The administration of antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) to skip one or more exons in mutated forms of the DMD gene and so restore the reading frame of the transcript is one of the most promising approaches to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). At present, preclinical studies demonstrating the efficacy and safety of long-term AO administration have not been conducted. Furthermore, it is essential to determine the minimal effective dose and frequency of administration. In this study, two different low doses (LDs) of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO) designed to skip the mutated exon 23 in the mdx dystrophic mouse were administered for up to 12 months. Mice treated for 50 weeks showed a substantial dose-related amelioration of the pathology, particularly in the diaphragm. Moreover, the generalized physical activity was profoundly enhanced compared to untreated mdx mice showing that widespread, albeit partial, dystrophin expression restores the normal activity in mdx mice. Our results show for the first time that a chronic long-term administration of LDs of unmodified PMO, equivalent to doses in use in DMD boys, is safe, significantly ameliorates the muscular dystrophic phenotype and improves the activity of dystrophin-deficient mice, thus encouraging the further clinical translation of this approach in humans.
Nucleotide-based drug candidates such as antisense oligonucleotides, aptamers, immunoreceptor-activating nucleotides, or (anti)microRNAs hold great therapeutic promise for many human diseases. Phosphorothioate (PS) backbone modification of nucleotide-based drugs is common practice to protect these promising drug candidates from rapid degradation by plasma and intracellular nucleases. Effects of the changes in physicochemical properties associated with PS modification on platelets have not been elucidated so far. Here we report the unexpected binding of PS-modified oligonucleotides to platelets eliciting strong platelet activation, signaling, reactive oxygen species generation, adhesion, spreading, aggregation, and thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, the platelet-specific receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) mediates these platelet-activating effects. Notably, platelets from GPVI function-deficient patients do not exhibit binding of PS-modified oligonucleotides, and platelet activation is fully abolished. Our data demonstrate a novel, unexpected, PS backbone-dependent, platelet-activating effect of nucleotide-based drug candidates mediated by GPVI. This unforeseen effect should be considered in the ongoing development programs for the broad range of upcoming and promising DNA/RNA therapeutics.
Konditionale Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung der ERBB2-induzierten Tumorgenese Die Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinase ERBB2 ist in einer Vielzahl epithelialer Tumore, wie Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinomen, überexprimiert. Diese erhöhte Expression korreliert mit aggressivem Tumorwachstum, verstärkter Metastasierung und schlechter Prognose für den Patienten. Zur genaueren Untersuchung molekularer Mechanismen, die zur Tumorentstehung infolge der ERBB2-Überexpression führen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe des Tet-Systems induzierbare MCF-7 Zelllinien generiert. Diese exprimieren bei Gabe von Doxyzyklin ERBB2 bzw. die zum humanen ERBB2 homologe und durch Punktmutation onkogen aktivierte Rattenvariante NeuT. Nachdem die stringente Regulierbarkeit durch Doxyzyklin für die untersuchten Zellklone gezeigt werden konnte, stellte sich bei der Charakterisierung der Zelllinien heraus, dass die Induktion von ERBB2 erstaunlicherweise nicht zur Proliferation der Zellen, sondern zum Wachstumsarrest führt. Bei der Untersuchung verschiedener Zellzyklusregulatoren konnte dieser Zellzyklusarrest dem CDK-Inhibitor P21 zugeordnet werden, dessen Expression durch ERBB2 induziert wird. In P21-Antisense-Experimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass P21 eine Schlüsselrolle beim ERBB2-induzierten Zellzyklusarrest spielt. Neben der Induktion von P21 und der daraus resultierenden Wachstumsinhibition zeigten die Zellen starke morphologische Veränderungen und waren positiv beim Nachweis der Seneszenz-assoziierten -Galaktosidase. Erstmals konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Induktion des Onkogens ERBB2 nicht zur Proliferation, sondern zur Aktivierung eines verfrühten Seneszenz-Programms führt, welches der Zelle Schutz gegen die Onkogeneinwirkung bietet. Bei der Untersuchung verschiedener Signaltransduktionskaskaden mit Inhibitormolekülen konnte die Aktivierung dieses Seneszenz-Programms der Stress-aktivierten Proteinkinase P38 zugeordnet werden. Zur Identifizierung von Genen, die für die ERBB2-induzierte Tumorgenese relevant sind, wurde die differenzielle Genexpression eines NeuT-Klons nach 8- bzw. 48-stündiger Induktion mit Doxyzyklin in einem cDNA-Array untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich eine besonders starke Induktion von Integrin 5 und Integrin 1, die zusammen den Fibronektinrezeptor bilden. Der funktionale Nachweis des Rezeptors in einem Adhäsionsassay demonstrierte ein stark erhöhtes Adhäsionsverhalten ERBB2-überexprimierender Zellen an Fibronektin. Bei der Untersuchung von Mamma-, Ovarial- und Endometriumkarzinomen konnte die Expression von ERBB2 mit der von Integrin 5 korreliert werden. Diese Ergebnisse machen Integrin 5 zu einem potenziellen neuen Tumormarker und Therapieziel in ERBB2-überexprimierenden Tumoren. Ein weiteres interessantes Gen, das sich im Array durch ERBB2 überexprimiert zeigte, war die Matrix-Metalloproteinase MMP-9. In einem Zymografieassay konnte die erhöhte Gelatinaseaktivität von MMP-9 in Dox-induzierten Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Der Einsatz verschiedener Signaltransduktionsinhibitoren ergab, dass auch die ERBB2-induzierte Expression von MMP-9 über die Aktivierung von P38 läuft. Bei der Suche nach weiteren MMPs, die für die ERBB2-induzierte Tumorgenese relevant sein könnten, wurde MMP-13 untersucht. Erstmals konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Matrix-Metalloproteinase von ERBB2 induziert wird. Dieser interessante Befund wurde auch in einem anderen Zellmodell in NIH3T3 Mausfibroblasten verifiziert. Durch ihre Matrix-degradierenden Eigenschaften sind MMPs potente „Werkzeuge“ für Tumorzellen und stellen ein wichtiges Ziel zur Unterbindung der Invasion und Metastasierung dieser Zellen dar. Neben den Zellkulturarbeiten wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation transgene Responder-Mäuse generiert, die NeuT unter Kontrolle eines Tet-responsiven Promotors exprimieren. Von vier transgenen Gründerlinien zeigten zwei eine unerwünschte, basale NeuT-Expression, für die beiden anderen Linien konnte sowohl in MEF-Assays, als auch nach Kreuzung mit rtTA- bzw. tTA-Effektor-Mäusen eine Dox-abhängige Regulation des Transgens gezeigt werden. Die Tiere dieser Linien sollen in Zukunft mit Effektor-Mäusen gepaart werden, die den rtTA bzw. tTA spezifisch in für die ERBB2-Tumorgenese relevanten Geweben, wie Ovarial- oder Lungenepithelzellen, exprimieren. So können individuelle Tumormodelle für die verschiedenen epithelialen Tumore, bei denen die Überexpression von ERBB2 von Bedeutung ist, entwickelt und untersucht werden.
Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs) are usually wild type for the p53 gene but contain homozygous deletions in the INK4A locus that encodes p14(ARF), an inhibitor of p53-MDM2 interaction. Previous findings suggest that lack of p14(ARF) expression and the presence of SV40 large T antigen (L-Tag) result in p53 inactivation in MPM. We did not detect SV40 L-Tag mRNA in either MPM cell lines or primary cultures, and treatment of p14(ARF)-deficient cells with cisplatin (CDDP) increased both total and phosphorylated p53 and enhanced p53 DNA-binding activity. On incubation with CDDP, levels of positively regulated p53 transcriptional targets p21(WAF), PIG3, MDM2, Bax, and PUMA increased in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, whereas negatively regulated survivin decreased. Significantly, p53-induced apoptosis was activated by CDDP in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, and treatment with p53-specific siRNA rendered them more CDDP-resistant. p53 was also activated by: 1) inhibition of MDM2 (using nutlin-3); 2) transient overexpression of p14(ARF); and 3) targeting of survivin using antisense oligonucleotides. However, it is noteworthy that only survivin downregulation sensitized cells to CDDP-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that p53 is functional in the absence of p14(ARF) in MPM and that targeting of the downstream apoptosis inhibitor survivin can sensitize to CDDP-induced apoptosis.
