900 resultados para ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION
Si sou calbs i voleu deixar de ser-ho, o si la vostra parella és calba i enyoreu aquells cabells llargs i espessos que lluïa a l'època hippie, esteu de sort. Però aneu alerta, perquè si sou d'aquelles persones que els agrada dir que no té pèls a la llengua, potser ara us en sortiran. O almenys això és el que hom pot pensar després de sentir una de les darreres notícies de ciència de gran ressò mediàtic: s'ha aconseguit que a un ratolí modificat genèticament per no tenir cap pèl li'n creixin. Els artífexs han estat els membres d'un equip de recerca de l'Institut Kennedy Krieger de la Johns Hopkins University, dels EUA, encapçalat per Catherine Thompson. I esclar, molts ja s'imaginen lluint llargues i espesses cabelleres on ara només tenen lluentors [...].
OBJECTIVE: to develop an experimental model of exposure to tobacco burning (cigarette) products to assess the effects of its chronic use in relation to cancers of the bladder. METHODS: the animals were chronically exposed to the burning tobacco products in a semi-open chamber to simulate smoking. Thirty young Wistar rats were divided into two groups: one with 20 animals simulating smoking for six months, and ten not exposed control animals for the same period. After exposure by inhalation of cigarette smoke, animals were euthanized and subjected to histopathological study of the bladder wall. RESULTS: no tumor was found but mild and non significant alterations. The studies of hemo-oximetry (carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin) and the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) confirm that the animals were exposed to high concentrations of tobacco smoke and its derivatives. CONCLUSION: no bladder mucosal neoplasia was found in the pathological study of animals. The developed experimental models were highly efficient, practical and easy to use and can be used in other similar studies to determine the harmful effects caused by smoking.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the natural healing of the rat diaphragm that suffered an extensive right penetrating injury.METHODS: Animals were submitted to an extensive penetrating injury in right diaphragm. The sample consisted of 40 animals. The variables studied were initial weight, weight 21 days after surgery; healing of the diaphragm, non-healing of the diaphragm, and herniated abdominal contents into the chest.RESULTS: Ten animals were used as controls for weight and 30 animals were operated. Two animals died during the experiment, so 28 animals formed the operated group; healing of the diaphragm occurred in 15 animals (54%), 11 other animals showed diaphragmatic hernia (39%) and in two we observed only diaphragmatic injury without hernia (7%). Among the herniated organs, the liver was found in 100% of animals, followed by the omentum in 77%, small bowel in 62%, colon in 46%, stomach in 31% and spleen in 15%. The control group and the diaphragmatic healing subgroup showed increased weight since the beginning of the study and the 21 days after surgery (p <0.001). The unhealed group showed no change in weight (p = 0.228).CONCLUSION: there is a predominance of spontaneous healing in the right diaphragm; animals in which there was no healing of the diaphragm did not gain weight, and the liver was the organ present in 100% the diaphragmatic surface in all rats with healed diaphragm or not.
Objective: to evaluate natural evolution of right diaphragmatic injury after the surgical removal of a portion from hemi diaphragm. Methods: the animals were submitted to a surgical removal of portion from right hemi diaphragm by median laparotomy. The sample consists of 42 animals being 2 animals from pilot project and 40 operated animals. And the variables of the study were herniation, liver protection, healing, persistent diaphragm injury, evaluation of 16 channels tomography and the variables "heart rate" and "weight". Results: we analyzed 40 mice, we had two post-operative deaths; we had 17 animals in this group suffered from herniation (42.5%) and 23 animals didn't suffer from herniation (57.5%). Analyzing the tomography as image method in the evaluation of diaphragmatic hernia, we had as a method with good sensitivity (78.6%), good specificity (90.9%), and good accuracy (86.1%) when compared to necropsy. Conclusion: there was a predominance of healing of right hemi diaphragm, the size of initial injury didn't have influence on occurrence of the liver protection or hernia in mice.
Individual circadian clocks entrain differently to environmental cycles (zeitgebers, e.g., light and darkness), earlier or later within the day, leading to different chronotypes. In human populations, the distribution of chronotypes forms a bell-shaped curve, with the extreme early and late types _ larks and owls, respectively _ at its ends. Human chronotype, which can be assessed by the timing of an individual's sleep-wake cycle, is partly influenced by genetic factors - known from animal experimentation. Here, we review population genetic studies which have used a questionnaire probing individual daily timing preference for associations with polymorphisms in clock genes. We discuss their inherent limitations and suggest an alternative approach combining a short questionnaire (Munich ChronoType Questionnaire, MCTQ), which assesses chronotype in a quantitative manner, with a genome-wide analysis (GWA). The advantages of these methods in comparison to assessing time-of-day preferences and single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping are discussed. In the future, global studies of chronotype using the MCTQ and GWA may also contribute to understanding the influence of seasons, latitude (e.g., different photoperiods), and climate on allele frequencies and chronotype distribution in different populations.
Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle avec l'Université Claude Bernard de Lyon 1, en France.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicabilidade do uso de músculo autógeno, tratado de diversas maneiras, em substituição aos enxertos de nervo. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram separados em sete grupos que receberam, como tratamento a uma lesão nervosa padronizada, os seguintes tipos de enxertos: músculo fresco, músculo fixado com formol 10%, músculo congelado em freezer, músculo congelado em refrigerador, músculo denervado, nervo periférico e um grupo ficou sem qualquer tratamento. Foi avaliado o aspecto histológico das fibras nervosas no segmento reparado. RESULTADOS: A avaliação do segmento nervoso reparado mostrou que existiam axônios em quase todos os grupos, mas a metodologia empregada não possibilitou caracterizar adequadamente as diferenças entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou a migração de axônios por meio de todos os enxertos utilizados.
Purpose: To investigate the combined effects of reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus and treatment with N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine ( MNNG) on the development of lesions in the glandular stomach, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach of rats. Methods: Eighty Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: G1: MNNG + Reflux, G2: Reflux, G3: MNNG and G4: Gastrostomy. MNNG was given in the drinking water ( 100 mg/ml) for 12 weeks and then two groups ( G1 and G2) were submitted to a gastrojejunal anastomosis followed by section of the afferent loop and suture of both stumps to allow reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus. The animals were sacrificed 18 and 36 weeks after surgery. The lesions obtained in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach were analysed histologically. Results: Duodenal reflux induced proliferative lesions at both glandular and squamous mucosa of the stomach. In the antrum, adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) was observed in 20% and 50% of the animals at the 18(th) and 36(th) weeks respectively. Aditionally 85% of the animals presented AH at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and 60% developed squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the stomach. MNNG treatment plus duodenal reflux enhanced the development of malignant tumors at both glandular and squamous mucosa, since there were 30% of antral adenocarcinomas and 45% of squamous carcinomas at the 18th week and the frequency of these malignant tumors rose to 50% in the antrum and 65% in the squamous mucosa at the 36th week. Conclusion: The reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus enhanced the development of proliferative lesions, benign and malignant, in the glandular stomach and in the forestomach of rats.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar se existe crescimento compensatório pulmonar em transplante lobar e verificar se este crescimento é semelhante ao que ocorre após lobectomia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 48 cães, distribuídos em 3 grupos (G1=controle, G2=lobectomia cranial esquerda e G3=pneumonectomia com reimplante do lobo caudal esquerdo). Após 5 meses da cirurgia, os animais foram submetidos à cintilografia pulmonar e a seguir sacrificados para estudo morfométrico pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que não existe correlação da cintilografia nem com a massa nem com o volume do pulmão. Houve crescimento compensatório em massa e volume residual nos dois grupos operados, tanto no pulmão contralateral como no ipsilateral à cirurgia, não existindo até os 5 meses de estudo compensação em capacidade pulmonar total, nem em complacência pulmonar no lobo caudal remanescente do G2 e no lobo caudal reimplantado do G3, havendo maior prejuízo para o lobo reimplantado. Como estudos prévios mostram que o crescimento compensatório pulmonar se inicia com aumento da massa e do volume residual, e que a complacência é compensada posteriormente, este estudo parece ter documentado o início do crescimento compensatório, sendo a complacência pulmonar o fator limitante do crescimento compensatório após 5 meses de estudo. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que existe crescimento compensatório tanto no lobo reimplantado como no pulmão contralateral, mas a complacência ainda encontra-se reduzida. O crescimento compensatório foi semelhante nos dois grupos, mas a complacência do lobo implantado está mais prejudicada.
The animal experimentation in the scientific research has contributed excessively for the development of science and technology, promoting to long of the years the discovery of prophylactic measures and treatments for diseases that attack the humans. Animals of some species have been used in the last times, being the mouse the more intensely used and more deeply known scientifically. The objective of this work was to carry through a bibliographical survey including data of our research group, about the use of mice in the animal experimentation, approaching its general biology, reproduction physiology, creation systems, genetics, habitation, feeding, handling, pain and euthanasia, techniques of risk developed in the experimentation, blood collection, pharmacological and toxicological experiments. Although current trends praise the use of alternative methods (in vitro studies, cells cultures, etc.), the animal models, as the mouse, present as main advantage the supply of information on the organism as a whole, fact that is not obtained with other methods, what still it makes possible its utilization in scientific research.
The paca (Cuniculus paca) is the second largest rodent of the Brazilian fauna. The excellent meat quality of this specie encourages the development of their commercial production. Moreover, this animal can become a viable alternative for animal experimentation although there exists scarce detailed information concerning their morphology. Therefore the purpose of this study is to describe the morphology, morphometry and ultrastructure in segments of the cranial and caudal portions of vena cava in four adult males and females of Cuniculus paca from the squad of Wild Animals Sector of Animal Science Department of FCAV-Unesp. Parts of the segments were examined by light microscopy and part by scanning electron microscopy. Thickness measures of the tunica intima and media complex and tunica adventitia of the vena cava were taken and analyzed using T test (p<0.05). In vena cava the thickness values of the intima, media and adventitia, for all animals, were significantly higher in the cranial segment. The layers of the vessel walls showed variations in structure and thickness, presumably due to an adaptation to functional demand.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)