Grâce à la prophylaxie antibiotique per-opératoire, à l'amélioration des techniques chirurgicales et au flux laminaire dans les blocs opératoires le taux d'infections postopératoires a pu être diminué dans les interventions chirurgicales orthopédiques. Il stagne néanmoins à environ 0,5- 2% dans les fractures fermées ainsi que dans les interventions orthopédiques électives, et peut monter jusqu'à 30% dans les fractures ouvertes stade III. L'ostéomyelite et la pseudarthrose infectée, qui peuvent en découler, sont responsables de séjours hospitaliers prolongés, engendrent des coûts de traitement élevés, et conduisent souvent à une morbidité substantielle. Le traitement de l'ostéomyelite combine le débridement chirurgical et l'administration d'antibiotiques. Cependant l'administration systémique d'antibiotiques à hautes doses est problématique en raison de leur toxicité systémique et de leur faible pénétration dans les tissus ischémiques et nécrotiques, souvent présents dans l'ostéomyelite. Pour ces raisons, le traitement standard actuel consiste, après débridement chirurgical, en la mise en place de billes de Polyrnéthylmétacrylate (PMMA) imprégnées d'antibiotique, qui fournissent des concentrations locales élevées mais systémiques basses. Malheureusement, ces billes doivent être enlevées une fois l'infection guérie, ce qui nécessite une nouvelle intervention chirurgicale. Des systèmes de libération antibiotique alternatifs devraient non seulement guérir l'infection osseuse, mais également encourager activement la consolidation osseuse et ne pas nécessiter de nouvelle chirurgie pour leur ablation. Nous avons investigué l'activité de billes résorbables chargées en gentamicine contre différents microorganismes (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans), des germes communément responsables d'infections osseuses, par microcalorimétrie, une méthode novice basée sur la mesure de la chaleur produite par des microorganismes qui se répliquent dans une culture. Des billes composées essentiellement de sulfate de calcium et chargées en gentamicine ont été incubées dans des ampoules microcalorimétriques contenant différentes concentrations du germe correspondant. Les bouillons de culture avec chaque germe et billes non-chargées ont été utilisés comme contrôle positif, le bouillon de culture avec bille chargée mais sans germe comme contrôle négatif. La production de chaleur provenant de la croissance bactérienne à 37°C a été mesurée pendant 24 heures. Les cultures ne contenant pas de billes chargées en gentamicine ont. produit des pics de chaleur équivalents à la croissance exponentielle du microorganisme correspondant en milieu riche. Par contre, les germes susceptibles à la gentamicine incubés avec les billes chargées ont complètement supprimé leur production de chaleur pendant 24 heures, démontrant ainsi l'activité antibiotique des billes chargées en gentamicine contre ces germes. Les billes résorbables chargées en gentamicine inhibent donc de façon effective la croissance des germes susceptibles sous les conditions in vitro décrites. Des études sur animaux sont maintenant nécessaires pour déterminer la cinétique d'élution et l'effet antimicrobien de la gentamicine sous conditions in vivo. Finalement des études cliniques devront démontrer que l'utilisation de ces billes est effectivement une bonne option thérapeutique dans le traitement des infections osseuses.
Diagnosis of immunoallergenic pathologies due to microorganisms such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis includes detection of circulating specific antibodies. Detection of precipitins has classically been performed using immunoprecipitation techniques with crude antigenic extracts from microorganisms implicated as etiologic agents. However, these techniques lack standardization because of the different composition of fungal antigenic extracts from one batch to another. Therefore, there is high interest in developing standardized serological diagnostic methods using recombinant antigens. Immunoproteomics have proved to be useful for identifying the immunogenic proteins in several microorganisms linked to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. With this approach, the causative microorganisms are first isolated from the environment of patients. Then the proteins are separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and revealed by Western blotting with sera of different patients suffering from the disease compared to sera of asymptomatic exposed controls. Immunoreactive proteins are identified by mass spectrometry. Identified immunoreactive proteins found to be specific markers for the disease could be subsequently produced as recombinant antigens using various expression systems to develop ELISA tests. Using recombinant antigens, standardized ELISA techniques can be developed, with sensitivity and specificity reaching 80% and 90%, respectively, and more if using a combination of several antigens. Immunoproteomics can be applied to any environmental microorganisms, with the aim of proposing panels of recombinant antigens able to improve the sensitivity and standardization of serologic diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, but also other mold-induced allergic diseases such as allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis or asthma.
