995 resultados para A-10 cells


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IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 have been shown to exert a range of similar immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-mediated models of autoimmune inflammatory disease. In this study we sought to translate some of our previous findings in murine systems to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their immunoregulatory effects. We demonstrate that human IL-27 upregulates IL-10 in T cell-activated PBMC cultures and that IFN-ß drives IL-27 production in activated monocytes. IFN-ß-driven IL-27 is responsible for the upregulation of IL-10, but not IL-17 suppression, by IFN-ß in human PBMCs. Surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of IL-17 by either IL-27 or IFN-ß in this model or in de novo differentiating Th17 cells, nor is IL-27 signaling required for the suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by IFN-ß in vivo. Furthermore, and even more surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27, in sharp contrast to Th1-biased EAE. In conclusion, IFN-ß and IL-27 both induce human IL-10, both suppress human Th17 responses, and both suppress murine EAE. However, IL-27 signaling is not required for the therapeutic effect of IFN-ß in EAE. Suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27 is IL-10-independent, in contrast to its mechanism of action in Th1-biased EAE. Taken together, these findings delineate a complex set of interdependent and independent immunoregulatory mechanisms of IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 in human experimental models and in murine Th1- and Th17-driven autoimmunity.


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The surface marker CD44 has been identified as one of several markers associated with cancer stem cells (CSC) in solid tumors, but its ubiquitous expression in many cell types, including hematopoietic cells, has hindered its use in targeting CSCs. In this study, 28 paired primary tumor and adjacent nontumor gastric tissue samples were analyzed for cell surface protein expression. Cells that expressed pan-CD44 were found to occur at significantly higher frequency in gastric tumor tissues. We identified CD44v8-10 as the predominant CD44 variant expressed in gastric cancer cells and verified its role as a gastric CSC marker by limiting dilution and serial transplantation assays. Parallel experiments using CD133 failed to enrich for gastric CSCs. Analyses of another 26 primary samples showed significant CD44v8-10 upregulation in gastric tumor sites. Exogenous expression of CD44v8-10 but not CD44 standard (CD44s) increased the frequency of tumor initiation in immunocompromised mice. Reciprocal silencing of total CD44 resulted in reduced tumor-initiating potential of gastric cancer cells that could be rescued by CD44v8-10 but not CD44s expression. Our findings provide important functional evidence that CD44v8-10 marks human gastric CSCs and contributes to tumor initiation, possibly through enhancing oxidative stress defense. In addition, we showed that CD44v8-10 expression is low in normal tissues. Because CD44 also marks CSCs of numerous human cancers, many of which may also overexpress CD44v8-10, CD44v8-10 may provide an avenue to target CSCs in other human cancers.


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Les maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV), telles que l’hypertension et l’athérosclérose, s’accompagnent de modifications structurales et fonctionnelles au niveau vasculaire. Un fonctionnement aberrant de la migration, l’hypertrophie et la prolifération des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) sont des évènements cellulaires à l’origine de ces changements. L’endothéline-1 (ET-1) contribue à la pathogénèse des anomalies vasculaires, notamment via l’activation des protéines MAPK et PI3-K/PKB, des composantes clés impliquées dans les voies prolifératives et de croissance cellulaires. Il a été suggéré que le stress oxydant jouerait un rôle intermédiaire dans les effets pathophysiologiques vasculaires de l’ET-1. En conséquence, une modulation de la signalisation induite par l’ET-1 peut servir comme éventuelle stratégie thérapeutique contre le développement des MCV. Il apparaît de nos jours un regain d’intérêt dans l’utilisation des agents phyto-chimiques pour traiter plusieurs maladies. La curcumine, constituant essentiel de l’épice curcuma, est dotée de plusieurs propriétés biologiques parmi lesquelles des propriétés anti-oxydantes, anti-prolifératrices et cardio-protectrices. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires de son effet cardio-protecteur demeurent obscurs. Dans cette optique, l’objectif de cette étude a été d’examiner l’efficacité de la curcumine à inhiber la signalisation induite par l’ET-1 dans les CMLV. La curcumine a inhibé la phosphorylation des protéines IGF-1R, PKB, c-Raf et ERK1/2, induite par l’ET-1 et l’IGF-1. De plus, la curcumine a inhibé l’expression du facteur de transcription Egr-1 induite par l’ET-1 et l’IGF-1, dans les CMLV. Ces résultats suggèrent que la capacité de la curcumine à atténuer ces voies de signalisation serait un mécanisme d’action potentiel de ses effets protecteurs au niveau cardiovasculaire.


