63 resultados para ANCHOA NASUS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We describe a new species of Hylodes from Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Conceicao do Ibitipoca, Municipality of Lima Duarte, State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and it is characterized by small size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger discs without well developed scutes, dorsum light brown to gray with dark blotches, and details of the advertisement call. Descriptions of the tadpole, vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. The tadpole has a ventral depression anterior to the coiled intestine, as in other species of the genus. Hylodes meridionalis (Mertens), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from Parque das Mangabeiras, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger and toe discs with well-developed scutes, a weakly developed stripe on the upper lip, dorsum, arm, leg, and foot dark brown with small irregular brown and black dots, and absence of red and yellow spots in live specimens. The descriptions of the tadpoles and vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.


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is a predominant characteristic, conditioned by the presence of castes with different morphology, ontogeny, and development. The soldier caste is unique among social insects and it is responsible for colony defense. Soldiers belonging to the Nasutitermitinae subfamily are very peculiar, since they may be polymorphic and present a nasus in addition to either developed or vestigial mandibles. The defensive secretions of soldiers of the neotropical Nasutitermitinae have been the aim of several chemical studies, but few data exist concerning the anatomy and histology of the exocrine glands. This article presents a comparative study on the anatomy of the frontal gland of soldiers of several Nasutitermitinae species: Syntermes dirus (Burmeister), Syntermes nanus (Constantino), Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri), Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and Velocitermes heteropterus (Silvestri), with emphasis on the ultramorphology and ultrastructure of the frontal tube.


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A soldier-based key for the identification of the species of the neotropical termite genus Atlantitermes Fontes 1979 is presented. The diagnostic characters for the genus are reviewed and discussed, and the upturned nasus is excluded bacause it is not present in the soldier of every species. A. stercophilus n. sp., from the cerrado vegetation of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and illustrated. A. osborni (Emerson 1925) is recorded for the first time in the cerrado vegetation of southeastern Brazil. Drawings of the soldier of A. kirbyi (Snyder 1926) are presented for the first time.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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A composição, abundância e freqüência de ocorrência das espécies de peixes demersais do estuário amazônico foram estudadas em três áreas delimitadas pelos estratos de profundidade de 5 — 10 m, 10 — 20 m e 20 — 50m. Os objetivos principais deste estudo foram de comparar a diversidade, abundância e distribuição das espécies de peixes demersais, nestas três áreas, durante um ciclo hidrológico, e avaliar a influência dos fatores ambientais sobre a estrutura da comunidade. As amostragens foram feitas a bordo de dois navios da frota industrial piramutabeira, com uma rede de arrasto sem porta, em seis cruzeiros com duração de quinze dias cada, divididos entre os períodos seco (entre março e abri1/97) e chuvoso (entre agosto e setembro/97). Foram capturadas 91 espécies em 237 amostragens, sendo que as famílias Sciaenidae e Ariidae foram as mais diversificadas, representando juntas 25% do número de espécies. Todas as espécies de arlideos com ocorrência na região foram muito abundantes. As espécies mais abundantes numericamente no inverno foram Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (56,2%) e Brachyplatystoma vaillantii (Pimelodidae) (13,6%), e no verão Macrodon ancylodon (31%) e Stellifèr rastrifer (15,8) (Sciaenidae). Na área delimitada pelas isóbatas de 5 a 10 m (área 1), Brachyplatystoma vaillantii (Pimelodidae) e Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) foram as mais abundantes em ambos os períodos. O mesmo aconteceu para Macrodon ancylodon e Stellifer rastrifer (Sciaenidae) na área definida pelas isóbatas de 10 a 20 m (área 2), e para iviacrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) e Bagre bagre (Ariidae) na área delimitada pelas isóbatas de 20 a 50 m (área 3). As espécies mais freqüentes nas amostragens foram Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (40,9%) e Anchoa spinifer (Engraulididae) (35%) no inverno, e Ivlacrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (45,6%) e Anus grandicassis (Ariidae) (38,4%) no verão. Na área 1 Brachyplatystoma vaillantii e Brachypialystorna flavicans (Pimelodidae) tiveram maior freqüência de ocorrência nas amostragens, para os dois períodos; o mesmo acontecendo para Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) e Bagre bagre (Ariidae), na área 2; e para Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) e Anchoa spinifer (Engraulididae), na área 3. As espécies dominantes foram: Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae), no inverno (56% dos exemplares coletados); e Macrodon ancylodon, Stellifér rastrifer (Sciaenidae) e Anus quadriscutis (Afiidae) no verão, que representaram 61% das capturas. Na área 1 dominaram Brachyplatystoma vaillantii (Pimelodidae) e Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (73%), no inverno e, no verão, as duas espécies já citadas mais Anus grandicassis (Ariidae) (53%). Na área 2 foram dominantes apenas Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (64%) no inverno, e Macrodon ancylodon e Stellifèr rastrifer (Sciaenidae) (53%) no verão e, na área 3, apenas il/lacrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae) (70% no inverno e 49% no verão). Os padrões de distribuição foram principalmente influenciados pela salinidade. A área 1 apresentou a maior diversidade e eqüitabilidade em relação ás outras. Na área 2 a riqueza de espécies foi maior e, na área 3, houve uma maior dominância. Três assembléias de peixes foram identificadas na região: uma composta de espécies de águas continentais que exploram as áreas rasas entre 5 a 20 m; outra é composta de espécies resistentes ao gradiente salino, com ampla distribuição no estuário, principalmente na faixa dos 10 a 20 m; e a terceira é composta de espécies marinhas que se distribuem pelas áreas mais profundas do estuário, desde os 10 até a faixa dos 50 m.


