994 resultados para 835


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Searches for heavy long-lived charged particles are performed using a data sample of 19.8 fb−1 from proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess is observed above the estimated background and limits are placed on the mass of long-lived particles in various supersymmetric models. Long-lived tau sleptons in models with gauge-mediated symmetry breaking are excluded up to masses between 440 and 385 GeV for tan(beta) between 10 and 50, with a 290 GeV limit in the case where only direct tau slepton production is considered. In the context of simplified LeptoSUSY models, where sleptons are stable and have a mass of 300 GeV, squark and gluino masses are excluded up to a mass of 1500 and 1360 GeV, respectively. Directly produced charginos, in simplified models where they are nearly degenerate to the lightest neutralino, are excluded up to a mass of 620 GeV. R-hadrons, composites containing a gluino, bottom squark or top squark, are excluded up to a mass of 1270, 845 and 900 GeV, respectively, using the full detector; and up to a mass of 1260, 835 and 870 GeV using an approach disregarding information from the muon spectrometer.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo agrupar espécies com características de teor de umidade e densidade básica da madeira semelhantes para compor cargas mistas de espécies para secagem em câmaras industriais de secagem da madeira. Foram amostradas nove espécies em floresta de terra firme na Amazônia Central com três repetições por espécie. Em todas as espécies os teores de umidade não diferiram entre base e topo do tronco, o que confere estabilidade da madeira durante o processo de secagem. Os valores de densidade básica variaram de 0,561 a 0,904 g cm-3. A partir do presente estudo foi possível separar as espécies em três grupos com base na densidade básica e teor de umidade, o primeiro com as espécies Minquartia guianensis, Lecythis poiteaui, Mezilaurus itauba, Manilkara huberi e Brosimum rubescens que são consideradas madeiras pesadas (densidade variando de 0,835 a 0,904 g cm-3) , de secagem mais lenta ou difícil. O segundo grupo contem as espécies Clarisia racemosa e Ocotea rubra (densidade média de 0,665 e 0,720 g cm-3, respectivamente) e o terceiro grupo com as espécies Parkia paraensis e Brasimum parinarioides que apresentam densidade média e secagem rápida (densidade de 0,561 e 0,588 g cm-3, respectivamente).


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FUNDAMENTO: No Brasil, a prevalência de hipertensão arterial (HA) e seus fatores de risco são pouco conhecidos nas regiões menos desenvolvidas. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da hipertensão arterial na população > 18 anos em São Luís - MA e fatores associados, de acordo com os critérios do Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC 7). MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal em São Luís - MA, de fevereiro a março de 2003, em 835 pessoas com idade > 18 anos que responderam a um questionário estruturado em domicílio. Foram medidos pressão arterial (PA), peso, altura e circunferência abdominal. Avaliaram-se outros fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular. Na identificação dos fatores associados à HA foi utilizado o modelo de regressão de Poisson, com estimativa da razão de prevalências (RP) e seu respectivo intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: A idade variou entre 18 e 94 anos (média de 39,4 anos), sendo 293 (35,1%) pessoas normotensas e 313 (37,5%) pré-hipertensas. A prevalência de HA foi de 27,4% (IC95% 24,4% a 30,6%), maior no sexo masculino (32,1%) que no feminino (24,2%). Na análise ajustada permaneceram independentemente associados à HA: sexo masculino (RP 1,52 IC95% 1,25-1,84), idade > 30 anos, sendo RP=6,65, IC95% 4,40-10,05 para idade > 60 anos, sobrepeso (RP 2,09 IC95% 1,64-2,68), obesidade (RP 2,68 IC95% 2,03-3,53) e diabete (RP 1,56 IC95% 1,24-1,97). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de controle do sobrepeso, obesidade e diabete, sobretudo em mulheres e pessoas com idade maior ou igual a 30 anos para a redução da prevalência da hipertensão arterial.


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Astrocytes, GFAP, glia, neonatal separation, medial prefrontal cortex, S100ß


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015


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Metabolic traits are molecular phenotypes that can drive clinical phenotypes and may predict disease progression. Here, we report results from a metabolome- and genome-wide association study on (1)H-NMR urine metabolic profiles. The study was conducted within an untargeted approach, employing a novel method for compound identification. From our discovery cohort of 835 Caucasian individuals who participated in the CoLaus study, we identified 139 suggestively significant (P<5×10(-8)) and independent associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and metabolome features. Fifty-six of these associations replicated in the TasteSensomics cohort, comprising 601 individuals from São Paulo of vastly diverse ethnic background. They correspond to eleven gene-metabolite associations, six of which had been previously identified in the urine metabolome and three in the serum metabolome. Our key novel findings are the associations of two SNPs with NMR spectral signatures pointing to fucose (rs492602, P = 6.9×10(-44)) and lysine (rs8101881, P = 1.2×10(-33)), respectively. Fine-mapping of the first locus pinpointed the FUT2 gene, which encodes a fucosyltransferase enzyme and has previously been associated with Crohn's disease. This implicates fucose as a potential prognostic disease marker, for which there is already published evidence from a mouse model. The second SNP lies within the SLC7A9 gene, rare mutations of which have been linked to severe kidney damage. The replication of previous associations and our new discoveries demonstrate the potential of untargeted metabolomics GWAS to robustly identify molecular disease markers.


