527 resultados para ANOREXIA NERVOSA


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the most prevalent of eating disorders in children and adolescents, and its treatment is long and complex, involving a multidisciplinary team. Nutritional rehabilitation and restoration of a healthy body weight is one of the central goals in the initial stages of inpatient treatment. However, current recommendations on initial energy requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies, available scientific evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices in hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Conservative refeeding recommendations have been classically established in order to prevent the refeeding syndrome. Nevertheless, various works have recently appeared advocating a higher initial caloric intake, without observing more complications or refeeding syndrome, and allowing a shorter average stay. We present our experience in the treatment of restricting AN with a conservative progressive treatment. We have obtained good results with this approach, which was well tolerated by patients, with no observing complications. As a consequence, the medical team could establish a pact about the therapeutic goals with the patients in an easier way.


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Pro-anorexia Internet sites aim to promote, support and discuss anorexia nervosa. Media coverage has raised concerns that sites may increase the level of eating disorders. This research examines the meaning of participation in a pro-anorexia Internet site and its relationship with disordered eating by using an interpretative phenomenological analysis of fifteen separate message ‘threads’ followed over a six-week period. Four themes were identified: (1) tips and techniques; (2) ‘ana’ v. anorexia nervosa; (3) social support; and (4) need for anorexia. Findings suggest participation was multi-purpose, providing a coping function in relation to weight loss, and the contribution of sites to increased levels of eating disorders is not inevitable.


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Esta dissertação pretende discutir o surgimento de casos de anorexia nervosa e bulimia nervosa em homens e sua relação com: a - as questões socioculturais ligadas ao culto à magreza e seus desdobramentos (como a noção de estilo de vida); e b - as discussões sobre masculinidades, experiências corporais e subjetivas desses sujeitos. Seu principal objetivo é compreender como estes transtornos alimentares, tidos como distúrbios de ordem psiquiátrica pela literatura biomédica, não estão restritos somente ao feminino, sugerindo também implicações ligadas ao processo de elaboração do saber médico, seus campos de pesquisa e atuação. A metodologia empregada foi a realização de entrevistas via MSN Messenger, com 20 homens entre 13 e 30 anos, que declaram passar ou ter passado por algum tipo de experiência envolvendo a anorexia e/ou bulimia.


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Esta dissertação propõe investigar o sintoma anoréxico na estrutura neurótica como um sintoma contemporâneo em consequência da baixa operatividade da função paterna e da incidência avassaladora do Desejo Materno. A pesquisa foi iniciada por um levantamento histórico-bibliográfico do jejum e da recusa alimentar ao longo da história, até o estabelecimento da anorexia como uma psicopatologia. Para dar sustentação ao eixo central desta Dissertação, a pesquisa explora o conceito de pai na Obra de Freud e no ensino de Lacan, investigando a baixa operatividade desta função e seus efeitos na formação do sintoma. O conceito de pulsão é explorado com o objetivo de compreender a anorexia como uma invasão pulsional no corpo decorrente da precária sustentação da armadura simbólica que a lei paterna insere. Deste modo, esta Dissertação expõe duas hipóteses centrais: a anorexia como uma manobra de separação, operação que a função paterna não inscreve devidamente e desta forma um recurso diante da hegemonia materna; e a anorexia como estragos que apontam a invasão da mortífera pulsão no corpo, decorrentes da presença avassaladora do Outro materno e da inconsistência da função paterna


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En esta investigación se exploran distintas herramientas usadas por comunidades virtuales en Internet para la creación, difusión y defensa de sus ideas en contra de comunidades rivales y algunas veces la sociedad. El caso de estudio particular en que se ha centrado este trabajo es el de distintos grupos relacionados con la anorexia nerviosa y sus usos de la imagen de los nombres e imagen de usuario. La metodología de investigación usada es cualitativa y experimental.


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The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.


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The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o funcionamento lógico, afetivo e a adaptação social de pacientes com Anorexia Nervosa (AN) e Bulimia Nervosa (BN). A amostra foi composta por 27 participantes. Para coleta dos dados foi utilizado o Método de Rorschach. Os dados foram codificado e interpretados segundo as normas da Escola Francesa. Os resultados indicaram que os participantes apresentam capacidade produtiva e desejo de estabelecerem relacionamentos afetivos. Todavia, são facilmente invadidos por uma carga de afetos que não conseguem modular, o que os predispõe ao isolamento social, que gera acúmulo de inquietações e ansiedades introjetadas. A incapacidade de elaborar a tensão interna resultante os leva a escoar a ansiedade pela via somática. Evidenciou-se o comprometimento das funções psíquicas dos pacientes com AN e BN, o que indica a necessidade de acompanhamento psicoterapêutico integrado à assistência da equipe multiprofissional.


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En el caso clínico se trató periodontalmente a la paciente C. J., con diagnóstico de bulimia y anorexia nerviosa purgativa. Se destacó el importante trabajo de motivación, que dio como resultado una respuesta excelente en su salud bucal. Se contó con la posibilidad de colocar implantes dentales con buen resultado postoperatorio, lo cual es promisorio en cuanto a lograr rehabilitarla con una solución fija, que no sufrirán de patologías como la caries, pero sí pueden afectarlos las secuelas de una enfermedad periodontal, por lo que se remarca la importancia de los mantenimientos periodontales para lograr un muy buen pronóstico en su futura salud y rehabilitación oral.


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Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by ego-syntonic self-starvation and is associated with impairment in functioning, emotional distress, psychiatric comorbidity, and an elevated mortality risk. Evidence-based data on treatment interventions for anorexia nervosa are scarce despite the need for more targeted and effective treatments. This paper offers an integrative model using humor as a therapeutic intervention for the treatment of anorexia nervosa. It proposes that the integration and application of humor in psychotherapy can be a powerful adjunct in treatment because it has the potential to activate change in the physiological, cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal realms negatively affected by this disorder.


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High maturity fears predict poor treatment outcomes in women with anorexia nervosa (AN). The purpose of this study was to determine if weight gain predicts decreases in maturity fears (MF) for AN patients. Fifty-six patients in an eating disorders partial hospitalization program were administered a series of psychological tests at intake and discharge. R2 values indicate that percent change in weight restoration will not accurately forecast the change in MF scores, although a positive trend was identified between the two variables. The weak predictive relationship suggests that weight restoration alone is not adequate to address the psychological components of AN.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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For nearly twenty-five years, the field of youth studies has employed the same conceptual tools to explain the conduct of young people, tools that inexorably lead to the same recurrent conclusions-youth equals resistance, youth equals alienation, youth equals problem. This book offers a way out of this theoretical Groundhog Day. Starting with the familiar notion of youth subcultures, but also addressing topics such as young women's magazines, 'at risk' youth, anorexia nervosa, and HIV/AIDS programs, this book examines the way in which youth is produced as both a governmental object and a set of practices of the self. Employing the ideas of Foucault, Rose and Mauss, this new approach attempts to reinvigorate what is an important-yet slumbering-area of research.


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This paper will examine the literature on ‘anorexia nervosa’, and argue that it is underpinned by three fundamental assumptions. First, ‘anorexia nervosa’ is a reflection of the mismatch between true ‘inner self’ and the external ‘false self’, the latter self being the distorted product of a male dominated society. Second, the explanation for the severe fasting practices constitutive of ‘anorexia nervosa’ (a new social problem) is to be found within the binary opposition of resistance/conformity to contemporary cultural expectations. Finally, ‘anorexia nervosa’ is a problem which exists in nature (i.e., independently of analysis). It was eventually discovered, named and explained. This paper will problematise each of these assumptions in turn, and in doing so, it will propose an alternative way of understanding contemporary fasting practices.


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There is emerging evidence for the important role of metacognitions in the presentation of eating disorders (EDs); however it is unclear to what extent these metacognitions are transdiagnostic. This study used a mixed methods convergent design to explore this question by triangulating both qualitative and quantitative data from 27 women, aged 18–55 years, with diagnoses of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or eating disorders not otherwise specified. The results indicated that metacognitions in EDs may be transdiagnostic and may in part explain temporal migration between diagnoses and the degree of comorbidity associated with EDs.