10 images from FEMS articles have been selected to show the diversity of visualisation used in microbiology.
Obligate or facultative intracellular bacteria are fastidious organisms that do not or poorly grow on conventional culture media. Some of them may be the cause of frequent and potentially severe infections, such as tuberculosis (Myco- bacterium tuberculosis), community-acquired respiratory infections (Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae) or blood culture-negative endocarditis (Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella spp., Tropheryma whipplei). The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive summary of the available and recommended diagnostic tests for the detection of these fastidious organisms in clinical practice.
Based on Darwin's concept of the tree of life, vertical inheritance was thought to be dominant, and mutations, deletions, and duplication were streaming the genomes of living organisms. In the current genomic era, increasing data indicated that both vertical and lateral gene inheritance interact in space and time to trigger genome evolution, particularly among microorganisms sharing a given ecological niche. As a paradigm to their diversity and their survival in a variety of cell types, intracellular microorganisms, and notably intracellular bacteria, were considered as less prone to lateral genetic exchanges. Such specialized microorganisms generally have a smaller gene repertoire because they do rely on their host's factors for some basic regulatory and metabolic functions. Here we review events of lateral gene transfer (LGT) that illustrate the genetic exchanges among intra-amoebal microorganisms or between the microorganism and its amoebal host. We tentatively investigate the functions of laterally transferred genes in the light of the interaction with their host as they should confer a selective advantage and success to the amoeba-resisting microorganisms (ARMs).
Free-living amoebae are distributed worldwide and are frequently in contact with humans and animals. As cysts, they can survive in very harsh conditions and resist biocides and most disinfection procedures. Several microorganisms, called amoeba-resisting microorganisms (ARMs), have evolved to survive and multiply within these protozoa. Among them are many important pathogens, such as Legionella and Mycobacteria, and also several newly discovered Chlamydia-related bacteria, such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Estrella lausannensis, Simkania negevensis or Waddlia chondrophila whose pathogenic role towards human or animal is strongly suspected. Amoebae represent an evolutionary crib for their resistant microorganisms since they can exchange genetic material with other ARMs and develop virulence traits that will be further used to infect other professional phagocytes. Moreover, amoebae constitute an ideal tool to isolate strict intracellular microorganisms from complex microbiota, since they will feed on other fast-growing bacteria, such as coliforms potentially present in the investigated samples. The paradigm that ARMs are likely resistant to macrophages, another phagocytic cell, and that they are likely virulent towards humans and animals is only partially true. Indeed, we provide examples of the Chlamydiales order that challenge this assumption and suggest that the ability to multiply in protozoa does not strictly correlate with pathogenicity and that we should rather use the ability to replicate in multiple and diverse eukaryotic cells as an indirect marker of virulence towards mammals. Thus, cell-culture-based microbial culturomics should be used in the future to try to discover new pathogenic bacterial species.
Carotenoids are natural dyes synthesized by plants, algae and microorganisms. Application in many sectors can be found, as food dyeing and supplementation, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and animal feed. Recent investigations have shown their ability to reduce the risks for many degenerative diseases like cancer, heart diseases, cataract and macular degeneration. An advantage of microbial carotenoids is the fact that the cultivation in controlled conditions is not dependent of climate, season or soil composition. In this review the advances in bio-production of carotenoids are presented, discussing the main factors that influence the microbial production of these dyes in different systems.
The objective this study has been the selection of lipase productor microorganism, for removal of oils and grease, in the pre-treatment of biodiesel wastewater washing. For this, analyses of the physicist-chemistries characteristics had been made with the wastewater of the biodiesel washing, and then it had been isolated and chosen, by means of determinations of the lipase activity. Following, it was made a test of fat biodegradation, in the conditions: pH (5.95), temperature (35 ºC), rotation (180 rpm) and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source (3 g L-1) and establishing as variable the two microorganism preselected and the time (24; 48; 72; 96 and 120 h). The biodiesel purification wastewater had presented high potential of environmental impact, presenting a concentration of O of 6.76 g L-1. From the six isolated microbiological cultures, two microorganisms (A and B) had been selected, with enzymatic index of 0.56 and 0.57, respectively. The treatment of the wastewater using the isolated microorganism (Klebsiella oxytoca) had 80% of the fatty removal in 48 h.
The aim of this study was to isolate microorganisms that produce lipase and to assess the efficiency of COD removal intreatment of cheese whey under different operating conditions. The microorganisms were isolated from cheese whey and a commercial product; it was selectedthreemicroorganisms that obtained the best response to the lipolytic activity test through the enzyme index. Then, the microorganisms were inoculated in sterilized cheese whey samples, for two pH values (6.2 and 7.0), incubated at 35 °C and 150 rpm in shaker and the lipolityc activity and the efficiency of COD removal were measured in two time periods (24 and 48h). After incubation, it was observed that the treatments showed a good removal efficiency of COD for the pre-treatment and the isolated microorganism (S1) from the cheese whey showed the highest lipase production. Regarding the pH and time variables, there was not significant effect between the two evaluated factors. Among all treatments, T2 (S1, pH 7.0 and 24h) obtained more enzyme production (4.87 U mL-1).
Transgenic soybean, resistant to glyphosate, is the most dominant transgenic crop grown commercially in the world. Research works on herbicide and insecticide mixtures and their effects on microorganisms are rarely reported. This work aimed to study the impact of glyphosate, endosulfan and their mixtures on the microbial soil activity in soybean crop. The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were glyphosate 480 SL [540 g of active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1], endosulfan 350 EC (525 g a.i. ha-1), the glyphosate 480 SL [540 g of active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1] mixed with endosulfan 350 EC (525 g a.i. ha-1) and the control. Microbial activity was evaluated five days after treatment application. Glyphosate application was not an impacting factor for soil CO2 production. Endosulfan application (alone or mixed with glyphosate) suppressed CO2 production by microorganisms in the soil. Microbial biomass and microbial quotient were lower in the treatments using endosulfan alone and in those using endosulfan mixed with glyphosate than in the treatments using glyphosate alone and control.
The competition between weeds and crops is a topic of great interest, since this interaction can cause heavy losses in agriculture. Despite the existence of some studies on this subject, little is known about the importance of soil microorganisms in the modulation of weed-crop interactions. Plants compete for water and nutrients in the soil and the ability of a given species to use the available resources may be directly affected by the presence of some microbial groups commonly found in the soil. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are able to associate with plant roots and affect the ability of different species to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, promoting changes in plant growth. Other groups may promote positive or negative changes in plant growth, depending on the identity of the microbial and plant partners involved in the different interactions, changing the competitive ability of a given species. Recent studies have shown that weeds are able to associate with mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural environments, and root colonization by these fungi is affected by the presence of other weeds or crops species. In addition, weeds tend to have positive interactions with soil microorganisms while cultures may have neutral or negative interactions. Competition between weeds and crops promotes changes in the soil microbial community, which becomes different from that observed in monocultures, thus affecting the competitive ability of plants. When grown in competition, weeds and crops have different behaviors related to soil microorganisms, and the weeds seem to show greater dependence on associations with members of the soil microbiota to increase growth. These data demonstrate the importance of soil microorganisms in the modulation of the interactions between weeds and crops in agricultural environments. New perspectives and hypotheses are presented to guide future research in this area.
Preference for specific protein substrates together with differential sensitivity to activators and inhibitors has allowed classification of serine/threonine protein phosphatases (PPs) into four major types designated types 1, 2A, 2B and 2C (PP1, PP2A, PP2B and PP2C, respectively). Comparison of sequences within their catalytic domains has indicated that PP1, PP2A and PP2B are members of the same gene family named PPP. On the other hand, the type 2C enzyme does not share sequence homology with the PPP members and thus represents another gene family, known as PPM. In this report we briefly summarize some of our studies about the role of serine/threonine phosphatases in growth and differentiation of three different eukaryotic models: Blastocladiella emersonii, Neurospora crassa and Dictyostelium discoideum. Our observations suggest that PP2C is the major phosphatase responsible for dephosphorylation of amidotransferase, an enzyme that controls cell wall synthesis during Blastocladiella emersonii zoospore germination. We also report the existence of a novel acid- and thermo-stable protein purified from Neurospora crassa mycelia, which specifically inhibits the PP1 activity of this fungus and mammals. Finally, we comment on our recent results demonstrating that Dictyostelium discoideum expresses a gene that codes for PP1, although this activity has never been demonstrated biochemically in this organism.