974 resultados para Acrylate copolymers


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Initiation and propagation processes in thermally initiated solid-state polymerization of sodiumvacrylate have been studied. The kinetics of initiation, followed with the electron spin resonancev technique, leads to an activation energy E of 28.8 kcal/mol, which is attributed to the formation of dimeric radicals. The activation energy of 16 f 1 kcaVmol obtained for the solid-state polymerization of sodium acrylate by chemical analysis and differential scanning calorimetry has been attributed to the propagation process.


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Studies on the dilute solution properties of methylmethacrylate-acrylonitrile random copolymers of three different compositions, 0.236, 0.5 and 0.74 mole fraction (m.f.) of acrylonitrile (AN) designated as MAa, MAb and MAc, respectively, have been made in good solvents and theta solvents. MAa has been studied in benzene (Bz) and ethylacetate (EAc). MAb in acetonitrile (MeCN), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and a binary solvent mixture of Bz and dimentyl formamide (DMF) in the volume ratio 6.5:1 designated as BM1 and MAc in MeCN, DMSO and Bz + DMF in the volume ratio 1.667:1 designated as BM2. The Mark-Houwink exponent ‘a’ reveals that Bz is a theta solvent for MAa at 20°C. For MAb and MAc, BM1 and BM2, respectively have ‘a’ values of 0.5 at all three temperatures studied (30°, 40° and 50°C). It is not clear whether they represent theta states or preferential adsorption plays a role complicating the behaviour in solution. The values of A2 are very low in MeCN considering that it is a very good solvent for the copolymer, ‘a’ values for MAb and MAc being 0.75 and 0.7, respectively.


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Gelatin graft copolymers of different compositions were tested for microbial susceptibility in a synthetic medium with pure cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Serratia marcescens. The percent weight losses were recorded over 6 weeks of incubation period in nitrogen-free and nitrogen-rich media. The relationship between [log(rate)] during the first week of the test period and composition of the grafted samples showed a linear behavior. There was no difference in the aggressivity of these bacterial strains. Nitrogen analysis data and pH measurements of the media seem to reinforce our earlier observations. Soil burial tests also indicate degradation of polymer samples under natural weathering conditions. This article also summarizes the salient features of our series of investigations.


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Uusien polymeeripohjaisten teknologioiden ja materiaalien myötä räätälöityjen polymeerien tarve on kasvanut. Viime vuosituhannen lopussa kehitetyt kontrolloidut polymerointimenetelmät ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia paitsi monimutkaisten polymeerien synteesiin, myös itsejärjestyvyyteen perustuvien funktionaalisten nanorakenteiden suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. Nämä voivat jäljitellä luonnossa esiintyviä rakenteita, joita muodostavat esimerkiksi lipidit ja proteiinit. Itsejärjestyvät molekyylit ovat usein amfifiilisiä eli ne koostuvat hydrofiilisistä ja hydrofobisista osista ja polymeereissä nämä osat voivat olla omina lohkoinaan, jolloin puhutaan amfifiilisistä lohko- tai blokkikopolymeereistä. Riippuen järjestyneiden rakenteiden koostumuksesta ja muodosta, amfifiilisiä blokkikopolymeerejä on tutkittu tai jo käytetty nanoteknologiassa, elastomeereissä, voiteluaineissa, pinta-aktiivisina aineina, lääkkeenannostelussa, maaleissa, sekä elektroniikka-, kosmetiikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tavallisimmin käytetyt amfifiiliset blokkikopolymeerit ovat olleet lineaarisia, mutta viime aikoina tutkimus on suuntautunut kohti monimutkaisempia rakenteita. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi tähtipolymeerit. Tähtimäisissä polymeereissä miselleille tyypillinen ydin-kuori-rakenne säilyy hyvin alhaisissakin polymeerikonsentraatioissa, koska polymeeriketjut ovat kiinni toisissaan yhdessä pisteessä. Siten ne ovat erityisen kiinnostavia tutkimuskohteita erilaisten hydrofobisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden sitomiseksi ja vapauttamiseksi. Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu amfifiilisten tähtipolymeerien itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksissa sekä kokeellisesti ja tietokonesimulaatioin. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: tähtipolymeerien synteesistä makrosyklisillä initiaattoreilla ja amfifiilisten tähtimäisten blokkikopolymeerien ominaisuuksien tutkimisesta.


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Kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmät, kuten RAFT-polymerointi, ovat moderni tapa valmistaa polymeerejä säädellysti. RAFT-polymeroinnilla polymeerien ketjunpituutta, moolimassajakaumaa, mikrorakennetta (taktisuus, järjestys), koostumusta ja funktionaalisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Siten menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa uudenlaisia polymeeriarkkitektuureja, kuten blokki- ja tähtipolymeerejä, sekä hybridimateriaaleja ja biokonjugaatteja. Polymeeristen rakennuspalikoiden itsejärjestyminen, missä huolellisesti syntetisoidut polymeerit järjestyvät halutulla tavalla nanoskaalassa, on suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteessä. On huomattava, että blokkipolymeerien itsejärjestyminen on vielä suhteellisen nuori tutkimusaihe. Tämän hetkiset polymeeriset nanomateriaalit ovat suhteellisen yksinkertaisia luonnon luomuksiin verrattuina, tarjoten jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia seuraavan sukupolven polymeereille. Tässä työssä RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoitiin amfifiilisiä di- ja triblokkikopolymeerejä sekä tutkittiin niiden järjestymistä nanorakenteiksi. Kaikissa blokkikopolymeereissä käytettiin lämpöherkkää poly(N-isopropyyliakryyliamidia). Siten polymeerit ja tutkitut materiaalit reagoivat lämpötilanmuutokseen ympäristössä eli ovat ns. ympäristöherkkiä. Työssä tutkittiin taktisuuden kontrollointia N-isopropyyliakryyliamidin RAFT-polymeroinnissa. Polymeerin taktisuutta sekä ketjunpituutta ja blokkijärjestystä säätämällä voitiin hallita polymeerin itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksessa. Amfifiiliset polymeerit järjestyivät laimeissa vesiliuoksissa erilaisiksi misellirakenteiksi, muodostaen ns. mikrosäiliöitä. Tällaisilla polymeereillä odotetaan olevan sovelluksia esim. lääkeainevapautuksessa. Amfifiilejä käytetään myös esimerkiksi apuaineina pinnoitteissa ja kosmetiikassa. Kiinteässä tilassa tutkitut triblokkikopolymeerit muodostivat teoreettisesti ennustettuja morfologioita. Lämpöherkän materiaalin hydrogeelit toimivat suodatinmembraanina nanokokoluokassa. RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoituja polymeereja voidaan sellaisenaan käyttää kultananopartikkeleiden päällystämiseen. Kultananopartikkelit ovat erittäin kiinostavia mm. niiden stabiilisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten pintaominaisuuksien vuoksi. Kun amfifiilisiä polymeerejä kiinnitettiin kultapartikkelin pinnalle, sen liuos- ja optisia ominaisuuksia voitiin säädellä pH:n ja lämpötilan avulla. Tällaisilla kultananopartikkeleilla on sovelluksia mm. diagnostiikassa, sensoreina ja solukuvauksessa.


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The Stockmayer-Fixman relation was used to evaluate the short range and long range interaction parameters for methyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile copolymers of 0,566 and 0,657 mole fraction of monomeric units of acrylonitrile in the solvents acetonitrile, 2-butanone, dimethyl formamide, and y-butyrolactone, at different temperatures (30, 45, and 60 “C). The values of KO were found to be lower than those of the parent homopolymers, and their values depend on both solvent and temperature. Even negative Ko-values were obtained, in cases in which the Mark Houwink exponent a is nearly unity. The values of the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, x, , are high and close to 0,5, indicating that these solvents are not good. The values of the excess interaction parameter, xAB, are negative and are not affected by temperature. The large extension of these copolymer chains, as exhibited by a and a;-values, can be understood in terms of unusual short range interactions only. Similar results were obtained for some cellulose derivatives.


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The sequence distribution studies on the acrylonitrile-methylmethacrylate copolymer of high methylmethacrylate (M) content (30%


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The diketopyrrolopyrrole-based copolymers PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT were synthesized and used as donor for bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices. The photophysical properties of these polymers showed absorption in the range 500-600 nm with a maximum peak around 563 nm, while TDPP-BBT showed broadband absorption in the range 620 - 800 nm with a peak around 656 nm. The power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of the polymer solar cells based on these copolymers and [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were 0.68% (as cast PDPP-BBT:PCBM), 1.51% (annealed PDPP-BBT:PCBM), 1.57% (as cast TDPPBBT: PCBM), and 2.78% (annealed TDPP-BBT:PCBM), under illumination of AM 1.5 (100 mW/cm2). The higher PCE for TDPP-BBT-based polymer solar cells has been attributed to the low band gap of this copolymer as compared to PDPP-BBT, which increases the numbers of photogenerated excitons and corresponding photocurrent of the device. These results indicate that PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT act as excellent electron donors for bulk heterojunction devices.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) (SMMA), poly (styrene-co-ethyl methacrylate) (SEMA) and poly (styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) (SBMA) copolymers of different compositions was studied. The copolymers were synthesized and NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the composition, and the glass transition temperatures were determined by DSC. The reactivity ratios were determined by the Kelen-Tudos method and it indicated that the copolymers were random. The effect of solvent, temperature and copolymer composition on the ultrasonic degradation rate of these copolymers was investigated. A model based on continuous distribution kinetics was employed to study the degradation kinetics. The degradation rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with an increase in the styrene content in the copolymer. At any particular copolymer composition the rate of degradation follows the order: SBMA >SEMA > SMMA. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the copolymers was carried in order to assess their thermal stability. The same order of degradation was observed for the thermal degradation of the copolymers as that observed for ultrasonic degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work diketopyrrolopyrrole based copolymers (PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT) containing a donor-acceptor structural unit have been explored as organic Sensitizers for quasi-solid state dye Sensitized solar cells. Polymer-sensitized solar cells (PSSC) fabricated utilizing PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT as the active layer resulted in a typical power conversion efficiency of 1.43% and 2.41%, respectively. The power conversion efficiency of PSSCs based on TDPP-BBT With use of TiCl4-modified TiO2 photoanode was about 3.06%, attributed to the reduced back recombination reaction and more charge carriers in the external Circuit.


