156 resultados para ANTIPSYCHOTICS


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Pitfalls in the treatment of persons with dementia Persons with dementia require high-quality health care, rehabilitation and sufficient social services to support their autonomy and to postpone permanent institutionalization. This study sought to investigate possible pitfalls in the care of patients with dementia: hip fracture rehabilitation, use of inappropriate or antipsychotic medication, social and medicolegal services offered to dementia caregiving families. Three different Finnish samples were used from years 1999-2005, mean age 78 to 86 years. After hip fracture operation, the weight-bearing restriction especially in group of patients with dementia, was associated with a longer rehabilitation period (73.5 days vs. 45.5 days, p=0.03) and the inability to learn to walk after six weeks (p<0.001). Almost half (44%) of the pre-surgery home-dwellers with dementia in our sample required permanent hospitalization after hip fracture. Potentially inappropriate medication was used among 36.2% of nursing home and hospital patients. The most common PIDs in Finland were temazepam over 15 mg/day, oxybutynin, and dipyridamole. However, PID use failed to predict mortality or the use of health services. Nearly half (48.4%) of the nursing home and hospital patients with dementia used antipsychotic medication. The two-year mortality did not differ among the users of conventional or atypical antipsychotics or the non-users (45.3% vs.32.1% vs.49.6%, p=0.195). The mean number of hospital admissions was highest among non-users (p=0.029). A high number of medications (HR 1.12, p<0.001) and the use of physical restraints (HR 1.72, p=0.034) predicted higher mortality at two years, while the use of atypical antipsychotics (HR 0.49, p=0.047) showed a protective effect, if any. The services most often offered to caregiving families of persons with Alzheimer s disease (AD) included financial support from the community (36%), technical devices (33%), physiotherapy (32%), and respite care in nursing homes (31%). Those services most often needed included physiotherapy for the spouse with dementia (56%), financial support (50%), house cleaning (41%), and home respite (40%). Only a third of the caregivers were satisfied with these services, and 69% felt unable to influence the range of services offered. The use of legal guardians was quite rare (only 4.3%), while the use of financial powers of attorney was 37.8%. Almost half (47.9%) of the couples expressed an unmet need for discussion with their doctor about medico-legal issues, while only 9.9% stated that their doctor had informed them of such matters. Although we already have many practical methods to develop the medical and social care of persons with AD, these patients and their families require better planning and tailoring of such services. In this way, society could offer these elderly persons better quality of life while economizing on its financial resources. This study was supported by Social Insurance Institution of Finland and part of it made in cooperation with the The Central Union of the Welfare for the Aged, Finland.


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This work studies the effect of clozapine (CLO) on the electroencephalography (EEG) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by peripheral blood monocytes (MO) in patients with schizophrenia (SCH). The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanism of action of CLO, to clarify the effect of CLO on EEG absolute power spectrum and ROS production, and explore the relationship of these effects with clinical response. We also tried to clarify whether the EEG changes or ROS production would help to identify the patients who were most likely to respond to treatment with CLO. Our findings suggest that the amount of slow background activity, particularly the absolute power of the theta frequency band, in the EEG is markedly increased by CLO treatment and this finding correlates positively with clinical improvement in patients with SCH. CLO affected the production of ROS by blood MO with reduction or minimal increase of the ROS production being associated with clinical improvement, whereas marked increase of the ROS production did not. Also a positive correlation between theta absolute power increase in the EEG and suppression of the production of ROS by blood MO was found. The correlations between different symptom clusters of SCH and the EEG rhythms were investigated; the absolute power of beta activity in the EEG seemed to correlate positively to overall psychopathology in patients with SCH showing inadequate response. The results suggest that the EEG background activity and investigation of the production of ROS by MO seem to be an adjunctive method to objectively assess and possibly predict the therapeutic effect of CLO in patients with chronic SCH showing inadequate response to treatment with conventional antipsychotics.


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Introduction: For over half a century now, the dopamine hypothesis has provided the most widely accepted heuristic model linking pathophysiology and treatment in schizophrenia. Despite dopaminergic drugs being available for six decades, this system continues to represent a key target in schizophrenia drug discovery. The present article reviews the scientific rationale for dopaminergic medications historically and the shift in our thinking since, which is clearly reflected in the investigational drugs detailed. Areas covered: We searched for investigational drugs using the key words `dopamine,' `schizophrenia,' and `Phase II' in American and European clinical trial registers (clinicaltrials. gov; clinicaltrialsregister.eu), published articles using National Library of Medicine's PubMed database, and supplemented results with a manual search of cross-references and conference abstracts. We provide a brief description of drugs targeting dopamine synthesis, release or metabolism, and receptors (agonists/partial agonists/antagonists). Expert opinion: There are prominent shifts in how we presently conceptualize schizophrenia and its treatment. Current efforts are not as much focused on developing better antipsychotics but, instead, on treatments that can improve other symptom domains, in particular cognitive and negative. This new era in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia moves us away from the older `magic bullet' approach toward a strategy fostering polypharmacy and a more individualized approach shaped by the individual's specific symptom profile.


