979 resultados para Absolute values


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The energy of a graph is equal to the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. The energy of a matrix is equal to the sum of its singular values. We establish relations between the energy of the line graph of a graph G and the energies associated with the Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrices of G. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The energy of a graph G is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. The Laplacian (respectively, the signless Laplacian) energy of G is the sum of the absolute values of the differences between the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (respectively, signless Laplacian) matrix and the arithmetic mean of the vertex degrees of the graph. In this paper, among some results which relate these energies, we point out some bounds to them using the energy of the line graph of G. Most of these bounds are valid for both energies, Laplacian and signless Laplacian. However, we present two new upper bounds on the signless Laplacian which are not upper bounds for the Laplacian energy. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study compared the ground reaction forces (GRF) and plantar pressures between unloaded and occasional loaded gait. The GRF and plantar pressures of 60 participants were recorded during unloaded gait and occasional loaded gait (wearing a backpack that raised their body mass index to 30); this load criterion was adopted because is considered potentially harmful in permanent loaded gait (obese people). The results indicate an overall increase (absolute values) of GRF and plantar pressures during occasional loaded gait (p < 0.05); also, higher normalized (by total weight) values in the medial midfoot and toes, and lower values in the lateral rearfoot region were observed. During loaded gait the magnitude of the vertical GRF (impact and thrust maximum) decreased and the shear forces increased more than did the proportion of the load (normalized values). These data suggest a different pattern of GRF and plantar pressure distribution during occasional loaded compared to unloaded gait.


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This study examined factors contributing to the differences in left ventricular mass as measured by Doppler echocardiography in children. Fourteen boys (10.3 ± 0.3 years of age) and 1 1 girls (10.5 ± 0.4 years of age) participated in the study. Height and weight were measured, and relative body fat was determined from the measurement of skinfold thickness according to Slaughter et al. (1988). Lean Body Mass was then calculated by subtracting the fat mass from the total body mass. Sexual maturation was self-assessed using the stages of sexual maturation by Tanner (1962). Both pubic hair development and genital (penis or breast for boys and girls respectively) development were used to determine sexual maturation. Carotid Pulse pressure was assessed by applanation tomometry in the left carotid artery. Cardiac mass was measured by Doppler Echocardiography. Images of cardiac structures were taken using B-Mode and were then translated to M- Mode. The dimensions at the end diastole were obtained at the onset of the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram in a plane through a standard position. Measurements included: (a) the diameter of the left ventricle at the end diastole was measured from the septum edge to the endocardium mean border, (b) the posterior wall was measured as the distance from to anterior wall to the epicardium surface, and (c) the interventricular septum was quantified as the distance from the surface of the left ventricle border to the right ventricle septum surface. Systolic time measurements were taken at the peak of the T-wave of the electrocardiogram. Each measurement was taken three to five times before averaging. Average values were used to calculate cardiac mass using the following equation (Deveraux et al. 1986). Weekly physical activity metabolic equivalent was calculated using a standardize activity questionnaire (Godin and Shepard, 1985) and peakV02 was measured on a cycloergometer. There were no significant differences in cardiovascular mesurements between boys and girls. Left ventricular mass was correlated (p<0.05) with size, maturation, peakV02 and physical activity metabolic equivalent. In boys, lean body mass alone explained 36% of the variance in left ventricular mass while weight was the single strongest predictor of left ventricular mass (R =0.80) in girls. Lean body mass, genital developemnt and physical activity metabolic equivalent together explained 46% and 81% in boys and girls, respectively. However, the combination of lean body mass, genital development and peakV02 (ml kgLBM^ min"') explained up to 84% of the variance in left ventricular mass in girls, but added nothing in boys. It is concluded that left ventricular mass was not statistically different between pre-adolescent boys and girls suggesting that hormonal, and therefore, body size changes in adolescence have a main effect on cardiac development and its final outcome. Although body size parameters were the strongest correlates of left ventricular mass in this pre-adolescent group of children, to our knowledge, this is the first study to report that sexual maturation, as well as physical activity and fitness, are also strong associated with left ventricular mass in pre-adolescents, especially young females. Arterial variables, such as systolic blood pressure and carotid pulse pressure, are not strong determinants of left ventricular mass in this pre-adolescent group. In general, these data suggest that although there is no gender differences in the absolute values of left ventricular mass, as children grow, the factors that determine cardiac mass differ between the genders, even in the same pre-adolescent age.


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La ventilation unipulmonaire (SLV; Single Lung Ventilation) pendant les chirurgies thoraciques entraîne des altérations cardio-pulmonaires et hémodynamiques importantes. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consiste à étudier l’impact de la SLV sur l’oxymétrie cérébrale et sa relation avec les complications post opératoires. La première étude inclut vingt patients ayant subi une chirurgie thoracique nécessitant une SLV. L’oxymétrie a été mesurée à l’aide de l’oxymètre cérébral absolu FORESIGHTTM (CASMED, USA) afin d’étudier les changements de la saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) tout le long de la chirurgie. La SctO2 ainsi que les paramètres de monitorage standard (BIS, SpO2, pression sanguine, fréquence cardiaque) ont été notés à toutes les cinq minutes à partir de l’induction jusqu’au réveil. Une analyse sanguine (paO2, paCO2, Hb) a été effectuée à toutes les quinze minutes. La deuxième étude effectuée consistait d’étudier la relation entre la désaturation cérébrale en oxygène et les complications post opératoires. Pour cette fin, les scores Clavien et SOFA mesurant l’amplitude des complications, ont été établis pour chaque patient. Les données sont présentées sous forme de moyenne et de la médiane [1er quartile, 3ème quartile; min – max]. Les vingt patients de la première étude ont montré une valeur moyenne absolue de saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) de 80% avant l’induction. Durant la SLV, cette valeur a chuté jusqu’à 63% et est remontée à 71% directement après extubation. Tous ces patients ont subi une désaturation durant SLV de plus que 15% comparativement à la valeur de base et 70% ont eu une désaturation de plus de 20%. La désaturation n’a pas été corrélée avec aucun des paramètres de monitorage clinique standard comme la pression artérielle, les analyses des gaz artériels, la saturation périphérique ou la PaO2. La deuxième étude incluant trente autres patients aux vingt premiers, est venue confirmer les résultats de la première étude. De plus, une analyse de corrélation entre les valeurs minimales de SctO2 obtenues durant SLV et les complications post opératoires a été effectuée. Les patients avaient une SctO2 de base de 80%, qui a chuté jusqu’à 64% pendant la SLV pour récupérer à 71% avant la fin de la chirurgie. 82% des patients ont subi des désaturations de plus de 15% des valeurs initiales et 10% ont atteint des valeurs de SctO2 entre 45 et 55%. Les valeurs minimales de SctO2 observées durant la SLV corrélaient avec le score SOFA non respiratoire (R2=0,090, p=0,0287) ainsi qu’avec le score Clavien (R2=0,098, p=0,0201), mais ne corrélait avec aucun des paramètres cliniques standards (ex : SpO¬2, PaO2, PaCO2, Hb). En définissant une valeur seuil de SctO2=65%, le «Odds ratio» d’avoir une défaillance d’organe non respiratoire est de 2.37 (IC 95%=1,18 – 4,39, p=0,043) et d’avoir une complication classifiée supérieure à un score Clavien de 0 est de 3,19 (IC 95%=1,6 – 6,34, p=0,0272). Les chirurgies thoraciques avec une SLV sont associées à des chutes significatives de SctO2, et les valeurs minimales de SctO2 semblent avoir une corrélation positive avec les complications post opératoires.


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The D-eigenvalues of a graph G are the eigenvalues of its distance matrix D, and the D-energy ED(G) is the sum of the absolute values of its D-eigenvalues. Two graphs are said to be D-equienergetic if they have the same D-energy. In this note we obtain bounds for the distance spectral radius and D-energy of graphs of diameter 2. Pairs of equiregular D-equienergetic graphs of diameter 2, on p = 3t + 1 vertices are also constructed.


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Eigenvalue of a graph is the eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. The energy of a graph is the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. In this note we obtain analytic expressions for the energy of two classes of regular graphs.


