98 resultados para ADH
El sistema penitenciario y carcelario en Colombia atraviesa por una crisis de hacinamiento sin precedentes. El sobrecupo en los establecimientos de reclusión y los deficientes servicios de salud, alimentación e higiene dificultan la habitabilidad de los internos en prisión y atenta contra los derechos fundamentales y los Derechos Humanos de los condenados. La resocialización, mediante el Plan de Acción y Sistema de oportunidades (PASO), presenta múltiples dificultades para su realización en el Complejo Penitenciario y Carcelario (COMEB) – La Picota; por lo que esta investigación tiene como propósito analizar las condiciones y oportunidades que ofrece este establecimiento para un tratamiento penitenciario digno durante el periodo 2004-2013, y establecer recomendaciones para su mejoramiento.
Enzyme immobilization in nanostructured films may be useful for a number of biomimetic systems, particularly if suitable matrixes are identified. Here we show that alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has high affinity toward a negatively charged phospholipid, dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA), which forms a Langmuir monolayer at an air-water interface. Incorporation of ADH into the DMPA monolayer was monitored with Surface pressure measurements; and polarization-modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, with the alpha-helices from ADH being mainly oriented parallel to the water surface. ADH remained at the interface even at high surface pressures, thus allowing deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the DMPA-ADH film. Indeed, interaction with DMPA enhances the transfer of ADH, where the mass transferred onto a solid support increased from 134 ng for ADH on a Gibbs monolayer to 178 ng for an LB film with DMPA. With fluorescence spectroscopy it was possible to confirm that the ADH structure was preserved even after one month of the LB deposition. ADH-containing films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes were employed in a sensor array capable of detecting ethanol at concentrations down to 10 ppb (in volume), using impedance spectroscopy as the method of detection.
The selective determination of alcohol molecules either in aqueous solutions or in vapor phase is of great importance for several technological areas. In the last years, a number of researchers have reported the fabrication of highly sensitive sensors for ethanol detection, based upon specific enzymatic reactions occurring at the surface of enzyme-containing electrodes. In this study, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) was immobilized in a layer-by-layer fashion onto Au-interdigitated electrodes (IDEs), in conjunction with layers of PAMAM dendrimers. The immobilization process was followed in Teal time using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), indicating that an average mass of 52.1 ng of ADH was adsorbed at each deposition step. Detection was carried out using a novel strategy entirely based upon electrical capacitance measurements, through which ethanol could be detected at concentrations of 1 part per million by volume (ppmv). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A presente Tese de Doutorado objetivou: (1) definir um método eficiente de transformação genética, por bombardeamento de partículas, para a obtenção de plantas transgênicas de cultivares brasileiras de cevada e (2) identificar gene(s) codificante(s) de quitinase(s) potencialmente capaz(es) de conferir resistência ao fungo patogênico de cevada Bipolaris sorokiniana. Culturas de calos obtidos a partir de escutelos imaturos das cultivares Brasileiras de cevada MN-599 e MN-698 (Cia. de Bebidas das Américas, AMBEV) foram bombardeadas com partículas de tungstênio e avaliadas quanto à expressão do gene repórter gusA através de ensaios histoquímicos de GUS e quanto ao efeito dos bombardeamentos na indução estruturas embriogênicas e regeneração de plantas. As condições de biobalística analisadas incluíram a região promotora regulando a expressão de gusA, tipo e pressão de gás hélio de dois aparelhos de bombardeamento, distância de migração das partículas, número de tiros e a realização de pré e pós-tratamento osmótico dos tecidos-alvo. No presente