994 resultados para Acoustic time reversal


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We investigate by numerical EM simulation the potential communication channel capacity of a reverberant environment using the time reversal approach, excited at 2.4 GHz by ON-OFF keyed RF pulse excitation. It is shown that approximately 725 1.25MHz propagation channels can be allocated with the cavity contains a 4×4 ? or 1×1 ? LOS obstruction positioned between the transceiver antenna and the time reversal unit. Furthermore the results show that two co-located transceiver dipoles separated by a spacing of 3?/4 can successfully resolve a 10ns pulse. Our findings suggest that different independent channels with identical operating frequency can be realized in an enclosed environment such as ventilation duct or underground tunnel. This suggests that there is a possibility of implementing a parallel channel radio link with the minimum inter-antenna spacing of 3?/4 between the transceivers in a rich multipath environment. © 2012 IEEE.


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Experiments were undertaken to characterize a noninvasive chronic, model of nasal congestion in which nasal patency is measured using acoustic rhinometry. Compound 48/80 was administered intranasally to elicit nasal congestion in five beagle dogs either by syringe (0.5 ml) in thiopental sodium-anesthetized animals or as a mist (0.25 ml) in the same animals in the conscious state. Effects of mast cell degranulation on nasal cavity volume as well as on minimal cross-sectional area (A(min)) and intranasal distance to A(min) (D(min)) were studied. Compound 48/80 caused a dose-related decrease in nasal cavity volume and A(min) together with a variable increase in D(min). Maximal responses were seen at 90-120 min. Compound 48/80 was less effective in producing nasal congestion in conscious animals, which also had significantly larger basal nasal cavity volumes. These results demonstrate the utility of using acoustic rhinometry to measure parameters of nasal patency in dogs and suggest that this model may prove useful in studies of the actions of decongestant drugs.


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Dynamic magnetic properties of arrays of Ni nanorods with a low aspect ratio have been investigated. It has been shown that the spectra of spin-wave resonances localized on nanorods with a low aspect ratio typically feature the presence of zones with high density of states resulting in a characteristic two-peak pattern of Stokes and anti-Stokes lines of magneto-optical (MO) Brillouin light scattering with pronounced Stokes–anti-Stokes (S-AS) asymmetry. A simple theoretical model based on the analysis of the elliptic character of the polarization of the optical wave interacting with a dipole magnetostatic wave has been proposed. It has been shown that the S-AS asymmetry is due entirely to the asymmetry of the MO interaction efficiency with respect to time reversal of the magnetic precession in a magnon.


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This work investigates mathematical details and computational aspects of Metropolis-Hastings reptation quantum Monte Carlo and its variants, in addition to the Bounce method and its variants. The issues that concern us include the sensitivity of these algorithms' target densities to the position of the trial electron density along the reptile, time-reversal symmetry of the propagators, and the length of the reptile. We calculate the ground-state energy and one-electron properties of LiH at its equilibrium geometry for all these algorithms. The importance sampling is performed with a single-determinant large Slater-type orbitals (STO) basis set. The computer codes were written to exploit the efficiencies engineered into modern, high-performance computing software. Using the Bounce method in the calculation of non-energy-related properties, those represented by operators that do not commute with the Hamiltonian, is a novel work. We found that the unmodified Bounce gives good ground state energy and very good one-electron properties. We attribute this to its favourable time-reversal symmetry in its target density's Green's functions. Breaking this symmetry gives poorer results. Use of a short reptile in the Bounce method does not alter the quality of the results. This suggests that in future applications one can use a shorter reptile to cut down the computational time dramatically.


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À travers cette thèse, nous revisitons les différentes étapes qui ont conduit à la découverte des isolants topologiques, suite à quoi nous nous penchons sur la question à savoir si une phase topologiquement non-triviale peut coexister avec un état de symétrie brisée. Nous abordons les concepts les plus importants dans la description de ce nouvel état de la matière, et tentons de comprendre les conséquences fascinantes qui en découlent. Il s’agit d’un champ de recherche fortement alimenté par la théorie, ainsi, l’étude du cadre théorique est nécessaire pour atteindre une compréhension profonde du sujet. Le chapitre 1 comprend un retour sur l’effet de Hall quantique, afin de motiver les sections subséquentes. Le chapitre 2 présente la première réalisation d’un isolant topologique à deux dimensions dans un puits quantique de HgTe/CdTe, suite à quoi ces résultats sont généralisés à trois dimensions. Nous verrons ensuite comment incorporer des principes de topologie dans la caractérisation d’un système spécifique, à l’aide d’invariants topologiques. Le chapitre 3 introduit le premier dérivé de l’état isolant topologique, soit l’isolant topologique antiferromagnétique (ITAF). Après avoir motivé théoriquement le sujet et introduit un invariant propre à ce nouvel état ITAF, qui est couplé à l’ordre de Néel, nous explorons, dans les chapitres 4 et 5, deux candidats de choix pour la phase ITAF : GdBiPt et NdBiPt.


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A program is presented for the construction of relativistic symmetry-adapted molecular basis functions. It is applicable to 36 finite double point groups. The algorithm, based on the projection operator method, automatically generates linearly independent basis sets. Time reversal invariance is included in the program, leading to additional selection rules in the non-relativistic limit.


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The chemisorption of CH4 on Pt{110}-(1 x 2) has been studied by vibrational analysis of the reaction pathway defined by the potential energy surface and, in time reversal, by first-principles molecular dynamics simulations of CH4 associative desorption, with the electronic structure treated explicitly using density functional theory. We find that the symmetric stretch vibration ν1 is strongly coupled to the reaction coordinate; our results therefore provide a firm theoretical basis for recently reported state-resolved reactivity measurements, which show that excitation of the ν1 normal mode is the most efficient way to enhance the reaction probability


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The congruential rule advanced by Graves for polarization basis transformation of the radar backscatter matrix is now often misinterpreted as an example of consimilarity transformation. However, consimilarity transformations imply a physically unrealistic antilinear time-reversal operation. This is just one of the approaches found in literature to the description of transformations where the role of conjugation has been misunderstood. In this paper, the different approaches are examined in particular in respect to the role of conjugation. In order to justify and correctly derive the congruential rule for polarization basis transformation and properly place the role of conjugation, the origin of the problem is traced back to the derivation of the antenna height from the transmitted field. In fact, careful consideration of the role played by the Green’s dyadic operator relating the antenna height to the transmitted field shows that, under general unitary basis transformation, it is not justified to assume a scalar relationship between them. Invariance of the voltage equation shows that antenna states and wave states must in fact lie in dual spaces, a distinction not captured in conventional Jones vector formalism. Introducing spinor formalism, and with the use of an alternate spin frame for the transmitted field a mathematically consistent implementation of the directional wave formalism is obtained. Examples are given comparing the wider generality of the congruential rule in both active and passive transformations with the consimilarity rule.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The low-energy scattering of the ortho-positronium (Ps) by H, He, Ne, and Ar atoms has been investigated in the coupled-channel framework by using a recently proposed time-reversal symmetric non-local electron-exchange model potential with a single parameter C. For H and He, we use a three-Ps-state coupled-channel model and, for Ar and Ne, we use a static-exchange model. The sensitivity of the results is studied with respect to the parameter C. Present low-energy cross-sections for He, Ne and Ar are in good agreement with experiment. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scattering of ortho positronium (Ps) by cesium and rubidium atoms has been investigated employing a three-Ps-state coupled-channel model with Ps(1s,2s,2p) states using a time-reversal-symmetric regularized electron-exchange model potential. We find a narrow S-wave singlet resonance at 5.057 eV of width 0.003 eV in the Ps-Rb system and at 5.067 eV of width 0.003 eV in the Ps-Cs system. Singlet P-wave resonances in both systems are found at 5.3 eV of width 0.4 eV. Singlet D-wave structures are found at 5.4 eV in both systems. The pronounced P- and D-wave resonances in these systems lead to easily detectable local minima in the low-energy elastic cross sections. We also report results for elastic and Ps-excitation cross sections for Pa scattering by Rb and Cs. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scattering of ortho-positronium (Ps) by H-2 has been investigated using a three-Ps-state (Ps(1s,2s, 2p)H-2(X (1)Sigma(g)(+))) coupled-channel model and using the Born approximation for higher excitations and ionization of Ps and B (1)Sigma(u)(+) and b (3)Sigma(u)(+) excitations of H-2. We employ a recently proposed time-reversal-symmetric non-local electron-exchange model potential. We present a calculational scheme for solving the body-frame fixed-nuclei coupled-channel scattering equations for Ps-H-2, which simplifies the numerical solution technique considerably. Ps ionization is found to have the leading contribution to target-elastic and all target-inelastic processes. The total cross sections at low and medium energies are in good agreement with experiment.


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Scattering of positronium (Ps) by a helium atom has been investigated in a three-Ps-state coupled-channel model including Ps(1s,2s,2p) states using a recently proposed time-reversal-symmetric regularized electron-exchange model potential. Specifically, we report results of differential cross sections for elastic scattering and target-elastic Ps excitations. We also present results for total and different partial cross sections and compare them with experiment and other calculations.


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Scattering of positronium (Ps) by sodium and potassium atoms has been investigated employing a three-Ps-state coupled-channel model with Ps(ls,2s,2p) states using a time-reversal-symmetric regularized electron-exchange model potential fitted to reproduce accurate theoretical results for PsNa and PsK binding energies. We find a narrow S-wave singlet resonance at 4.58 eV of width 0.002 eV in the Ps-Na system and at 4.77 eV of width 0.003 eV in the Ps-K system. Singlet P-wave resonances in both systems are found at 5.07 eV of width 0.3 eV. Singlet D-wave structures are found at 5.3 eV in both systems. We also report results for elastic and Ps-excitation cross sections for Ps scattering by Na and K.


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There is a four-parameter family of point interactions in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. They represent all possible self-adjoint extensions of the kinetic energy operator. If time-reversal invariance is imposed, the number of parameters is reduced to three. One of these point interactions is the familiar delta function potential but the other generalized ones do not seem to be widely known. We present a pedestrian approach to this subject and comment on a recent controversy in the literature concerning the so-called delta' interaction. We emphasize that there is little resemblance between the delta' interaction and what its name suggests.