980 resultados para Actor. Receiver. Reception. Presence. Representation


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Websites of academic institutions are the prime source of information about the institution. Libraries, being the main provider of information for the academics, need to be represented in the respective homepages with due importance. Keeping this in mind, this study is an attempt to understand and analyze the presence and presentation of libraries of Engineering Colleges (EC) in Kerala in their respective websites. On the basis of the reviewed literature and an observation of libraries of nationally important institutions imparting technical education in India, a set of criteria were developed for analyzing the websites/web pages. Based on this an extensive survcy of the websites of ECs were done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The library websites were then ranked on the basis of this analysis. It was observed that majority of the websites of ECs in Kerala have least representation of their respective libraries. Another important observation is that even the highest scoring libraries satisfy only half of the criteria listed for analysis.


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El presente trabajo constituye un ejercicio analítico de fenómenos sociales categorizados bajo la etiqueta de actor no estatal; A su vez la monografía evalúa la dimensión diplomática de este tipo de actores a partir del estudio de los estímulos que recaen sobre ellos. Las herramientas de análisis se aglutinan en un modelo simplificado que recoge conceptos, reflexiones y adaptaciones teóricas que facilitan la comprensión de dichos actores desde diferentes aristas de su ejercicio político. El eje de esta investigación examina los alcances y las limitaciones que ha tenido la Organización Miss Universo dentro del periodo 1996-2012 e invita al lector a ampliar el abordaje, desde una óptica académica, de lo que representa un actor no estatal a nivel político internacional. El resultado de la implementación del modelo diseñado por el autor permite afirmar que la vocación diplomática dirigida por objetivos de escala internacional propia de un actor no estatal, deviene del tratamiento de los estímulos que recibe de su entorno en el marco de un núcleo decisional.


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Speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) were acquired in quiet and in the presence of noise at two study sessions to investigate 1) test-retest variability and 2) subcortical representation of speech stimuli. Participants were adults with normal hearing in both ears who listened monaurally and adults with unilateral deafness. Results indicate consistency in responses across sessions and several differences between hearing groups for magnitudes of discrete components.


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This paper derives exact discrete time representations for data generated by a continuous time autoregressive moving average (ARMA) system with mixed stock and flow data. The representations for systems comprised entirely of stocks or of flows are also given. In each case the discrete time representations are shown to be of ARMA form, the orders depending on those of the continuous time system. Three examples and applications are also provided, two of which concern the stationary ARMA(2, 1) model with stock variables (with applications to sunspot data and a short-term interest rate) and one concerning the nonstationary ARMA(2, 1) model with a flow variable (with an application to U.S. nondurable consumers’ expenditure). In all three examples the presence of an MA(1) component in the continuous time system has a dramatic impact on eradicating unaccounted-for serial correlation that is present in the discrete time version of the ARMA(2, 0) specification, even though the form of the discrete time model is ARMA(2, 1) for both models.


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Threat detection is a challenging problem, because threats appear in many variations and differences to normal behaviour can be very subtle. In this paper, we consider threats on a parking lot, where theft of a truck’s cargo occurs. The threats range from explicit, e.g. a person attacking the truck driver, to implicit, e.g. somebody loitering and then fiddling with the exterior of the truck in order to open it. Our goal is a system that is able to recognize a threat instantaneously as they develop. Typical observables of the threats are a person’s activity, presence in a particular zone and the trajectory. The novelty of this paper is an encoding of these threat observables in a semantic, intermediate-level representation, based on low-level visual features that have no intrinsic semantic meaning themselves. The aim of this representation was to bridge the semantic gap between the low-level tracks and motion and the higher-level notion of threats. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our semantic representation is more descriptive for threat detection than directly using low-level features. We find that a person’s activities are the most important elements of this semantic representation, followed by the person’s trajectory. The proposed threat detection system is very accurate: 96.6 % of the tracks are correctly interpreted, when considering the temporal context.


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This article presents a study of how contemporary Swedish lower secondary school textbooks present the emergence of the Cold War and how 10 active lower secondary school history teachers interpreted a quotation that was ambiguous in relation to the general narrative in the studied Swedish textbooks, seeking to analyse textbooks both from the perspectives of content and reception. Applying a theoretical framework of uses of history, the study finds that the narratives presented in the studied textbooks are what could be called traditional in the sense that they do not acknowledge perspective and representation in history. While the interviewed teachers generally acknowledged that textbook narratives are representations of history and contingent on perspective, few teachers extended this to include how their own views affect their interpretations, suggesting an intermediary appreciation of the contextual contingency of historical narratives.


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Women's roles in religious history have been traditionally described in terms of their relation and value to men. The normative religious texts provide an androcentric perspective on the gender relationships within the early community, the growth of Judaism in "Jacob's House" and the monotheistic worship of God. Yet these literary representations omit an entire half of the experience of the Jewish community: the perspective and participation of women. As Judith Plaskow argues extensively in Standing Again at Sinai, women are defined not in her own terms or in her own voice, but by her relationship and value to men through the androcentric vocabulary of the Torah. This statement is textually illustrated by the authorial and editorial presentation of women and their place in ancient Israelite society in the Torah. As Judaism grew increasingly androcentric in its leadership, women were increasingly reduced to marginal figures in the community by authorial and editorial revisions. Yet the participation of women of ancient Israel is not lost. Instead, the presence of women is buried beneath the androcentric presentation of the early Judaic community, waiting to be excavated by historical and scriptural examination. The retelling of the past is influenced by the present; memory is not static but takes on different shapes depending on the focus of concentration. However, tradition greatly influences the interpretation of religious history as well. In the book of Genesis, the literature emphasizes the divine appointment of male figures such as Abraham the father of the covenant and Jacob who is renamed and claimed by God as "Israel," placing them at the center of Jewish history. As a result, the other figures in these biblical narratives are described in relation to the patriarchs, those male bearers of the covenant, by their service or their value to him. Women are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Although female figures of exceptional quality are noted in later chronicles, such as Ruth, Deborah and Miriam, it is the very nature of their exception that highlights the androcentric editorial focus of the Torah. I agree with Peggy Day, whose own scriptural examination in Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel, makes the important distinction between the literary representation and the reality of ancient Israelite culture: they are not coextensive nor equivalent. Although the text represents the culture of ancient Israel as male dominated from the time of Abraham, this presentation omits the perspective of half of the population-the women. By beginning at the point of realization that women did exist and were active in their culture, and placing aside the androcentric perspective of the text and its editors, the reality of women's place in ancient Israel may be determined. Through this new perspective, the women of the Torah will emerge as the archetypes of strength, leadership and spiritual insight to provide Jewish women of the present with female, ancestral role models and a foundation for their gender's heritage, a more complete understanding of the partial record of Jewish history recorded in the Torah. Those stories that appear as the exception of women's presence will unveil an exceptional presence. As Tamar Frankiel eloquently states in The Voice of Sarah, "the women we call our 'Mothers'-Sarah, Rivkah (Rebekah), Rachel, and Leah-are not merely mothers, any more than the 'Fathers'-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-are merely fathers "(Frankiel 5).


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Improved access to multibeam sonar and underwater video technology is enabling scientists to use spatially-explicit, predictive modelling to improve our understanding of marine ecosystems. With the growing number of modelling approaches available, knowledge of the relative performance of different models in the marine environment is required. Habitat suitability of 5 demersal fish taxa in Discovery Bay, south-east Australia, were modelled using 10 presence-only algorithms: BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, ENFA (distance geometric mean [GM], distance harmonic mean [HM], median [M], area-adjusted median [Ma], median + extremum [Me], area-adjusted median + extremum [Mae] and minimum distance [Min]), and MAXENT. Model performance was assessed using kappa and area under curve (AUC) of the receiver operator characteristic. The influence of spatial range (area of occupancy) and environmental niches (marginality and tolerance) on modelling performance were also tested. MAXENT generally performed best, followed by ENFA-GM and -HM, DOMAIN, BIOCLIM, ENFA-M, -Min, -Ma, -Mae and -Me algorithms. Fish with clearly definable niches (i.e. high marginality) were most accurately modelled. Generally, Euclidean distance to nearest reef, HSI-b (backscatter), rugosity and maximum curvature were the most important variables in determining suitable habitat for the 5 demersal fish taxa investigated. This comparative study encourages ongoing use of presence-only approaches, particularly MAXENT, in modelling suitable habitat for demersal marine fishes.