trabalho foram obtidos um número bastante alto de pontos azuis por calo, a indução de calos embriogênicos e embriões somáticos em uma freqüência de até 58,3% e a regeneração de 60 plantas, sendo 43 de calos bombardeados. As melhores condições observadas foram o promotor e primeiro íntron do gene Adh de milho (plasmídeo pNGI), o aparelho de bombardeamento “ Particle Inflow Gun” (PIG) utilizando-se a distância de migração de partículas de 14,8 cm, dois tiros disparados por placa e a realização de tratamento osmótico dos explantes com 0,2 M de manitol e 0,2 M de sorbitol 4-5 horas antes e 17-19 horas depois dos bombardeamentos. Das 43 plantas obtidas de calos bombardeadas, 3 apresentaram atividade de GUS na base das suas folhas. A utilização de primers sintéticos definidos a partir de genes de quitinases descritos na literatura em PCRs resultou na amplificação de dois fragmentos de aproximadamente 700 e 500 pb a partir de DNA total das cvs. MN-599 e MN-698 de cevada e um fragmento, com aproximadamente 500 pb, a partir do DNA total do isolado A4c de Trichoderma sp. Estes fragmentos foram purificados dos géis de agarose e diretamente seqüenciados de forma manual e automática. Os fragmentos de 700 e 500 pb amplificados do genoma da cultivar MN-599 foram identificados como genes de quitinases de cevada e o fragmento de 500 pb do isolado A4c de Trichoderma sp. não apresentou homologia com seqüências conhecidas de quitinases depositadas no EMBL/GenBank. A utilização de novos pares de primers, representando seqüências conservadas de quitinases do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae, resultou na amplificação de 3 fragmentos a partir do DNA total do isolado A4b de Trichoderma sp., que estão sendo purificados para realização de seqüenciamento.
A preparation, enriched with malate dehydrogenase (MDH), alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), glycerol -3- P dehydrogenase (GPDH) and glycerol kinase (GK), was obtained from dry baker's yeast. This preparation was used to assay glycerol, ethanol and malate measuring the variations in absorbance (NADH formation) at 340 nm. Good degrees of recoveries were obtained when glycerol was added to red wine and fermenting sugar-cane juice and when L-malate was added to commercial apple juice samples. Good results were also obtained when ethanol was assayed in fermented sugar-cane juice and wine samples, using both the partially purified preparation obtained from dry yeast and a purified commercial alcohol dehydrogenase.
The extreme use of ethanol causes metabolic and pathologic changes in testes and urogenital system in different animal species. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) catalyses the conversion of ethanol into carcinogenic metabolite acetaldehyde which is partly excreted into the urine. However, papers relating the chronic ethanol consumption to the urethral morphology are unknown. This work evaluates the toxic effect of the chronic ethanol ingestion on the urethral epithelium of UChA and UChB rats. Conventional techniques of histology, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural analysis were used. The analysis showed the presence of lipid drops and intercellular spaces in the epithelial cells in the urethra of UChA and UChB rats compared to control rats. Urethral neuroendocrine cell were observed and characterized for presenting vesicles containing electron-dense granules associated with nervous fibers. We conclude that the chronic consumption of ethanol induces the presence lipid drops in the epithelial cells of the urethra of UChA and UChB rats. The NE cells of the urethra of UChA and UChB rats did not show alterations under chronic effect of the ethanol. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Various molecular systems are available for epidemiological, genetic, evolutionary, taxonomic and systematic studies of innumerable fungal infections, especially those caused by the opportunistic pathogen C. albicans. A total of 75 independent oral isolates were selected in order to compare Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis (MLEE), Electrophoretic Karyotyping (EK) and Microsatellite Markers (Simple Sequence Repeats - SSRs), in their abilities to differentiate and group C. albicans isolates (discriminatory power), and also, to evaluate the concordance and similarity of the groups of strains determined by cluster analysis for each fingerprinting method. Isoenzyme typing was performed using eleven enzyme systems: Adh, Sdh, M1p, Mdh, Idh, Gdh, G6pdh, Asd, Cat, Po, and Lap (data previously published). The EK method consisted of chromosomal DNA separation by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis using a CHEF system. The microsatellite markers were investigated by PCR using three polymorphic loci: EF3, CDC3, and HIS3. Dendrograms were generated by the SAHN method and UPGMA algorithm based on similarity matrices (S(SM)). The discriminatory power of the three methods was over 95%, however a paired analysis among them showed a parity of 19.7-22.4% in the identification of strains. Weak correlation was also observed among the genetic similarity matrices (S(SM)(MLEE) x S(SM)(EK) x S(SM)(SSRs)). Clustering analyses showed a mean of 9 +/- 12.4 isolates per cluster (3.8 +/- 8 isolates/taxon) for MLEE, 6.2 +/- 4.9 isolates per cluster (4 +/- 4.5 isolates/taxon) for SSRs, and 4.1 +/- 2.3 isolates per cluster (2.6 +/- 2.3 isolates/taxon) for EK. A total of 45 (13%), 39(11.2%), 5 (1.4%) and 3 (0.9%) clusters pairs from 347 showed similarity (Si) of 0.1-10%, 10.1-20%, 20.1-30% and 30.1-40%, respectively. Clinical and molecular epidemiological correlation involving the opportunistic pathogen C. albicans may be attributed dependently of each method of genotyping (i.e., MLEE, EK, and SSRs) supplemented with similarity and grouping analysis. Therefore, the use of genotyping systems that give results which offer minimum disparity, or the combination of the results of these systems, can provide greater security and consistency in the determination of strains and their genetic relationships. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Quantitative data from gene expression experiments are often normalized by transcription levels of reference or housekeeping genes. An inherent assumption for their use is that the expression of these genes is highly uniform in living organisms during various phases of development, in different cell types and under diverse environmental conditions. To date, the validation of reference genes in plants has received very little attention and suitable reference genes have not been defined for a great number of crop species including Coffea arabica. The aim of the research reported herein was to compare the relative expression of a set of potential reference genes across different types of tissue/organ samples of coffee. We also validated the expression profiles of the selected reference genes at various stages of development and under a specific biotic stress.Results: The expression levels of five frequently used housekeeping genes (reference genes), namely alcohol dehydrogenase (adh), 14-3-3, polyubiquitin (poly), beta-actin (actin) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) was assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR over a set of five tissue/organ samples (root, stem, leaf, flower, and fruits) of Coffea arabica plants. In addition to these commonly used internal controls, three other genes encoding a cysteine proteinase (cys), a caffeine synthase (ccs) and the 60S ribosomal protein L7 (rpl7) were also tested. Their stability and suitability as reference genes were validated by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper programs. The obtained results revealed significantly variable expression levels of all reference genes analyzed, with the exception of gapdh, which showed no significant changes in expression among the investigated experimental conditions.Conclusion: Our data suggests that the expression of housekeeping genes is not completely stable in coffee. Based on our results, gapdh, followed by 14-3-3 and rpl7 were found to be homogeneously expressed and are therefore adequate for normalization purposes, showing equivalent transcript levels in different tissue/ organ samples. Gapdh is therefore the recommended reference gene for measuring gene expression in Coffea arabica. Its use will enable more accurate and reliable normalization of tissue/organ-specific gene expression studies in this important cherry crop plant.
