188 resultados para Acestrorhynchus lacustris
A series of excellent upper Miocene through Quaternary diatomaceous sequences recovered at four sites during Leg 127 was examined for diatoms. The diagenetic transition from opal-A to opal-CT is a diachronic horizon from the uppermost part of the Denticulopsis katayamae Zone (8.5 Ma) at Hole 797B to the uppermost part of the Neodenticula kamtschatica Zone (5.73 Ma) at Hole 795A. The diatom zonation of Koizumi (1985) best divides the upper Miocene to Quaternary sequences above the opal-A/opal-CT boundary and also is useful to date carbonate concretions including diatoms below the boundary. Forty diatom datum levels were evaluated biostratigraphically based on the sediment accumulation rate curve, and several isochronous datum levels are newly proposed for the Japan Sea area. A warm-water current did not penetrated into the Japan Sea through the Tsushima strait during the late Miocene and Pliocene time, because subtropical warm-water diatoms are essentially not present in such sediment samples. The occurrences of diatom are cyclic throughout the Quaternary sediments and are affected by eustatic sea level changes.
Als man nach dem ersten Weltkrieg im verkleinerten Deutschland nach der Möglichkeit von Neulandgewinnung suchte, dachte man auch an eineTrockenlegung der ostpreußischen Haffe. Aus diesem Anlaß wurden umfangreiche Bohrungen ausgeführt, um ein möglichst genaues Bild vom Untergrunde der Haffe zu bekommen. Auf Veranlassung der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt wurde ich mit der Untersuchung der Diatomeen in den Bohrproben beauftragt. Die Arbeit wurde 1934 begonnen und Ende 1937 wurde der letzte Arbeitsbericht abgeliefert. Die beabsichtigte Veröffentlichung ist bisher unterblieben, weil die Druckvorlagen später verloren gegangen sind. Seitdem sind über die Haffuntersuchungen mehrere Teilergebnisse veröffentlicht worden, von denen hier schon wegen der Terminologie die pollenanalytischen Arbeiten von L. HEIN (1941) und HUGO GROSS (1941) erwähnt seien, auf die im Abschnitt Il 2e näher eingegangen wird. Bei der geologischen Auswertung war Zurückhaltung geboten; denn es wäre gewagt, allein aus der Perspektive der Diatomeenforschung endgültige Aussagen machen zu wollen. Darum habe ich mich bemüht, das Material so weit aufzuschließen, daß es Geologen später auch bei veränderter Fragestellung auswerten können. "Die Theorien wechseln, aber die Tatsachen bleiben." Der Initiative des Herrn Prof. Dr. K. GRIPP und der finanziellen Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ist es zu verdanken, daß die vorliegende Arbeit im Druck erscheinen kann. Zusammenfassung 1. Nur in den alluvialen Schichten des Kurischen Haffs wurden Diatomeen gefunden. 2. Die Diatomeenflora des Kurischen Haffs besteht zur Hauptsache aus Süßwasserformen. 3. Salzwasserformen finden sich in allen Schichten verstreut unter der Süßwasserflora. Wenn sie auch nach Zahl der Arten in manchen Proben einen erheblichen Prozentsatz der Flora ausmachen, so ist doch die Zahl der Individuen stets so gering, daß man nirgends von einer Brackwasserflora sprechen kann. 4. Die Süßwasserflora besteht in den unteren Schichten vorwiegend aus Grundformen; und zwar machen die epiphytischen Bewohner flacher Sumpfgewässer einen großen Teil der Flora aus. 5. In einzelnen Bohrungen kommt in den untersten alluvialen Schichten eine Grundflora mit zahlreichen Mastogloien vor. Dies sind die ältesten diatomeenführenden Schichten, entstanden in isolierten Sumpfgewässern. 6. Die übrigen Schichten mit überwiegender Grundflora sind vermutlich Ablagerungen der Ancyluszeit. 7. Die oberen Schichten, in denen die Planktondiatomeen überwiegen, dürften größtenteils der Litorina-Transgressionszeit angehören, jedoch ist der Transgressions-Kontakt nicht klar zu erkennen. 8. Das Ende der Litorinazeit ist noch weniger erkennbar, da eine grundsätzliche Veränderung der Flora nach oben nicht zu beobachten ist. 9. Die ostbaltischen Charakterformen sind in allen Schichten vertreten.