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The visual representation of multivariate spatial and temporal data is important for interpreting and analyzing historical geographic patterns that change over time. The introduction of geospatial technologies in historical scholarship has challenged the suitability of current visual representations due to the need for greater temporal emphasis and the tracking of historical events over time. This research presents a holistic multivariate approach to historical visual representation for point based historical data. The method has been developed through extending the spatial presence in information graphics and through meaningful spatial classification. This paper demonstrates the benefits gained from integrating historical, geographic, temporal, and attribute data through the development of a case study on the history of Melbourne’s cinema venues between 1946 and 1986.


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The sport industry has identified the importance of using the internet as a tool that can benefit the organisation. Much like the purpose of entering into sponsorship of sporting events, corporate partners are also attracted to the opportunities that professional sport team websites offer to fulfil similar objectives. The major purpose of this research is to explore the various ways in which sponsor logos are represented across professional sport websites and to extend previous advertising research, specifically the work developing advertising attribute typologies. The subjects for this research are professional sport websites and a qualitative approach is adopted with a content analysis as the main method of analysis used. To ensure reliability and validity within the coding instruments used, percentage agreement and Cohen’s kappa were adopted as indexes to verify this. The findings show sponsors’ logos exist on most professional sport websites and are represented in a variety of ways. Furthermore, a typology for sponsor representation and location across sport websites has been established to present a reliable foundation for future research in the area of consumer attitudes, behaviour and response towards sponsors and their presence on sport websites.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential of caching to improve quality of reception (QoR) in the context of continuous media applications over best-effort networks. Specifically, we investigate the influence of parameters such as loss rate, jitter, delay and area in determining a proxy's cache contents. We propose the use of a flexible cost function in caching algorithms and develop a framework for benchmarking continuous media caching algorithms. The cost function incorporates parameters in which, an administrator and or a client can tune to influence a proxy's cache. Traditional caching systems typically base decisions around static schemes that do not take into account the interest of their receiver pool. Based on the flexible cost function, an improvised Greedy Dual (GD) algorithm called GD-multi has been developed for layered multiresolution multimedia streams. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by simulation-based performance studies. Performance of several caching schemes are evaluated and compared with those of the proposed scheme. Our empirical results indicate GD-multi performs well despite employing a generalized caching policy.


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 Ten years have passed since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the political scene in Iraq is still blurry. Iraq was promoted to be the democratic example in the Middle East. The US came to Iraq to “create” a democratic system that can be a model for other countries in the region. A major factor in creating such environment is by changing the radical centralised totalitarian regime with a weak state that can give more space to building the civil society in new Iraq (Looney, 2003). Nonetheless, the socio-economic and political indicators of the newly installed political “democratic” system point to notable failures. Apart from poor socio-economic factors, the new political elite has either misused democracy for personal, ethno-sectarian or partisan gains or abused the system to ensure their long lasting presence in the decision making arena. Corruption, disconnection from electorate, poor performance and carelessness of politicians and failing state service provisions have all made citizens question the feasibility of political participation in elections. The electorate seem to have lesser faith in the political parties and blocs whose legitimacy of representation  is at stake. Noticeably, tribes have stepped forward to mobilise people as a non-partisan and independent powerful social structure. They have been active in lobbying the state as well as encouraging their members for active participation. This paper discusses the extent to which Iraqi tribes are involved in political participation. It explores their roles in active citizenship and the way they represent and mobilise their  members. It also probes whether tribes have the influence on shaping the political trajectory in Iraq.


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Our aim in this paper is to robustly match frontal faces in the presence of extreme illumination changes, using only a single training image per person and a single probe image. In the illumination conditions we consider, which include those with the dominant light source placed behind and to the side of the user, directly above and pointing downwards or indeed below and pointing upwards, this is a most challenging problem. The presence of sharp cast shadows, large poorly illuminated regions of the face, quantum and quantization noise and other nuisance effects, makes it difficult to extract a sufficiently discriminative yet robust representation. We introduce a representation which is based on image gradient directions near robust edges which correspond to characteristic facial features. Robust edges are extracted using a cascade of processing steps, each of which seeks to harness further discriminative information or normalize for a particular source of extra-personal appearance variability. The proposed representation was evaluated on the extremely difficult YaleB data set. Unlike most of the previous work we include all available illuminations, perform training using a single image per person and match these also to a single probe image. In this challenging evaluation setup, the proposed gradient edge map achieved 0.8% error rate, demonstrating a nearly perfect receiver-operator characteristic curve behaviour. This is by far the best performance achieved in this setup reported in the literature, the best performing methods previously proposed attaining error rates of approximately 6–7%.


