123 resultados para ATÚN
El propósito central de este estudio de caso es describir y analizar todo el proceso institucional entre la FIFA y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), para la gestión e implementación del movimiento “Football for Hope” en la región de América Latina, específicamente en la Fundación Colombianitos en Colombia, durante el periodo 2009-2012,visto inicialmente desde las Instituciones Internacionales, prosiguiendo a partir de una plano regionaly una perspectiva nacional, finalizando dentro de un ámbito organizacional, todo analizado por medio de los conceptos de Cooperación Internacional de Robert Keohane, el concepto de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo y junto a la teoría del Desarrollo Humano según Amartya Sen y Martha Nussbaum.
In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.
Indagar como surgió y se desarrolló el Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de Badajoz en la época elegida.. Las fuentes consultadas fueron las actas del claustro, copiador de reales ordenes, expedientes de catedráticos, etc., del archivo del Instituto Zurbarán de Badajoz, los expedientes de alumnos y legajos de institutos del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Badajoz, los escritos diversos sobre los orígenes del Instituto del Archivo del Exmo. Ayuntamiento de Badajoz, los libros de certificaciones y grados del archivo del seminario conciliar de San Atón de Badajoz, legajos y libros del Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Sevilla, legajos del archivo del instituto el brocense de Cáceres y legajos y expedientes de catedráticos del archivo central de la Administración de Alcalá de Henares.. El centro de segunda enseñanza de Badajoz nace en unas condiciones históricas determinadas que se hacen patentes en la organización, disciplina, funcionamiento y nivel social del alumnado y cultural del profesorado. En efecto, el centro surgió gracias a la existencia de un movimiento cultural en pro de un centro educativo de nivel superior en Badajoz hacia 1841,patrocinado por la Junta Gobernadora y el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de la ciudad. La organización de la enseñanza refleja una serie de problemas que se hacen sentir también en la ciudad extremeña, tales como la falta de suficiente profesorado preparado, la escasa planificación para subvenir los gastos de este nivel, la cambiante legislación educativa, que repercute en el relevo de los directores, la incoación de expedientes disciplinarios con el menor pretexto y los cambios organizativos y de régimen disciplinario en el centro. Por último, el profesorado del Instituto de Badajoz representa el pluralismo ideológico que se observa en el ambiente español de la centuria ochocentista..
L’escola els Àngels és el centre públic a nivell comarcal que atén a 57 alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials dels quals 15 realitzen una escolarització compartida a escoles ordinàries de les seves poblacions. Aquesta modalitat d’escolarització contempla la possibilitat que un alumne amb discapacitat pugui realitzar la seva jornada escolar a un centre ordinari i al centre d’educació especial a la vegada. Aquest treball doncs, neix i s’emmarca dins el context del Baix Empordà i més concretament en aquesta escola d’educació especial
In this paper we describe how we generated written explanations to ‘indirect users’ of a knowledge-based system in the domain of drug prescription. We call ‘indirect users’ the intended recipients of explanations, to distinguish them from the prescriber (the ‘direct’ user) who interacts with the system. The Explanation Generator was designed after several studies about indirect users' information needs and physicians' explanatory attitudes in this domain. It integrates text planning techniques with ATN-based surface generation. A double modeling component enables adapting the information content, order and style to the indirect user to whom explanation is addressed. Several examples of computer-generated texts are provided, and they are contrasted with the physicians' explanations to discuss advantages and limits of the approach adopted.
A new electrochemical methodology has been developed for the detection of ozone using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). The method presented here is based on the reaction of ozone with indigo blue dye producing anthranilic acid (ATN). The electrochemical profile of ATN on an electrode of glassy carbon (GC) modified with MWCNT showed an oxidation peak potential at 750 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. An analytical method was developed using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) to determine ATN in a range of 50-400 nmol L(-1), with a detection limit of 9.7 nmol L(-1). Ozonated water samples were successfully analyzed by GC/MWCNT electrode and the recovery procedure yielded values between of 96.5 and 102.3%.
