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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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A Ceratoconjuntivite Seca (KCS Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) é uma desordem imunomediada e resulta de alterações do componente aquoso do filme lacrimal e da deficiência dos componentes lipídicos e mucoso.Seu diagnóstico é baseado no Teste Lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS) e no Teste de Ruptura do Filme Lacrimal (TRFL) e tem como sinais clínicos: secreção mucopurulenta, hiperemia conjuntival, blefaroespasmos, fotofobia, incômodo, dor, vascularização, opacidade corneana e pigmentação, além de cegueira em casos avançados. O tratamento convencional consiste em aplicações diárias de Ciclosporina 0,2% ou Tacrolimus 0,03% (pomada ou colírio oftálmicos), que apesar de controlar a doença, são custosos, não curativos e exigem alto comprometimento da interação paciente-proprietário. A terapia celular usando células-tronco (CT) traz uma nova esperança para doenças sem tratamento efetivo. Neste trabalho utilizamos CT mesenquimais (CTM) obtidas a partir de membrana amniótica (CTMA) de cães obtidas a partir do descarte destes tecidos em campanhas de castrações em diferentes tempos gestacionais, sem formação tumoral quando submetidas ao teste tumorigênico durante 60 dias. Dois animais com KCS crônica foram tratados com duas injeções de CTMA com intervalo de 30 dias, sendo a primeira de 0,5x106 células e a segunda de 1x106 células em cada glândula. Na segunda semana após a terapia foi observado aumento da TLS sugerindo um benéficio da terapia que foi diminuindo com o passar das semanas. O TRFL oscilou durante os testes e não apresentou diferenças significativas. A terapia celular utilizando CTMA de cães melhorou a condição ocular nos dois casos em momentos e parâmetros variados, com repercussão na melhoria da superfície, mas não houve regressão do quadro clínico. Investigações futuras em estágios menos avançados da doença podem ajudar a elucidar os mecanismos pelos quais esse efeito foi obtido


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Purpose: One of the challenges associated with cell-based therapies for repairing the retina is the development of suitable materials on which to grow and transplant retinal cells. Using the ARPE-19 cell line, we have previously demonstrated the feasibility of growing RPE-derived cells on membranes prepared from the silk protein fibroin. The present study was aimed at developing a porous, ultra-thin fibroin membrane that might better support development of apical-basal polarity in culture, and to extend this work to primary cultures of human RPE cells. Methods: Ultra-thin fibroin membranes were prepared using a highly polished casting table coated with Topas® (a cyclic olefin copolymer) and a 1:0.03 aqueous solution of fibroin and PEO (Mv 900 000 g/mol). Following drying, the membranes were water annealed to make them water-stable, washed in water to remove PEO, sterilised by treatment with 95% ethanol, and washed extensively in saline. Primary cultures containing human RPE cells were established from donor posterior eye cups and maintained in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. First passage cultures were seeded onto fibroin membranes pre-coated with vitronectin and grown for 6 weeks in medium supplemented with 1% serum. Comparative cultures were established on porous 1.0 µm pore PET membrane (Millipore) and using ARPE-19 cells. Results: The fibroin membranes displayed an average thickness of 3 µm and contained numerous dimples/pore-like structures of up to 3-5 µm in diameter. The primary cultures predominantly contained pigmented epithelial cells, but mesenchymal cells (presumed fibroblasts) were also often present. Passaged cultures appeared to attach equally well to either fibroin or PET membranes. Over time cells on either material adopted a more cobblestoned morphology. Conclusions: Progress has been made towards developing a porous ultra-thin fibroin membrane that supports cultivation of RPE cells. Further studies are required to determine the degree of membrane permeability and RPE polarity.


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The isolation of islets by collagenase digestion can cause damage and impact the efficiency of islet engraftment and function. In this study, we assessed the basement membranes (BMs) of mouse pancreatic islets as a molecular biomarker for islet integrity, damage after isolation, and islet repair in vitro as well as in the absence or presence of an immune response after transplantation. Immunofluorescence staining of BM matrix proteins and the endothelial cell marker platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) was performed on pancreatic islets in situ, isolated islets, islets cultured for 4 days, and islet grafts at 3-10 days posttransplantation. Flow cytometry was used to investigate the expression of BM matrix proteins in isolated islet β-cells. The islet BM, consisting of collagen type IV and components of Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor laminin 111, laminin α2, nidogen-2, and perlecan in pancreatic islets in situ, was completely lost during islet isolation. It was not reestablished during culture for 4 days. Peri- and intraislet BM restoration was identified after islet isotransplantation and coincided with the migration pattern of PECAM-1(+) vascular endothelial cells (VECs). After islet allotransplantation, the restoration of VEC-derived peri-islet BMs was initiated but did not lead to the formation of the intraislet vasculature. Instead, an abnormally enlarged peri-islet vasculature developed, coinciding with islet allograft rejection. The islet BM is a sensitive biomarker of islet damage resulting from enzymatic isolation and of islet repair after transplantation. After transplantation, remodeling of both peri- and intraislet BMs restores β-cell-matrix attachment, a recognized requirement for β-cell survival, for isografts but not for allografts. Preventing isolation-induced islet BM damage would be expected to preserve the intrinsic barrier function of islet BMs, thereby influencing both the effector mechanisms required for allograft rejection and the antirejection strategies needed for allograft survival.


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La ricerca sulle cellule staminali apre nuove prospettive per approcci di terapia cellulare. Molta attenzione è concentrata sulle cellule staminali isolate da membrane fetali, per la facilità di recupero del materiale di partenza, le limitate implicazioni etiche e le caratteristiche delle popolazioni di cellule staminali residenti. In particolare a livello dell’epitelio amniotico si concentra una popolazione di cellule (hAECs) con interessanti caratteristiche di staminalità, pluripotenza e immunomodulazione. Restano però una serie di limiti prima di arrivare ad un’applicazione clinica: l’uso di siero di origine animale nei terreni di coltura e le limitate conoscenze legate alla reazione immunitaria in vivo. La prima parte di questo lavoro è focalizzata sulle caratteristiche delle hAECs coltivate in un terreno privo di siero, in confronto a un terreno di coltura classico. Lo studio è concentrato sull’analisi delle caratteristiche biologiche, immunomodulatorie e differenziative delle hAECs. L’interesse verso le caratteristiche immunomodulatorie è legato alla possibilità che l’uso di un terreno serum free riduca il rischio di rigetto dopo trapianto in vivo. La maggior parte degli studi in vivo con cellule isolate da membrane fetali sono stati realizzati con cellule di derivazione umana in trapianti xenogenici, ma poco si sa circa la sopravvivenza di queste cellule in trapianti allogenici, come nel caso di trapianti di cellule di derivazione murina in modelli di topo. La seconda parte dello studio è focalizzata sulla caratterizzazione delle cellule derivate da membrane fetali di topo (mFMSC). Le caratteristiche biologiche, differenziative e immunomodulatorie in vitro e in vivo delle mFMSC sono state confrontate con i fibroblasti embrionali di topo. In particolare è stata analizzata la risposta immunitaria a trapianti di mFMSC nel sistema nervoso centrale (CNS) in modelli murini immunocompetenti.


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In some patients with acute respiratory failure, the native lungs do not recover during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or complications occur that preclude the meaningful continuation of ECMO therapy. In such cases, emergency lung transplantation (LTx) represents the only therapeutic alternative. Between May 1988 and April 1993, the authors have performed LTx after ECMO support in five of 111 lung or heart-lung transplantations (4.5%). Two patients presented with early graft failure after unilateral LTx. In these patients, ECMO was used as a bridging device to unilateral re-LTx for 1, resp. 11 days. One patient died 6 months post-operatively from chronic rejection; the other underwent a third LTx and is doing well after 42 months. In three further patients already treated with ECMO for 5 to 12 days for ARDS (n = 2) or acute respiratory failure after liver and kidney transplantation, the native lungs did not recover (n = 2) or pulmonary hemorrhage developed. The last patient (unilateral LTx) and one of the former (bilateral LTx for ARDS) are long-term survivors (12, 30 months). The remaining patient (unilateral LTx for ARDS) had severe multiorgan failure at the time of his operation and died intraoperatively. The authors conclude that ECMO no longer represents a contraindication to subsequent LTx. Their results also support the continued investigation of this combined therapeutic approach.


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A severe adult respiratory distress syndrome after bilateral lung contusion was successfully treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and subsequent double-lung transplantation in a 19-year-old man. The patient is fully rehabilitated 1 year after transplantation.


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The occurrence of severe graft failure after lung transplantation which appears refractory to conventional treatment represents a difficult situation with regard to the therapeutic strategies available. Of 17 patients undergoing single lung transplantation at our center, 2 developed early graft failure. In both, temporary artificial cardiopulmonary support by means of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation became necessary as a bridge to retransplantation. Both patients were successfully retransplanted after 8 h and 232 h, respectively, of extra-corporeal support. Postoperatively, there was a variety of complications. The first patient completely recovered from temporary severe cerebral dysfunction diagnosed as "locked-in syndrome". She was discharged from hospital on the 93rd postoperative day and remains alive and well 10 months after her operation. The other patient recovered well early after retransplantation. Later, however, airway problems developed, requiring the implantation of endotracheal stents. Cachexia and several episodes of viral pneumonia contributed to the progressive deterioration of her clinical status. She finally died after being hospitalized for 5 months after the original operation. These two cases illustrate the feasibility of using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to pulmonary transplantation.


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Chronic systemic immunosuppression in cell replacement therapy restricts its clinical application. This study sought to explore the potential of cell-based immune modulation as an alternative to immunosuppressive drug therapy in the context of pancreatic islet transplantation. Human amniotic epithelial cells (AEC) possess innate anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties that were utilized to create localized immune privilege in an in vitro islet cell culture system. Cellular constructs composed of human islets and AEC (islet/AEC) were bioengineered under defined rotational cell culture conditions. Insulin secretory capacity was validated by glucose challenge and immunomodulatory potential characterized using a peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation assay. Results were compared to control constructs composed of islets or AEC cultured alone. Studies employing AEC-conditioned medium examined the role of soluble factors, and fluorescence immunocytochemistry was used to identify putative mediators of the immunosuppressive response in isolated AEC monocultures. Sustained, physiologically appropriate insulin secretion was observed in both islets and islet/AEC constructs. Activation of resting PBL proliferation occurred on exposure to human islets alone but this response was significantly (p <0.05) attenuated by the presence of AEC and AEC-conditioned medium. Mitogen (phytohaemagglutinin, 5 µg/ml)-induced PBL proliferation was sustained on contact with isolated islets but abrogated by AEC, conditioned medium, and the islet/AEC constructs. Immunocytochemical analysis of AEC monocultures identified a subpopulation of cells that expressed the proapoptosis protein Fas ligand. This study demonstrates that human islet/AEC constructs exhibit localized immunosuppressive properties with no impairment of ß-cell function. The data suggest that transplanted islets may benefit from the immune privilege status conferred on them as a consequence of their close proximity to human AEC. Such an approach may reduce the need for chronic systemic immunosuppression, thus making islet transplantation a more attractive treatment option for the management of insulin-dependent diabetes.