103 resultados para ALKYNES


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Zirconocene aldehyde and ketone complexes were synthesized in high yield by treatment of zirconocene acyl complexes with trimethylaluminum or diisobutylaluminum hydride. These complexes, which are activated by dialkylaluminum chloride ligands, inserted unsaturated substrates such as alkynes, allenes, ethylene, nitriles, ketenes, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, and acid chlorides with moderate to high conversion. Insertion of aldehyde substrates yielded zirconocene diolate complexes with up to 20:1 (anti:syn) diastereoselectivity. The zirconocene diolates were hydrolyzed to afford unsymmetrical 1,2-diols in 40-80% isolated yield. Unsymmetrical ketones gave similar insertion yields with little or no diastereoselectivity. A high yielding one-pot method was developed that coupled carbonyl substrates with zirconocene aldehyde complexes that were derived from olefins by hydrozirconation and carbonylation. The zirconocene aldehyde complexes also inserted carbon monoxide and gave acyloins in 50% yield after hydrolysis.

The insertion reaction of aryl epoxides with the trimethylphoshine adduct of titanocene methylidene was examined. The resulting oxytitanacyclopentanes were carbonylated and oxidatively cleaved with dioxygen to afford y-lactones in moderate yields. Due to the instability and difficult isolation of titanocene methylidene trimethylphoshine adducts, a one-pot method involving the addition of catalytic amounts of trimethylphosphine to β,β-dimethyltitanacyclobutane was developed. A series of disubstituted aryl epoxides were examined which gave mixtures of diastereomeric insertion products. Based on these results, as well as earlier Hammett studies and labeling experiments, a biradical transition state intermediate is proposed. The method is limited to aryl substituted epoxide substrates with aliphatic examples showing no insertion reactivity.

The third study involved the use of magnesium chloride supported titanium catalysts for the Lewis acid catalyzed silyl group transfer condensation of enol silanes with aldehydes. The reaction resulted in silylated aldol products with as many as 140 catalytic turnovers before catalyst inactivation. Low diastereoselectivities favoring the anti-isomer were consistent with an open transition state involving a titanium atom bound to the catalyst surface. The catalysts were also used for the aldol group transfer polymerization of t-butyldimethylsilyloxy-1-ethene resulting in polymers with molecular weights of 5000-31,000 and molar mass dispersities of 1.5-2.8. Attempts to polymerize methylmethacrylate using GTP proved unsuccessful with these catalysts.


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The reaction mechanism of Pt(0)-catalyzed diboration reaction of allenes is investigated by the density functional method B3LYP. The overall reaction mechanism is examined. The electronic mechanisms of the allene insertion into the Pt-B bond are discussed in terms of the electron donation, back-donation, and d-pi interaction. During allene insertion into the Pt-B bond, the internal carbon atom of allene is preferred over the terminal one due to the stronger electron back-donation and stronger charge transfer in the former case than that in the latter one.


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A novel route for the synthesis of a variety of 2-trifluoromethylbenzofurans is reported. By selection of solvents, the key intermediates, 2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropenyl phenyl acetates, were cyclized either to give 2-trifluoromethyl-substituted benzofurans or to yield trifluoromethyl modified o-alkynylphenols. The latter intermediates could also be cyclized to give 3-iodo-2-trifluoromethyl-substituted benzofurans.


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The reaction mechanism of Pd(O)-catalyzed allene bis-selenation reactions is investigated by using density functional methods. The overall reaction mechanism has been examined. It is found that with the bulkier PMe3 ligand, the rate-determining step is the reductive elimination process, while allene insertion and reductive elimination processes are competitive for the rate-determining step with the PH3 ligand, indicating the importance of the ligand effect. For both cis and trans palladium complexes, allene insertion into the Pd-Se bond of the trans palladium complex using the internal carbon atom attached to the selenyl group is prefer-red among the four pathways of allene insertion processes. The formation of sigma-allyl and pi-allyl palladium complexes is favored over that of the sigma-vinyl palladium species. By using methylallene, the regioselectivity of monosubstituted allene insertion into the Pd-Se bond is analyzed.


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This thesis is focused on the design and synthesis of a diverse range of novel organosulfur compounds (sulfides, sulfoxides and sulfones), with the objective of studying their solid state properties and thereby developing an understanding of how the molecular structure of the compounds impacts upon their solid state crystalline structure. In particular, robust intermolecular interactions which determine the overall structure were investigated. These synthons were then exploited in the development of a molecular switch. Chapter One provides a brief overview of crystal engineering, the key hydrogen bonding interactions utilized in this work and also a general insight into “molecular machines” reported in the literature of relevance to this work. Chapter Two outlines the design and synthetic strategies for the development of two scaffolds suitable for incorporation of terminal alkynes, organosulfur and ether functionalities, in order to investigate the robustness and predictability of the S=O•••H-C≡C- and S=O•••H-C(α) supramolecular synthons. Crystal structures and a detailed analysis of the hydrogen bond interactions observed in these compounds are included in this chapter. Also the biological activities of four novel tertiary amines are discussed. Chapter Three focuses on the design and synthesis of diphenylacetylene compounds bearing amide and sulfur functionalities, and the exploitation of the N-H•••O=S interactions to develop a “molecular switch”. The crystal structures, hydrogen bonding patterns observed, NMR variable temperature studies and computer modelling studies are discussed in detail. Chapter Four provides the overall conclusions from chapter two and chapter three and also gives an indication of how the results of this work may be developed in the future. Chapter Five contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of the NCI (National Cancer Institute) biological test results are included in the appendix.


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A new class of platinum-bipyridyl compounds has been synthesized by the dehydrohalogenative reaction of [4,4'-bis(tert-butyl)-2,2'-bipyridyl]platinum dichloride [PtCl2((t)Bu(2)bipy)] 1 with terminal alkynes HC=CR, in the presence of copper(I) iodide and diisopropylamine. The products [Pt(C=CR)(2)((t)Bu(2)bipy)] (R=C6H4NO2-p 2, C6H5 3, C6H4CH3-p 4 or SiMe3 5), have been characterised by spectroscopic and analytical methods, and a single crystal molecular structure determination has been carried out on 4. Extended Huckel molecular orbital calculations have also been carried out, and the results are used to help rationalise the voltammetric, EPR and spectroelectrochemical properties of the new compounds. These show that compounds 3, 4 and 5 undergo a one-electron bipyridyl based redox process, but that 2 has an unresolved two-electron process located on the nitro groups.


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A Pt catalysed hydrometallation reaction has been developed that provides b-metallated products as a single region and geometric isomer. The reaction is incredible tolerant of sterics and actually performs better in more sterically congested stubstrates. We have demonstrated this approach in hydrosilylations, hydrostannylations and hydroboronations. We have shown a wide range of silanes to participate in this reactions and a Denmark type one-pot hydrosilylation-Hiyama coupling has been achieved as a single regioisomer. The regioselectivity has been probed for internal alkynes and we have discovered that the regioselectively is determined by both steric and electronic factors. We can selectively form either the a or b-products as a single regioisomer by altering the steric environment and we have discovered that electronic effects overide the sterics.


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A facile and user-friendly protocol has been developed for the selective synthesis of E-vinyl silanes derived from propargylic alcohols using a PtCl2/XPhos catalyst system. The reaction is generally high yielding and provides a single regioisomer at the ß-position with E-alkene geometry. The reaction is extremely tolerant of functionality and has a wide scope of reactivity both in terms of alkynes and silanes used. The catalyst loading has been investigated and it is found that good reactivity is observed at extremely low catalyst loadings. This methodology has also been extended to a one-pot hydrosilylation Denmark–Hiyama coupling.


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Boron-modified Pd catalysts have shown excellent performance for the selective hydrogenation of alkynes experimentally. In the current work, we investigated the hydrogenation of acetylene on boron-modified Pd(111) and Pd(211) surfaces, utilizing density functional theory calculations. The activity of acetylene hydrogenation has been studied by estimating the effective barrier of the whole process. The selectivity of ethylene formation is investigated from a comparison between the desorption and the hydrogenation of ethylene as well as comparison between the ethylene and the 1,3-butadiene formation. Formation of subsurface carbon and hydrogen on both boron-modified Pd(111) and Pd(211) surfaces has also been evaluated, since these have been reported to affect both the activity and the selectivity of acetylene hydrogenation to produce ethylene on Pd surfaces. Our results provide some important insights into the Pd B catalysts for selective hydrogenation of acetylene and also for more complex hydrogenation systems, such as stereoselective hydrogenation of longer chain alkynes and selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil.


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Hexa-n-butylditin is prepared in high yield (83%), by reduction of bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide with sodium borohydride in ethanol. The first stage is reduction. to tri-n-butyltin hydride (not isolated), which rapidly gives hexa-n-butylditin with the Loss of hydrogen under the basic reaction conditions.


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Novel nucleoside analogues containing photoswitchable moieties were prepared using 'click' cycloaddition reactions between 5 '-azido-5 '-deoxythymidine and mono- or bis-N-propargylamide-substituted azobenzenes. In solution, high to quantitative yields were achieved using 5mol% Cu(I) in the presence of a stabilizing ligand. 'Click' reactions using the monopropargylamides were also effected in the absence of added cuprous salts by the application of liquid assisted grinding (LAG) in metallic copper reaction vials. Specifically, high speed vibration ball milling (HSVBM) using a 3/32('') (2.38mm) diameter copper ball (62mg) at 60Hz overnight in the presence of ethyl acetate lead to complete consumption of the 5 '-azido nucleoside with clean conversion to the corresponding 1,3-triazole.


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A PGE1 analog, namely (±)-trans-2-(6'-carbomethoxyhexyl)-3- (E-3"-thia-1 "-octene)-4-hydroxycyclopentanone 71, has been prepared for the first time. Towards the synthesis of this compound, several synthetic approaches aimed at the preparation of the required acetylenic and E-halovinylic sulfides as building blocks were investigated. Among all the methods examined, it appeared evident that the best route to ethynyl n.pentyl sulfide 81 is via a double dehydrohalogenation of the corresponding 1,2-dibromoethyl sulfide with sodium amide in liquid ammonia. In addition, the isomerically pure E-2-iodoethenyl n.pentyl sulfide 85 is conveniently prepared in high yield and stereoselectivity by hydrozirconation-iodination of the terminal ethynyl sulfide 81. The classical hydroalumination and hydroboration reactions for the preparation of vinyl halides from alkynes gave only small yields when applied as methods towards the synthesis of 85 . The building block 2-(6'-carbomethoxyhexyl)-4-hydroxy-2- cyclopentenone (±)-1 carrying the upper side-chain of prostaglandin E 1 was prepared by a step-wise synthesis involving transformations of compounds possessing the required carbocyclic framework (see scheme 27). The synthesis proved to be convenient and gave a good overall yield of (±)-1 which was protected as the TH P-derivative 37 or the siloxy derivative 38. With the required building blocks 81 and 37 in hand, the target 1S-thia-PGE1 analog (±)-71 was prepared via the in situ higher cuprate formation-conjugate addition reaction. This method proved to be convenient and stereospecific. The standard cuprate method, involving an organocuprate reagent generated from an isolated vinyl iodide, did not work well in our case and gave a complicated mixture of products. The target compound will be submitted for assessment of bio log ical activity.


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Les azapeptides sont des mimes peptidiques où le carbone alpha d’un ou de plusieurs acides aminés est remplacé par un atome d’azote. Cette modification tend à stabiliser une conformation en repliement beta en raison de la répulsion électronique entre les paires d’électrons libres des atomes d’azote adjacents et de la géométrie plane de l’urée. De plus, le résidu semicarbazide a une meilleure résistance face aux protéases en plus d’être chimiquement plus stable qu’une liaison amide. Bien que les propriétés des azapeptides en fassent des mimes peptidiques intéressants, leurs méthodes de synthèses font appel à la synthèse laborieuse d’hydrazines substituées en solution. Le peptide sécréteur d’hormone de croissance 6 (GHRP-6, His-D-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2) est un hexapeptide synthétique qui possède une affinité pour deux récepteurs distincts: les récepteurs GHS-R1a et CD36. Les travaux effectués au cours de mon doctorat qui seront détaillés dans cet ouvrage visent à atteindre deux objectifs: (1) le développement d’analogues du peptide GHRP-6 sélectif à un seul récepteur et (2) la mise au point d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour la synthèse combinatoire d’azapeptides. En réponse au premier objectif, la synthèse parallèle de 49 analogues aza-GHRP-6 a été effectuée et certains candidats sélectifs au récepteur CD36 ont été identifiés. L’étude de leurs propriétés anti-angiogéniques, effectuée par nos collaborateurs, a également permis d’identifier des candidats intéressants pour le traitement potentiel de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge. Une nouvelle approche pour la synthèse combinatoire d’azapeptides, faisant appel à l’alkylation et la déprotection chimiosélective d’une sous-unité semicarbazone ancrée sur support solide, a ensuite été développée. La portée de cette méthodologie a été augmentée par la découverte de conditions permettant l’arylation régiosélective de cette sous-unité semicarbazone, donnant accès à treize nouveaux dérivés aza-GHRP-6 possédant des résidus aza-arylglycines aux positions D-Trp2 et Trp4. L’élaboration de conditions propices à l’alkylation et la déprotection chimiosélective de la semicarbazone a donné accès à une variété de chaînes latérales sur l’acide aminé « aza » préalablement inaccessibles. Nous avons, entre autres, démontré qu’une chaîne latérale propargyl pouvait être incorporée sur l’acide aminé « aza ». Tenant compte de la réactivité des alcynes, nous avons ensuite élaboré des conditions réactionnelles permettant la formation in situ d’azotures aromatiques, suivie d’une réaction de cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire sur support solide, dans le but d’obtenir des mimes de tryptophane. Sept analogues du GHRP-6 ont été synthétisés et testés pour affinité au récepteur CD36 par nos collaborateurs. De plus, nous avons effectué une réaction de couplage en solution entre un dipeptide possédant un résidu aza-propargylglycine, du paraformaldehyde et une variété d’amines secondaires (couplage A3) afin d’accéder à des mimes rigides d’aza-lysine. Ces sous-unités ont ensuite été incorporées sur support solide afin de générer sept nouveaux azapeptides avec des dérivés aza-lysine à la position Trp4 du GHRP-6. Enfin, une réaction de cyclisation 5-exo-dig a été développée pour la synthèse de N-amino imidazolin-2-ones en tant que nouveaux mimes peptidiques. Leur fonctionnalisation par une série de groupements benzyliques à la position 4 de l’hétérocycle a été rendue possible grâce à un couplage Sonogashira précédant la réaction de cyclisation. Les propriétés conformationnelles de cette nouvelle famille de composés ont été étudiées par cristallographie aux rayons X et spectroscopie RMN d’un tétrapeptide modèle. L’activité biologique de deux mimes peptidiques, possédant un résidu N-amino-4-méthyl- et 4-benzyl-imidazolin-2-one à la position Trp4 du GHRP-6, a aussi été examinée. L’ensemble de ces travaux devrait contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances au niveau des facteurs structurels et conformationnels requis pour le développement d’azapeptides en tant que ligands du récepteur CD36. De plus, les résultats obtenus devraient encourager davantage l’utilisation d’azapeptides comme peptidomimétiques grâce à leur nouvelle facilité de synthèse et la diversité grandissante au niveau de la chaîne latérale des acides aminés « aza ».


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La réaction de macrocyclisation est une transformation fondamentale en chimie organique de synthèse. Le principal défi associcé à la formation de macrocycles est la compétition inhérente avec la réaction d’oligomérisation qui mène à la formation de sousproduits indésirables. De plus, l’utilisation de conditions de dilutions élevées qui sont nécessaires afin d’obtenir une cyclisation “sélective”, sont souvent décourageantes pour les applications à l’échelle industrielle. Malgré cet intérêt pour les macrocycles, la recherche visant à développer des stratégies environnementalement bénignes, qui permettent d’utiliser des concentrations normales pour leur synthèse, sont encore rares. Cette thèse décrit le développement d’une nouvelle approche générale visant à améliorer l’efficacité des réactions de macrocyclisation en utilisant le contrôle des effets de dilution. Une stratégie de “séparation de phase” qui permet de réaliser des réactions à des concentrations plus élevées a été developpée. Elle se base sur un mélange de solvant aggrégé contrôlé par les propriétés du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG). Des études de tension de surface, spectroscopie UV et tagging chimique ont été réalisées afin d’élucider le mécanisme de “séparation de phase”. Il est proposé que celui-ci fonctionne par diffusion lente du substrat organique vers la phase ou le catalyseur est actif. La nature du polymère co-solvant joue donc un rôle crutial dans le contrôle de l’aggrégation et de la catalyse La stratégie de “séparation de phase” a initiallement été étudiée en utilisant le couplage oxidatif d’alcynes de type Glaser-Hay co-catalysé par un complexe de cuivre et de nickel puis a été transposée à la chimie en flux continu. Elle fut ensuite appliquée à la cycloaddition d’alcynes et d’azotures catalysée par un complexe de cuivre en “batch” ainsi qu’en flux continu.