BACKGROUND: Malignant melanoma is a highly metastatic cutaneous cancer and typically refractory to chemotherapy. Deregulated apoptosis has been identified as a major cause of cancer drug resistance, and upregulated expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein melanom, an inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP) is frequent in melanoma. METHODS: Based on the conclusion that ML-IAP expression contributes to a malignant phenotype, we down-regulated the ML-IAP mRNA using sequence optimized antisense oligonucleotides. RESULTS: As measured by real-time PCR, oligonucleotides M706 and M711 inhibited ML-IAP mRNA expression by 47% and 52%, respectively in the highly metastatic and drug resistant SK-MEL28 cell line. Oligonucleotide M706, which was previously evaluated in G361 cells as the most efficient inhibitor of ML-IAP expression, was chosen to compare cell viability and drug sensitivity of these two melanoma cell lines with different p53 functionality. Protein expression was reduced by oligonucleotide M706 to 49% of the normal level and resulted in a dose-dependent specific reduction of cell viability with a maximum of 39% at 600 nM. Typical morphological changes showed that loss of viability was mainly due to cell death. In combination experiments, the use of oligonucleotide M706 resulted in a two-fold increase of cisplatin cytotoxicity at different concentrations of oligonucleotide and cisplatin (P<0.05). This is in line with our previous findings in G361 melanoma cell line, in which oligonucleotide M706 caused a 3-fold increase in cisplatin cytotoxicity. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest the use of ML-IAP antisense oligonucleotides to overcome drug resistance in metastatic melanoma, in spite of its p53 status.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a childhood fatal motor neuron disease caused by mutations in the Survival Motor Neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, currently without effective treatment. One possible therapeutic approach is the use of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to redirect the splicing of a paralogous gene, SMN2, to increase the production of functional SMN protein. A range of ASOs with different chemical properties is suitable for these applications, including a morpholino (MO) variant, which has a particularly excellent safety, and efficacy profile. We used a 25- nt MO oligomer sequence against the ISS-N1 region of SMN2 (HSMN2Ex7D(-10-34)) with superior efficacy to previously described sequences also in transgenic SMA Δ7 mice. The combined local and systemic administration of MO (bare or conjugated to octa-guanidine) is necessary to increase full-length SMN expression, leading to robust neuropathological features improvement and survival rescue. Additionally, several snRNA levels that are dysregulated in SMA mice could be restored by MO treatment. These results demonstrate that MO therapy is efficacious and can result in phenotypic rescue. These data provide important insights for the development of therapeutic strategies in SMA patients.
Antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) hold promise for therapeutic correction of many genetic diseases via exon skipping, and the first AON-based drugs have entered clinical trials for neuromuscular disorders1, 2. However, despite advances in AON chemistry and design, systemic use of AONs is limited because of poor tissue uptake, and recent clinical reports confirm that sufficient therapeutic efficacy has not yet been achieved. Here we present a new class of AONs made of tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA), which displays unique pharmacological properties and unprecedented uptake by many tissues after systemic administration. We demonstrate these properties in two mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a neurogenetic disease typically caused by frame-shifting deletions or nonsense mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin3, 4 and characterized by progressive muscle weakness, cardiomyopathy, respiratory failure5 and neurocognitive impairment6. Although current naked AONs do not enter the heart or cross the blood-brain barrier to any substantial extent, we show that systemic delivery of tcDNA-AONs promotes a high degree of rescue of dystrophin expression in skeletal muscles, the heart and, to a lesser extent, the brain. Our results demonstrate for the first time a physiological improvement of cardio-respiratory functions and a correction of behavioral features in DMD model mice. This makes tcDNA-AON chemistry particularly attractive as a potential future therapy for patients with DMD and other neuromuscular disorders or with other diseases that are eligible for exon-skipping approaches requiring whole-body treatment.
OBJECTIVES Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by reduced levels of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein, which results in motoneuron loss. Therapeutic strategies to increase SMN levels including drug compounds, antisense oligonucleotides, and scAAV9 gene therapy have proved effective in mice. We wished to determine whether reduction of SMN in postnatal motoneurons resulted in SMA in a large animal model, whether SMA could be corrected after development of muscle weakness, and the response of clinically relevant biomarkers. METHODS Using intrathecal delivery of scAAV9 expressing an shRNA targeting pig SMN1, SMN was knocked down in motoneurons postnatally to SMA levels. This resulted in an SMA phenotype representing the first large animal model of SMA. Restoration of SMN was performed at different time points with scAAV9 expressing human SMN (scAAV9-SMN), and electrophysiology measurements and pathology were performed. RESULTS Knockdown of SMN in postnatal motoneurons results in overt proximal weakness, fibrillations on electromyography indicating active denervation, and reduced compound muscle action potential (CMAP) and motor unit number estimation (MUNE), as in human SMA. Neuropathology showed loss of motoneurons and motor axons. Presymptomatic delivery of scAAV9-SMN prevented SMA symptoms, indicating that all changes are SMN dependent. Delivery of scAAV9-SMN after symptom onset had a marked impact on phenotype, electrophysiological measures, and pathology. INTERPRETATION High SMN levels are critical in postnatal motoneurons, and reduction of SMN results in an SMA phenotype that is SMN dependent. Importantly, clinically relevant biomarkers including CMAP and MUNE are responsive to SMN restoration, and abrogation of phenotype can be achieved even after symptom onset.
Antisense oligonucleotides are medical agents for the treatment of genetic diseases that are designed to interact specifically with mRNA. This interaction either induces enzymatic degradation of the targeted RNA or modifies processing pathways, e.g. by inducing alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA. The latter mechanism applies to the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with a sugar-modified DNA analogue called tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA). In tcDNA the ribose sugar-moiety is extended to a three-membered ring system, which augments the binding affinity and the selectivity of the antisense oligonucleotide for its target. The advent of chemically modified nucleic acids for antisense therapy presents a challenge to diagnostic tools, which must be able to cope with a variety of structural analogues. Mass spectrometry meets this demand for non-enzyme based sequencing methods ideally, because the technique is largely unaffected by structural modifications of the analyte. Sequence coverage of a fully modified tcDNA 15mer can be obtained in a single tandem mass spectrometric experiment. Beyond sequencing experiments, tandem mass spectrometry was applied to elucidate the gas-phase structure and stability of tcDNA:DNA and tcDNA:RNA hybrid duplexes. Most remarkable is the formation of truncated duplexes upon collision-induced dissociation of these structures. Our data suggest that the cleavage site within the duplex is directed by the modified sugar-moiety. Moreover, the formation of truncated duplexes manifests the exceptional stability of the hybrid duplexes in the gas-phase. This stability arises from the modified sugar-moiety, which locks the tcDNA single strand into a conformation that is similar to RNA in A-form duplexes. The conformational particularity of tcDNA in the gas-phase was confirmed by ion mobility-mass spectrometry experiments on tcDNA, DNA, and RNA.
Analysis of the human genome has revealed that more than 74% of human genes undergo alternative RNA splicing. Aberrations in alternative RNA splicing have been associated with several human disorders, including cancer. ^ We studied the aberrant expression of alternative RNA splicing isoforms of the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) gene in a human glioblastoma cancer model. Normal glial cells express the FGFR1α, which contains three extracellular domains. In tumors the most abundant isoform is the FGFR1β, which lacks the first extracellular domain due to the skipping of a single exon, termed alpha. The skipping of the α-exon is regulated by two intronic silencing sequences within the precursor mRNA. Since we observed no mutations on these elements in tumor cells, we hypothesized that the over-expression of regulatory proteins that recognize these sequences is responsible for the aberrant expression of splicing isoforms. Hence, we blocked the formation of protein complexes on the ISS using antisense RNA oligonucleotides in vitro. We also evaluated the impact of the ISS antisense oligonucleotides on the endogenous FGFR1 splicing, in a glioblastoma cell model. By targeting intronic regulatory elements we were able to increase the level of alpha exon inclusion up to 90% in glioblastoma cells. The effect was dose dependent, sequence specific and reproducible in glioblastoma and other cancer cells, which also exhibit an alpha exon skipping phenotype. Targeting FGFR1 endogenous ISS1 and ISS2 sequences did not have an additive or synergistic effect, which suggest a regulatory splicing mechanism that requires the interaction of complexes formed on these elements. An increase in the levels of the FGFR1α isoform resulted in a reduction in cell invasiveness. Also, a significant increase in the levels of caspase 3/7 activities, which is indicative of an elevation in apoptosis levels, suggests that expression of FGFR1β might be relevant for tumor survival. These studies demonstrate that it is possible to prevent aberrant expression of exon skipping events through the targeting of intronic regulatory elements, providing an important new therapeutic tool for the correction of human disease caused by alternative RNA splicing. ^