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Os antipsicóticos são drogas utilizadas no tratamento de muitos transtornos psiquiátricos, sendo classificados em dois grupos: típicos e atípicos. Os típicos formam o grupo de drogas que bloqueiam especialmente os receptores de dopamina e, por isto, causam efeitos colaterais característicos, que se manifestam através de sintomas extrapiramidais e podem terminar em discinesia tardia. Os atípicos apresentam eficácia antipsicótica similar à dos antipsicóticos típicos, mas produzem menos efeitos colaterais extrapiramidais e não causam discinesia tardia. Os antipsicóticos se ligam às proteínas plasmáticas, principalmente a albumina, a qual representa cerca de 60% do total das proteínas no soro humano. Neste trabalho estudamos os processos de interação de duas drogas antipsicóticas atípicas, risperidona e sulpirida, com as albuminas séricas humana (HSA) e bovina (BSA), através da técnica de supressão da fluorescência intrínseca do triptofano. A partir dos espectros de fluorescência, a análise dos dados foi feita obtendo-se os gráficos e as constantes de Stern-Volmer. A análise da supressão da fluorescência foi feita a partir da média aritmética dos dados oriundos dos experimentos realizados em cada condição adotada. Como a molécula da sulpirida é fluorescente desenvolvemos uma modelagem matemática do processo de interação, que nos permitiu então obter os dados referentes à supressão da fluorescência da proteína. Os resultados mostraram que a risperidona e a sulpirida suprimem a fluorescência de ambas albuminas por um processo de quenching estático, formando complexos droga-albumina. A risperidona tem uma afinidade com a HSA cerca de 6,5 vezes maior do que a sulpirida, a 37 oC. As constantes de associação calculadas para a interação risperidona-HSA, através da Teoria de Stern-Volmer, foram 1,43 ( 0,05) x 105 M-1, a 37 C, e 2,56 ( 0,09) x 105 M-1, a 25 C1; e para a sulpirida, 2,20 ( 0,08) x 104 M-1, a 37 C, e 5,46 ( 0,20) x 104 M-1, a 25 C. Como a taxa de quenching da BSA foi maior do que a da HSA, sugerimos que o sítio primário para a risperidona nas albuminas esteja localizado mais próximo ao domínio do triptofano 134 da BSA do que do domínio do triptofano 212 da HSA. O mesmo sugerimos com relação ao sítio para a sulpirida a 37 C.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Schizophrenia represents one of the world’s most devastating illnesses due to its often lifelong course and debilitating nature. The treatment of schizophrenia has vastly improved over recent decades with the discovery of several antipsychotic compounds; however these drugs are not without adverse effects that must be addressed to maximize their therapeutic value. Newer, atypical, antipsychotics are associated with a compilation of serious metabolic side effects including weight gain, insulin resistance, fat deposition, glucose dysregulation and ensuing co-morbidities such as type II diabetes mellitus. The mechanisms underlying these side effects remain to be fully elucidated and adequate interventions are lacking. Further understanding of the factors that contribute these side effects is therefore required in order to develop effective adjunctive therapies and to potentially design antipsychotic drugs in the future with reduced impact on the metabolic health of patients. We investigated if the gut microbiota represented a novel mechanism contributing to the metabolic dysfunction associated with atypical antipsychotics. The gut microbiota comprises the bacteria that exist symbiotically within the gastrointestinal tract, and has been shown in recent years to be involved in several aspects of energy balance and metabolism. We have demonstrated that administration of certain antipsychotics in the rat results in an altered microbiota profile and, moreover, that the microbiota is required for the full scale of metabolic dysfunction to occur. We have further shown that specific antibiotics can attenuate certain aspects of olanzapine and risperidone–induced metabolic dysfunction, in particular fat deposition and adipose tissue inflammation. Mechanisms underlying this novel link appear to involve energy utilization via expression of lipogenic genes as well as reduced inflammatory tone. Taken together, these data indicate that the gut microbiota is an important factor involved in the myriad of metabolic complications associated with antipsychotic therapy. Furthermore, these data support the future investigation of microbial-based therapeutics for not only antipsychotic-induced weight gain but also for tackling the global obesity epidemic.


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Latent inhibition (LI) is a measure of reduced learning about a stimulus to which there has been prior exposure without any consequence. It therefore requires a comparison between a pre-exposed (PE) and a non-pre-exposed (NPE) condition. Since, in animals, LI is disrupted by amphetamines and enhanced by antipsychotics, LI disruption has been proposed as a measure of the characteristic attentional deficit in schizophrenia: the inability to ignore irrelevant stimuli. The findings in humans are, however, inconsistent. In particular, a recent investigation suggested that since haloperidol disrupted LI in healthy volunteers, and LI was normal in non-medicated patients with schizophrenia, the previous findings in schizophrenic patients were entirely due to the negative effects of their medication on LI (Williams et al., 1998). We conducted two studies of antipsychotic drug effects on auditory LI using a within-subject, parallel group design in healthy volunteers. In the first of these, single doses of haloperidol (1 mg. i.v.) were compared with paroxetine (20 mg p.o.) and placebo, and in the second, chlorpromazine (100 mg p.o.) was compared with lorazepam (2 mg. p.o.) and placebo. Eye movements, neuropsychological test performance (spatial working memory (SWM), Tower of London and intra/extra dimensional shift, from the CANTAB test battery) and visual analogue rating scales, were also included as other measures of attention and frontal lobe function. Haloperidol was associated with a non-significant reduction in LI scores, and dysphoria/akathisia (Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale) in three-quarters of the subjects. The LI finding may be explained by increased distractibility which was indicated by an increase in antisaccade directional errors in this group. In contrast, LI was significantly increased by chlorpromazine but not by an equally sedative dose of lorazepam (both drugs causing marked decreases in peak saccadic velocity). Paroxetine had no effect on LI, eye movements or CANTAB neuropsychological test performance. Haloperidol was associated with impaired SWM, which correlated with the degree of dysphoria/akathisia, but no other drug effects on CANTAB measures were detected. We conclude that the effect of antipsychotics on LI is both modality and pharmacologically dependent and that further research using a wider range of antipsychotic compounds is necessary to clarify the cognitive effects of these drugs, and to determine whether there are important differences between them.


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In view of the evidence that cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are critically important for long-term outcome, it is essential to establish the effects that the various antipsychotic compounds have on cognition, particularly second-generation drugs. This parallel group, placebo-controlled study aimed to compare the effects in healthy volunteers (n = 128) of acute doses of the atypical antipsychotics amisulpride (300 mg) and risperidone (3 mg) to those of chlorpromazine (100 mg) on tests thought relevant to the schizophrenic process: auditory and visual latent inhibition, prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response, executive function and eye movements. The drugs tested were not found to affect auditory latent inhibition, prepulse inhibition or executive functioning as measured by the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Battery and the FAS test of verbal fluency. However, risperidone disrupted and amisulpride showed a trend to disrupt visual latent inhibition. Although amisulpride did not affect eye movements, both risperidone and chlorpromazine decreased peak saccadic velocity and increased antisaccade error rates, which, in the risperidone group, correlated with drug-induced akathisia. It was concluded that single doses of these drugs appear to have little effect on cognition, but may affect eye movement parameters in accordance with the amount of sedation and akathisia they produce. The effect risperidone had on latent inhibition is likely to relate to its serotonergic properties. Furthermore, as the trend for disrupted visual latent inhibition following amisulpride was similar in nature to that which would be expected with amphetamine, it was concluded that its behaviour in this model is consistent with its preferential presynaptic dopamine antagonistic activity in low dose and its efficacy in the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.


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Inhibitors of Gly transporter type-1 (GlyT1) for the treatment of schizophrenia have been pursued on the basis of the NMDA receptor (R) hypofunction hypothesis, which stems largely from the observation that NMDAR antagonists induce symptoms that more closely mimic those characteristic of schizophrenia than do other classes of psychotic agents. GlyT1 is responsible for uptake of synaptic Gly, an NMDAR co-agonist amino acid, in neuronal populations throughout the forebrain. GlyT1 inhibition thereby potentiates NMDAR activity by increasing synaptic Gly levels. Correspondingly, a large body of data suggests that GlyT1 inhibitors likely confer more comprehensive symptom alleviation than current antipsychotics. To date, a number of small-molecule GlyT1 inhibitors have been reported by the pharmaceutical industry. Developments in the discovery and characterization of GlyT1 inhibitors are discussed in this review.


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To determine whether excessive and often inappropriate or dangerous psychotropic drug dispensing to older adults is unique to care homes or is a continuation of community treatment.

