955 resultados para Abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces


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We systematically investigated the mechanism of the C-1 + C-1 coupling reactions using density functional theory. The activation energies of C-1 + C-1 coupling and carbon hydrogenation reactions on both flat and stepped surfaces were calculated and analyzed. Moreover, the coverages of adsorbed C-1 species were estimated, and the reaction rates of all possible C-1 + C-1 coupling pathways were quantitatively evaluated. The results suggest that the reactions of CH2 + CH2 and CH3 + C at steps are most likely to be the key C-1 + C-1 coupling steps in FT synthesis on Co catalysts. The reactions of C-2 + C-1 and C-3 + C-1 coupling also were studied; the results demonstrate that in addition to the pathways of RCH + CH2 and RCH2 + C, the coupling of RC + C and RC + CH also may contribute to the chain growth after C-1. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Simple analytical formulas are introduced for the grid impedance of electrically dense arrays of square patches and for the surface impedance of high-impedance surfaces based on the dense arrays of metal strips or square patches over ground planes. Emphasis is on the oblique-incidence excitation. The approach is based on the known analytical models for strip grids combined with the approximate Babinet principle for planar grids located at a dielectric interface. Analytical expressions for the surface impedance and reflection coefficient resulting from our analysis are thoroughly verified by full-wave simulations and compared with available data in open literature for particular cases. The results can be used in the design of various antennas and microwave or millimeter wave devices which use artificial impedance surfaces and artificial magnetic conductors (reflect-array antennas, tunable phase shifters, etc.), as well as for the derivation of accurate higher-order impedance boundary conditions for artificial (high-) impedance surfaces. As an example, the propagation properties of surface waves along the high-impedance surfaces are studied.


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We have performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations to investigate the reaction mechanism of the cleavage of the carbonyl bond in amides on both flat and stepped Ru surfaces. The simplest amide molecule, N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), was used as the exemplar model molecule. Through the calculations, the most stable transition states (TSs) in all the pathways on both flat and stepped Ru surfaces are identified. Comparing the energy profiles of different reaction pathways, we find that a direct cleavage mechanism is always energetically favored as compared with an alternative hydrogen-induced mechanism on either the flat or stepped Ru surface. It is easier for the dissociation process to occur on the stepped surface than on the flat surface. However, as compared with the terrace, the superiority of step sites boosting the C-O bond dissociation is not as evident as that on CO dissociation.


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Partial hydrogenation of acrolein, the simplest alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehyde, is not only a model system to understand the selectivity in heterogeneous catalysis, but also technologically an important reaction. In this work, the reaction on Pt(211) and Au(211) surfaces is thoroughly investigated using density functional theory calculations. The formation routes of three partial hydrogenation products, namely propenol, propanal and enol, on both metals are studied. It is found that the pathway to produce enol is kinetically favoured on Pt while on Au the route of forming propenol is preferred. Our calculations also show that the propanal formation follows an indirect pathway on Pt(211). An energy decomposition method to analyze the barrier is utilized to understand the selectivities at Pt(211) and Au(211), which reveals that the interaction energies between the reactants involved in the transition states play a key role in determining the selectivity difference.


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This study investigated the enhancement of solar disinfection using custom-made batch reactors with reflective (foil-backed) or absorptive (black-backed) rear surfaces, under a range of weather conditions in India. Plate counts of Escherichia coli ATCC11775 were made under aerobic conditions and under conditions where reactive oxygen species (ROS) were neutralised, i.e. in growth medium supplemented with 0.05% w/v sodium pyruvate plus incubation under anaerobic conditions. While the addition of either an absorptive or a reflective backing enhanced reactor performance under strong sunlight, the reflective reactor was the only system to show consistent enhancement under low sunlight, where the process was slowest. Counts performed under ROS-neutralised conditions were slightly higher than those in air, indicating that a fraction of the cells become sub-lethally injured during exposure to sunlight to the extent that they were unable to grow aerobically. However, the influence of this phenomenon on the dynamics of inactivation was relatively small


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Städtische Biomassen der Grünflächen bilden eine potentielle, bisher weitgehend ungenutzte Ressource für Bioenergie. Kommunen pflegen die Grünflächen, lassen das Material aber verrotten oder führen es Deponien oder Müllverbrennungsanlagen zu. Diese Praxis ist kostenintensiv ohne für die Verwaltungen finanziellen Ausgleich bereitzustellen. Stattdessen könnte das Material energetisch verwertet werden. Zwei mögliche Techniken, um Bioenergie zu gewinnen, wurden mit krautigem Material des städtischen Straßenbegleitgrüns untersucht i) direkte anaerobe Fermentation (4 Schnitte im Jahr) und ii) „Integrierte Festbrennstoff- und Biogasproduktion aus Biomasse“ (IFBB), die Biomasse durch Maischen und mechanisches Entwässern in einen Presssaft und einen Presskuchen trennt (2 Schnitte im Jahr). Als Referenz wurde die aktuelle Pflege ohne Verwertungsoption mitgeführt (8faches Mulchen). Zusätzlich wurde die Eignung von Gras-Laub-Mischungen im IFBB-Verfahren untersucht. Der mittlere Biomasseertrag war 3.24, 3.33 und 5.68 t Trockenmasse ha-1 jeweils für die Pflegeintensitäten Mulchen, 4-Schnitt- und 2-Schnittnutzung. Obwohl die Faserkonzentration in der Biomasse der 2-Schnittnutzung höher war als im Material der 4-Schnittnutzung, unterschieden sich die Methanausbeuten nicht signifikant. Der Presskuchen aus dem krautigen Material des Straßenbegleitgrüns hatte einen Heizwert von 16 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse, während der Heizwert des Presskuchens der Gras-Laub-Mischung in Abhängigkeit vom Aschegehalt zwischen 15 und 17 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse lag. Der Aschegehalt der Mischungen war höher als der Grenzwert nach DIN EN 14961-6:2012 (für nicht-holzige Brennstoffe), was auf erhöhte Bodenanhaftung auf Grund der Erntemethoden zurückzuführen sein könnte. Der Aschegehalt des krautigen Materials vom Straßenrand hielt die Norm jedoch ein. Die Elementkonzentration (Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N, Na, P, S, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Si, Zn) im krautigen Material war generell ähnlich zu Landwirtschafts- oder Naturschutzgrünland. In den Mischungen nahm die Elementkonzentration (Al, Cl, K, N, Na, P, S, Si) mit zunehmendem Laubanteil ab. Die Konzentration von Ca, Mg und der Neutral-Detergenz-Fasern stieg hingegen an. Die IFBB-Technik reduzierte die Konzentrationen der in der Verbrennung besonders schädlichen Elemente Cl, K und N zuverlässig. Außer den potentiell hohen Aschegehalten, wurde während der Untersuchungen kein technischer Grund entdeckt, der einer energetischen Verwertung des getesteten urbanen Materials entgegenstehen würde. Ökonomische, soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen einer Umsetzung müssen beachtet werden. Eine oberflächliche Betrachtung auf Basis des bisherigen Wissens lässt hoffen, dass eine bioenergetische Verwertung städtischen Materials auf allen Ebenen nachhaltig sein könnte.


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Time resolved studies of silylene, SiH2, generated by the 193 nm laser. ash photolysis of phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain rate coefficients for its bimolecular reactions with methyl-, dimethyl- and trimethyl-silanes in the gas phase. The reactions were studied over the pressure range 3 - 100 Torr with SF6 as bath gas and at five temperatures in the range 300 - 625 K. Only slight pressure dependences were found for SiH2 + MeSiH3 ( 485 and 602 K) and for SiH2 + Me2SiH2 ( 600 K). The high pressure rate constants gave the following Arrhenius parameters: [GRAPHICS] These are consistent with fast, near to collision-controlled, association processes. RRKM modelling calculations are consistent with the observed pressure dependences ( and also the lack of them for SiH2 + Me3SiH). Ab initio calculations at both second order perturbation theory (MP2) and coupled cluster (CCSD(T)) levels, showed the presence of weakly-bound complexes along the reaction pathways. In the case of SiH2 + MeSiH3 two complexes, with different geometries, were obtained consistent with earlier studies of SiH2 + SiH4. These complexes were stabilised by methyl substitution in the substrate silane, but all had exceedingly low barriers to rearrangement to product disilanes. Although methyl groups in the substrate silane enhance the intrinsic SiH2 insertion rates, it is doubtful whether the intermediate complexes have a significant effect on the kinetics. A further calculation on the reaction MeSiH + SiH4 shows that the methyl substitution in the silylene should have a much more significant kinetic effect ( as observed in other studies).


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The spontaneous assembly of a peptide bolaamphiphile in water, namely, RFL4FR (R, arginine; F, phenylalanine; L, leucine) is investigated, along with its novel properties in surface modification and usage as substrates for cell culture. RFL4FR self-assembles into nanosheets through lateral association of the peptide backbone. The L4 sequence is located within the core of the nanosheets, whereas the R moieties are exposed to the water at the surface of the nanosheets. Kinetic assays indicate that the self-assembly is driven by a remarkable two-step process, where a nucleation phase is followed by fast growth of nanosheets with an autocatalysis process. The internal structure of the nanosheets is formed from ultrathin bolaamphiphile monolayers with a crystalline orthorhombic symmetry with cross-β organization. We show that human corneal stromal fibroblast (hCSF) cells can grow on polystyrene films coated with films dried from RFL4FR solutions. For the first time, this type of amphiphilic peptide is used as a substrate to modulate the wettability of solid surfaces for cell culture applications.


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In the current work, two different coatings, nitrocarburised (CN) and titanium carbonitride (TiCN) on M2 grade high speed tool steel, were prepared by commercial diffusion and physical vapour deposition (PVD) techniques, respectively. Properties of the coating were characterised using a variety of techniques such as Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GD-OES) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Three non-commercial, oil-based lubricants with simplified formulations were used for this study. A tribological test was developed in which two nominally geometrically-identical crossed cylinders slide over each other under selected test conditions. This test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a pre-applied lubricant film and a surface coating for various conditions of sliding wear. Engineered surface coatings can significantly improve wear resistance of the tool surface but their sliding wear performances strongly depend on the type of coating and lubricant combination used. These coating-lubricant interactions can also have a very strong effect on the useful life of the lubricant in a tribological system. Better performance of lubricants during the sliding wear testing was achieved hen used with the nitrocarburised (CN) coating. To understand the nature of the interactions and their possible effects on the coating-lubricant system, several surface analysis techniques were used. The molecular level investigation of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that oxidative degradation occurred in all used oil-based lubricants during the sliding wear test but the degradation behaviour of oil-based lubricants varied with the coating-lubricant system and the wear conditions. The main differences in the carbonyl oxidation region of the FTIR spectra (1900-1600 cm-1) between different coating-lubricant systems may relate to the effective lifetime of the lubricant during the sliding wear test. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling shows that the CN coating has the highest lubricant absorbability among the tested tool surfaces. Diffusion of chlorine (C1), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) into the surface of subsurface of the tool suggested that strong interactions occurred between lubricant and tool surface during the sliding wear test. The possible effects of the interactions on the performance of whole tribological system are also discussed. The study of Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) indicated that the envelope of hydrocarbons (CmHn) of oil lubricant in the positive TOF-SIMS spectra shifted to lower mass fragment after the sliding wear testing due to the breakage of long-chain hydrocarbons to short-chain ones during the degradation of lubricant. The shift of the mass fragment range of the hydrocarbon (CmHn) envelope caries with the type of both tool surface and lubricant, again confirming that variation in the performance of the tool-lubricant system relates to the changes in surface chemistry due to tribochemical interactions at the tool-lubricant interface under sliding wear conditions. The sliding wear conditions resulted in changes not only in topography of the tool surface due to mechanical interactions, as outlined in Chapter 5, but also in surface chemistry due to tribochemical interactions, as discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a deposição das gotas de pulverização, dotadas de carga elétrica (eletrostática), em comparação à técnica de pulverização convencional em crisântemo, com uso de diferentes pontas de pulverização. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com oito tratamentos: combinação das pontas TXVK-3, AXI 110015, AXI 12002 TWIN e AXI 11003, com duas técnicas de pulverização (com e sem eletrostática), e quatro repetições. Cada repetição foi representada por 12 plantas, às quais foram afixados papéis do tipo mata-borrão na superfície abaxial e adaxial dos folíolos, e em duas posições da planta: ápice e base. Um corante marcador (Rodamina B) foi pulverizado na proporção de 5 g por 100 L d'água em cada um dos tratamentos. Os depósitos do marcador foram quantificados por fluorometria. As pontas com gotas de menor diâmetro mediano volumétrico (TXVK-3 e AXI 110015) apresentaram maiores depósitos na superfície abaxial da folha, quando se utilizou a pulverização eletrostática. Esse fato não foi observado, quando foram pulverizadas gotas com maior diâmetro mediano volumétrico e desprovidas de carga elétrica, nas diferentes partes da planta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)