ErbB2 is an excellent target for cancer therapies because its overexpression was found in about 30% of breast cancers and correlated with poor prognosis of the patients. Unfortunately, current therapies for ErbB2-positive breast cancers remain unsatisfying due to side effects and resistance, and new therapies for ErbB2 overexpressing breast cancers are needed. Peptide/protein therapy using cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) as carriers is promising because the internalization is highly efficient and the cargos can be bioactive. The major obstacle in using CPPs for therapy is their lack of specificity. We sought to develop a peptide carrier specifically introducing therapeutics to ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. By modifying the TAT-derived CPP, and attaching anti-HER2/neu peptide mimetic (AHNP), we developed the peptide carrier (P3-AHNP) specifically targeted ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancers in vitro and in vivo. A STAT3 SH2 domain-binding peptide conjugated to this peptide carrier (P3-AHNP-STAT3BP) was delivered preferentially into ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. P3-AHNP-STAT3BP inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in vitro, with ErbB2-overexpressing 435.eB cells being more sensitive than the ErbB2-lowexpressing MDA-MB-435 cells. P3-AHNP-STAT3BP preferentially accumulated and inhibited growth in 435.eB xenografts, comparing with MDA-MB-435 xenografts or normal tissues with low levels of ErbB2. This ErbB2-targeting peptide delivery system provided the basis for future development of novel cancer target-specific treatments with low toxicity to normal cells. ^ Another urgent issue in treating ErbB2-positive breast cancers is trastuzumab resistance. Trastuzumab is the only FDA-approved ErbB2-targeting antibody for treatment of metastatic breast cancers overexpressing ErbB2, and has remarkable therapeutic efficacy in certain patients. The overall trastuzumab response rate, however, is limited, and understanding the mechanisms of trastuzumab resistance is needed to overcome this problem. We report that PTEN activation contributes to trastuzumab's anti-tumor activity. Trastuzumab treatment quickly inactivated Src, which reduced PTEN tyrosine phosphorylation, increased PTEN membrane localization and its phosphatase activity in cancer cells. Reducing PTEN expression in breast cancer cells by antisense oligonucleotides conferred trastuzumab resistance in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, PI3K inhibitors sensitized PTEN-deficient breast cancers to the growth inhibition by trastuzumab in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that combination therapies with PI3K inhibitors plus trastuzumab could overcome trastuzumab resistance. ^
T cell activation and expansion is essential for immune response against foreign antigens. However, uncontrolled T cell activity can be manifested as a number of lymphoid derived diseases such as autoimmunity, graft versus host disease, and lymphoma. The purpose of this research was to test the central hypothesis that the Jak3/Stat5 pathway is critical for T cell function. To accomplish this objective, two novel Jak3 inhibitors, AG490 and PNU156804, were identified and their effects characterized on Jak3/Stat5 activation and T cell growth. Inhibition of Jak3 selectively disrupted primary human T lymphocyte growth in response to Interleukin-2 (IL-2), as well as other γ c cytokine family members including IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15. Inhibition of Jak3 ablated IL-2 induced Stat5 but not TNF-α mediated NF-κβ DNA binding. Loss of Jak3 activity did not affect T cell receptor mediated signals including activation of p56Lck and Zap70, or IL-2 receptor a chain expression. To examine the effects of Jak3/Stat5 inhibition within a mature immune system, we employed a rat heart allograft model of Lewis (RT1 1) to ACI (RT1a). Heart allograft survival was significantly prolonged following Jak3/Stat5 inhibition when rats were treated with AG490 (20mg/kg) or PNU156804 (80mg/kg) compared to non-treated control animals. This effect was synergistically potentiated when Jak3 inhibitors were used in combination with a signal 1/2 disrupter, cyclosporine, but only additively potentiated with another signal 3 inhibitor, rapamycin. This suggested that sequential inhibition of T cell function is more effective. To specifically address the role of Stat5 in maintaining T cell activity, novel Stat5 antisense oligonucleotides were synthesized and characterized in vitro. Primary human T cells and T-cell tumor lines treated with Stat5 antisense oligonucleotide (7.5 μM) rapidly underwent apoptosis, while no changes in cell cycle were observed as measured by FACS analysis utilizing Annexin-V-Fluorescein and Propidium iodide staining. Evidence is provided to suggest that caspase 8 and 9 pathways mediate this event. Thus, Stat5 may act rather as a negative regulator of apoptotic signals and not as a positive regulator of cell cycle as previously proposed. We conclude that the Jak3/Stat5 pathway is critical for γc cytokine mediated gene expression necessary for T cell expansion and normal immune function and represents an therapeutically relevant effector pathway to combat T cell derived disease. ^