Population-based data-linkage study using prescription drug information.

Northern Ireland's national prescribing database and care home information from the national inspectorate.

Two hundred fifty thousand six hundred seventeen individuals aged 65 and older.

Prescription information was extracted for all psychotropic drugs included in the British National Formulary (BNF) categories 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.2.2 (hypnotics, anxiolytics, and antipsychotics) dispensed over the study period. Repeated cross-sectional analysis was used to monitor changes in psychotropic drug dispensing over time.

Psychotropic drug use was higher in care homes than the community; 20.3% of those in care homes were dispensed an antipsychotic in January 2009, compared with 1.1% of those in the community. People who entered care had higher use of psychotropic medications before entry than those who did not enter care, but this increased sharply in the month of admission and continued to rise. Antipsychotic drug dispensing increased from 8.2% before entry to 18.6% after entering care (risk ratio (RR) = 2.26, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.96–2.59) and hypnotic drug dispensing from 14.8% to 26.3% (RR=1.78, 95% CI=1.61–1.96).

A continuation of high use before entry cannot wholly explain the higher dispensing of psychotropic drugs to individuals in care homes. Although drug dispensing is high in older people in the community, it increases dramatically on entry to care. Routine medicine reviews are necessary in older people and are especially important during transitions of care.


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This study aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors and physicians' country of practice (Northern Ireland [NI] and the Republic of Ireland [RoI]) influenced decision making regarding medication use in patients with end-stage dementia.

The study utilised a factorial survey design comprising four vignettes to evaluate initiating/withholding or continuing/discontinuing specific medications in patients with dementia nearing death. Questionnaires and vignettes were mailed to all hospital physicians in geriatric medicine and to all general practitioners (GPs) in NI (November 2010) and RoI (December 2010), with a second copy provided 3 weeks after the first mailing. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine the impact of patient-related factors and physicians' country of practice on decision making. Significance was set a priori at p ≤ 0.05. Free text responses to open questions were analysed qualitatively using content analysis.

The response rate was 20.6% (N = 662) [21.1% (N = 245) for GPs and 52.1% (N = 38) for hospital physicians in NI, 18.3% (N = 348) for GPs and 36.0% (N = 31) for hospital physicians in RoI]. There was considerable variability in decision making about initiating/withholding antibiotics and continuing/discontinuing the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and memantine hydrochloride, and less variability in decision making regarding statins and antipsychotics. Patient place of residence and physician's country of practice had the strongest and most consistent effects on decision making although effect sizes were small.

Further research is required into other factors that may impact upon physicians' prescribing decisions for these vulnerable patients and to clarify how the factors examined in this study influence prescribing decisions.


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Objective: To report new prescriptions of psychotropic medications among adolescents presenting with new onset psychotic symptoms during a 5-year period.
Methods: The Northern Ireland Early Onset Psychosis Study is a naturalistic longitudinal observational study of patients with an early onset first psychotic episode. All patients aged <18 years presenting to specialist mental health services across Northern Ireland with new onset psychotic symptoms between 2001 and 2006 were recruited (n = 113). Clinical case notes were analysed retrospectively for details of subsequent treatment with psychotropic medications.
Results: A total of 100 patients (88.5%) were prescribed some form of psychotropic medication. Over three-quarters of patients received an antipsychotic as their first medication. Risperidone (45.8%), olanzapine (24.0%) and chlorpromazine (12.5%) were the most commonly prescribed first-line antipsychotic medications. Of a total of 160 antipsychotic prescriptions,81 (50.6%) were off-label. Prescriptions were most likely to have been deemed off-label owing to medications not being licensed in under-18s (71.6% of off-label prescriptions) but other reasons were medications being used outsidelicensed age ranges (23.5%) and outside licensed indications (4.9%).
Conclusions: This is the first study examining psychotropic prescribing patterns in a complete sample of all children and adolescents presenting with early onset psychotic episodes in a single geographical area. The observation of risperidoneas the most commonly prescribed antipsychotic was in keeping with previous studies in child and adolescent populations. Rates of off-label prescribing were lower than previously observed although our study was the first to investigateoff-label prescribing solely in children and adolescents presenting with psychotic symptoms.