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Epidemiological studies have shown that ingestion of isoflavone-rich soy products is associated with a reduced risk for the development of breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis that genistein modulates the expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in human breast cells, thus conferring protection towards genotoxic carcinogens which are GST substrates. Our approach was to use human mammary cell lines MCF-10A and MCF-7 as models for non-neoplastic and neoplastic epithelial breast cells, respectively. MCF-10A cells expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4, hGSTM1-1 and hGSTP1-1 proteins, but not hGSTM2-2. In contrast, MCF-7 cells only marginally expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4 and hGSTM1-1. Concordant to the protein expression, the hGSTA4 and hGSTP1 mRNA expression was higher in the non-neoplastic cell line. Exposure to genistein significantly increased hGSTP1 mRNA (2.3-fold), hGSTP1-1 protein levels (3.1-fold), GST catalytic activity (4.7-fold) and intracellular glutathione concentrations (1.4-fold) in MCF-10A cells, whereas no effects were observed on GST expression or glutathione concentrations in MCF-7 cells. Preincubation of MCF-10A cells with genistein decreased the extent of DNA damage by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (150 mu M) and benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (50 mu M), compounds readily detoxified by hGSTA4-4 and hGSTP1-1. In conclusion, genistein pretreatment protects non-neoplastic mammary cells from certain carcinogens that are detoxified by GSTs, suggesting that dietary-mediated induction of GSTs may be a mechanism contributing to prevention against genotoxic injury in the aetiology of breast cancer.


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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an endogenous factor that restrains hepatic insulin resistance in diet-induced steatosis Reducing IL-10 expression increases proinflammatory activity in the steatotic liver and worsens insulin resistance As the transcriptional coactivator proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) plays a central role in dysfunctional hepatocytic activity in diet-induced steatosis, we hypothesized that at least part of the action of PGC-1 alpha could be mediated by reducing the transcription of the IL-10 gene Here, we used immunoblotting, real-time polymerase chain reaction, immunocytochemistry, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay to investigate the role of PGC-1 alpha in the control of IL-10 expression in hepatic cells First, we show that, in the intact steatotic liver, the expressions of IL-10 and PGC-1 alpha are increased Inhibiting PGC-1 alpha expression by antisense oligonucleotide increases IL-10 expression and reduces the steatotic phenotype. In cultured hepatocytes, the treatment with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids increased IL-10 expression. This was accompanied by increased association of PGC-1 alpha with c-Maf and p50-nuclear factor (NF) kappa B, 2 transcription factors known to modulate IL-10 expression In addition, after fatty acid treatment. PGC-1 alpha, c-Maf, and p50-NF kappa B migrate from the cytosol to the nuclei of hepatocytes and bind to the IL-10 promoter region Inhibiting NF kappa B activation with salicylate reduces IL-10 expression and the association of PGC-1 alpha with p50-NF kappa B Thus, PGC-1 alpha emerges as a potential transcriptional regulator of the inflammatory phenomenon taking place in the steatotic liver (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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Glucosamine has been previously shown to suppress cartilage aggrecan catabolism in explant cultures. We determined the effect of glucosamine on ADAMTS5 (a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease domain (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type-1 motifs 5), a major aggrecanase in osteoarthritis, and investigated a potential mechanism underlying the observed effects.

HEK293F and CHO-K1 cells transiently transfected with ADAMTS5 cDNA were treated with glucosamine or the related hexosamine mannosamine. Glucosamine effects on FURIN transcription were determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Effects on furin-mediated processing of ADAMTS5 zymogen, and aggrecan processing by glucosamine-treated cells, were determined by western blotting. Post-translational modification of furin and N-glycan deficient furin mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis was analyzed by western blotting, and the mutants were evaluated for their ADAMTS5 processing ability in furin-deficient CHO-RPE.40 cells.