The Armadillo family catenin proteins function in multiple capacities including cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion and nuclear signaling. The newest catenin, p120 catenin, differs from the classical catenins and binds to the membrane-proximal domain of cadherins. Recently, a novel transcription factor Kaiso was found to interact with p120 catenin, suggesting that p120 catenin also possesses a nuclear function. We isolated the Xenopus homolog of Kaiso, XKaiso, from a Xenopus stage 17 cDNA library. XKaiso contains an amino-terminal BTB/POZ domain and three carboxyl-terminal zinc fingers. The XKaiso transcript was present maternally and expressed throughout early embryonic development. XKaiso's spatial expression was defined via in situ hybridization and was found localized to the brain, eye, ear, branchial arches, and spinal cord. Co-immunoprecipitation of Xenopus p120 catenin and XKaiso demonstrated their mutual association, while related experiments employing differentially epitope-tagged XKaiso constructs suggest that XKaiso also self-associates. On the functional level, reporter assays employing a chimera of XKaiso fused to the GAL4 DNA binding domain indicated that XKaiso is a transcriptional repressor. To better understand the significance of the Kaiso-p120 catenin complex in vertebrate development, Kaiso knock-down experiments were undertaken, and the modulatory role of p120 catenin in Kaiso function examined during Xenopus development. Using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides to block translation of XKaiso, XKaiso was found to be essential for Xenopus gastrulation, being required for correct morphogenetic movements in early embryogenesis. Molecular marker analyses indicated that one target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, Siamois, is significantly increased in embryos depleted for XKaiso, while other dorsal, ventral, and mesodermal cell fate markers were unaltered. In addition, the non-canonical Wnt-11, known to participate in planar cell polarity/convergent extension processes, was significantly upregulated following depletion of XKaiso. Such increased Wnt-11 expression likely contributed to the XKaiso depletion phenotype because a dominant negative form of Wnt-11 or of the downstream effector Dishevelled partially rescued the observed gastrulation defects. These results show that XKaiso is essential for proper gastrulation movements, resulting at least in part from its modulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling. The significance of the XKaiso-p120 catenin interaction has yet to be determined, but appears to include a role in modulating genes promoting canonical and non-canonical Wnt signals. ^
Wnt and its intracellular effector β-catenin regulate developmental and oncogenic processes. Using expression cloning to identify novel components of the Wnt pathway, we isolated casein kinase Iɛ (CKIɛ). CKIɛ mimicked Wnt in inducing a secondary axis in Xenopus, stabilizing β-catenin, and stimulating gene transcription in cells. Inhibition of endogenous CKIɛ by kinase-defective CKIɛ or CKIɛ antisense-oligonucleotides attenuated Wnt signaling. CKIɛ was in a complex with axin and other downstream components of the Wnt pathway, including Dishevelled. CKIɛ appears to be a positive regulator of the pathway and a link between upstream signals and the complexes that regulate β-catenin.
Successful gene therapy depends on stable transduction of hematopoietic stem cells. Target cells must cycle to allow integration of Moloney-based retroviral vectors, yet hematopoietic stem cells are quiescent. Cells can be held in quiescence by intracellular cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p15INK4B blocks association of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4/cyclin D and p27kip-1 blocks activity of CDK2/cyclin A and CDK2/cyclin E, complexes that are mandatory for cell-cycle progression. Antibody neutralization of β transforming growth factor (TGFβ) in serum-free medium decreased levels of p15INK4B and increased colony formation and retroviral-mediated transduction of primary human CD34+ cells. Although TGFβ neutralization increased colony formation from more primitive, noncycling hematopoietic progenitors, no increase in M-phase-dependent, retroviral-mediated transduction was observed. Transduction of the primitive cells was augmented by culture in the presence of antisense oligonucleotides to p27kip-1 coupled with TGFβ-neutralizing antibodies. The transduced cells engrafted immune-deficient mice with no alteration in human hematopoietic lineage development. We conclude that neutralization of TGFβ, plus reduction in levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, allows transduction of primitive and quiescent hematopoietic progenitor populations.