There is no consensus in the literature on the best renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), with both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) being used as AKI therapy. However, there are concerns about the inadequacy of PD as well as about the intermittency of HD complicated by hemodynamic instability. Recently, continuous replacement renal therapy (CRRT) have become the most commonly used dialysis method for AKI around the world. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the effect of high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) with daily hemodialysis (DHD) on AKI patient survival. A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to HVPD or DHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary end points were hospital survival rate and renal function recovery, with metabolic control as the secondary end point. Sixty patients were treated with HVPD and 60 with DHD. The HVPD and DHD groups were similar for age ( 64.2 +/- 19.8 and 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), gender ( male: 72 and 66%), sepsis ( 42 and 47%), hemodynamic instability ( 61 and 63%), severity of AKI ( Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score (ATN-ISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 and 0.66 +/- 0.2), Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation Score (APACHE II) (26.9 +/- 8.9 and 24.1 +/- 8.2), pre-dialysis BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 and 112.6 +/- 36.8mg per 100 ml), and creatinine ( 5.8 +/- 1.9 and 5.9 +/- 1.4 mg per 100 ml). Weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.6 +/- 0.6 in HVPD and 4.7 +/- 0.6 in DHD ( P<0.01). Metabolic control, mortality rate ( 58 and 53%), and renal function recovery ( 28 and 26%) were similar in both groups, whereas HVPD was associated with a significantly shorter time to the recovery of renal function. In conclusion, HVPD and DHD can be considered as alternative forms of RRT in AKI.
Continuous peritoneal dialysis compared with daily hemodialysis in patients with acute kidney injury
Background: In some parts of the world, peritoneal dialysis is widely used for renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), despite concerns about its inadequacy. It has been replaced in recent years by hemodialysis and, most recently, by continuous venovenous therapies. We performed a prospective study to determine the effect of continuous peritoneal dialysis (CPD), as compared with daily hemodialysis (dHD), on survival among patients with AKI.Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to receive CPD or dHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary endpoint was hospital survival rate; renal function recovery and metabolic, acid-base, and fluid controls were secondary endpoints.Results: of the 120 patients, 60 were treated with CPD (G1) and 60 with dHD (G2). The two groups were similar at the start of RRT with respect to age (64.2 +/- 19.8 years vs 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), sex (men: 72% vs 66%), sepsis (42% vs 47%), shock (61% vs 63%), severity of AKI [Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATNISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 vs 0.66 +/- 0.22; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II: 26.9 +/- 8.9 vs 24.1 +/- 8.2], pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen [BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 mg/dL vs 112.6 +/- 36.8 mg/dL)], and creatinine (5.85 +/- 1.9 mg/dL vs 5.95 +/- 1.4 mg/dL). In G1, weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.59 +/- 0.61, and in G2, it was 4.76 +/- 0.65 (p < 0.01). The two groups were similar in metabolic and acid-base control (after 4 sessions, BUN < 55 mg/dL: 46 +/- 18.7 mg/dL vs 52 +/- 18.2 mg/dL; pH: 7.41 vs 7.38; bicarbonate: 22.8 +/- 8.9 mEq/L vs 22.2 +/- 7.1 mEq/L). Duration of therapy was longer in G2 (5.5 days vs 7.5 days; p = 0.02). Despite the delivery of different dialysis methods and doses, the survival rate did not differ between the groups (58% in G1 vs 52% in G2), and recovery of renal function was similar (28% vs 26%).Conclusion: High doses of CPD provided appropriate metabolic and pH control, with a rate of survival and recovery of renal function similar to that seen with dHD. Therefore, CPD can be considered an alternative to other forms of RRT in AKI.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A variety of systems of risk factor stratification have been studied to predict the outcome in acute renal failure (ARF). OBJECTIVES. Assess and compare mortality and the Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATN-ISS) in patients with AFR treated in a university hospital. METHODS. A prospective analysis was made of 103 patients with a diagnosis of intrinsic ARF admitted to the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Patients were followed up until recovery of renal function or death. The Score ATN-ISS was recorded during the first hours of the assessment by a nephrologist. Results were reported as median or mean ± SD, with statistical significance of p<0.05. RESULTS. Fifty-one percent of patients were male with a mean age of 58 ± 36 years. Forty-four percent died in the hospital. Mortality was higher in patients from the surgical wards (52.7%) and in patients who were treated with dialysis (63.8%). The score ATN-ISS showed a good confidence level, with high discriminatory power (area under the curve of 0.95) and good accuracy. CONCLUSIONS. Mortality in this study was comparable to that found in literature. The ATN-ISS was shown to be a prognostic index with a high confidence level that could be routinely applied by nephrologists to patients with AFR.
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