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Until recently, the airways were thought to be sterile unless infected; however, a shift towards molecular methods for the quantification and sequencing of bacterial DNA has revealed that the airways harbour a unique steady-state microbiota. This paradigm shift is changing the way that respiratory research is approached, with a clear need now to consider the effects of host-microorganism interactions in both healthy and diseased lungs. We propose that akin to recent discoveries in intestinal research, dysbiosis of the airway microbiota could underlie susceptibility to, and progression and chronicity of lung disease. In this Opinion article, we summarize current knowledge of the airway microbiota and outline how host-microorganism interactions in the lungs and other tissues might influence respiratory health and disease.


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We describe the relation between two characterizations of conjugacy in groups of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms, discovered by Brin and Squier in [2] and Kassabov and Matucci in [5]. Thanks to the interplay between the techniques, we produce a simplified point of view of conjugacy that allows ua to easily recover centralizers and lends itself to generalization.


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We study comparative statics of manipulations by women in the men-proposing deferred acceptance mechanism in the two-sided one-to-one marriage market. We prove that if a group of women employs truncation strategies or weakly successfully manipulates, then all other women weakly benefit and all men are weakly harmed. We show that our results do not appropriately generalize to the many-to-one college admissions model.


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BACKGROUND: There is uncertain evidence of effectiveness of 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA) to induce and maintain response and remission of active Crohn's disease (CD), and weak evidence to support their use in post-operative CD. AIM: To assess the frequency and determinants of 5-ASA use in CD patients and to evaluate the physicians' perception of clinical response and side effects to 5-ASA. METHODS: Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort, which collects data since 2006 on a large sample of IBD patients, were analysed. Information from questionnaires regarding utilisation of treatments and perception of response to 5-ASA were evaluated. Logistic regression modelling was performed to identify factors associated with 5-ASA use. RESULTS: Of 1420 CD patients, 835 (59%) were ever treated with 5-ASA from diagnosis to latest follow-up. Disease duration >10 years and colonic location were both significantly associated with 5-ASA use. 5-ASA treatment was judged to be successful in 46% (378/825) of treatment episodes (physician global assessment). Side effects prompting stop of therapy were found in 12% (98/825) episodes in which 5-ASA had been stopped. CONCLUSIONS: 5-Aminosalicylates were frequently prescribed in patients with Crohn's disease in the Swiss IBD cohort. This observation stands in contrast to the scientific evidence demonstrating a very limited role of 5-ASA compounds in the treatment of Crohn's disease.


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La solució software desenvolupada en l'àmbit del projecte és una extensió per a gvSIG. Aquesta solució permet realitzar validacions topològiques per a xarxes d'aigua en aquesta plataforma. A més, el treball realitzat posa les bases per el desenvolupament d'eines de validació topològica de caràcter més general.


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BACKGROUND: Long-lasting food impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal occur frequently in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and harbor a risk for severe esophageal injuries. We evaluated whether treatment with swallowed topical corticosteroids is able to reduce the risk of occurrence of this complication. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Swiss EoE Cohort Study. Patients with yearly clinic visits, during which standardized assessment of symptoms, endoscopic, histologic, and laboratory findings was carried out, were included. RESULTS: A total of 206 patients (157 males) were analyzed. The median follow-up time was 5 years with a total of 703 visits (mean 3.41 visits/patient). During the follow-up period, 33 patients (16 % of the cohort) experienced 42 impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal. We evaluated the following factors regarding the outcome 'bolus impaction' by univariate logistic regression modeling: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.503, 95%-CI 0.255-0.993, P = 0.048), presence of EoE symptoms (OR 1.150, 95%-CI 0.4668-2.835, P = 0.761), esophageal stricture (OR 2.832, 95%-CI 1.508-5.321, P = 0.001), peak eosinophil count >10 eosinophils/HPF (OR 0.724, 95%-CI 0.324-1.621, P = 0.433), blood eosinophilia (OR 1.532, 95%-CI 0.569-4.118, P = 0.398), and esophageal dilation (OR 1.852, 95%-CI 1.034-3.755, P = 0.017). In the multivariate model, the following factors were significantly associated with bolus impaction: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.411, 95%-CI 0.203-0.835, P = 0.014) and esophageal stricture (OR 2.666, 95%-CI 1.259-5.645, P = 0.01). Increasing frequency of use of swallowed topical steroids was associated with a lower risk for bolus impactions. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of EoE with swallowed topical corticosteroids significantly reduces the risk for long-lasting bolus impactions.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud)