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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging treatment modality for a range of disease classes, both cancerous and noncancerous. This has brought about an active pursuit of new PDT agents that can be optimized for the unique set of photophysical characteristics that are required for a successful clinical agent. We now describe a totally new class of PDT agent, the BF2-chelated 3,5-diaryl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl-3,5-diarylpyrrol-2-ylideneamines (tetraarylazadipyrromethenes). Optimized synthetic procedures have been developed to facilitate the generation of an array of specifically substituted derivatives to demonstrate how control of key therapeutic parameters such as wavelength of maximum absorbance and singlet-oxygen generation can be achieved. Photosensitizer absorption maxima can be varied within the body's therapeutic window between 650 and 700 nm, with high extinction coefficients ranging from 75,000 to 85,000 M(-1) cm(-1). Photosensitizer singlet-oxygen generation level was modulated by the exploitation of the heavy-atom effect. An array of photosensitizers with and without bromine atom substituents gave rise to a series of compounds with varying singlet-oxygen generation profiles. X-ray structural evidence indicates that the substitution of the bromine atoms has not caused a planarity distortion of the photosensitizer. Comparative singlet-oxygen production levels of each photosensitizer versus two standards demonstrated a modulating effect on singlet-oxygen generation depending upon substituent patterns about the photosensitizer. Confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging of 18a in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells proved that the photosensitizer was exclusively localized to the cellular cytoplasm. In vitro light-induced toxicity assays in HeLa cervical carcinoma and MRC5-SV40 transformed fibroblast cancer cell lines confirmed that the heavy-atom effect is viable in a live cellular system and that it can be exploited to modulate assay efficacy. Direct comparison of the efficacy of the photosensitizers 18b and 19b, which only differ in molecular structure by the presence of two bromine atoms, illustrated an increase in efficacy of more than a 1000-fold in both cell lines. All photosensitizers have very low to nondeterminable dark toxicity in our assay system.


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A new ternary iron(III) complex [FeL(dpq)] containing dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq) and 2,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)aminoacetic acid (H3L) is prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The high-spin complex with a FeN3O3 core shows a quasi-reversible iron(III)/iron(II) redox couple at -0.62 V (vs SCE) in DMF/0.1 M TBAP and a broad visible band at 470 nm in DMF/Tris buffer. Laser photoexcitation of this phenolate (L)-to-iron(III) charge-transfer band at visible wavelengths including red light of >= 630 nm leads to cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form via a photoredox pathway forming hydroxyl radicals.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new therapeutic approach for the palliative treatment of malignant bile duct obstruction. In this study, we designed photosensitizer-embedded self-expanding nonvascular metal stent (PDT-stent) which allows repeatable photodynamic treatment of cholangiocarcinoma without systemic injection of photosensitizer. Polymeric photosensitizer (pullulan acetate-conjugated pheophorbide A; PPA) was incorporated in self-expanding nonvascular metal stent. Residence of PPA in the stent was estimated in buffer solution and subcutaneous implantation on mouse. Photodynamic activity of PDT-stent was evaluated through laserexposure on stent-layered tumor cell lines, HCT-116 tumor-xenograft mouse models and endoscopic intervention of PDT-stent on bile duct of mini pigs. Photo-fluorescence imaging of the PDT-stent demonstrated homogeneous embedding of polymeric Pheo-A (PPA) on stent membrane. PDT-stent sustained its photodynamic activities at least for 2 month. And which implies repeatable endoscopic PDT is possible after stent emplacement. The PDT-stent after light exposure successfully generated cytotoxic singlet oxygen in the surrounding tissues, inducing apoptotic degradation of tumor cells and regression of xenograft tumors on mouse models. Endoscopic biliary in-stent photodynamic treatments on minipigs also suggested the potential efficacy of PDT-stent on cholangiocarcinoma. In vivo and in vitro studies revealed our PDT-stent, allows repeatable endoscopic biliary PDT, has the potential for the combination therapy (stent plus PDT) of cholangiocarcinoma. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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An innovative bioadhesive patch intended primarily as a vulval drug delivery system and, specifically, as a means to deliver photosensitisers, or their prodrugs, for photodynamic purposes is described. The patch was formulated with a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride (PMVE/MA) as a bioadhesive matrix and poly(vinyl chloride) as a drug-impervious backing layer. Adhesive strength to neonate porcine skin, as a model substrate, was evaluated using peel and tensile testing measurements. Acceptabilities of non-drug loaded patches were appraised using human volunteers and visual-analogue scoring devices. An optimal formulation, with water uptake and peel strengths appropriate for vulval drug delivery, was cast from a 20% (w/w) PMVE/MA solution and adhered with a strength of approximately 1.7 N cm-2. Patient evaluation demonstrated comfort and firm attachment for up to 4 h in mobile patients. Aminolevulinic acid, a commonly used photosensitiser, was formulated into the candidate formulation and applied to vulval intraepithelial neoplastic lesions. Fluorescence under ultraviolet illumination revealed protoporphyrin synthesis. The patch achieves the extended application times obligatory in topical photodynamic therapy of vulval lesions, thereby contributing to potential methods for the eradication of neoplastic lesions in the lower female reproductive tract.