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New technologies are transforming the shape and function of contemporary performance practice. Dance in particular has been at the forefront of dissolving the boundaries between humans and technology. In Australia alone, works such as Gideon Obarzanek's GLOW (Chunky Move) and Garry Stewart's Proximity (Australian Dance Theatre) have offered technology a role traditionally preserved only for the live human performer. As these technologies infiltrate theatre practice and their capacity to be co-actors with humans on stage increases, we need to carefully interrogate the notion of the actor's presence. For an overwhelming number of scholars and critics, presence is the defining quality of theatrical performance. Theatre has been privileged as the site where people witness other people together in the same physical space. Digital technologies can be seen as a threat to this and to the actor's presence. Cormac Power's Presence in Play provides a comprehensive analysis of theatrical presence that encapsulates a poststructuralist critique of presence while maintaining the notion of 'presence' as a key aspect of theatre. In this article, I take up Power's category of the literal mode of presence and examine three case studies that use digital technology in ways that disturb traditional conceptions of presence. I investigate the impact that digital technologies in live performance have on theatre's claims to literal presence. I also investigate the indirect impact that these technologies have on forms of fictional and auratic presence (these are Power's terms, which I will define shortly). First, I will establish the centrality of presence to the vast body of commentary on theatre; then, I will draw on Derrida's analysis of the metaphysics of presence to unsettle dominant assumptions about the function of presence in theatre, arguing that such a privileging of presence demonises projected media as a form of contamination that impedes theatre's ability to represent 'truth'. I use Jennifer Parker-Starbuck's term 'Cyborg Theatre' to discuss three examples of digital performance that have used technology to question and challenge our relationship to technology in everyday life. These works challenge traditional notions of selfhood and force us to interrogate the borders between the live and the mediated.


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Partindo de duas questões teóricas preliminares, uma, da representação (literária e cinematográfica)do real e do imaginário, tanto no ângulo da produção como no da sua recepção e, a outra, da articulação entre formas de expressão artísticas distintas, ou seja, da interdisciplinaridade, este trabalho examina a presença do tema relativo aos limites entre realidade e fantasia no teatro, no cinema e na literatura, centrando sua atenção na obra de Harold Pinter. Consta de duas partes, cada uma com três capítulos. Na primeira, "Os pressupostos," discute-se as questões que fornecem seu substrato teórico. A segunda é dedicada ao corpus, identificando em seu título o tema investigado: "Os limites da realidade." Quanto à questão da representação, procura-se refutar "a afirmação de que a arte seja uma imitação da realidade. Uma releitura da Poética, de Aristóteles, reforçada pela opinião de diversos estudiosos da mesma, permite afirmar que a mÍmese corresponde, isto sim, a uma representação que envolve uma construção em que elementos da realidade são organizados segundo uma verdade criada pela própria obra, de acordo com critérios inerentes a ela. Além disso, através de uma leitura de Kathryn Hume, procura-se afirmar a interação sinestésica quase que permanente dos impulsos realista e da fantasiana literatura, identificando os tipos com que a fantasia se manifesta e as técnicas usadas para sua criação. A primeira parte encerra-se com um exame do relacionamento da literatura com as artes visuais e dramáticas, relações inter-disciplinares que situam este trabalho na literatura comparada.Dentre vários autores cujas obras contribuem para tal fim, destaca-se Martin Esslin, que estabelece os limitesde cada uma das artes dramáticas, identifica contatos delas com a literatura e permite, através de uma leitura de seu estudo sobre o teatro do absurdo, seja estabelecida a evolução que liga Aristóteles a Pinter. O corpus centra-se na obra de Pinterpara o teatro e para o cinema, sem limitar-se a ela,pois são também analisadas obras de outros escritores e cineastas, estabelendo-se aproximações ou contrastes entre elas. No quarto capítulo estão agrupadas obras nas quais desponta a imposição de verdades pela força fisica ou verbal. A luta pelo poder, a expulsão de elementos estranhos, dúvidas sobre a identidade e a inter-penetrablidade arte-vida caracterizam o capítulo seguinte. A ênfase temática do sexto capítulo recai sobre as limitações impostas pela condição humana. Praticamente todas as obras expressam a impossibilidade da existência de certezas absolutas e de uma perfeita distinção dos limites da realidade. Com isso, é possível afirmar não ser o objetivo da arte reproduzir a realidade. Mesmo que o fosse, tal tentativa resultaria infrutífera devido às limitações humanas.