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Objective: Adverse effects (AEs) of antipsychotic medication have important implications for patients and prescribers in terms of wellbeing, treatment adherence and quality of life. This review summarises strategies for collecting and reporting AE data across a representative literature sample to ascertain their rigour and comprehensiveness. Methods: A PsycINFO search, following PRISMA Statement guidelines, was conducted in English-language journals (1980–July 2014) using the following search string: (antipsychotic* OR neuroleptic*) AND (subjective effect OR subjective experience OR subjective response OR subjective mental alterations OR subjective tolerability OR subjective wellbeing OR patient perspective OR self-rated effects OR adverse effects OR side-effects). Of 7,825 articles, 384 were retained that reported quantified results for AEs of typical or atypical antipsychotics amongst transdiagnostic adult, adolescent, and child populations. Information extracted included: types of AEs reported; how AEs were assessed; assessment duration; assessment of the global impact of antipsychotic consumption on wellbeing; and conflict of interest due to industry sponsorship. Results: Neurological, metabolic, and sedation-related cognitive effects were reported most systematically relative to affective, anticholinergic, autonomic, cutaneous, hormonal, miscellaneous, and non-sedative cognitive effects. The impact of AEs on patient wellbeing was poorly assessed. Cross-sectional and prospective research designs yielded more comprehensive data about AE severity and prevalence than clinical or observational retrospective studies. 3 Conclusions: AE detection and classification can be improved through the use of standardised assessment instruments and consideration of subjective patient impact. Observational research can supplement information from clinical trials to improve the ecological validity of AE data.


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Introdução: A terapêutica medicamentosa do doente idoso requer cuidados acrescidos tendo em conta as suas alterações fisiopatológicas e múltiplas patologias, que o tornam mais susceptível a eventos adversos. Têm sido criados diversos instrumentos para avaliação do uso de medicamentos inapropriados no idoso, sendo o mais frequentemente utilizado, os Critérios de Beers, cuja última actualização data de 2002. Objectivos: Operacionalização dos Critérios de Beers para alertar os profissionais de saúde em Portugal. Métodos: Análise dos fármacos e grupos de fármacos dos Critérios de Beers, comercializados em Portugal, identificação das substâncias pertencentes aos grupos assinalados por Beers que não foram incluídas nestes Critérios. Resultados: Ajustaram-se as dois quadros dos Critérios de Beers, com referência às substâncias comercializadas em Portugal e inclusão das substâncias pertencentes aos grupos de fármacos indicados na escala de Beers, com respectivos graus de inapropriação e efeitos que podem ocorrer com a administração dos medicamentos aos idosos. No quadro 1 de Beers haviam 34 substâncias sem Autorização de Introdução no Mercado (AIM) e quatro possuem designações diferentes. No quadro 2, por possuírem AIM e não estarem mencionadas, incluíram-se três antidepressivos tricíclicos, 12 antipsicóticos convencionais, doses máximas de cinco benzodiazepinas de curta acção, não se tendo encontrado referência a doses de duas, e 28 AINEs, sendo que dois são Coxibs. Conclusão: A operacionalização para Portugal dos Critérios de Beers permite a criação de um instrumento que auxilie o médico na escolha de medicamentos e doses a prescrever ao idoso garantindo um aumento de segurança da terapêutica. Esta operacionalização permite ainda a comparação de resultados de estudos sobre terapêutica inapropriada no doente idoso realizados em países diferentes e que apliquem os Critérios de Beers.


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Objectives: This paper reports on the acceptability and effectiveness of the FITS (Focussed Intervention Training and Support) into Practice Programme. This intervention was scaled up from an earlier cluster randomised-controlled trial that had proven successful in significantly decreasing antipsychotic prescribing in care homes. Method: An in depth 10-day education course in person-centred care was delivered over a three-month period, followed by six supervision sessions. Participants were care-home staff designated as Dementia Care Coaches (DCCs) responsible for implementing interventions in 1 or 2 care homes. The course and supervision was provided by educators called Dementia Practice Development Coaches (DPDCs). Effectiveness data included monitoring antipsychotic prescriptions, goal attainment, knowledge, attitudes and implementation questionnaires. Qualitative data included case studies and reflective journals to elucidate issues of implementation. Results: Of the 100 DCCs recruited, 66 DCCs completed the programme. Pre-post questionnaires demonstrated increased knowledge and confidence and improved attitudes to dementia. Twenty per cent of residents were prescribed antipsychotics at baseline which reduced to 14% (31% reduction) with additional dose reductions being reported alongside improved personalised goal attainment. Crucial for FITS into Practice to succeed was the allocation and protection of time for the DCC to attend training and supervision and to carry out implementation tasks in addition to their existing job role. Evaluation data showed that this was a substantial barrier to implementation in a small number of homes. Discussion and conclusions: The FITS into practice programme was well evaluated and resulted in reduction in inappropriate anti-psychotic prescribing. Revisions to the intervention are suggested to maximise successful implementation.