982 resultados para ANC-AP


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Au coeur de la crise du IIIe siècle, l’Empire subit de toutes parts les assauts de Barbares soudainement plus nombreux et plus virulents. Parmi ces peuples se trouvaient les Goths, nouvellement arrivés, qui tinrent les Romains et leurs armées en échecs pendant vingt longues années. Face aux multiples défaites, parfois catastrophiques, et aux très nombreuses villes capturées et saccagées par les envahisseurs, ce mémoire se propose d’apporter une nouvelle approche à la compréhension des échecs dont les Romains firent l’expérience, mais aussi des solutions militaires qu’ils mirent en oeuvre face aux Goths au IIIe siècle. Les défaites majeures subies durant la décennie 250 sur le bas-Danube puis dans la région de la Mer Noire semblent pouvoir s’expliquer en partie par l’absence de connaissance qu’avaient Romains des Goths. Les premières victoires romaines significatives contre les Goths sous les règnes de Gallien puis Claude II ont été rendues possibles grâce à une évolution de la stratégie romaine face à cet ennemi, privilégiant l’emploi de la cavalerie et anticipant les schémas d’attaques des envahisseurs. Les décisions politiques et militaires d’Aurélien dans la région montrent que les Romains se sont enfin adaptés à la menace en modifiant leur perception des Goths, désormais mieux connus.


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En portada: informe final. Ejemplar fotocopiado. Programa de Innovación y Reformas Experimentales de la Dirección General de Ordenación e Innovación Educativa


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Se incluyen im??genes de algunas de las obras expuestas y una breve biograf??a del ap??stol Pablo


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Se describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en el IES Santiago Apostol (Almendralejo, Badajoz) para facilitar la implementaci??n del programa Erasmus+ en Formaci??n Profesional. Se trabajan principalmente las competencias idiom??ticas en ingl??s y portugu??s de los alumnos elaborando un vocabulario t??cnico. Tambi??n se elabor?? una plataforma Moodle y un blog para favorecer la comunicaci??n con los alumnos que estaban en la estancia formativa


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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In biological mass spectrometry (MS), two ionization techniques are predominantly employed for the analysis of larger biomolecules, such as polypeptides. These are nano-electrospray ionization [1, 2] (nanoESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization [3, 4] (MALDI). Both techniques are considered to be “soft”, allowing the desorption and ionization of intact molecular analyte species and thus their successful mass-spectrometric analysis. One of the main differences between these two ionization techniques lies in their ability to produce multiply charged ions. MALDI typically generates singly charged peptide ions whereas nanoESI easily provides multiply charged ions, even for peptides as low as 1000 Da in mass. The production of highly charged ions is desirable as this allows the use of mass analyzers, such as ion traps (including orbitraps) and hybrid quadrupole instruments, which typically offer only a limited m/z range (< 2000–4000). It also enables more informative fragmentation spectra using techniques such as collisioninduced dissociation (CID) and electron capture/transfer dissociation (ECD/ETD) in combination with tandem MS (MS/MS). [5, 6] Thus, there is a clear advantage of using ESI in research areas where peptide sequencing, or in general, the structural elucidation of biomolecules by MS/MS is required. Nonetheless, MALDI with its higher tolerance to contaminants and additives, ease-of-operation, potential for highspeed and automated sample preparation and analysis as well as its MS imaging capabilities makes it an ionization technique that can cover bioanalytical areas for which ESI is less suitable. [7, 8] If these strengths could be combined with the analytical power of multiply charged ions, new instrumental configurations and large-scale proteomic analyses based on MALDI MS(/MS) would become feasible.


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We summarise the response of the EAA’s FRSC to Towards a Disclosure Framework for the Notes, a Discussion Paper (DP) issued jointly by EFRAG, ANC and FRC. While supportive of much of the DP, and in particular of the underlying aim to place disclosures on a sounder conceptual foundation, we identify two broad themes for further development. The first concerns the DP’s diagnosis of the problem, which is that the existing financial reporting is characterised by, on the one hand, disclosure overload and, on the other hand, an absence of a conceptual framework for organising and communicating disclosures. Our review of the literature suggests much greater support for the second of these two factors than for the first. The second broad theme is the purpose of the proposed DF, and the principles that are derived from this purpose. Here, we stress the need for the framework to better accommodate the context within which financial statement disclosures are used. In practice, this context is characterised by variation in information, incentives and enforcement, each of which has a considerable effect on the appropriate disclosure policy and practice in any given situation.


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In der biologischen Massenspektrometrie (MS) werden überwiegend zwei Ionisationstechniken für die Analyse von grçßeren Biomolekfürlen wie Polypeptiden eingesetzt. Dies sind die Nano-Elektrospray-Ionisation[1,2] (nanoESI) und die matrixunterstfürtzte Laserdesorption/-ionisation[3, 4] (MALDI). Beide Techniken werden als „sanft“ bezeichnet, weil sie die Desorption und Ionisation von intakten Analytmolekfürlen und damit ihre erfolgreiche massenspektrometrische Analyse erlauben. Einer der wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden Ionisationstechniken liegt in ihrer F�higkeit, mehrfach geladene Ionen zu erzeugen. MALDI erzeugt typischerweise einfach geladene Peptidionen, w�hrend nano- ESI leicht mehrfach geladene Ionen produziert, sogar für Peptide mit einer Masse von weniger als 1000 Da. Die Erzeugung von hoch geladenen Ionen ist wünschenswert, da dies die Verwendung von Massenanalysatoren wie Ionenfallen (inkl. Orbitraps) und Hybrid-Quadrupolinstrumenten ermçglicht, die typischerweise nur einen begrenzten m/z- Bereich (<2000–4000) bieten. Hohe Ladungszust�nde ermçglichen auch die Aufnahme von informativeren Fragmentionenspektren, wenn Methoden wie die kollisionsinduzierte Dissoziation (CID), die Elektroneneinfang-Dissoziation (ECD) und die Elektronentransfer-Dissoziation (ETD) in Kombination mit der Tandem-MS (MS/MS) verwendet werden.