Ten mM glucosamine and 5–10 mM mannosamine reduced excision of the ADAMTS5 propeptide, indicating interference with the propeptide excision mechanism, although mannosamine compromised cell viability at these doses. Although glucosamine had no effect on furin mRNA levels, western blot of furin from glucosamine-treated cells suggested altered post-translational modification. Glucosamine treatment led to decreased glycosylation of cellular furin, with reduced furin autoactivation as the consequence. Recombinant furin treated with peptide N-glycanase F had reduced activity against a synthetic peptide substrate. Indeed, site-directed mutagenesis of two furin N-glycosylation sites, Asn387 and Asn440, abrogated furin activation and this mutant was unable to rescue ADAMTS5 processing in furin-deficient cells.

Ten mM glucosamine reduces excision of the ADAMTS5 propeptide via interference with post-translational modification of furin and leads to reduced aggrecanase activity of ADAMTS5.


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The present study aimed to estimate the number of CD8(+) T and natural killer (NK) infiltrating cells and the expression of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1) in chemically induced neoplasms in an initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were treated with N-nitrosodiethylamine, N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine, dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine, and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine for 4 weeks. Two groups were subsequently exposed through diet to phenobarbital (0.05%) or 2-acetylaminofluorene (0.01%) for 25 weeks. An untreated group was used as a control. Immune cells and cytokines were immunohistochemically evaluated in neoplasms and in surrounding normal tissues at the liver, kidneys, lung, and small and large intestines. When compared to the respective normal tissues, an increased number of NK cells was verified infiltrating the colon, lung, and kidney neoplasms, while the number of CD8+ T cells decreased in the intestine and lung neoplasms. Expression of IL-10 was found mainly in kidney tumors. TGF-beta1 was expressed mainly in the liver and kidneys tumors. The results indicate that the differential occurrence of immune cells between neoplastic and normal tissues could be dependent upon tumor microenvironment.


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As demonstrated previously in our laboratory, B-1 cells migrate from the peritoneal cavity of mice and home to a distant site of inflammation to become macrophage-like cells. However, the influence that these cells might have on the kinetics and fate of the inflammatory process is not known. Considering that macrophages are pivotal in the inflammatory reaction, we decided to investigate the possible influence B-1 cells could have on macrophage activities in vitro. Our results show that peritoneal macrophages from Xid mice, a mouse strain deprived of B-1 cells, have higher phagocytic indexes for zymozan particles when compared with macrophages from wild-type mice. Moreover, macrophages from wild-type mice have a lower ability to release nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide when compared with macrophages from Xid mice. Experiments using cocultures of B-1 cells and macrophages from Xid mice in transwell plates demonstrated that B-1 cells down-regulate macrophage activities. These observations also indicate that this phenomenon is not due to a physical interaction between these two cell populations. As B-1 cells are one of the main sources of interleukin (IL)-10, we demonstrate in this study that adherent peritoneal cells from Xid mice produce significantly less amounts of this cytokine in culture when compared with IL-10 production by cells from wild-type mice. When B-1 cells from IL-10 knock-out mice and macrophages from wild-type mice were cocultured in transwell plates, the phagocytic index of macrophages was not altered demonstrating that B-1 cells can influence the effector functions of macrophages in vitro via IL-10 secretion.