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Topical photodynamic therapy is used for a variety of malignant and pre-malignant skin disorders, including Bowen's Disease and Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma. A haem precursor, typically 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), acting as a prodrug, is absorbed and converted by the haem biosynthetic pathway to photoactive protoprophyrin IX (PpIX), which accumulates preferentially in rapidly dividing
cells. Cell destruction occurs when PpIx is activated by an intense light source of appropriate wavelength. Topical delivery of ALA avoids the prolonged photosensitivity reactions associated with systemic administration of photosensitisers but its clinical utility is influenced by the tissue penetration characteristics of the drug, its ease of application and the stability of the active agent in the applied dose. This review, therefore, focuses on drug delivery applications for topical, ALA-based PDT. Issues considered in detail include physical and chemical enhancement strategies for tissue penetration of ALA and subsequent intracellular accumulation of PpIX, together with formulation strategies and drug delivery design solutions appropriate to various clinical applications. The fundamental aspects of drug diffusion in
relation to the physicochemical properties of ALA are reviewed and specific consideration is given to the degradation pathways of ALA in formulated systems that, in turn, influence the design of stable topical formulations.


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Photodynamic therapy of deep or nodular skin tumours is currently limited by the poor tissue penetration of the porphyrin precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In this study, silicon microneedle arrays were used, for the first time, to enhance skin penetration of ALA in vitro and in vivo. Puncturing excised murine skin with 6x7 arrays of microneedles 270 mum in height, with a diameter of 240 mum at the base and an interspacing of 750 mum led to a significant increase in transdermal delivery of ALA released from a bioadhesive patch containing 19 mg ALA cm(-2). Microneedle puncture enhanced ALA delivery to the upper regions of excised porcine skin but, at mean depths of 1.875 mm, ALA concentrations were similar to control values, possibly reflecting binding of ALA by tissue components. However, and importantly, in vivo experiments using nude mice showed that microneedle puncture could reduce application time and ALA dose required to induce high levels of the photosensitiser protoporphyrin IX in skin. This clearly has implications for clinical practice, as shorter application times would mean improved patient and clinician convenience and also that more patients could be treated in the same session. As ALA is expensive and degrades rapidly via a second order reaction, reducing the required dose is also a notable advantage.


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Background: The work in this study appraised photodynamic treatment (PDT) as a treatment method for vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) using a novel bioadhesive patch to deliver aminolevulinic acid. An analysis of changes in expression of apoptotic and cell cycle proteins (p53, p21, Mdm2, Blc-2, Bax, Ki-67) in response to PDT was evaluated. Methods: PDT was performed using non-laser light, either as a one or two-cycle treatment, with clinical and pathological assessment following after 6 weeks. Twenty-three patients with 25 VIN lesions underwent 49 cycles of PDT Patches were designed to conform to uneven vulval skin and contained 38 mg cm(-2) aminolevulinic acid. Assessment was carried out at 6 weeks post-treatment. Patient-based treatment assessment, along with clinical and pathological changes, were monitored. Immunohistochemical staining was used to elucidate a possible biomolecular basis for induced cellular changes. Results: Most patients (52%) reported a symptomatic response, with normal pathology restored in 38% of lesions. The patch was easy to apply and remove, causing minimal discomfort. Fluorescence inspection confirmed protoporphyrin accumulation. Pain during implementation of PDT was problematic, necessitating some form of local analgesia. Changes in expression of cell cycle and apoptotic-related proteins suggested involvement of apoptotic pathways. Down regulation of p21 and inverse changes in Bcl-2 and Bax were key findings. Conclusion: Treatment of VIN lesions using a novel bioadhesive patch induced changes in cell cycle and apoptotic proteins in response to PDT with possible utilisation of apoptotic pathways. The efficacy of PDT in treating VIN could be improved by a better understanding of these apoptotic mechanisms, the influence of factors, such as HPV status, and of the need for effective pain management.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment in which a combination of a photosensitising drug and visible light causes destruction of selected cells. Due to the lack of true selectivity of preformed photosensitisers for neoplastic tissue and their high molecular weights, PDT of superficial skin lesions has traditionally been mediated by topical application of the porphyrin precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Objective: This article aims to review the traditional formulation-based approaches taken to topical delivery of ALA and discusses the more innovative strategies investigated for enhancement of PDT mediated by topical application of ALA and preformed photosensitisers. Methods: All of the available published print and online literature in this area was reviewed. As drug delivery of agents used in PDT is still something of an emerging field, it was not necessary to go beyond literature from the last 30 years. Results/conclusion: PDT of neoplastic skin lesions is currently based almost exclusively on topical application of simple semisolid dosage forms containing ALA or its methyl ester. Until expiry of patents on the current market-leading products, there is unlikely to be a great incentive to engage in design and evaluation of innovative formulations for topical PDT, especially those containing the more difficult-to-deliver preformed photosensitisers.