970 resultados para Abyssogena kaikoi, height of valve
PURPOSE: To assess anatomical characteristics of the aortic valve, so that they may be useful in diagnostic situations and surgical treatment. METHODS: The study analyzed 100 healthy fixed human hearts; 84% of them obtained from males, 61% of them from Caucasian individuals. The ages of the individuals ranged from 9 to 86 years (mean 30±15.5 years). The characteristics assessed related to age, sex, and race were the following: number and height of the cusps, size of the lunulae, internal and external intercommissural distance, position of the coronary ostium in relation to the aortic valve, position of the ventricular septum in relation to the aortic valve, thickness of the cusps. RESULTS: All hearts assessed had a tricuspidal aortic valve. In regard to the height of the cusps and size of the lunula, the left coronary cusp was larger, followed by the right coronary cusp and the noncoronary cusp. The internal and external intercommissural distances had mean values of 24.6±5.7mm and 19.7±7mm, respectively. In regard to the position of the coronary ostia, in one heart two ostia emerged from the left coronary sinus, and in another, the ostium was supracommissural. The mean diameter of the aorta was 21.8±3.6mm, and there were no significant sexual or racial differences, but the diameter increased progressively with the increase in age. The thickness of the cusps did not show any significant difference in the 3 points assessed. CONCLUSION: The aortic valve annulus did not show a perfect circumference, with some variations in the measurements of the annulus, in the cusps and in the relation with the ventricular septum.
It is well known that striation spacing may be related to the crack growth rate, da/dN, through Paris equation, as well as the maximum and minimum loads under service loading conditions. These loads define the load ratio, R, and are considered impossible to be evaluated from the inter-spacing striations analysis. In this way, this study discusses the methodology proposed by Furukawa to evaluate the maximum and minimum loads based on the experimental fact that the relative height of a striation, H, and the striation spacing, s, are strongly influenced by the load ratio, R. Fatigue tests in C(T) specimens were conducted on SAE 7475-T7351 Al alloy plates at room temperature and the results showed a straightforward correlation between the parameters H, s, and R. Measurements of striation height, H, were performed using scanning electron microscopy and field emission gun (FEG) after sectioning the specimen at a large inclined angle to amplify the height of the striations. The results showed that for increasing R the values of H/s tend to increase. Striation height, striation spacing, and load ratio correlations were obtained, which allows one to estimate service loadings from fatigue fracture surface survey.
Freeze-drying of biological tissues allows for dry storage and gamma ray sterilization, which may improve their use as a medical prosthesis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rehydration characteristics and hydrodynamic performance of prosthetic valves before and after lyophilization. Two size 23 bovine pericardium aortic valve prostheses from different manufacturers were evaluated in a Shelhigh (Union, NJ, USA) pulse duplicator (80 ppm, 5 L/min) before and after lyophilization. Flow and transvalvular pressure gradient were registered in vitro and in vivo, and images of opening and closing of the prosthesis were obtained in the pulse duplicator in a digital camera. Rehydration was evaluated by comparison of dry valve weight with valve weight after 15 min, and 1, 24, 48, and 72 h in saline solution, inside the pulse duplicator. In vivo performance was assessed by surgical implantation in Santa Ines young male sheep in the pulmonary position after 30 min rehydration with 0.9% saline. Transvalvular pressure gradient and flow measurements were obtained immediately after implantation and 3 months after surgery when valves were explanted. Captured images showed a change in the profile opening and closing of valve prosthesis after lyophilization. The gradient measured (in vitro) in two valves was 17.08 +/- 0.57 and 18.76 +/- 0.70 mm Hg before lyophilization, and 34.24 +/- 0.59 and 30.40 +/- 0.97 mm Hg after lyophilization. Rehydration of both lyophilized valves was approximately 82%. Drying changed the profile of the opening and closing of valve prostheses, and increased on average by 83% the gradient in vitro tests. The result of the in vivo tests suggests maintaining pressure levels of the animal with the lyophilized prostheses within acceptable levels.
Objective: The objectives were to determine the postural consequences of varying computer monitor height and to describe self-selected monitor heights and postures. Design: The design involved experimental manipulation of computer monitor height, description of self-selected heights, and measurement of posture and gaze angles. Background. Disagreement exists with regard to the appropriate height of computer monitors. It is known that users alter both head orientation and gaze angle in response to changes in monitor height; however the relative contribution of atlanto-occipital and cervical flexion to the change in head rotation is unknown. No information is available with regard to self-selected monitor heights. Methods. Twelve students performed a tracking task with the monitor placed at three different heights. The subjects then completed eight trials in which monitor height was first self-selected. Sagittal postural and gaze angle data were determined by digitizing markers defining a two-dimensional three-link model of the trunk, cervical spine and head. Results. The 27 degrees change in monitor height imposed was, on average, accommodated by 18 degrees of head inclination and a 9 degrees change in gaze angle relative to the head. The change in head inclination was achieved by a 6 degrees change in trunk inclination, a 4 degrees change in cervical flexion, and a 7 degrees change in atlanto-occipital flexion. The self-selected height varied depending on the initial monitor height and inclination. Conclusions. Self-selected monitor heights were lower than current 'eye-level' recommendations. Lower monitor heights are likely to reduce both visual and musculoskeletal discomfort. Relevance Musculoskeletal and visual discomfort may be reduced by placing computer monitors lower than currently recommended. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and aim of the study: Results of valve re-replacement (reoperation) in 898 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with cryopreserved homograft valves between 1975 and 1998 are reported. The study aim was to provide estimates of unconditional probability of valve reoperation and cumulative incidence function (actual risk) of reoperation. Methods: Valves were implanted by subcoronary insertion (n = 500), inclusion cylinder (n = 46), and aortic root replacement (n = 352). Probability of reoperation was estimated by adopting a mixture model framework within which estimates were adjusted for two risk factors: patient age at initial replacement, and implantation technique. Results: For a patient aged 50 years, the probability of reoperation in his/her lifetime was estimated as 44% and 56% for non-root and root replacement techniques, respectively. For a patient aged 70 years, estimated probability of reoperation was 16% and 25%, respectively. Given that a reoperation is required, patients with non-root replacement have a higher hazard rate than those with root replacement (hazards ratio = 1.4), indicating that non-root replacement patients tend to undergo reoperation earlier before death than root replacement patients. Conclusion: Younger patient age and root versus non-root replacement are risk factors for reoperation. Valve durability is much less in younger patients, while root replacement patients appear more likely to live longer and hence are more likely to require reoperation.
The directional flow of lymph is maintained by hundreds of intraluminal lymphatic valves. Lymphatic valves are crucial to prevent lymphedema, accumulation of fluid in the tissues, and to ensure immune surveillance; yet, the mechanisms of valve formation are only beginning to be elucidated. In this chapter, we will discuss the main steps of lymphatic valve morphogenesis, the important role of mechanotransduction in this process, and the genetic program regulated by the transcription factor Foxc2, which is indispensable for all steps of valve development. Failure to form mature collecting lymphatic vessels and valves causes the majority of postsurgical lymphedema, e.g., in breast cancer patients. Therefore, this knowledge will be useful for diagnostics and development of better treatments of secondary lymphedema.
BACKGROUND: Height of individuals has long been considered as a significant index of nutrition and health of a population; still, there is little information regarding the trends of height and weight among developing or transitional countries. We assessed the secular trends in height and weight in children of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing island state in the Indian Ocean (African region). METHODS: Height and weight were measured in all students of all schools in four selected school grades (kindergarten, 4th, 7th and 10th grades) for the periods 1998-9 (6391 children) and 2005-6 (8582 children). Data for 1956-7 was extracted from a previously published report. RESULTS: At age 15.5 years, boys/girls were on average 10/13 cm taller and 15/9 kg heavier in 2005-6 than in 1956-7. Height increased in boys/girls by 1.62/0.93 cm/decade between 1956-7 and 1998-9 and by 1.14/1.82 cm/decade between 1998-9 and 2005-6. For weight, the linear increase in boys/girls was 1.38/1.10 kg/decade between 1956-7 and 1998-9 and 2.21/2.50 kg/decade between 1998-9 and 2005-6. Overall, the relative increase in weight between 1956-7 and 2005-6 was 5-fold higher than the relative increase in height. CONCLUSION: Height and weight increased markedly over time in children aged <16 years in the Seychelles, consistent with large changes in socio-economic and nutritional indicators in the considered 50-year interval. The markedly steeper increase in weight than height over time is consistent with an epidemic of overweight and obesity.
Standard practice of wave-height hazard analysis often pays little attention to the uncertainty of assessed return periods and occurrence probabilities. This fact favors the opinion that, when large events happen, the hazard assessment should change accordingly. However, uncertainty of the hazard estimates is normally able to hide the effect of those large events. This is illustrated using data from the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where the last years have been extremely disastrous. Thus, it is possible to compare the hazard assessment based on data previous to those years with the analysis including them. With our approach, no significant change is detected when the statistical uncertainty is taken into account. The hazard analysis is carried out with a standard model. Time-occurrence of events is assumed Poisson distributed. The wave-height of each event is modelled as a random variable which upper tail follows a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). Moreover, wave-heights are assumed independent from event to event and also independent of their occurrence in time. A threshold for excesses is assessed empirically. The other three parameters (Poisson rate, shape and scale parameters of GPD) are jointly estimated using Bayes' theorem. Prior distribution accounts for physical features of ocean waves in the Mediterranean sea and experience with these phenomena. Posterior distribution of the parameters allows to obtain posterior distributions of other derived parameters like occurrence probabilities and return periods. Predictives are also available. Computations are carried out using the program BGPE v2.0
BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: Transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a new minimally invasive technique with a known risk of unexpected intra-procedural complications. Nevertheless, the clinical results are good and the limited amount of procedural adverse events confirms the usefulness of a synergistic surgical/anesthesiological management in case of unexpected emergencies. METHODS: A review was made of the authors' four-year database and other available literature to identify major and minor intra-procedural complications occurring during transapical TAVR procedures. All implants were performed under general anesthesia with a balloon-expandable Edwards Sapien stent-valve, and followed international guidelines on indications and techniques. RESULTS: Procedural success rates ranged between 94% and 100%. Life-threatening apical bleeding occurred very rarely (0-5%), and its incidence decreased after the first series of implants. Stent-valve embolization was also rare, with a global incidence ranging from 0-2%, with evidence of improvement after the learning curve. Rates of valve malpositioning ranged from 0% to < 3%, whereas the risk of coronary obstruction ranged from 0% to 3.5%. Aortic root rupture and dissection were dramatic events reported in 0-2% of transapical cases. Stent-valve malfunction was rarely reported (1-2%), whereas the valve-in-valve bailout procedure for malpositioning, malfunctioning or severe paravalvular leak was reported in about 1.0-3.5% of cases. Sudden hemodynamic management and bailout procedures such as valve-in-valve rescue or cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass were more effective when planned during the preoperative phase. CONCLUSION: Despite attempts to avoid pitfalls, complications during transapical aortic valve procedures still occur. Preoperative strategic planning, including hemodynamic status management, alternative cannulation sites and bailout procedures, are highly recommended, particularly during the learning curve of this technique.
Amphicoma ( Glaphyridae) beetles are important pollinators of red bowl-shaped flowers in the Mediterranean. The role of color and shape in flower choice is well studied but the roles of inclination, depth, and height have seldom been investigated. Under field conditions, models were used to experimentally manipulate these three characters and visitation rates of beetles were recorded. Models with red horizontal surfaces were visited significantly more often than models with red vertical surfaces. Shallow flower models were visited significantly more than deeper equivalents. Models below or at the height of natural flower populations elicited significantly more landings than models above the height of flowers. Inclination, depth, and height characteristics are all likely to be important components in the flower preferences exhibited by pollinating beetles.
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is the myxozoan parasite causing proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonid fishes in Europe and North America. The complete life cycle of the parasite remains unknown despite recent discoveries that the stages infectious for fish develop in freshwater bryozoans. During the course of examinations of the urine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with or recovering from PKD we identified spores with features similar to those of T. bryosalmonae found in the bryozoan host. Spores found in the urine were subspherical, with a width of 16 mum and height of 14 mum, and possessed two soft valves surrounding two spherical polar capsules (2 mum in diameter) and a single sporoplasm. The absence of hardened valves is a distinguishing characteristic of the newly established class Malacosporea that includes T. bryosalmonae as found in the bryozoan host. The parasite in the urine of rainbow trout possessed only two polar capsules and two valve cells compared to the four polar capsules and four valves observed in the spherical spores of 19 mum in diameter from T. bryosalmonae from the bryozoan host. Despite morphological differences, a relationship between the spores in the urine of rainbow trout and T. bryosalmonae was demonstrated by binding of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and DNA probes specific to T. bryosalmonae.