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Background. Tooth bleaching has been widely studied, mainly due to the possible undesirable effects that can be caused by this esthetic procedure. The cytotoxicity of the bleaching agents and its components to pulp cells has been demonstrated in several researches. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic effects of successive applications of 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel on odontoblast-like cells. Materials and methods. Enamel-dentin discs obtained from bovine incisors were adapted to artificial pulp chambers (APCs). The groups were formed as follows: G1: Without treatment (control group); G2: 10% carbamide peroxide, CP (five applications/one per day); G3: 10% CP (one unique application); and G4: 35% hydrogen peroxide, HP (three applications of 15 min each). After treatment, cell metabolism (MTT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and plasma membrane damage (flow cytometry) were analyzed. Results. Reductions in cell metabolism and alkaline phosphatase activity along with severe damage of the cytoplasmic membrane were noted in G2. In G3, no damage was observed, compared to the control group. Intermediary values of toxicity were obtained after 35% HP application. Conclusion. It can be concluded that one application of 10% CP did not cause toxic effects in odontoblast-like cells, but the successive application of this product promoted severe cytotoxic effects. The daily application of the bleaching agents, such as used in the at-home bleaching technique, can increase the damages caused by this treatment to the dental pulp cells. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. METHODS: Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated during the preoperative and late postoperative periods were stimulated with concanavalin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin, and the supernatant concentrations of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 were measured. RESULTS: For non-stimulated cultures, the interferon-gamma levels produced by the preoperative period and the late postoperative period cultures were lower than the levels produced by the control group cultures. The interferon-gamma levels after stimulation with concanavalin A were higher in the late postoperative period cultures than in the preoperative evaluation cultures. Stimulation with Bacille Calmette-Guerin led to the production of similar levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by all cultures; thus, stimulation increased the levels of interferon-gamma produced by both the preoperative and postoperative cultures relative to the levels produced by the corresponding unstimulated cultures. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer exhibit an in vitro deficiency in interferongamma secretion by mononuclear cells. Stimulated cells seem to recover this function during the postoperative period.


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Vaccination with peptide 10 (P10), derived from the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis glycoprotein 43 (gp43), induces a Th1 response that protects mice in an intratracheal P. brasiliensis infection model. Combining P10 with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or other adjuvants further increases the peptide's antifungal effect. Since dendritic cells (DCs) are up to 1,000-fold more efficient at activating T cells than CFA, we examined the impact of P10-primed bone-marrow-derived DC vaccination in mice. Splenocytes from mice immunized with P10 were stimulated in vitro with P10 or P10-primed DCs. T cell proliferation was significantly increased in the presence of P10-primed DCs compared to the peptide. The protective efficacy of P10-primed DCs was studied in an intratracheal P. brasiliensis model in BALB/c mice. Administration of P10-primed DCs prior to (via subcutaneous vaccination) or weeks after (via either subcutaneous or intravenous injection) P. brasiliensis infection decreased pulmonary damage and significantly reduced fungal burdens. The protective response mediated by the injection of primed DCs was characterized mainly by an increased production of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and interleukin 12 (IL-12) and a reduction in IL-10 and IL-4 compared to those of infected mice that received saline or unprimed DCs. Hence, our data demonstrate the potential of P10-primed DCs as a vaccine capable of both the rapid protection against the development of serious paracoccidioidomycosis or the treatment of established P. brasiliensis disease.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. METHODS: Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated during the preoperative and late postoperative periods were stimulated with concanavalin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin, and the supernatant concentrations of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 were measured. RESULTS: For non-stimulated cultures, the interferon-gamma levels produced by the preoperative period and the late postoperative period cultures were lower than the levels produced by the control group cultures. The interferon-gamma levels after stimulation with concanavalin A were higher in the late postoperative period cultures than in the preoperative evaluation cultures. Stimulation with Bacille Calmette-Guerin led to the production of similar levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by all cultures; thus, stimulation increased the levels of interferon-gamma produced by both the preoperative and postoperative cultures relative to the levels produced by the corresponding unstimulated cultures. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer exhibit an in vitro deficiency in interferongamma secretion by mononuclear cells. Stimulated cells seem to recover this function during the postoperative period.


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Activation of the platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) in macrophages is associated with suppressor phenotype. Here, we investigated the PAFR in murine dendritic cells (DC). Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BALB/c) were cultured with GM-CSF and maturation was induced by LPS. The PAFR antagonists (WEB2086, WEB2170, PCA4248) and the prostaglandin (PG) synthesis inhibitors (indomethacin, nimesulide and NS-398) were added before LPS. Mature and immature DCs expressed PAFR. LPS increased MHCII, CD40, CD80, CD86, CCR7 and induced IL-10, IL-12, COX-2 and PGE2 expression. IL-10, COX-2 and PGE2 levels were reduced by PAFR antagonists and increased by cPAF. The IL-10 production was independent of PGs. Mature DCs induced antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferation. PAFR antagonists or PG-synthesis inhibitors significantly increased lymphocyte proliferation. It is proposed that PAF has a central role in regulatory DC differentiation through potentiation of IL-10 and PGE2 production.