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Com o objetivo de examinar padrões temporais em recrutamento de uma ictiofauna tropical, pescarias experimentais foram realizadas entre setembro 2003 e Julio 2004 em canais de maré com vegetação de mangue no estuário do rio Curuçá, Pará, Norte do Brasil. Juvenis ocorreram durante todo o ano, entretanto com maior intensidade no período de recrutamento, durante a transição da estação chuvosa para a seca (Anchovia clupeoides, Cetengraulis edentulus, Rhinosardinia amazonica, Mugil sp.). O recrutamento foi continuo para Colomesus psittacus e Anchoa hepsetus. Sciades herzbergii apresentou dois picos de recrutamento (estação chuvosa e seca), entretanto Cathorops sp. teve somente um (estação chuvosa). A presença contínua de juvenis nos manguezais sugere que o manejo da pesca em regiões tropicais com vegetação de mangue deveria se direcionar em definir grandes áreas de proteção ao lugar de épocas de defeso.


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Neste trabalho foi testado o efeito do gradiente de salinidade do eixo-leste oeste do sistema subtropical Complexo Estuarino da Baía de Paranaguá na estrutura dos peixes de águas rasas, determinado de acordo com as métricas taxonômica (famílias e espécies) e de composição funcional. Um total de 152 espécies foi registrado. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Sciaenidae, Carangidae, Haemulidae e Gobiidae. As espécies mais abundantes foram A. brasiliensis, H. clupeola, A. januaria e A. tricolor. Os visitantes marinhos dominaram em número de espécies, seguidos pelos migrantes marinhos e estuarinos. A maioria das espécies são zoobentívoras, seguidas pelas piscívoras e zooplanctívoras. As famílias e espécies mais relacionadas com condições estuarinas dominaram no setor mesohalino e aquelas mais relacionadas com condições marinhas dominaram no setor euhalino. A métrica taxonômica foi mais eficiente na caracterização das assembleias de peixes ao longo do gradiente estuarino de salinidade do que a funcional. Isso ocorreu principalmente porque indivíduos de todos os grupos funcionais estiveram presentes ao longo de todos os setores de salinidade, invalidando o emprego dessa métrica na diferenciação das assembleias nos diversos setores. Nosso resultado foi diferente do encontrado em outros estuários tropicais e subtropicais, que enfatizaram a importância dos grupos funcionais na estruturação das assembleias de peixes ao longo de um gradiente de salinidade.


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Specific dietary contents from six fishes collected in Mississippi Sound are recorded. In order of their importance, primary components grouped in major taxonomic categories were fishes, penaeid shrimps, and other crustaceans for Cynoscion nebulosus; Crustaceans and fishes for C. arenarius; fishes and crustaceans for C. nothus; crustaceans, pelecypods, and polychaetes for Pogonias cromis; crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes, and fishes for Archosargus probatocephalus; and fishes and penaeid shrimps for Paralichthys lethostigma. Principal items in the diets of most of the fishes included Anchoa mitchilli, Penaeus aztecus, P. setiferus, and Callinectes sapidus. Those crustaceans show that competition exists for commercial shellfishes in Mississippi Sound. Ratios among the different dietary items vary, according at least to species of fish, length of fish, season, specific location, and abundance of available prey. Some of these variations are documented and are additionally related to selected findings by other authors sampling different localities. We suggest that examination of food items in Archosargus probatocephalus can serve as a practical means to sample and assess seasonal prevalence and abundance of a wide range of invertebrates throughout different habitats in Mississippi Sound and elsewhere.


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The composition and abundance of the fish assemblage were evaluated in the fish ladder of Ourinhos Dam, the newest dam (closed in 2005) in the cascade of dams constructed on the Paranapanema River. Samplings were carried out three times on a diel cycle, in three sampling periods, two in the warm season and one in the cold season of 2008 - 2009. The ladder was closed and emptied and the entire fish assemblage was sampled and identified. Most individuals were released alive downstream of the dam. The assemblage found in the ladder was compared with the fish fauna sampled in the reservoir and in downstream sites, in the same period. Twenty seven species and a total of 4682 individuals were caught in the ladder. Pimelodus maculatus was the only migratory species, which was caught in low number in the ladder (0.04% of the total captured), where small sedentary species predominated. The most abundant species were the non-migratory Apareiodon affinis, Bryconamericus stramineus, Astyanax fasciatus and Parodon nasus. Individuals observed in the ladder's window were moving up-and down the passage. The fish ladder is a microhabitat inhabited by an abundant association of benthic organisms that is probably used as a food resource for the fish assemblage in the ladder. The similarity between the fish fauna in the ladder and that of the Ourinhos Reservoir was low (26%). The species richness of migrants in the stretch between the uspstream reservoir (Chavantes) and the downstream one (Salto Grande), before the Ourinhos dam closure (23 species) was reduced to 16 and 12 species in Salto Grande and Ourinhos reservoirs, respectively, after the dam closure, and to a single species in the ladder.


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A pesar del creciente interés en el estudio de las primeras fases de desarrollo de los peces, aún existen zonas donde esta comunidad es relativamente desconocida. Este es el caso de las Islas Canarias. En la presente tesis, gracias a una serie de muestreos semanales en la región costera de la isla de Gran Canaria durante más de dos años, se ha caracterizado de manera precisa la composición, estructura y variabilidad del ictioplancton presente en esta región subtropical. Clupeidos, Espáridos y Góbidos dominaron la comunidad neríticas, mientras que Mictófidos, Gonostomátidos y Photíctidos prevalecieron dentro de las familias oceánicas. La variabilidad temporal de la comunidad larvaria parece estar más relacionada con la temperatura y efectos a pequeña escala (hidrografía, productividad local, ciclo lunar), que con el aumento de productividad anual durante el bloom de finales de invierno. Se definieron dos asociaciones estacionales de larvas estrechamente ligadas a las características de la columna de agua: (1) invierno-primavera, en la que dominan Sardinella aurita, Boops boops y Cyclothone braueri, y son características especies como Pomacentridae sp1, Trachurus picturatus o Scomber colias; y (2) verano-otoño, donde Góbidos y Cyclothone braueri dominan, pero cuyas especies características son Ceratoscopelus warmingii, Pomacentridae sp2 y Anthias anthias, entre otras. Respecto a la variabilidad horizontal, se confirmó la presencia de dos zonas de retención para los huevos y larvas neríticas a barlovento y sotavento (estela cálida) de la isla. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la composición de la comunidad larvaria entre las diferentes zonas de la plataforma de la isla. La Zona de Transición Costera Canario-Africana se caracteriza por una gran actividad de mesoscala, que afectará a la distribución de las larvas neríticas de las costas africanas. Esta interacción resulta especialmente evidente en el caso de las larvas, principalmente sardina y anchoa, transportadas en filamentos de afloramiento generados en la región de Cabo Juby-Cabo Bojador. Estos filamentos pueden ser atrapados por remolinos ciclónicos situados al sur de Gran Canaria. Este sistema remolino-filamento podrá, en función de su evolución, actuar como un mecanismo de retención o dispersión para las larvas de especies neríticas africanas. Parte de estas larvas pueden llegar a las costas de Gran Canaria, suponiendo un aporte para las poblaciones larvarias locales, al menos durante el verano. A pesar de la gran cantidad de información obtenida a partir de esta tesis, es necesario continuar con este tipo de estudios para evaluar la importancia de este transporte larvario y su aplicación a la gestión pesquera.


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Nasal polyposis is a very common and multifactorial disease. Whereas eosinophil-dominated polyps often are sensitive to anti-inflammatory treatment like corticosteroids, the therapy of polyps without eosinophils is more difficult and disappointing. We report the clinical course of a 29-year-old albino patient suffering from a extreme manifestation of Woakes' syndrome, which is characterized by severe recurrent nasal polyps, often without eosinophils on histological examination and with broadening of the nose. In this case, the recurrent fibrotic polyps without eosinophils were resistant to conventional medical and surgical treatment and required further treatment with radiotherapy with awareness of all possible future sequelae. The pathoetiology and treatment of Woakes' syndrome as well as of albinism were discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: To generate anatomical data on the human middle ear and adjacent structures to serve as a base for the development and optimization of new implantable hearing aid transducers. Implantable middle ear hearing aid transducers, i.e. the equivalent to the loudspeaker in conventional hearing aids, should ideally fit into the majority of adult middle ears and should utilize the limited space optimally to achieve sufficiently high maximal output levels. For several designs, more anatomical data are needed. METHODS: Twenty temporal bones of 10 formalin-fixed adult human heads were scanned by a computed tomography system (CT) using a slide thickness of 0.63 mm. Twelve landmarks were defined and 24 different distances were calculated for each temporal bone. RESULTS: A statistical description of 24 distances in the adult human middle ear which may limit or influence the design of middle ear transducers is presented. Significant inter-individual differences but no significant differences for gender, side, age or degree of pneumatization of the mastoid were found. Distances, which were not analyzed for the first time in this study, were found to be in good agreement with the results of earlier studies. CONCLUSION: A data set describing the adult human middle ear anatomy quantitatively from the point of view of designers of new implantable hearing aid transducers has been generated. In principle, the method employed in this study using standard CT scans could also be used preoperatively to rule out exclusion criteria.


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Along a downstream stretch of River Mure , Romania, adult males of two feral fish species, European chub (Leuciscus cephalus) and sneep (Chondrostoma nasus) were sampled at four sites with different levels of contamination. Fish were analysed for the biochemical markers hsp70 (in liver and gills) and hepatic EROD activity, as well as several biometrical parameters (age, length, wet weight, condition factor). None of the biochemical markers correlated with any biometrical parameter, thus biomarker reactions were related to site-specific criteria. While the hepatic hsp70 level did not differ among the sites, significant elevation of the hsp70 level in the gills revealed proteotoxic damage in chub at the most upstream site, where we recorded the highest heavy metal contamination of the investigated stretch, and in both chub and sneep at the site right downstream of the city of Arad. In both species, significantly elevated hepatic EROD activity downstream of Arad indicated that fish from these sites are also exposed to organic chemicals. The results were indicative of impaired fish health at least at three of the four investigated sites. The approach to relate biomarker responses to analytical data on pollution was shown to fit well the recent EU demands on further enhanced efforts in the monitoring of Romanian water quality.