietà meccaniche (resistenza a trazione, durezza, vita a fatica…) per paragonarli con quelli ottenuti tramite metodi convenzionali (fonderia, lavorazione alle macchine utensili…). Il primo capitolo introduttivo presenta le principali caratteristiche del processo, tra cui: i materiali utilizzati, i parametri, i vantaggi e gli svantaggi rispetto ai tradizionali metodi produttivi e l’evoluzione della tecnologia. Il secondo capitolo tratta più in particolare degli acciai, delle leghe di alluminio e di titanio, illustrando le principali tecnologie utilizzate e l’influenza dei parametri di processo e mette, poi, in relazione la microstruttura che si crea in seguito ad AM con le proprietà meccaniche ottenibili, anche in virtù di post-trattamenti. Nel terzo capitolo sono esaminati i materiali polimerici. Vengono illustrate le principali tecnologie utilizzate e le proprietà meccaniche ottenibili in relazione alla materia prima utilizzata e ai parametri di processo. Infine, sono valutati gli effetti del rinforzo in fibra sulle proprietà meccaniche. Nel capitolo finale, si traggono le conclusioni sull’utilità dell’AM per capirne l’importante ruolo all’interno della fabbricazione. Si analizza brevemente il mercato italiano relativo alle tecnologie additive e si fa un accenno a quelli che potrebbero essere gli sviluppi nei prossimi anni.
L’Additive Manufacturing è una tecnologia che ormai da qualche anno sta diventando sempre piu’ utilizzata in numerosi ambiti, tra cui l’automotive. In questo settore sono molte le aziende che stanno sperimentando e cercando di inglobare tale processo al loro interno. Tra queste l’Università di Bologna, dove un team studentesco motociclistico si occupa della creazione di un prototipo di moto elettrica da competizione. Nell'intento di utilizzare tale tecnologia, sono numerose le informazioni necessarie per la corretta progettazione. Infatti, le caratteristiche dei materiali che vengono usati principalmente non sono ancora del tutto chiare e presentano alcuni aspetti poco investigati. Per questo motivo, in tale progetto si è deciso di caratterizzare a fatica provini realizzati in AlSi10Mg che presentassero una particolare geometria, per indagare anche l’influenza dello spessore. Sono quindi stati realizzati i campioni, anche con alcuni trattamenti di post-processo e sono poi stati osservati i risultati a fatica e alcune caratteristiche, tra cui: porosità, densità e struttura dei bagni di fusione. Tali valori riscontrati sono poi stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in altri studi, cercando di comprendere differenze e motivazioni dei fenomeni osservati.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Additive manufacturing, including fused deposition modeling (FDM), is transforming the built world and engineering education. Deep understanding of parts created through FDM technology has lagged behind its adoption in home, work, and academic environments. Properties of parts created from bulk materials through traditional manufacturing are understood well enough to accurately predict their behavior through analytical models. Unfortunately, Additive Manufacturing (AM) process parameters create anisotropy on a scale that fundamentally affects the part properties. Understanding AM process parameters (implemented by program algorithms called slicers) is necessary to predict part behavior. Investigating algorithms controlling print parameters (slicers) revealed stark differences between the generation of part layers. In this work, tensile testing experiments, including a full factorial design, determined that three key factors, width, thickness, infill density, and their interactions, significantly affect the tensile properties of 3D printed test samples.