54 resultados para APN Intensivists
Purpose: To develop a model for the global performance measurement of intensive care units (ICUs) and to apply that model to compare the services for quality improvement. Materials and Methods: Analytic hierarchy process, a multiple-attribute decision-making technique, is used in this study to evolve such a model. The steps consisted of identifying the critical success factors for the best performance of an ICU, identifying subfactors that influence the critical factors, comparing them pairwise, deriving their relative importance and ratings, and calculating the cumulative performance according to the attributes of a given ICU. Every step in the model was derived by group discussions, brainstorming, and consensus among intensivists. Results: The model was applied to 3 ICUs, 1 each in Barbados, Trinidad, and India in tertiary care teaching hospitals of similar setting. The cumulative performance rating of the Barbados ICU was 1.17 when compared with that of Trinidad and Indian ICU, which were 0.82 and 0.75, respectively, showing that the Trinidad and Indian ICUs performed 70% and 64% with respect to Barbados ICU. The model also enabled identifying specific areas where the ICUs did not perform well, which helped to improvise those areas. Conclusions: Analytic hierarchy process is a very useful model to measure the global performance of an ICU. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
here is an increasing number of reports of propylene glycol (PG) toxicity in the literature, regardless of its inclusion on the Generally Recognized as Safe List (GRAS).1 PG is an excipient used in many medications as a solvent for water-insoluble drugs. Polypharmacy may increase PG exposure in vulnerable PICU patients who may accumulate PG due to compromised liver and renal function. The study aim was to quantify PG intake in PICU patients and attitudes of clinicians towards PG. Method A snapshot of 50 PICU patients oral or intravenous medication intake was collected. Other data collected included age, weight, diagnosis, lactate levels and renal function. Manufacturers were contacted for PG content and then converted to mg/kg. Excipients in formulations that compete with the PG metabolism pathway were recorded. The Intensivists' opinions on PG intake was sought via e-survey. Results The 50 patients were prescribed 62 drugs and 83 formulations, 43/83 (52%) were parenteral formulations. Median weight of the patients was 5.5 kg (range 2–50 kg), ages ranged from 1 day to 13 years of age. Eleven of the patients were classed as renally impaired (defined as 1.5 times the baseline creatinine). Sixteen formulations contained PG, 2/16 were parenteral, 6/16 unlicensed preparations. Thirty-eight patients received at least one prescription containing PG and 29/38 of these patients were receiving formulations that contained excipients that may have competed with the metabolic pathways of PG. PG intake ranged from 0.002 mg/kg/day to 250 mg/kg/day. Total intake was inconclusive for 2 patients due to a of lack of availability of information from the manufacturer; these formulations were licensed but used in for off-label indications. Five commonly used formulations contributed to higher intakes of PG, namely co-trimoxazole, dexamethasone, potassium chloride, dipyridamole and phenobarbitone. Lactate levels were difficult to interpret due to the underlying conditions of the patients. One of the sixteen intensivist was aware of PG content in drugs, 16/16 would actively change therapy if intake was above European Medicines Agency recommendations. Conclusions Certain formulations used on PICU can considerably increase PG exposure to patients. Due to a lack of awareness of PG content, these should be highlighted to the clinician to assist with making informed decisions regarding risks versus benefits in continuing that drug, route of administration or formulation.
There is an increasing number of reports of propylene glycol (PG) toxicity in the literature, regardless of its inclusion on the Generally Recognized as Safe List (GRAS).1 PG is an excipient used in many medications as a solvent for water-insoluble drugs. Polypharmacy may increase PG exposure in vulnerable PICU patients who may accumulate PG due to compromised liver and renal function. The study aim was to quantify PG intake in PICU patients and attitudes of clinicians towards PG. Method A snapshot of 50 PICU patients oral or intravenous medication intake was collected. Other data collected included age, weight, diagnosis, lactate levels and renal function. Manufacturers were contacted for PG content and then converted to mg/kg. Excipients in formulations that compete with the PG metabolism pathway were recorded. The Intensivists' opinions on PG intake was sought via e-survey. Results The 50 patients were prescribed 62 drugs and 83 formulations, 43/83 (52%) were parenteral formulations. Median weight of the patients was 5.5 kg (range 2–50 kg), ages ranged from 1 day to 13 years of age. Eleven of the patients were classed as renally impaired (defined as 1.5 times the baseline creatinine). Sixteen formulations contained PG, 2/16 were parenteral, 6/16 unlicensed preparations. Thirty-eight patients received at least one prescription containing PG and 29/38 of these patients were receiving formulations that contained excipients that may have competed with the metabolic pathways of PG. PG intake ranged from 0.002 mg/kg/day to 250 mg/kg/day. Total intake was inconclusive for 2 patients due to a of lack of availability of information from the manufacturer; these formulations were licensed but used in for off-label indications. Five commonly used formulations contributed to higher intakes of PG, namely co-trimoxazole, dexamethasone, potassium chloride, dipyridamole and phenobarbitone. Lactate levels were difficult to interpret due to the underlying conditions of the patients. One of the sixteen intensivist was aware of PG content in drugs, 16/16 would actively change therapy if intake was above European Medicines Agency recommendations. Conclusions Certain formulations used on PICU can considerably increase PG exposure to patients. Due to a lack of awareness of PG content, these should be highlighted to the clinician to assist with making informed decisions regarding risks versus benefits in continuing that drug, route of administration or formulation.
