999 resultados para Acesso à água
O presente trabalho objetivou quantificar e caracterizar a variabilidade espaço-temporal e a estabilidade temporal da armazenagem da água em um Latossolo Amarelo argissólico cultivado com citros. A parcela experimental foi montada em um solo sob uma cultura de citros com 10 anos de idade, consistindo de 40 pontos de observação ao longo de duas transeções, com espaçamento de 4 x 7 m, isto é, duas transeções 1 e 2 (coincidentes com duas linhas de plantas) paralelas e distantes entre si de 7 m e cada uma delas com 20 pontos, separados um do outro de 4 m, delimitando uma área de terreno de dimensões 80 x 14 m (40 plantas). Cada ponto localizava-se no centro da distância entre duas plantas (2 m do tronco) na linha de plantas. Os pontos de observação da transecão 1 foram enumerados de 1 a 20 e os da transecão 2 de 21 a 40 no sentido aposto. Em cada ponto de observação, foi instalado um tubo de acesso à sonda de nêutrons até a profundidade de 1,20 m. As medições foram feitas ao longo de dois anos, em períodos compreendidos entre novembro e julho do ano seguinte, semanalmente. Em cada ponto de observação, foram retiradas amostras de solo com estrutura deformada para a quantificação das frações granulométricas ao longo do perfil. A estabilidade temporal foi observada pelo comportamento dos valores nos 40 pontos ao longo do tempo, os quais mantiveram a sua característica, independentemente do tempo de amostragem, o que pôde ser comprovado por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson utilizado entre datas de observação. Por meio da técnica da diferença relativa, foi possível identificar os pontos que, independentemente de tempo, estimaram a média real do campo, os mais secos e os mais úmidos. O ponto 28 foi escolhido, em decorrência do valor da diferença relativa, como o ponto representativo da média, e identificou-se o ponto 15 como o mais seco e o 05 como o mais úmido.
A capacidade de campo é um parâmetro de inegável relevância para o manejo adequado da irrigação. A partir da determinação confiável do conteúdo de água no solo na capacidade de campo, pode-se otimizar a produtividade das culturas agrícolas, maximizando a eficiência do uso da água pelas plantas e evitando a contaminação do lençol freático por lixiviação de fertilizantes e agroquímicos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de campo (a) pelo cálculo da densidade de fluxo da água durante o processo de redistribuição no experimento clássico de determinação desse parâmetro e (b) a partir de uma dada tensão da água na curva de retenção, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo textura média, localizado em área experimental da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). Para isso, instalaram-se no solo, até a profundidade de 1,9 m, 60 tubos de acesso a uma sonda de nêutrons, numa rede de malha quadrada de 5 m (6 x 10 pontos amostrais), e, adjacente a cada tubo, dois tensiômetros, um a 0,75 m e outro a 0,85 m de profundidade. Nos 60 pontos (locais) amostrais, desenvolveu-se um experimento similar ao experimento clássico de determinação da capacidade de campo, no qual o solo foi devidamente submetido a uma lâmina de infiltração visando à saturação do seu perfil; sua superfície, coberta com lona plástica para evitar fluxo de água através dela; e a redistribuição da água, monitorada até a profundidade de 0,8 m durante 20 dias. Observou-se que o conteúdo de água correspondente a uma densidade de fluxo de 1,0 mm dia-1 é a melhor estimativa da capacidade de campo para esse solo, uma vez que as densidades de fluxo de 0,1 e 0,01 mm dia-1, também recomendadas para estimar a capacidade de campo, são muito baixas, a ponto de não terem sido alcançadas neste estudo. Quanto aos resultados obtidos pelo método baseado na curva de retenção, utilizando-se o conteúdo de água correspondente à tensão de 10 kPa em curvas de retenção elaboradas no campo e no laboratório também para os 60 pontos, na profundidade de 0,8 m, observou-se que os valores obtidos a partir das curvas de retenção elaboradas no campo e no laboratório subestimaram e superestimaram, respectivamente, aqueles baseados na densidade de fluxo da água de 1,0 mm dia-1, e a medida de campo foi mais confiável.
Na pecuária extensiva, os bebedouros naturais ou artificiais possibilitam o acesso direto dos bovinos ao seu interior e trazem como consequência a degradação da qualidade da água e o aumento dos riscos sanitários. Em tais circunstâncias ocorre a eutrofização e consequentemente a floração de algas, dentre elas cianobactérias toxigênicas. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a ocorrência de cianobactérias de interesse sanitário em água de dessedentação de bovinos e descrever os seus parâmetros físico-químicos pH, temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido. Foram examinadas 19 amostras de água de cacimbas ou bebedouros naturais formados predominantemente em decorrência da precipitação pluviométrica, coletadas em seis propriedades rurais localizadas nas regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, para a presença de cianobactérias e mensurados os valores de pH, temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido. Microcystis e/ou Merismopedia foram detectadas em dois bebedouros; em um dos quais havia intensa floração. Os valores de pH, temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido nas 19 coleções oscilaram entre pH 7,2-9,7, 31-34ºC e 7,8-30mg/l, respectivamente. Foram detectadas ainda algas consideradas não patogênicas de diversos gêneros, em conjunto ou não com a ocorrência das cianofíticas. Nessas condições, as práticas comuns de oferta de água de dessedentação na bovinocultura extensiva, as possibilidades de eutrofização e a contaminação por cianobactérias trazem potenciais riscos à saúde dos animais.
Para avaliar se a qualidade microbiológica da água de dessedentação intervém na morfologia intestinal de frangos de corte, foram analisados o consumo semanal de água, a microbiologia de amostras de água, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a histologia do intestino delgado de frangos de corte tratados com água filtrada e não filtrada. Os frangos que ingeriram água filtrada tiveram acesso ao menor número de micro-organismos fecais (2,52±0,99 Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes fecais e 1,17±1,25 NMP de Escherichia coli) em relação aos que ingeriram água não filtrada (3,62±0,67 NMP e 2,53±1,13 NMP). Aos 14, 21 e 45 dias de vida, foram colhidas amostras do duodeno, jejuno e íleo de 96 aves. Após rotina laboratorial, as amostras conservadas em glutaraldeído foram eletronmicrografadas e analisadas quanto à densidade de vilos e o material mantido em solução de Bouin foi destinado à confecção de lâminas histológicas que foram analisadas morfometricamente. O duodeno das aves que receberam água não filtrada apresentou maior densidade dos vilos em resposta à qualidade microbiológica da água. Na morfometria intestinal, observou-se que aves que receberam água não filtrada apresentaram aumento na profundidade das criptas intestinais e elevada altura das vilosidades em relação às aves que ingeriram água filtrada. Infere-se que a água filtrada, oferecida aos frangos de corte em um período de vida de 45 dias, favorece a manutenção da integridade intestinal.
This study has the objective examine the mechanisms of programs oriented fort cluster development, focusing on the analysis of the effectiveness of Procompi on support to APL of Mineral Water in Natal/RN. Search on the theory on public policy and support on apps for the theoretical and methodological reasons for the success of the program. In the document analysis was used reports from SEBRAE, IEL and SINCRAMIRN and was realized survey in the companies. The research indicates that not reaching the goals set. It is concluded that a poor definition of objectives and lack of orientation to the external economies are the causes of the failure
The urban growth without the prior infrastructure has caused many environmental impacts such as the damage to quality of the water resources in the cities. Along with natural scarcity in some regions, this is one of the factors that limit the availability of drinking water. As a result, the conservation of drinking water is becoming one of the major concerns in sustainable architectural projects. Within this context, this dissertation proposes to develop the design of an educational building focusing on water consumption rationalization. The proposed project is located in UFRN Campus at Currais Novos, an area of warm and dry climate and low rainfall. The proposal seeks to integrate ways to reduce water consumption o to architecture, in order to exploit the advantages and savings. After quantifying the benefits achieved, it was concluded that it is possible to reduce significantly the drinking water consumption in educational buildings in universities using three principles: reduction the water consumption at the point of use, replacement of the water source and internal recycling. Calculations and simulations indicated that the proposed building may have water consumption up to 56% lower than if it would be provided by conventional facilities. Rationalization of water consumption brings direct and indirect benefits, with influences on the environmental, social and economic fields
At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities