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We demonstrate a new and simple route to fabricate highly dense arrays of hexagonally close packed inorganic nanodots using functional diblock copolymer (PS-b-P4VP) thin films. The deposition of pre-synthesized inorganic nanoparticles selectively into the P4VP domains of PS-b-P4VP thin films, followed by removal of the polymer, led to highly ordered metallic patterns identical to the order of the starting thin film. Examples of Au, Pt and Pd nanodot arrays are presented. The affinity of the different metal nanoparticles towards P4VP chains is also understood by extending this approach to PS-b-P4VP micellar thin films. The procedure used here is simple, eco-friendly, and compatible with the existing silicon-based technology. Also the method could be applied to various other block copolymer morphologies for generating 1-dimensional (1D) and 2-dimensional (2D) structures. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article describes the results of the preparation and characterization of self-doped conducting copolymers of aniline and toluidine with m-aminobenzene sulfonic acid. The copolymers have an intrinsic acid group that is capable of doping polyaniline. Spectroscopic, morphological, and electrical conductivity studies have provided insight into the structural and electronic properties of the copolymers. The differences in the properties of polyaniline and polytoluidine due to the sulfonic acid ring substituent on the phenyl ring are discussed. The scanning electron micrographs of the copolymers reveal regions of sharp-edged, needle-shaped structures, whereas the X-ray diffraction patterns show that the copolymers are relatively more crystalline in nature. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Copolymers of aniline and ortholmeta-amino benzoic acid were synthesized by chemical polymerization using an inverse emulsion pathway. The copolymers are soluble in organic solvents, and the solubility increases with the amino benzoic acid content in the feed. The reaction conditions were optimized with emphasis on high yield and relatively good conductivity (2.5 X 10(-1) S cm(-1)). The copolymers were characterized by a number of techniques including UV-vis, FT-IR, FT-Raman, EPR and NNM spectroscopy, thermal analysis, SEM and conductivity. The influence of the carboxylic acid group ring substituent on the copolymers is investigated. The spectral studies reveal that the amino benzoic acid groups restrict the conjugation along the polymer chain. The SEM micrographs of the copolymers reveal regions of amorphous and crystalline domain. Thermal studies indicate a marginally higher thermal stability for poly(aniline-co-m-amino benzoic acid) compared to poly(aniline-co-o-amino benzoic acid). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is the first report on the analysis of random block polysulfide copolymers containing different amounts of repeating units in the copolymer backbone, which has been studied by direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry (DPMS) and by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The homopolymers such as poly(ethylene sulfide) (PES), poly(styrene sulfide) (PSS), and two random copolymers, viz., poly(ethylene sulfide(x)-co-styrene sulfide(y)) [copolymer I (x = y = 0.5) and copolymer II (x = 0.74, y = 0.26)] were investigated by both DPMS and Py-GC/MS (except copolymer II) techniques. In the case of copolymer I, the thermal degradation products of SE1, SE2, S-2, and S2E (S = styrene sulfide, E = ethylene sulfide) were detected in DPMS, whereas the formation of SE1 and SE2 were observed by Py-GC/MS technique. However, for copolymer II, SE3 was also found along with SE1, SE2, S-2, and S2E in DPMS. The formation of additional product (SE3) observed in copolymer II could be due to an increase in the block length formed during copolymerization. Further, a comparative study on thermal degradation of PES, poly(ethylene disulfide) (PEDS), and poly(ethylene tetrasulfide) (PETS) were investigated by Py-GC/MS. The pyrolysis products detected by both DPMS and Py-GC/MS indicates that the thermal decomposition of these polymers yield cyclic sulfides through an intramolecular exchange or by backbiting processes. The linear products with thiol and vinyl groups were also observed by Py-GC/MS along with the cyclic products via carbon hydrogen transfer reaction.