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The D-eigenvalues of a graph G are the eigenvalues of its distance matrix D, and the D-energy ED(G) is the sum of the absolute values of its D-eigenvalues. Two graphs are said to be D-equienergetic if they have the same D-energy. In this note we obtain bounds for the distance spectral radius and D-energy of graphs of diameter 2. Pairs of equiregular D-equienergetic graphs of diameter 2, on p = 3t + 1 vertices are also constructed.


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The energy of a graph G is the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. In this paper, we study the energies of some classes of non-regular graphs. Also the spectrum of some non-regular graphs and their complements are discussed.


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Planners in public and private institutions would like coherent forecasts of the components of age-specic mortality, such as causes of death. This has been di cult to achieve because the relative values of the forecast components often fail to behave in a way that is coherent with historical experience. In addition, when the group forecasts are combined the result is often incompatible with an all-groups forecast. It has been shown that cause-specic mortality forecasts are pessimistic when compared with all-cause forecasts (Wilmoth, 1995). This paper abandons the conventional approach of using log mortality rates and forecasts the density of deaths in the life table. Since these values obey a unit sum constraint for both conventional single-decrement life tables (only one absorbing state) and multiple-decrement tables (more than one absorbing state), they are intrinsically relative rather than absolute values across decrements as well as ages. Using the methods of Compositional Data Analysis pioneered by Aitchison (1986), death densities are transformed into the real space so that the full range of multivariate statistics can be applied, then back-transformed to positive values so that the unit sum constraint is honoured. The structure of the best-known, single-decrement mortality-rate forecasting model, devised by Lee and Carter (1992), is expressed in compositional form and the results from the two models are compared. The compositional model is extended to a multiple-decrement form and used to forecast mortality by cause of death for Japan


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En las últimas tres décadas han sido formuladas distintas metodologías de estimación de las condiciones de salud en el mundo, en términos de conocer la carga global y particular de la morbilidad y la discapacidad, y de estimar la eficacia de las intervenciones en el ámbito de la salud pública. En Colombia, el avance más significativo en relación con la discapacidad es el Registro para la Localización y Caracterización de Personas con Discapacidad, elaborado por el DANE1 en 2003. La presente investigación usó los datos del Registro, analizó los factores contextuales ambientales, personales y sociales de la CIF2 con el propósito de identificar las relaciones determinantes de la discapacidad. El análisis secundario proviene de los datos de 86.622 registros (DANE3, 2005-2006), de las 20 localidades del Distrito Capital de Bogotá. Las variables fueron seleccionadas por conveniencia, obedeciendo a referentes empíricos de los factores determinantes de la CIF2 que se relacionan con los módulos del Registro sobre localización y vivienda, identificación personal, caracterización y origen de la discapacidad, salud, educación y participación. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencia en valores absolutos y porcentuales para cada una de las variables. El análisis global por grupos de factores, personales y ambientales, sugiere un mayor peso de los segundos en la generación y exacerbación de la discapacidad, en la medida en que responden a determinantes relacionadas con modos y condiciones de vida asociados a los servicios, sistemas y políticas.


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Every year a large number of birds die when they collide with windows. The actual number is difficult to ascertain. Previous attempts to estimate bird-window collision rates in Canada relied heavily on a prior citizen-science study that used memory-based surveys. Such an approach to data collection has many potential biases. We built upon this study and its recommendations for future research by creating a citizen-science program that actively searched for collision evidence at houses and apartments for an extended period with the objective to see how standardized approaches to data collection compared with memory recall. Absolute collision estimates as well as relative differences were compared between residence types in the two studies, and we found considerable differences in absolute values for collisions but similar rankings of collision rates between residence types. Collision recall rates in our study (56.5%) were very similar those in the prior 2012 study, where 50.5% of participants remembered a bird colliding with a window at some time in the past. Fatality estimates, however, were 1.4 times higher in the 2012 study than in our study based on standardized searches. Rural houses with a bird feeder consistently had the highest number of collisions. This suggests that memory recall surveys may be a useful tool for understanding the relative importance of different risk factors causing bird-window collisions.


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The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of total selenium (Se) and of the proportion of total Se comprised as the selenized amino acids selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) within the post mortem tissues of lambs that were fed high dose selenized enriched yeast (SY), derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisae CNCM (Collection Nationale de Culture de Micro-organism) I-3060. Thirty two Texel X Suffolk lambs (6.87 ± 0.23 kg BW) were offered both reconstituted milk replacer and a pelleted diet, both of which had been either supplemented with high SY (6.30 ± 0.18 mg Se/kg DM) or unsupplemented (0.13 ± 0.01 mg Se/kg of DM), depending on treatment designation, for a continuous period of 91 d. At enrollment and 28, 56 and 91 d following enrollment lambs were blood sampled. At the completion of the treatment period, five lambs from each treatment group were euthanased and samples of heart, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle (Longissimus Dorsi and Psoas Major) were retained for Se analysis. The inclusion of high SY increased (P < 0.001) whole blood Se concentration, reaching a maximum mean value of 815.2 ± 19.1 ng Se/mL compared with 217.8 ± 9.1 ng Se/mL in control animals. Tissue total Se concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in SY supplemented animals than in controls irrespective of tissue type; values were 26, 16, 8 and 3 times higher in skeletal muscle, liver, heart and kidney tissue of HSY lambs when compared to controls. however, the distribution of total Se and the proportions of total Se comprised as either SeMet or SeCys differed between tissue types. Selenocysteine was the predominant selenized amino acid in glandular tissues, such the liver and kidney. irrespective of treatment, although absolute values were markedly higher in HSY lambs. Conversely selenomethionine was the predominat selenized amino acid in cardiac and skeletal muscle (Longissimus Dorsi, and Psoas Major) tissues in HSY animals, although the same trend was not apparent for control lambs in which SeCys was the predominant selenized amino acid. It was concluded that there were increases in both whole blood and tissue total Se concentrations as a result of dietary supplementation with high dose of SY. Furthermore, distribution of total Se and Se species differed between both treatment designation and tissue type.


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As the ideal method of assessing the nutritive value of a feedstuff, namely offering it to the appropriate class of animal and recording the production response obtained, is neither practical nor cost effective a range of feed evaluation techniques have been developed. Each of these balances some degree of compromise with the practical situation against data generation. However, due to the impact of animal-feed interactions over and above that of feed composition, the target animal remains the ultimate arbitrator of nutritional value. In this review current in vitro feed evaluation techniques are examined according to the degree of animal-feed interaction. Chemical analysis provides absolute values and therefore differs from the majority of in vitro methods that simply rank feeds. However, with no host animal involvement, estimates of nutritional value are inferred by statistical association. In addition given the costs involved, the practical value of many analyses conducted should be reviewed. The in sacco technique has made a substantial contribution to both understanding rumen microbial degradative processes and the rapid evaluation of feeds, especially in developing countries. However, the numerous shortfalls of the technique, common to many in vitro methods, the desire to eliminate the use of surgically modified animals for routine feed evaluation, paralleled with improvements in in vitro techniques, will see this technique increasingly replaced. The majority of in vitro systems use substrate disappearance to assess degradation, however, this provides no information regarding the quantity of derived end-products available to the host animal. As measurement of volatile fatty acids or microbial biomass production greatly increases analytical costs, fermentation gas release, a simple and non-destructive measurement, has been used as an alternative. However, as gas release alone is of little use, gas-based systems, where both degradation and fermentation gas release are measured simultaneously, are attracting considerable interest. Alternative microbial inocula are being considered, as is the potential of using multi-enzyme systems to examine degradation dynamics. It is concluded that while chemical analysis will continue to form an indispensable part of feed evaluation, enhanced use will be made of increasingly complex in vitro systems. It is vital, however, the function and limitations of each methodology are fully understood and that the temptation to over-interpret the data is avoided so as to draw the appropriate conclusions. With careful selection and correct application in vitro systems offer powerful research tools with which to evaluate feedstuffs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several continuous observational datasets of Artic sea-ice concentration are currently available that cover the period since the advent of routine satellite observations. We report on a comparison of three sea-ice concentration datasets. These are the National Ice Center charts, and two passive microwave radiometer datasets derived using different approaches: the NASA team and Bootstrap algorithms. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses were employed to compare modes of variability and their consistency between the datasets. The analysis was motivated by the need for a reliable, realistic sea ice climatology for use in climate model simulations, for which both the variability and absolute values of extent and concentration are important. We found that, while there are significant discrepancies in absolute concentrations, the major modes of variability derived from all records were essentially the same.