The biomonitoring technique for water quality in water bodies has been incorporated increasingly in management of the natural resources, using mainly indices of its aquatic community characteristics. In Brazil the first efforts to use this technique was restricted to the South and the Midwest region of this country. Located in the northeast region, this study was conducted at Rio Grande do Norte state and had as main objective the assessment of water quality in the Piranhas-Açu river using benthic macroinvertebrates community as biological indicators. Thus, were applied two biotic indices, the BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) and the IBF (Family Biotic Index). According the requirements of these indices, two periods of sampling were determined as basic methodology, in dry seasons of 2006 and 2007. The sampling sites were around the municipalities of Açu, Ipanguaçu, Alto do Rodrigues and Pendências. Physical-chemical measurements; a protocol of rapid assessment of diversity of habitats, and determination of the degree of tolerance of each taxon to organic pollution were also performed. The most abundant organisms found in the river were tolerant with the prevalence of Chironomidae (Diptera) and Melanoides tuberculata. This results, together with those ones got in indices application, showed a considerable organic pollution in the four sample places and the reaches were classified as modified to impacted. According to the used indices, this study suggest that this river have significant alteration in the biotic community and water quality on the organic pollution, and this fact, occurs in the reach of the river further downstream, where were expected a good water quality. Considering these results, measures aiming the conservation of this water body are needed regarding as it is inserted into a fragile ecosystem with dry season phenomenon, and the water of this river has extremely importance for the local economy
It is important to evaluate the quality of water for proper management of these resources, since the increase of environmental degradation and the multiple use of water resources are decreasing the quality of water consumed by living beings. The objective of this study was to characterize the phytoplankton community and its variations during periods of dray and rain in Jiqui Lake located in Parnamirim, RN. It was also aimed to analyze the physical and chemical factors of this environment, in order to contribute to the knowledge of water quality used for human consumption. The collection of water samples were carried out in September 2008 to August 2009. The collection of the phytoplankton community was carried out in four sampling sites (surface, bottom, margin of the lake without macrophytes and site dominated by macrophytes). Phytoplankton was collected using plankton net of 20m. The analysis of nutrients and identification of phytoplankton were performed in the laboratory. The results indicate that concentration of chlorophyll a was high in the bottom with mean value of 1.07 μgL-1 (SD ± 1.61). During the study period there was a dominance of the following species: Euglena gracilis, Trachelomonas sp, Cyclotellas sp, Gomphonema apuncto, Navicula cuspidata var. cuspidata, Navicula sp, Rhopalodia gibba. There was homogeneity between limnological values in the four study sites, with significant difference between the periods of drought and rain. The Jiqui Lake is considered oligotrophic due to its low concentrations of chlorophyll a, high transparency and low levels of nutrients. The values of BOD and chlorophyll a concentration remained below the permitted standards existing for freshwaters in Brazil, thus the water from Lake Jiqui is of good quality, suitable for human consumption.
The current study examined spatial-temporal modifications and water quality through chemical and biotic indicators during both dry (January, February and November 2006) and wet seasons (March to June 2006). This study was carried out in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, RN, Canal do Pataxó and after the water station treatment (WST). The physical-chemical parameters were measured in situ and inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll a and Free Oxygen Demand (FOD) were analyzed in laboratory conditions. Quali quantitative analyses of phytoplankton were carried out utilizing Sedgwick-Rafter camera. Results indicate that DQO concentrations were low. FOD concentrations in the reservoir were comparatively higher in the dry season (5.21 mgL-1; 5.64 mgL-1 e 6.05 mgL-1) in relation to the wet season (4.52 mgL-1; 4.12 mgL-1 e 4.92 mgL-1), in surface, intermediate and bottom waters, respectively. FOD values were inferior to 1.0mgL-1in both Canal do Pataxó and after WST, which is considered adequate for public use reservoirs. Although FOD concentrations were low, Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, Canal do Pataxó and WST were classified as euthophizied, mesotrophic ad oligotrophic, respectively, considering the Index of Trophic State Criteria. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the study reservoir were higher in the surface (199.2 µgL-1) during the wet season, whereas in Canal do Pataxó concentrations decreased from 1.56 µgL-1 to 0.028 µgL-1, and after WST values were low (0.059 µgL-1). Dominance of cianobacterias, such as Planktotrhix agardhii (dry season) and Microcystis sp (wet season) was registered in all three areas. In the reservoir and Canal do Pataxó, density of cianobacterias, such as P. agardhii and Microcistys sp., was superior to the values allowed by the Health ministry (HM). However, after WST, density values of cianobacteria were inferior to values established by the HM
The response of zooplankton assemblages to variations in the water quality of four man-made lakes, caused by eutrophication and siltation, was investigated by means of canonical correspondence analysis. Monte Carlo simulations using the CCA eingenvalues as test statistics revealed that changes in zooplankton species composition along the environmental gradients of trophic state and abiogenic turbidity were highly significant. The species Brachionus calyciflorus, Thermocyclops sp. and Argyrodiaptomus sp. were good indicators of eutrophic conditions while the species Brachionus dolabratus, Keratella tropica and Hexarthra sp. were good indicators of high turbidity due to suspended sediments. The rotifer genus Brachionus was the most species-rich taxon, comprising five species which were associated with different environmental conditions. Therefore, we tested whether this genus alone could potentially be a better biological indicator of these environmental gradients than the entire zooplankton assemblages or any other random set of five species. The ordination results show that the five Brachionus species alone did not explain better the observed pattern of environmental variation than most random sets of five species. Therefore, this genus could not be selected as a target taxon for more intensive environmental monitoring as has been previously suggested by Attayde and Bozelli (1998). Overall, our results show that changes in the water quality of man-made lakes in a tropical semi-arid region have significant effects on the structure of zooplankton assemblages that can potentially affect the functioning of these ecosystems
Seaweeds sulfated polysaccharides have been described as having various pharmacological activities. However, nothing is known about the influence of salinity on the structure of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed and pharmacological activities they perform. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity of seawater on yield and composition of polysaccharides-rich fractions from green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides var. flabellata, collected in two different salinities beaches of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and to verify the influence of salinity on their biological activities. We extracted four sulfated polysaccharides-rich fractions from C. cupressoides collected in Camapum beach (denominated CCM F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0), which the seawater has higher salinity, and Buzios beach (denominated CCB F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0). Different from that observed for other seaweeds, the proximate composition of C. cupressoides did not change with increased salinity. Moreover, interestingly, the C. cupresoides have high amounts of protein, greater even than other edible seaweeds. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the yield of polysaccharide fractions of CCM and its CCB counterparts, which indicates that salinity does not interfere with the yield of polysaccharide fractions. However, there was a significant difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio of F0.3 (p<0.05) and F0.5 (p<0.01) (CCM F0.3 and CCB F0.5 was higher than those determined for their counterparts), while the sulfate/sugar ratio the F1.0 and F2.0 did not change significantly (p>0.05) with salinity. This result suggested that the observed difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio between the fractions from CCM and CCB, is not merely a function of salinity, but probably also is related to the biological function of these biopolymers in seaweed. In addition, the salinity variation between collection sites did not influence algal monosaccharide composition, eletrophoretic mobility or the infrared spectrum of polysaccharides, demonstrating that the salinity does not change the composition of sulfated polysaccharides of C. cupressoides. There were differences in antioxidant and anticoagulant fractions between CCM and CCB. CCB F0.3 (more sulfated) had higher total antioxidant capacity that CCM F0.3, since the chelating ability the CCM F0.5 was more potent than CCB F0.5 (more sulfated). These data indicate that the activities of sulfated polysaccharides from CCM and CCB depend on the spatial patterns of sulfate groups and that it is unlikely to be merely a charge density effect. C. cupressoides polysaccharides also exhibited anticoagulant activity in the intrinsic (aPTT test) and extrinsic pathway (PT test). CCB F1.0 and CCM F1.0 showed different (p<0,001) aPTT activity, although F0.3 and F0.5 showed no difference (p>0,05) between CCM and CCB, corroborating the fact that the sulfate/sugar ratio is not a determining factor for biological activity, but rather for sulfate distribution along the sugar chain. Moreover, F0.3 and F0.5 activity in aPTT test was similar to that of clexane®, anticoagulant drug. In addition, F0.5 showed PT activity. These results suggest that salinity may have created subtle differences in the structure of sulfated polysaccharides, such as the distribution of sulfate groups, which would cause differences in biological activities between the fractions of the CCM and the CCB
Brazil has vast amounts of hydric resources, whose quality has been deteriorating due to pollutant dumping. Household waste disposal is one of the main sources of water pollution, stimulating bacteria proliferation and introducing microorganisms, including those from fecal matter. Conventional water disinfection methods are a solution, but on the downside, they lead to the formation byproducts hazardous to human health. In this study, aiming to develop bactericidal filters for the disinfection of drinking water; silver nanoparticles were deposited on alumina foams through three routes: sputtering DC, dip coating and in situ chemical reduction of silver nitrate. The depositions were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and EDS element mapping. The influence of the depositions on permeability and mechanical properties of the ceramic foams was assessed and, in sequence, a preliminary antibacterial efficiency analysis was carried out. Characterization results indicate that the chemical reduction routes were efficient in depositing homogeneously distributed silver particles and that the concentration of the metallic precursor salt affects size and morphology of the particles. The antibacterial efficiency analysis indicates that the chemical reduction filters have potential for water disinfection
The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms
Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates