818 resultados para ALCOHOL DRINKING
O objetivo deste estudo é discutir a associação entre padrão de consumo de álcool e dimensões de risco à exposição ao HIV, desdobradas em conhecimento sobre HIV e práticas sexuais entre universitários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 416 universitários de 14 cursos distintos. Os dados foram coletados através de dois instrumentos e tratados através de estatística descritiva com o software SPSS 21.0. A pesquisa foi autorizada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob n 003.3.2012. A população de estudo é predominantemente do sexo masculino (59,6%), com faixa etária entre 19 a 22 anos (54,3%), de cor branca (57,5%), sem companheiros (69,2%) ou filhos (92,3%) e com maior percentual de católicos (31,3%) e daqueles que não possuem religião (33,7%). Destaca-se, ainda, que são possuidores de computador ou eletrônicos portáteis (98,8%) com fácil acesso à internet (96,8%). Os principais achados apontam que a maioria faz uso de álcool (60%), com a proporção de 7 homens para cada 3 mulheres. Relacionado ao AUDIT, foi identificado predomínio das zonas I (abstinência ou baixo risco-73,8%) e II (uso nocivo-20,4%). Sobre as relações sexuais, a maioria afirmou ter experiência sexual (69,5%), com idade da primeira relação entre 16 e 18 anos (54%), no entanto, mais homens (54,3%) afirmaram manter relações sexuais após o consumo de álcool do que mulheres (45,7%). Apesar do conhecimento sobre HIV/aids e álcool ser considerado como fator protetor pela literatura vigente, constatou-se que não há associação deste conhecimento com a prática sexual mais segura. Independente do padrão de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, os universitários apresentam o mesmo tipo de prática sexual, muitas vezes se expondo à infecção ao HIV e outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Dentre os dados analisados, um dos motivos de exposição ao HIV/Aids são as relações sexuais após a ingestão de bebida alcoólicas e o não uso de preservativos nestas situações. O consumo exagerado de bebidas alcoólicas está ligado ao sexo masculino e este grupo apresenta práticas sexuais de maior risco. Sugere-se que novos estudos possam analisar a relação de causa e efeito para verificar quais fatores podem influenciar de fato a exposição ao HIV de estudantes usuários de álcool. Estas informações são relevantes para conhecermos a atual demanda desse grupo e focar nas reais necessidades que são imperiosas para a prevenção dos futuros danos nocivos à saúde individual e coletiva. Torna-se necessário compreender qual é a demanda dos jovens em se expor a diversos riscos à saúde adotando práticas não seguras e, principalmente, o que de fato modula estas condutas.
BACKGROUND: Increasing incidence of head and neck cancer (HNC) in young adults has been reported. We aimed to compare the role of major risk factors and family history of cancer in HNC in young adults and older patients. METHODS: We pooled data from 25 case-control studies and conducted separate analyses for adults ≤45 years old ('young adults', 2010 cases and 4042 controls) and >45 years old ('older adults', 17 700 cases and 22 704 controls). Using logistic regression with studies treated as random effects, we estimated adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: The young group of cases had a higher proportion of oral tongue cancer (16.0% in women; 11.0% in men) and unspecified oral cavity / oropharynx cancer (16.2%; 11.1%) and a lower proportion of larynx cancer (12.1%; 16.6%) than older adult cases. The proportions of never smokers or never drinkers among female cases were higher than among male cases in both age groups. Positive associations with HNC and duration or pack-years of smoking and drinking were similar across age groups. However, the attributable fractions (AFs) for smoking and drinking were lower in young when compared with older adults (AFs for smoking in young women, older women, young men and older men, respectively, = 19.9% (95% CI = 9.8%, 27.9%), 48.9% (46.6%, 50.8%), 46.2% (38.5%, 52.5%), 64.3% (62.2%, 66.4%); AFs for drinking = 5.3% (-11.2%, 18.0%), 20.0% (14.5%, 25.0%), 21.5% (5.0%, 34.9%) and 50.4% (46.1%, 54.3%). A family history of early-onset cancer was associated with HNC risk in the young [OR = 2.27 (95% CI = 1.26, 4.10)], but not in the older adults [OR = 1.10 (0.91, 1.31)]. The attributable fraction for family history of early-onset cancer was 23.2% (8.60% to 31.4%) in young compared with 2.20% (-2.41%, 5.80%) in older adults. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in HNC aetiology according to age group may exist. The lower AF of cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in young adults may be due to the reduced length of exposure due to the lower age. Other characteristics, such as those that are inherited, may play a more important role in HNC in young adults compared with older adults.
Contexte: Les facteurs de risque comportementaux, notamment l’inactivité physique, le comportement sédentaire, le tabagisme, la consommation d’alcool et le surpoids sont les principales causes modifiables de maladies chroniques telles que le cancer, les maladies cardiovasculaires et le diabète. Ces facteurs de risque se manifestent également de façon concomitante chez l’individu et entraînent des risques accrus de morbidité et de mortalité. Bien que les facteurs de risque comportementaux aient été largement étudiés, la distribution, les patrons d’agrégation et les déterminants de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux sont peu connus, surtout chez les enfants et les adolescents. Objectifs: Cette thèse vise 1) à décrire la prévalence et les patrons d’agrégation de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux des maladies chroniques chez les enfants et adolescents canadiens; 2) à explorer les corrélats individuels, sociaux et scolaires de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les enfants et adolescents canadiens; et 3) à évaluer, selon le modèle conceptuel de l’étude, l’influence longitudinale d’un ensemble de variables distales (c’est-à-dire des variables situées à une distance intermédiaire des comportements à risque) de type individuel (estime de soi, sentiment de réussite), social (relations sociales, comportements des parents/pairs) et scolaire (engagement collectif à la réussite, compréhension des règles), ainsi que de variables ultimes (c’est-à-dire des variables situées à une distance éloignée des comportements à risque) de type individuel (traits de personnalité, caractéristiques démographiques), social (caractéristiques socio-économiques des parents) et scolaire (type d’école, environnement favorable, climat disciplinaire) sur le taux d’occurrence de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les enfants et adolescents canadiens. Méthodes: Des données transversales (n = 4724) à partir du cycle 4 (2000-2001) de l’Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes (ELNEJ) ont été utilisées pour décrire la prévalence et les patrons d’agrégation de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les jeunes canadiens âgés de 10-17 ans. L’agrégation des facteurs de risque a été examinée en utilisant une méthode du ratio de cas observés sur les cas attendus. La régression logistique ordinale a été utilisée pour explorer les corrélats de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux dans un échantillon transversal (n = 1747) de jeunes canadiens âgés de 10-15 ans du cycle 4 (2000-2001) de l’ELNEJ. Des données prospectives (n = 1135) à partir des cycle 4 (2000-2001), cycle 5 (2002-2003) et cycle 6 (2004-2005) de l’ELNEJ ont été utilisées pour évaluer l’influence longitudinale des variables distales et ultimes (tel que décrit ci-haut dans les objectifs) sur le taux d’occurrence de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les jeunes canadiens âgés de 10-15 ans; cette analyse a été effectuée à l’aide des modèles de Poisson longitudinaux. Résultats: Soixante-cinq pour cent des jeunes canadiens ont rapporté avoir deux ou plus de facteurs de risque comportementaux, comparativement à seulement 10% des jeunes avec aucun facteur de risque. Les facteurs de risque comportementaux se sont agrégés en de multiples combinaisons. Plus précisément, l’occurrence simultanée des cinq facteurs de risque était 120% plus élevée chez les garçons (ratio observé/attendu (O/E) = 2.20, intervalle de confiance (IC) 95%: 1.31-3.09) et 94% plus élevée chez les filles (ratio O/E = 1.94, IC 95%: 1.24-2.64) qu’attendu. L’âge (rapport de cotes (RC) = 1.95, IC 95%: 1.21-3.13), ayant un parent fumeur (RC = 1.49, IC 95%: 1.09-2.03), ayant rapporté que la majorité/tous de ses pairs consommaient du tabac (RC = 7.31, IC 95%: 4.00-13.35) ou buvaient de l’alcool (RC = 3.77, IC 95%: 2.18-6.53), et vivant dans une famille monoparentale (RC = 1.94, IC 95%: 1.31-2.88) ont été positivement associés aux multiples comportements à risque. Les jeunes ayant une forte estime de soi (RC = 0.92, IC 95%: 0.85-0.99) ainsi que les jeunes dont un des parents avait un niveau d’éducation postsecondaire (RC = 0.58, IC 95%: 0.41-0.82) étaient moins susceptibles d’avoir de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux. Enfin, les variables de type social distal (tabagisme des parents et des pairs, consommation d’alcool par les pairs) (Log du rapport de vraisemblance (LLR) = 187.86, degrés de liberté = 8, P < 0,001) et individuel distal (estime de soi) (LLR = 76.94, degrés de liberté = 4, P < 0,001) ont significativement influencé le taux d’occurrence de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux. Les variables de type individuel ultime (âge, sexe, anxiété) et social ultime (niveau d’éducation du parent, revenu du ménage, structure de la famille) ont eu une influence moins prononcée sur le taux de cooccurrence des facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les jeunes. Conclusion: Les résultats suggèrent que les interventions de santé publique devraient principalement cibler les déterminants de type individuel distal (tel que l’estime de soi) ainsi que social distal (tels que le tabagisme des parents et des pairs et la consommation d’alcool par les pairs) pour prévenir et/ou réduire l’occurrence de multiples facteurs de risque comportementaux chez les enfants et les adolescents. Cependant, puisque les variables de type distal (telles que les caractéristiques psychosociales des jeunes et comportements des parents/pairs) peuvent être influencées par des variables de type ultime (telles que les caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques), les programmes et politiques de prévention devraient également viser à améliorer les conditions socioéconomiques des jeunes, particulièrement celles des enfants et des adolescents des familles les plus démunies.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
La participación en carreras atléticas de calle ha aumentado; esto requiere detectar riesgos previos al esfuerzo físico. Objetivo. Identificar factores de riesgo del comportamiento y readiness de inscritos a una carrera. Método. Estudio transversal en aficionados de 18-64 años. Encuesta digital con módulos de IPAQ, PARQ+ y STEP. Muestreo aleatorio sistemático con n=510, para una inactividad física esperada de 35% (±5%). Se evaluó nivel de actividad física, consumo de alcohol (peligroso), de fruta, verdura, tabaco y sal, y readiness. Resultados. El cumplimiento de actividad física fue 97,4%; 2,4% consume nivel óptimo de fruta o verdura (diferencias por edad, sexo y estrato), 3,7% fuma y 44,1% consumo peligroso de alcohol. El 19,8% reportó PARQ+ positivo y 5,7% requiere supervisión. Hay diferencias por trabajo y estudio. Discusión. Los aficionados cumplen el nivel de actividad física; pero no de otros factores. Una estrategia de seguridad en el atletismo de calle es evaluar los factores de riesgo relacionados con el estilo de vida así como el readiness.