Background: There are increasing reports of propylene glycol (PG) toxicity, which is used in many medications as a solvent for water-insoluble drugs. Polypharmacy may increase PG exposure in vulnerable PICU patients who may accumulate PG due to compromised liver and renal function. The study aim was to quantify PG intake in PICU patients and attitudes of clinicians towards PG. Methods: A snapshot of 50 patients’ medication intake was collected. Other data collected included age, weight, diagnosis, lactate levels and renal function. Manufacturers were contacted for PG content and then converted to mg/kg. Excipients in formulations that compete with the PG metabolism pathway were recorded. The Intensivists opinions on PG intake was sought via e-survey. Results: The 50 patients were prescribed 62 drugs and 83 formulations, 43/83 (52 %) were parenteral formulations. Sixteen formulations contained PG, 2/16 were parenteral, 6/16 unlicensed preparations. Thirty-eight patients received drugs with PG. PG intake ranged from 0.002 mg/kg/day to 250 mg/kg/day, with 29/38 receiving formulations with concomitant pathway competing excipients. The total amount could not be quantified in two cases due to lack of availability of information from the manufacturer. Four commonly used formulations contributed to higher intakes of PG. Only 1/16intensivists was aware of PG content in drugs, 16/16 would actively change therapy if intake was above European Medicines Agency recommendations. Conclusions: Certain formulations used on PICU can considerably increase PG exposure to patients. These should be highlighted to the clinician to make an informed decision regarding risks versus benefits in continuing that drug or formulation.
A doença celíaca é uma doença autoimune que se traduz numa sensibilidade alimentar crónica ao glúten, que ocorre em indivíduos geneticamente suscetíveis. Em consequência da ingestão de glúten o organismo desenvolve uma reação imunológica contra o próprio intestino. A dieta isenta de glúten é o único tratamento conhecido para esta patologia, adotada para toda a vida, deve ser rigorosa, completa, equilibrada e variada. O presente estudo pretende comparar preços entre categorias de produtos alimentares sem glúten e produtos equiparáveis com glúten. É também objetivo do estudo avaliar o impacto desta despesa no rendimento familiar associado ao cumprimento de uma dieta sem glúten e comparar os resultados da presente recolha de dados com um estudo anterior.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud, para el período 2011 a 2012 incluyó la asfixia perinatal como cuarta causa de mortalidad neonatal mundial alcanzando un 19%. A pesar de los grandes avances en la tecnología de monitoreo fetal y del conocimiento adquirido en las últimas décadas sobre las patologías fetales y neonatales, la asfixia perinatal, o más correctamente la encefalopatía hipóxico – isquémica, permanece como una condición seria, causante de mortalidad y morbilidad significativa, así como de discapacidades a largo plazo. Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo transversal, con el objetivo de determinar el perfil epidemiológico y clínico de los recién nacidos con diagnóstico de asfixia perinatal a su egreso en el Hospital Nacional de Maternidad durante el 2013. Se hizo una revisión de expedientes de 70 recién nacidos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y cruce de variables seleccionadas. Se evidenció que un 15.7% (11) de los expedientes no registró el cumplimiento de ninguno de los 4 criterios diagnósticos de APN a pesar de haber sido clasificados con este diagnóstico como egreso. La mortalidad se incrementó en un porcentaje del 55.6% al tener los cuatro criterios diagnósticos de APN, siendo este grupo los que efectivamente cumplen la definición de asfixia perinatal.
Introducción: la asfixia perinatal (APN) y su consecuencia, la encefalopatía hipóxico isquémica (EHI), son responsables de la elevada morbimortalidad neonatal e infantil. El desarrollo de una estrategia integral de neuroprotección que incluya hipotermia terapéutica busca mitigar sus efectos. Objetivo: evaluar la implementación de un protocolo global de neuroprotección en un servicio de recién nacidos. Metodología: estudio monocéntrico, retrospectivo y observacional de una cohorte de pacientes que recibieron hipotermia controlada entre 2011 y 2014 internados en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (CHPR). El protocolo incluyó la formación del personal de enfermería y el equipo médico así como la adecuación tecnológica a tales efectos. Resultados: 20 pacientes cumplieron con criterios de inclusión, 2/20 no completaron las 72 horas necesarias de enfriamiento por alteración de la coagulación y sangrado activo refractario y 4/20 fallecieron. El enfriamiento activo se inició con una mediana de 60 minutos, y el objetivo de 33,5°C se alcanzó con una mediana de 2 horas. Se observó hiperoxia e hipocapnia en la asistencia inicial y acidosis metabólica, hiponatremia e hiperglicemia durante el período de mantenimiento así como sobre-diagnóstico de crisis convulsivas. Los trastornos de la coagulación fueron los efectos adversos más graves. Conclusión: la implementación de un protocolo de asistencia del paciente asfíctico con EHI moderada-severa permite la introducción de hipotermia controlada como estrategia para reducir la mortalidad, colocándola en los niveles observados para los países de altos ingresos. Muestra la necesidad de mejorar la asistencia inicial, de controlar alteraciones del metabolismo ácido-base, metabolismo glucídico, del sodio y sobre todo de las alteraciones de la coagulación como los fenómenos asociados de mayor gravedad.
Introducción: el bajo peso al nacer (BPN) es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar obesidad en la vida adulta. Objetivo: evaluar diferencias en la composición corporal de niños de entre 8 y 10 años de edad con y sin antecedente de BPN. Métodos: fue un estudio observacional, transversal comparativo. Participaron 112 niños (95 con adecuado peso al nacer [APN] y 17 con BPN). Se realizó antropometría (peso, talla, circunferencias de cintura y cadera, pliegue cutáneo de tríceps [PCT] y subescapular [PCSE]). Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia combinada del 41% para sobrepeso y obesidad en ambos grupos de estudio. El porcentaje de grasa corporal total fue menor en las niñas con BPN (no significativo); sin embargo, el indicador PCT-PCSE fue significativamente más alto (p = 0,04) que el de las niñas con APN. En contra de lo esperado, al estratificar según porcentaje de grasa y peso al nacer, se encontró que el grupo con BPN presentó un porcentaje de grasa bajo (p < 0,05) en comparación con el grupo de APN, siendo 6 veces mayor la posibilidad de que un niño con BPN presente porcentaje de grasa total bajo a esta edad. Conclusiones: a estas edades no se encontró mayor porcentaje de grasa en el grupo con BPN en comparación con el de APN; sin embargo, las niñas con BPN presentaron mayor deposición de grasa troncal que las de APN. La deposición de grasa es un indicador que hay que considerar, y no únicamente el índice de masa corporal, en la evaluación nutricia infantil.
Introduction : La situation de l’accès, de la continuité et de la coordination des services de santé au Canada et au Québec est des plus préoccupantes. Pour contribuer à résoudre ces problématiques, l’élargissement des champs de pratique professionnels a été proposé. Lorsqu’il est question d’élargir le rôle des infirmières, la pratique infirmière avancée (PIA) est fréquemment abordée. Au Québec, ce n’est qu’en 2006 qu’un rôle associé à la PIA en première ligne a pu officiellement être mis en place, celui d’infirmière praticienne spécialisée en soins de première ligne (IPSPL) (Durand, Allard, & Ménard, 2006). L’implantation du rôle d’IPSPL est récente et peut être conçue comme une innovation. Les difficultés liées à l’implantation des rôles de PIA font l’objet d’un consensus. Pour pallier à ces difficultés, il est proposé d’approfondir la compréhension de la façon dont les rôles de PIA sont implantés, et ce, en considérant les contextes. Encore peu de recherches s’intéressent au processus d’implantation du rôle d’IPSPL au Québec, et aucune n’est centrée sur le contexte rural éloigné. But : Cette recherche vise à comprendre le processus d’implantation du rôle d’IPSPL au sein d’une région rurale éloignée du Québec, à travers l’éclairage d’un cadre de référence intégrant les théories de la diffusion de l’innovation et des transitions. Méthode : Cette étude de trois cas se situe dans un paradigme pragmatique, avec des visées descriptive et explicative. Des stratégies de collecte de données mixtes ont été utilisées auprès de personnes provenant du contexte québécois, de la région ciblée et des cas (IPSP, médecins partenaires, DSI, DSP, gestionnaires, personnes soignées et leur famille). Résultats : L’implantation est un processus multidimensionnel, multifactoriel et évolutif. Le contexte, le déroulement, la compréhension, les acteurs et le temps sont des parties intégrantes de l’implantation et sont étroitement inter-reliés. Le déroulement de l’implantation et des transitions se produit simultanément. Discussion : Cette recherche a permis de mettre en lumière la raison pour laquelle le processus d’implantation du rôle d’IPSPL doit être considéré comme un processus complexe. Cette thèse contribue à éclairer la recherche axée sur l’efficacité en permettant de mieux comprendre les différentes composantes de l’implantation. Mots-clés : implantation, rôle, infirmière praticienne, première ligne, rural, éloigné, innovation, transition.