Neoplecostomus paranensis Langeam, 1990, from the upper Rio Parana, is the only Neoplecostomus species described in this basin and is distinguished from its congeners by the lack or reduction of the adipose fin. Neoplecostomus specimens with a normal and always present adipose fin were caught in the Rio Corumba, upper Rio Parana basin. In the present study two samples of populations, one from a tributary of Rio Paranapanema (identified as a typical N. paranensis) and the other from the Rio Corumba were compared through allozyme electrophoresis. Six diagnostic loci were found, Acp-A, Adh-A, Est-A, Gpi-A, Ldh-A and Ldh-B. In addition, the locus Gpi-B showed significant differences between allelic frequencies for the two samples. Nei's genetic identity between the populations was 0.731. The expressive genetic divergence together with the presence of an adipose fin show that the sample from the Rio Corumba is distinct from N. paranensis and probably represents a new species. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
We studied the occurrence of O-type P elements in at least one species of each subgroup of the saltans group, in order to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among the elements within the saltans group and with those of species belonging to the willistoni group. We found that the O-type subfamily has a patchy distribution within the saltans group (it does not occur in D. neocordata and D. emarginata), low sequence divergence among species of the saltans group as well as in relation to species of the willistoni group, a lower rate of synonymous substitution for coding sequences compared to Adh, and phylogenetic incongruities. These findings suggest that the evolutionary history of the O-type subfamily within the saltans and willistoni groups follows the same model proposed for the canonical subfamily of P elements, i.e., events of horizontal transfer between species of the saltans and willistoni groups.
In this study the Minos element was analyzed in 26 species of the repleta group and seven species of the saltans group of the genus Drosophila. The PCR and Southern blot analysis showed a wide occurrence of the Minos transposable element among species of the repleta and the saltans groups and also a low number of insertions in both genomes. Three different analyses, nucleotide divergence, historical associations, and comparisons between substitution rates (d(N) and d(S)) of Minos and Adh host gene sequences, suggest the occurrence of horizontal transfer between repleta and saltans species. These data reinforce and extend the Arca and Savakis [Genetica 108 (2000) 263] results and suggest five events of horizontal transfer to explain the present Minos distribution: between D. saltans and the ancestor of the mulleri and the mojavensis clusters; between D. hydei and the ancestor of the mulleri and the mojavensis clusters; between D. mojavensis and D. aldrichi; between D. buzzatii and D. serido; and between D. spenceri and D. emarginata. An alternative explanation would be that repeated events of horizontal transfer involving D. hydei, which is a cosmopolitan species that diverged from the others repleta species as long as 14 Mya, could have spread Minos within the repleta group and to D. saltans. The data presented in this article support a model in which distribution of Minos transposon among Drosophila species is determined by horizontal transmission balanced by vertical inactivation and extinction. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Cuphea mesostemon specie, known as sete-sangrias, is widely used as a diuretic substance in popular medicine. As the toad urinary bladder is an epithelium analogous to the distal nephron of mammals, it is used in order to study the transport water and electrolytes in many laboratories. This preparation permits excellent observation in water flow, from the urinary bladder lumen to the external side or the serosal one (water re-absorption), by means of gravimetrical measures. In the present work the hydrosmotic effect of aqueous extract (AE) of sete-sangrias leaf was studied. A 20% solution was added to the serosal side (S) of the bladder preparation, and the water flow was measured every 15 minutes after that. The results showed that 4mL of AE in the S side, increased the JH20 in a significant manner (p<0,05). This effect had a dose - response shape, with the volumes of 0,2mL, 0,4mL and 0,8mL of AE in the S bath. The hydro-osmotic effect of the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) was studied as well and a significant stimulation (p<0,05) in the JH2O was observed with the magnitude of 150%. The AE effect was similar to the ADH one, and was not antagonized by this hormone. We concluded that Cuphea possesses an anti-diuretic activity similar to that presented by ADH, in toad urinary bladder, in vitro.
Up to now, investigations of expression and regulation of P transposable element have been almost exclusively carried out with the Drosophila melanogaster canonical P element. Analyzing eight species of the saltans group, we detected transposase mRNA in germline tissues of D. saltans and D. prosaltans and repressor mRNA in somatic tissues of D. saltans and D. sturtevanti. Sequencing analysis suggested that these transcripts might belong to the canonical subfamily and that they can be transpositionally active only in D. saltans. dN and dS values of Adh and the P element suggested that the sequences found in D. saltans and D. prosaltans might have been present in the ancestor of the saltans subgroup and that the sequence found in D. sturtevanti might have been horizontally transferred from D. saltans.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR