El objetivo de esta investigacin es el de abordar los trabajos acadmicos, realizados en el periodo comprendido entre 2005 hasta 2011, a propsito de las reparaciones en el marco jurdico de la justicia transicional en Colombia, a saber; la Ley de Justicia y Paz 975 de 2005 y la Ley de Vctimas y Restitucin de Tierras Ley 1448 de 2011. Este esfuerzo puso en evidencia que solo hasta la promulgacin de una ley con contenido de justicia transicional, el ejercicio investigativo frente a las reparaciones logr un desarrollo y una continuidad. Para lograr dicho objetivo, fue necesaria la implementacin de fichas de estudio de cada una de las publicaciones citadas a lo largo de la investigacin, sumada a otras herramientas de anlisis, que dieron como resultado la clasificacin de las producciones acadmicas en tres grandes tendencias de estudio.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
We conducted a nested case-control study to determine the significant risk factors for developing encephalitis from West Nile virus (WNV) infection. The purpose of this research project was to expand the previously published Houston study of 20022004 patients to include data on Houston patients from four additional years (20052008) to determine if there were any differences in risk factors shown to be associated with developing the more severe outcomes of WNV infection, encephalitis and death, by having this larger sample size. A re-analysis of the risk factors for encephalitis and death was conducted on all of the patients from 20022008 and was the focus of this proposed research. This analysis allowed for the determination to be made that there are differences in the outcome in the risk factors for encephalitis and death with an increased sample size. Retrospective medical chart reviews were completed for the 265 confirmed WNV hospitalized patients; 153 patients had encephalitis (WNE), 112 had either viral syndrome with fever (WNF) or meningitis (WNM); a total of 22 patients died. Univariate logistic regression analyses on demographic, comorbidities, and social risk factors was conducted in a similar manner as in the previously conducted study to determine the risk factors for developing encephalitis from WNV. A multivariate model was developed by using model building strategies for the multivariate logistic regression analysis. The hypothesis of this study was that there would be additional risk factors shown to be significant with the increase in sample size of the dataset. This analysis with a greater sample size and increased power supports the hypothesis in that there were additional risk factors shown to be statistically associated with the more severe outcomes of WNV infection (WNE or death). Based on univariate logistic regression results, these data showed that even though age of 2044 years was statistically significant as a protecting effect for developing WNE in the original study, the expanded sample lacked significance. This study showed a significant WNE risk factor to be chronic alcohol abuse, when it was not significant in the original analysis. Other WNE risk factors identified in this analysis that showed to be significant but were not significant in the original analysis were cancer not in remission > 5 years, history of stroke, and chronic renal disease. When comparing the two analyses with death as an outcome, two risk factors that were shown to be significant in the original analysis but not in the expanded dataset analysis were diabetes mellitus and immunosuppression. Three risk factors shown to be significant in this expanded analysis but were not significant in the original study were illicit drug use, heroin or opiate use, and injection drug use. However, with the multiple logistic regression models, the same independent risk factors for developing encephalitis of age and history of hypertension including drug induced hypertension were consistent in both studies.^
Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) defects are an important group of congenital heart defects (CHDs) because of their associated mortality and long-term complications. LVOT defects include aortic valve stenosis (AVS), coarctation of aorta (CoA), and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Despite their clinical significance, their etiology is not completely understood. Even though the individual component phenotypes (AVS, CoA, and HLHS) may have different etiologies, they are often "lumped" together in epidemiological studies. Though "lumping" of component phenotypes may improve the power to detect associations, it may also lead to ambiguous findings if these defects are etiologically distinct. This is due to potential for effect heterogeneity across component phenotypes. ^ This study had two aims: (1) to identify the association between various risk factors and both the component (i.e., split) and composite (i.e., lumped) LVOT phenotypes, and (2) to assess the effect heterogeneity of risk factors across component phenotypes of LVOT defects. ^ This study was a secondary data analysis. Primary data were obtained from the Texas Birth Defect Registry (TBDR). TBDR uses an active surveillance method to ascertain birth defects in Texas. All cases of non complex LVOT defects which met our inclusion criteria during the period of 20022008 were included in the study. The comparison groups included all unaffected live births for the same period (20022008). Data from vital statistics were used to evaluate associations. Statistical associations between selected risk factors and LVOT defects was determined by calculating crude and adjusted prevalence ratio using Poisson regression analysis. Effect heterogeneity was evaluated using polytomous logistic regression. ^ There were a total of 2,353 cases of LVOT defects among 2,730,035 live births during the study period. There were a total of 1,311 definite cases of non-complex LVOT defects for analysis after excluding "complex" cardiac cases and cases associated with syndromes (n=168). Among infant characteristics, males were at a significantly higher risk of developing LVOT defects compared to females. Among maternal characteristics, significant associations were seen with maternal age > 40 years (compared to maternal age 2024 years) and maternal residence in Texas-Mexico border (compared to non-border residence). Among birth characteristics, significant associations were seen with preterm birth and small for gestation age LVOT defects. ^ When evaluating effect heterogeneity, the following variables had significantly different effects among the component LVOT defect phenotypes: infant sex, plurality, maternal age, maternal race/ethnicity, and Texas-Mexico border residence. ^ This study found significant associations between various demographic factors and LVOT defects. While many findings from this study were consistent with results from previous studies, we also identified new factors associated with LVOT defects. Additionally, this study was the first to assess effect heterogeneity across LVOT defect component phenotypes. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature on characteristics associated with LVOT defects. ^
Fil: Varesi, Gastn Angel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin; Argentina.
Fil: Varesi, Gastn Angel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin; Argentina.
Fil: Varesi, Gastn Angel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin; Argentina.
Em diversas ocasies, os lderes da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil revelaram o desejo de uma eqidistncia teolgica dos extremos liberais e fundamentalistas. Entretanto, os dis-cursos e as prticas dessa instituio eclesistica contrastam com esse posicionamento ofici-al. Alm disso, essa pretensa posio de eqidistncia dos extremos liberais e fundamenta-listas no denota fronteiras rgidas, mas um instrumento eficaz de legitimao do poder nos momentos de reconfigurao do campo religioso, principalmente em situaes de crises internas. Outrossim, aps a redemocratizao do Brasil e o conseqente aumento de plura-lismo religioso, houve a transformao do campo social brasileiro, provocando dificuldades em setores mais conservadores dessa instituio. Atualmente, procura-se revitalizar a pr-pria tradio religiosa diante das ameaas de sua dissoluo impostas pelos processos e-mancipatrios modernos e pela influncia das concepes seculares e supostamente atias da vida (como o feminismo, a luta em defesa dos direitos reprodutivos, a unio civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, o chamado ―movimento de lsbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transgneros‖ etc.). No campo religioso, os resultados imediatos dessa postura de reao em face das transformaes sociais impostas pela modernidade so: (1) misoginia; (2) aquela manifestao de ativismo poltico-religioso de carter conservador os protestantes de pen-dor fundamentalista, cuja expanso no Brasil se vem processando h muitas dcadas, em ritmo sabidamente veloz, com base em um modelo de proselitismo muito bem-sucedido entre as camadas mais pobres da populao brasileira, por todo territrio nacional.(AU)
Em diversas ocasies, os lderes da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil revelaram o desejo de uma eqidistncia teolgica dos extremos liberais e fundamentalistas. Entretanto, os dis-cursos e as prticas dessa instituio eclesistica contrastam com esse posicionamento ofici-al. Alm disso, essa pretensa posio de eqidistncia dos extremos liberais e fundamenta-listas no denota fronteiras rgidas, mas um instrumento eficaz de legitimao do poder nos momentos de reconfigurao do campo religioso, principalmente em situaes de crises internas. Outrossim, aps a redemocratizao do Brasil e o conseqente aumento de plura-lismo religioso, houve a transformao do campo social brasileiro, provocando dificuldades em setores mais conservadores dessa instituio. Atualmente, procura-se revitalizar a pr-pria tradio religiosa diante das ameaas de sua dissoluo impostas pelos processos e-mancipatrios modernos e pela influncia das concepes seculares e supostamente atias da vida (como o feminismo, a luta em defesa dos direitos reprodutivos, a unio civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, o chamado ―movimento de lsbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transgneros‖ etc.). No campo religioso, os resultados imediatos dessa postura de reao em face das transformaes sociais impostas pela modernidade so: (1) misoginia; (2) aquela manifestao de ativismo poltico-religioso de carter conservador os protestantes de pen-dor fundamentalista, cuja expanso no Brasil se vem processando h muitas dcadas, em ritmo sabidamente veloz, com base em um modelo de proselitismo muito bem-sucedido entre as camadas mais pobres da populao brasileira, por todo territrio nacional.(AU)
En fin de texto consta: Resolucion de V. M. para cortar las frecuentes disputas de jurisdiccion entre los Gobernadores de Panam, Portovelo, Veragua, y Darin.
Mode of access: Internet.