A disfunção endotelial, avaliada através da vasodilatação mediada pelo fluxo (FMD) e não mediada pelo fluxo (NFMD), está associada à ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares. Enquanto o consumo moderado de bebidas alcoólicas está associado com baixo risco para doenças cardiovasculares, a ingestão de doses mais altas predispõe a arritmias cardíacas, acidente vascular encefálico e outros eventos, que têm maior incidência no período da manhã. A investigação dos efeitos do álcool sobre a função endotelial pode trazer um melhor entendimento para esta associação. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar, em uma amostra homogênea, o efeito de uma dose relativamente elevada de álcool sobre parâmetros vasculares e de função endotelial. O diâmetro da artéria braquial (DAB), a FMD e a NFMD foram mensurados em três horários (17h, 22h e 7h), em 100 indivíduos do sexo masculino, hígidos, com idades entre 18 e 25 anos (média de 20,74 anos), por ecodoppler da artéria braquial (segundo o protocolo da International Brachial Artery Reactivity Task Force). Os indivíduos foram randomizados para ingerir uma bebida contendo álcool ou uma bebida similar não alcoólica, às 18h. O grupo que consumiu álcool apresentou um aumento no DAB entre as 17h (4,03 mm) e 22h (4,41 mm). Ocorreu uma redução da FMD para 2,43% e da NFMD para 6,30% às 22h, quando comparados com os valores anteriores à ingestão (FMD = 4,22% e NFMD = 13,7%). Foi constatado um efeito bifásico para a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), com redução às 22h (PAS = 105,18 mmHg; PAD = 60,14 mmHg), seguida de elevação às 7h (PAS = 117,50 mmHg; PAD = 70,98 mmHg). Conclui-se que, após um período inicial de vasodilatação, a ingestão aguda de álcool não afeta a função endotelial, comparado ao placebo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as expectativas de homens e mulheres com relação ao uso do álcool e a associação dessas com o comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico, domiciliar, transversal, de base populacional, com amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerados, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 2.083 pessoas de ambos os sexos utilizando-se o questionário GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study). Beber com embriaguez foi considerada variável dependente, e foram construídos modelos de regressão logística para cada sexo, ajustando-se os modelos para idade, escolaridade e renda. Todas as expectativas, exceto achar mais fácil falar com companheiro, associaram-se ao comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Nosso estudo mostrou que beber com embriaguez pode estar associado a expectativas com uso do álcool. Compreender essas expectativas pode contribuir para elaboração de estratégias mais efetivas de prevenção do beber excessivo.
Objective. To estimate physical violence between intimate partners and to examine the association between violence and sociodemographic variables, use of alcohol, and other related factors.Method. This epidemiologic survey included a stratified probabilistic sample representative of the population from the city of São Paulo in economic and educational terms. The Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS) questionnaire was employed. The sampling unit was the home, where all individuals older than 18 years were candidates for interview. The final sample included 1 631 people. Statistical analysis employed the Rao Scott test and logistic regression.Results. The response rate was 74.5%. Most participants were female (58.8%), younger than 40 years of age (52%), or had 5 to 12 years of schooling. of the overall group, 5.4% reported having been victims of physical violence by an intimate partner and 5.4% declared having been aggressors of intimate partners in the past 2 years. Most men declared that none of those involved had ingested alcohol at the moment of aggression. Most women reported that nobody or only the man had drunk. Being a victim or an aggressor was associated with younger age and having a heavy-drinking partner. Women suffered more serious aggression, requiring medical care, and expressed more anger and disgust at aggression than men.Conclusions. The results underscore the importance of the association between alcohol use and risk of aggression between intimate partners, and may contribute to the design of public policies aimed to control this situation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present paper describes the morphological alterations of the epithelial layer of the uterine tubes of rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism using anatomical, histological, ultrastructural and morphometric methods. Sixty adult rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) at the same age (3 months) and with a mean body weight of 228 g were divided into two groups. The control group received solid diet (Purina rat chow) and tap water ad libitum. The alcoholic group received the same solid diet and was allowed to drink only sugar cane brandy dissolved in 30° Gay Lussac (v/v). After periods of 90, 180 and 270 days of treatment animals at normal estrus were anaesthetised with ethyl ether, weighed and sacrificed. Subsequently, the uterine tubes were dissected, weighed and prepared for TEM and SEM methods. The final mean body weights were similar in the control and alcoholic groups. The morphometric analysis showed no difference between control and alcoholic epithelial height. The alcoholic animals showed ultrastructural alterations: intense lipid droplet and lysosomes accumulation, dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and vacuolization in both periods of treatment. It was concluded that alcohol acts as a toxin on the epithelial layer of the uterine tubes of rats.