A large spatial scale study of the diatom species inhabiting waters from the subantarctic (Argentine shelf) to antarctic was made for the first time in order to understand the relationships between these two regions with regard to the fluctuations in diatom abundances in relation with environmental features, their floristic associations and the effect of the Polar Front as a biogeographic barrier. Species-specific diatom abundance, nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration were assessed from 64 subsurface oceanographic stations carried out during the austral summer 2002, a period characterized by an anomalous sea-ice coverage corresponding to a ''warm year". Significant relationships of both diatom density and biomass with chlorophyll-a (positive) and water temperature (negative) were found for the study area as a whole. Within the Subantarctic region, diatom density and biomass values were more uniform and significantly (in average: 35 and 11 times) lower than those of the Antarctic region, and did not correlate with chlorophyll-a. In antarctic waters, instead, biomass was directly related with chlorophyll-a, thus confirming the important contribution of diatoms to the Antarctic phytoplanktonic stock. A total of 167 taxa were recorded for the entire study area, with Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira being the best represented genera. Species richness was maximum in subantarctic waters (46; Argentine shelf) and minimum in the Antarctic region (21; Antarctic Peninsula), and showed a significant decrease with latitude. Floristic associations were examined both qualitatively (Jaccard Index) and quantitatively (correlation) by cluster analyses and results allowed differentiating a similar number of associations (12 vs. 13, respectively) and two main groups of stations. In the Drake Passage, the former revealed that the main floristic change was found at the Polar Front, while the latter reflected the Southern ACC Front as a main boundary, and yielded a higher number of isolated sites, most of them located next to different Antarctic islands. Such differences are attributed to the high relative density of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in Argentine shelf and Drake Passage waters and of Porosira glacialis and species of Chaetoceros and Thalasiosira in the Weddell Sea and near the Antarctic Peninsula. From a total of 84 taxa recorded in antarctic waters, only 17 were found exclusively in this region, and the great majority (67) was also present in subantarctic waters but in extremely low (< 1 cell/l) concentrations, probably as a result of expatriation processes via the ACC-Malvinas Current system. The present results were compared with those of previous studies on the Antarctic region with respect to both diatom associations in regular vs. atypically warm years, and the distribution and abundance of some selected planktonic species reported for surface sediments.
Lake Baikal, the world's most voluminous freshwater lake, has experienced unprecedented warming during the last decades. A uniquely diverse amphipod fauna inhabits the littoral zone and can serve as a model system to identify the role of thermal tolerance under climate change. This study aimed to identify sublethal thermal constraints in two of the most abundant endemic Baikal amphipods, Eulimnogammarus verrucosus and Eulimnogammarus cyaneus, and Gammarus lacustris, a ubiquitous gammarid of the Holarctic. As the latter is only found in some shallow isolated bays of the lake, we further addressed the question whether rising temperatures could promote the widespread invasion of this non-endemic species into the littoral zone. Animals were exposed to gradual temperature increases (4 week, 0.8 °C/d; 24 h, 1 °C/h) starting from the reported annual mean temperature of the Baikal littoral (6 °C). Within the framework of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT), we used a nonlinear regression approach to determine the points at which the changing temperature-dependence of relevant physiological processes indicates the onset of limitation. Limitations in ventilation representing the first limits of thermal tolerance (pejus (= "getting worse") temperatures (Tp)) were recorded at 10.6 (95% confidence interval; 9.5, 11.7), 19.1 (17.9, 20.2), and 21.1 (19.8, 22.4) °C in E. verrucosus, E. cyaneus, and G. lacustris, respectively. Field observations revealed that E. verrucosus retreated from the upper littoral to deeper and cooler waters once its Tp was surpassed, identifying Tp as the ecological thermal boundary. Constraints in oxygen consumption at higher than critical temperatures (Tc) led to an exponential increase in mortality in all species. Exposure to short-term warming resulted in higher threshold values, consistent with a time dependence of thermal tolerance. In conclusion, species-specific limits to oxygen supply capacity are likely key in the onset of constraining (beyond pejus) and then life-threatening (beyond critical) conditions. Ecological consequences of these limits are mediated through behavioral plasticity in E. verrucosus. However, similar upper thermal limits in E. cyaneus (endemic, Baikal) and G. lacustris (ubiquitous, Holarctic) indicate that the potential invader G. lacustris would not necessarily benefit from rising temperatures. Secondary effects of increasing temperatures remain to be investigated.