1000 resultados para 89-585A


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O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos na separação do estrôncio do cálcio, pelo uso de uma solução de NH4- EDTA, com pH entre os valores 4,8 e 5,3, passando através de uma coluna de resina trocadora de cátions. Assim, 200 ml de uma solução a 2,5% de NH4- EDTA com pH = 4,8 e contendo 0,36 mg de estrôncio e 199,2 mg de cálcio (o que dá uma relação de 1 de Sr para 553 de Ca) foram passados através de uma coluna de 25 a 28 ml de resina trocadora de cátions Amberlite IR - 120 (H+) prèviamente preparada. O estrôncio ficou retido na coluna e o cálcio continuou na solução que passou. Depois de passar solução de NH4- EDTA com pH 5,3 e solução de HCl de 0,25 a 0,75 N, o estrôncio foi eluido com solução 3N de HCl. Como empregou-se estrôncio radioativo Sr-89, esse ion foi determinado por radiometria, para se conhecer a eficiência da separação. O cálcio foi determinado pelo método permanganométrico em solução de NH4- EDTA após a eliminação do agente quelante. Os dados obtidos mostraram que houve uma separação muito eficiente, indicada pela porcentagem de recuperação do estrôncio qu efoi de 97,7, 97,0 e 98,6% ao passo que a recuperação do cálcio foi de 100,0, 99,9 e 99,7%.


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L’objecte de la recerca és analitzar l’aplicació a Catalunya de la mesura d’expulsió prevista a l’article 89 del Codi penal en el cas de les dones penades, fer-ne la valoració corresponent i, si s’escau, plantejar alternatives d’actuació. La recerca constata les dificultats d’aplicació del principi constitucional de reinserció i d’altres de previstos a la legislació penitenciària en relació amb el col•lectiu de penats estrangers en situació irregular. La pràctica penitenciària observada a Catalunya en els darrers anys ha fet una aposta clara per l’acolliment dels penats estrangers en el territori, en general, amb independència de la seva situació administrativa. Aquesta pràctica ha generat una important expectativa de romandre en el territori per part de bona part d’aquests penats. Per la seva banda, els jutges i tribunals han obviat en general i sota diversos arguments i fonaments el mandat del legislador en les diverses ocasions en què aquest ha fet l’aposta per l’expulsió dels penats estrangers en situació irregular. Aquesta posició oficial majoritària contrària a l’expulsió ha coincidit plenament amb el desig de la majoria de la població reclusa estrangera clarament contrària a la seva expulsió. Les diverses opcions legals que poden implicar el retorn del penat al seu país de residència resulten estranyament aplicades per part dels tribunals i en menor mesura per la mateixa Administració penitenciària. Aquesta no-actuació i la manca d’alternatives legals provoquen situacions divergents de caràcter negatiu que atempten clarament contra el principi d’igualtat, contra la finalitat reinsertadora de les penes i poden resultar generadores d’inseguretat pública. Conscients i coneixedors de les dificultats actuals, els autors estableixen diverses vies d’actuació en la línia de superar aquesta situació. Es proposa una reforma en profunditat de l’art. 89 del Codi penal i s’obre la via favorable a l’establiment d’una nova llibertat condicional per a penats estrangers en situació irregular i que han assolit el compliment de la meitat de la pena privativa imposada.


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En los últimos años se constata el difícil ensamblaje del colectivo de penados extranjeros en situación irregular dentro del actual marco penal-penitenciario. El instrumento consistente en sustituir en estos casos la pena por la expulsión ha resultado un fracaso. Resulta necesario buscar alternativas.


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Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.


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Interest in the use of ground rubber from used tires as a hot asphalt mix binder has been increasing due to the magnitude of the disposal problem posed by the annual addition of millions of waste tires to the refuse stream. This study evaluates, through laboratory means, the performance of asphalt-rubber as a hot mix binder as compared to conventional asphalt. The results indicate that asphalt-rubber outperforms its base asphalt in mixes of identical gradation and comparable void content on tests that are heavily dependent on binder characteristics (resilient modulus and indirect tension). An appreciable increase in rut resistance due to the use of asphalt-rubber is not indicated.


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The penetration of chloride ions from deicing salts into the portland cement concrete of bridge decks can cause corrosion and serious damage to the reinforcing steel. Concrete properties which prevent chloride penetration into the bridge deck and provide a good structural and economic wearing surface are desirable. A variety of mix designs have been tried in the past in search of improved performance and lower costs for bridge deck overlay concrete. A group of mixes with various designs have been tested in this project and results are being compared to determine which concrete mix appears to be the most cost effective and resistant to chloride penetration for bridge deck overlay use.


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In recent years the Iowa Department of Transportation has shifted emphasis from the construction of new roads to the maintenance and preservation of existing highways. A need has developed for evaluating pavements structurally to select the correct rehabilitation strategy and to properly design a pavement overlay if necessary. Road Rater non-destructive testing has fulfilled this need and has been used successfully to evaluate pavement and subgrade conditions and to design asphaltic concrete overlays and portland cement concrete overlays. The Iowa Road Rater Design Method has been simplified so that it may be easily understood and used by various individuals who are involved in pavement restoration and management. Road Rater evaluation techniques have worked well to date and have been verified by pavement coring, soils sampling and testing. Void detection testing has also been performed, and results indicate that the Road Rater can be used to locate pavement voids and that Road Rater evaluation techniques are reasonably accurate. The success of Road Rater research and development has made dynamic deflection test data an important pavement management input.


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Crack formation has been a problem on some recently constructed bridges in Iowa. Drying shrinkage has been considered a contributing factor in that cracking. The study was undertaken to evaluate some of those material properties that contribute to the magnitude of drying shrinkage. Cement content, cement composition, fly ash and retarding admixture were the factors studied. Concrete prisms were cast for seven mixes and, after curing, were exposed to 100 deg F heat at ambient humidity for 280 days. The following were observed from the testing: (1) Higher C3A content cement concrete produced larger shrinkage; (2) Use of fly ash increased shrinkage; (3) Use of retarder increased shrinkage; and (4) Lowering the cement content reduced the shrinkage.


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AASHTO has a standard test method for determining the specific gravity of aggregates. The people in the Aggregate Section of the Central Materials Laboratory perform the AASHTO T-85 test for AMRL inspections and reference samples. Iowa's test method 201B, for specific gravity determinations, requires more time and more care to perform than the AASHTO procedure. The major difference between the two procedures is that T-85 requires the sample to be weighed in water and 201B requires the 2 quart pycnometer jar. Efficiency in the Central Laboratory would be increased if the AASHTO procedure for coarse aggregate specific gravity determinations was adopted. The questions to be answered were: (1) Do the two procedures yield the same test results? (2) Do the two procedures yield the same precision? An experiment was conducted to study the different test methods. From the experimental results, specific gravity determinations by AASHTO T-85 method were found to correlate to those obtained by the Iowa 201B method with an R-squared value of 0.99. The absorption values correlated with an R-squared value of 0.98. The single operator precision was equivalent for the two methods. Hence, this procedure was recommended to be adopted in the Central Laboratory.