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Liquid matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) allows the generation of predominantly multiply charged ions in atmospheric pressure (AP) MALDI ion sources for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. The charge state distribution of the generated ions and the efficiency of the ion source in generating such ions crucially depend on the desolvation regime of the MALDI plume after desorption in the AP-tovacuum inlet. Both high temperature and a flow regime with increased residence time of the desorbed plume in the desolvation region promote the generation of multiply charged ions. Without such measures the application of an electric ion extraction field significantly increases the ion signal intensity of singly charged species while the detection of multiply charged species is less dependent on the extraction field. In general, optimization of high temperature application facilitates the predominant formation and detection of multiply charged compared to singly charged ion species. In this study an experimental setup and optimization strategy is described for liquid AP-MALDI MS which improves the ionization effi- ciency of selected ion species up to 14 times. In combination with ion mobility separation, the method allows the detection of multiply charged peptide and protein ions for analyte solution concentrations as low as 2 fmol/lL (0.5 lL, i.e. 1 fmol, deposited on the target) with very low sample consumption in the low nL-range.


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Both acute (24 h) and chronic (10–20 week) exposure of human fibroblast cells to low dose sodium arsenite (As(III)) significantly affects activating protein-1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) DNA binding activity. Short-term treatment with 0.1–5 μM As(III) up-regulates expression of c-Fos and c-Jun and the redox regulators, thioredoxin (Trx) and Redox factor-1 (Ref-1) and activates both AP-1 and NF-κB binding. Chronic exposure to 0.1 or 0.5 μM As(III) decreased c-Jun, c-Fos and Ref-1 protein levels and AP-1 and NF-κB binding activity, but increased Trx expression. Short term exposure to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA), a phorbol ester tumour promoter, or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) also activates AP-1 and NF-κB binding. However, pre-treatment with As(III) prevents this increase. These results suggest that As(III) may alter AP-1 and NF-κB activity, in part, by up-regulating Trx and Ref-1. The different effects of short- versus long-term As(III) treatment on acute-phase response to oxidative stress reflect changes in the expression of Ref-1, c-Fos and c-Jun, but not Trx.


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Membrane-presented CD40 agonists can induce apoptosis in carcinoma, but not normal homologous epithelial cells, whereas soluble agonists are growth inhibitory but not proapoptotic unless protein synthesis is blocked. Here we demonstrate that membrane-presented CD40 ligand (CD154) (mCD40L), but not soluble agonists, triggers cell death in malignant human urothelial cells via a direct mechanism involving rapid upregulation of TNFR-associated factor (TRAF)3 protein, without concomitant upregulation of TRAF3 mRNA, followed by activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/activator protein-1 (AP-1) pathway and induction of the caspase-9/caspase-3-associated intrinsic apoptotic machinery. TRAF3 knockdown abrogated JNK/AP-1 activation and prevented CD40-mediated apoptosis, whereas restoration of CD40 expression in CD40-negative carcinoma cells restored apoptotic susceptibility via the TRAF3/AP-1-dependent mechanism. In normal human urothelial cells, mCD40L did not trigger apoptosis, but induced rapid downregulation of TRAF2 and 3, thereby paralleling the situation in B-lymphocytes. Thus, TRAF3 stabilization, JNK activation and caspase-9 induction define a novel pathway of CD40-mediated apoptosis in carcinoma cells.


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No presente trabalho, é investigado um método alternativo para remover as impurezas coloridas contidas no caulim ultrafino do Rio Jari (AP), mediante a adsorção seletiva com polímeros aquosolúveis. Apesar desse método (floculação seletiva) ser considerado inovador no tratamento de minérios ultrafinos, problemas como a alta sensibilidade do meio e o baixo rendimento, freqüentemente comprometem a sua aplicação em sistemas naturais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho enfatiza questões envolvendo a seletividade do processo, bem como os mecanismos e os fenômenos envolvidos na adsorção seletiva de uma das fases minerais, A caracterização do minério define o tipo de contaminante (anatásio) e as suas relações de contato com a caulinita (ausência de adesão física). Tal informação é útil na avaliação do rendimento ativo do processo. A eficiência na remoção do anatásio, frente ao ambiente específico do meio e em combinação com a intensidade de carga aniônica do polímero floculante, define a condição mais favorável em termos de adsorção e seletividade. Tal condição prevê a utilização de poliacrilamidas fracamente aniônicas em meio alcalino (pH = 10). o aumento da concentração de hexametafosfato-Na (dispersante de atividade eletrostática) provoca uma redução nos níveis de adsorção da caulinita, pelo aumento da sua carga superficial. A seletividade do processo atinge o seu nível máximo com a adição de poliacrilato-Na (dispersante que combina a atividade eletrostática com o efeito estérico). Nessas condições, remoções consideráveis de anatásio são obtidas, fazendo com que o teor de Ti02 contido no caulim caia de 1,3% para 0,2% e com que a recuperação permaneça em níveis satisfatórios (57%). o nível de adição química do meio também condiciona o grau de consistência dos flocos gerados, aumentando a cinética de sedimentação. Nos ambientes considerados altamente seletivos, a sedimentação dos flocos chega a atingir uma velocidade de 18 mm/minuto em polpa com 30% de sólidos.