Studies of the effect of ethanol on human visual evoked potentials are rare and usually involve chronic alcoholic patients. The effect of acute ethanol ingestion has seldom been investigated. We have studied the effect of acute alcoholic poisoning on pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PR-VEP) and flash light visual evoked potentials (F-VEP) in 20 normal volunteers. We observed different effects with ethanol: statistically significant prolonged latencies of F-VEP after ingestion, and no significant differences in the latencies of the PR-VEP components. We hypothesize a selective ethanol effect on the afferent transmission of rods, mainly dependent on GABA and glutamatergic neurotransmission, influencing F-VEP latencies, and no effect on cone afferent transmission, as alcohol doesn't influence PR-VEP latencies.
To quantify psychoactive drug use and investigate use-related variables among students of Assis, Brazil, a questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic data and identify the pattern of non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in 20% of public and private school students. The largest consumption indexes for lifetime use were seen for alcohol (68.9%) and tobacco (22.7%). Drugs most often used were: solvents (10.0%); marijuana (6.6%); benzodiazepines (3.8%); amphetamines (2.6%); cocaine (1.6%); and anticholinergics (1.0%).
Moderate amounts of alcohol intake have been reported to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and this may involve enhanced insulin sensitivity. We established an animal model of increased insulin sensitivity by low ethanol consumption and here we investigated metabolic parameters and molecular mechanisms potentially involved in this phenomenon. For that, Wistar rats have received drinking water either without (control) or with 3% ethanol for four weeks. The effect of ethanol intake on insulin sensitivity was analyzed by insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), intravenous insulin tolerance test (IVITT) and lipid profile. The role of liver was investigated by the analysis of insulin signaling pathway, GLUT2 gene expression and tissue glycogen content. Rats consuming 3% ethanol showed lower values of HOMA-IR and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) levels and higher hepatic glycogen content and glucose disappearance constant during the IVITT. Neither the phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), nor its association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-kinase), was affected by ethanol. However, ethanol consumption enhanced liver IRS-2 and protein kinase B (Akt) phosphorylation (3 times, P < 0.05), which can be involved in the 2-fold increased (P < 0.05) hepatic glycogen content. The GLUT2 protein content was unchanged. Our findings point out that liver plays a role in enhanced insulin sensitivity induced by low ethanol consumption. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Effect of an alcoholic diet on dental caries and on Streptococcus of the mutans group: Study in rats
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an alcohol diet on Streptococcus of the mutans group and on dental caries in the oral cavity of rats. Forty animals were divided into 3 groups according to the following liquid diets: 20% ethanol solution (Alcohol Group, AG), 27% sucrose solution (Isocaloric Group, IG), and water (Control Group, CG). After 56 days, samples were collected and plated on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar to assess the number of colony forming units (CFU/mL) of Streptococcus of the mutans group. The animals were sacrificed and the jaws were removed in order to assess the occurrence of dental caries on the smooth and occlusal surfaces using stereomicroscopy. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test. The average numbers of CFU/mL (10 3) were: 8.17 (AG), 9.78 (IG), and 5.63 (CG). There was no significant difference among the groups for the occurrence of occlusal caries. Regarding smooth surface caries, in the upper jaw, the caries number in the IG (1.58) was similar to that in the AG (2.06) and in the CG (1.14), and the number of caries in the AG was higher than in the CG; in the lower jaw there was significant difference among the 3 groups: AG (1.14), IG (2.00) and CG (0.43). The diets with the alcohol and sucrose solutions presented a tendency of increasing the colonization by Streptococcus of the mutans group and of increasing the occurrence of smooth surface dental caries in rat molars when compared to the control diet.