A melancia é uma espécie tradicionalmente conduzida em campo no sistema rasteiro. As cultivares de frutos pequenos (1 a 3 kg), que adquirem melhores preços de mercado, vêm sendo cultivadas também em ambiente protegido, onde são conduzidas no sistema vertical, com poda de ramos e raleio de frutos. Essas práticas possibilitam aumentar o adensamento das plantas, a qualidade e a produtividade de frutos em comparação ao sistema rasteiro. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de três alturas de condução (1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m) e duas densidades de plantas (3,17 e 4,76 plantas m-2) sobre as características produtivas e qualitativas da mini melancia Smile cultivada em ambiente protegido. A poda da haste principal foi realizada aos 43, 55 e 66 dias após o transplante (DAT) para as alturas de condução de 1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m, respectivamente. A massa seca dos ramos, dos pecíolos, das folhas e total foram afetados pela altura de condução, cujos maiores valores foram obtidos para as plantas conduzidas a 2,2 e 2,7 m de altura. A área foliar, a área foliar específica e o índice de área foliar não foram influenciados pela altura de condução das plantas. A altura de condução de 2,7 m elevou a produtividade total. Entretanto, a produtividade comercial, a massa média dos frutos e todas as características qualitativas não foram significativamente diferentes das obtidos pela altura de poda de 2,2 m. em relação à densidade de plantas, a melhor opção foi a de 4,76 plantas m-2, pois elevou a produtividade comercial em 37,4% sem reduzir a massa média dos frutos.
In this paper we proposed to estimate the heritability of seven morphological characters that compose the sting apparatus ofthe Africanized honeybee workers. An experimental design to estimate genetic parameters was based on the method developed by Oldroyd and Moran. This method was modified to eliminate within-colony environmental effects associated with the additive genetic variance. The estimated h2 values ranged from 0.17 ± 0.11 (maximum width of bulb of sting stylet and height of the valve of right lancet) to 0.74 ± 0.30 (length of the lancet).
The watermelon is traditionally cultivated horizontally on the ground. The cultivars of small fruits (1 to 3 kg), which reach better market prices, are also being grown in a greenhouse, where the plants are trained upward on vertical supports, with branches pruning and fruits thinning. These practices make possible an increase of the plant density, fruit quality and yield compared to the traditional growth system. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of three training heights (1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m) and two planting densities (3.17 and 4.76 plants m-2) over the productive and qualitative characteristics of mini watermelon "Smile" cultivated in greenhouse. The pruning was done at 43, 55 and 66 days after transplanting (DAT), when the plant height reached 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m, respectively. The dry mass of branches, petioles, leaves and total were affected by the training height, where the highest values were obtained by the plants pruned at 2.2 and 2.7 m. Leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf area index were not affected by the height of the plants. The training height of 2.7 m raised the total yield, however, marketable yield, average fruit mass and all the quality characteristics did not differ significantly from those obtained by the training height of 2.2 m. Regarding to plant density, the best option was 4.76 plants m-2, due to the increasing of marketable yield in 37.4% without reducing the average weight of fruits.
PURPOSE: To compare two techniques used to create a larger animal model of venous valve incompetence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To achieve vein dilatation as the primary cause of valve incompetence, common carotid jugular vein (JV) fistulas were created and optional filters were placed into the JV of sheep. Altogether, nine inferior vena cava filters were placed in three sheep in two stages. Six filters were placed caudal to the most caudal JV valve in three sheep and removed 6 weeks later. Then, three filters were placed across the most caudal valve in two sheep with competent valves and removed 3 weeks later. A common carotid artery-JV fistula was created in three sheep and followed-up for 1-3 weeks. Ascending and descending venograms were obtained to determine the JV sizes and function of their valves. The JVs removed at necropsy were studied with venoscopy. RESULTS: Only one of the six JVs with filters caudal to the most caudal valve had incompetent valves after filter removal at 6 weeks. In addition, only one of three JVs with the filter across the valve had incompetent valves after filter removal at 3 weeks. At 1-3-week follow-up of the group with common carotid artery-JV fistula, all three JVs had incompetent valves in the cephalad vein portion, but only one JV had an incompetent valve in its caudal portion. At venoscopy, the incompetent valves showed various degrees of damage ranging from shortening to the destruction of valve leaflets. CONCLUSION: Dilation of the valve annulus with a removable vena cava filter failed to produce valve incompetence. The promising results with the common carotid artery-JV fistula justify further detailed research.