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Abstract Background: Truck driver sleepiness is a primary cause of vehicle accidents. Several causes are associated with sleepiness in truck drivers. Obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are associated with sleep disorders and with primary risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We analyzed the relationship between these conditions and prevalence of sleepiness in truck drivers. Methods: We analyzed the major risk factors for CVD, anthropometric data and sleep disorders in 2228 male truck drivers from 148 road stops made by the Federal Highway Police from 2006 to 2011. Alcohol consumption, illicit drugs and overtime working hours were also analyzed. Sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Results: Mean age was 43.1 ± 10.8 years. From 2006 to 2011, an increase in neck (p = 0.011) and abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), triglyceride plasma levels (p = 0.014), and sleepiness was observed (p < 0.001). In addition, a reduction in hypertension (39.6% to 25.9%, p < 0.001), alcohol consumption (32% to 23%, p = 0.033) and overtime hours (52.2% to 42.8%, p < 0.001) was found. Linear regression analysis showed that sleepiness correlated closely with body mass index (β = 0.19, Raj2 = 0.659, p = 0.031), abdominal circumference (β = 0.24, Raj2 = 0.826, p = 0.021), hypertension (β = -0.62, Raj2 = 0.901, p = 0.002), and triglycerides (β = 0.34, Raj2 = 0.936, p = 0.022). Linear multiple regression indicated that hypertension (p = 0.008) and abdominal circumference (p = 0.025) are independent variables for sleepiness. Conclusions: Increased prevalence of sleepiness was associated with major components of the MetS.
No presente trabalho foram isoladas, e estudadas quanto à produção de aflatoxina, espécies do gênero Aspergillus, principalmente as linhagens de A. flavus ocorrentes na região Araraquarense. o isolamento, seguindo métodos usuais em microbiologia, foram executados em amostras de amendoim, provenientes de duas épocas do ano, ou seja, da safra das «águas» e da safra da «seca». Após o isolamento as culturas foram classificadas. Dessa classificação pôde-se obter: 102 culturas de A. flavus; 4 culturas de A. oryzae; var. effusus; 2 culturas de A. oryzae; 2 culturas de A. parasiticus e 1 cultura do Grupo A. ochraceus. Durante os trabalhos 4 culturas foram perdidas, dessa forma foram estudadas realmente 107 culturas. Todas as culturas, a seguir, foram estudadas para a verificação de sua habilidade em produzir aflatoxina. A extração da toxina foi feita no micélio e no meio de cultura, usando-se técnicas padrões. A separação dos metabólitos foi feita em placas de camada delgada de silicagel, usando-se como solvente o benzeno-acetato de etila-etnol e quantificadas sob luz ultra-violeta. Analisando-se as 107 culturas de Aspergillus, notou-se que apenas 33 delas (31%) produziram aflatoxina, sendo que destas, 4 produriram apenas no meio de cultura, enquanto que duas produziram aflatoxina apenas no micélio. Observando-se ainda o comportamento das culturas que produziram aflatoxina, verificou-se que a produção da toxina no micélio foi muito maior que no meio da cultura, algumas produzindo elevadas quantidades (até 400 ppm de B1 e 300 ppm de G1). 3) Uma percentagem razoável de amostras (65% na série A e 70% na série B) produziram aflatoxina em pelo menos uma das colônias isoladas. 4) Algumas colônias produziram elevada quantidade de aflatoxina, chegando a 400 ppm de Bi e 300 ppm de d. 5) Uma baixa proporção do total das colônias (31%) produziu aflatoxina. 6) Dentre as demais espécies de Aspergillus apenas uma colônia de A. oryzae produziu aflatoxina e mesmo assim, só no meio de cultura. 7) Não houve correlação entre a produção de aflatoxina no meio de cultura e no micélio (r = 0,027), porém houve uma correlação fortemente positiva entre a produção de aflatoxina Bx e Gx no meio de cultura (r = 0,988) e também no micélio (r = 0,826).
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
Since World War II there have been about fifty episodes of large-scale mass killings of civilians and massive forced displacements. They were usually meticulously planned and independent of military goals. We provide a model where conflict onset, conflict intensity and the decision to commit mass killings are all endogenous, with two main goals: (1) to identify the key variables and situations that make mass killings more likely to occur; and (2) to distinguish conditions under which mass killings and military conflict intensity reinforce each other from situations where they are substitute modes of strategic violence. We predict that mass killings are most likely in societies with large natural resources, significant proportionality constraints for rent sharing, low productivity and low state capacity. Further, massacres are more likely in a civil than in an interstate war, as in the latter group sizes matter less for future rents. In non polarized societies there are asymmetric equilibria with only the larger group wanting to engage in massacres. In such settings the smaller group compensates for this by fighting harder in the first place. In this case we can talk of mass killings and fighting efforts to be substitutes. In contrast, in polarized societies either both or none of the groups can be ready to do mass killings in case of victory. Under the "shadow of mass killings" groups fight harder. Hence, in this case massacres and fighting are complements. We also present novel empirical results on the role of natural resources in mass killings and on what kinds of ethnic groups are most likely to be victimized in massacres and forced resettlements, using group level panel data.
Antecedents: els cossos estranys en l'especialitat d'ORL en països en desenvolupament representen un important problema de salut pública. Objectius: caracteritzar el perfil dels pacients, identificar els cossos estranys i establir relacions entre ells. Metodologia: estudi descriptiu, retrospectiu, de 4.826 pacients amb cossos estranys durant un període ampli (1983-2009). Resultats: el 52.8% dels pacients van ser de sexe masculí i el 64.9% d'edat pediàtrica. Els objectes metàl•lics (24.5%) la localització a l'oïda (40.3%) van ser els més freqüents. Conclusions: es demostren evidències d'interès en salut pública i es proposen estratègies de prevenció i de control.
We tested the efficacy and safety of different combination therapies in hypertensive patients with uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) on a monotherapy with a calcium antagonist: 1,647 hypertensive patients were enrolled to receive placebo for 4 weeks followed by isradipine (ISR) 2.5 mg twice daily (b.i.d.) for 4 weeks. Nonresponders [diastolic BP (DBP) > 90 mm Hg] were randomly assigned to receive either the beta-blocker bopindolol 0.5 or 1 mg/day, the diuretic metolazone 1.25 or 2.5 mg/day, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor enalapril 10 or 20 mg/day, ISR 5 mg b.i.d., or placebo. One hundred seventy-five receiving placebo dropped out; 93% (n = 1,376) of the 1,472 patients finished 4-week monotherapy with ISR. Sixty percent (n = 826) reached target BP, and 40% (n = 550) remained uncontrolled and were randomized. Regardless of dosage, all drugs led to a comparable reduction in BP except for the lower dosage of bopindolol and ISR 5 mg b.i.d., which were less effective in lowering systolic BP (SBP). The BP decrease achieved by combination therapy ranged from 10 to 15 mm Hg SBP and from 7 to 11 mm Hg DBP but remained unchanged with placebo. Side effects were minor, and only 2.4% of patients discontinued therapy because of side effects. The side-effect score for edema was lower with ISR plus diuretics than with other combinations, whereas the ACE inhibitor was associated with a higher score for cough. Monotherapy with a calcium antagonist normalizes BP in about two-thirds of patients when used in general practice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Aquest treball crea una aplicació web per a la gestió del personal portuari de Barcelona.
Next-generation sequencing offers an unprecedented opportunity to jointly analyze cellular and viral transcriptional activity without prerequisite knowledge of the nature of the transcripts. SupT1 cells were infected with a vesicular stomatitis virus G envelope protein (VSV-G)-pseudotyped HIV vector. At 24 h postinfection, both cellular and viral transcriptomes were analyzed by serial analysis of gene expression followed by high-throughput sequencing (SAGE-Seq). Read mapping resulted in 33 to 44 million tags aligning with the human transcriptome and 0.23 to 0.25 million tags aligning with the genome of the HIV-1 vector. Thus, at peak infection, 1 transcript in 143 is of viral origin (0.7%), including a small component of antisense viral transcription. Of the detected cellular transcripts, 826 (2.3%) were differentially expressed between mock- and HIV-infected samples. The approach also assessed whether HIV-1 infection modulates the expression of repetitive elements or endogenous retroviruses. We observed very active transcription of these elements, with 1 transcript in 237 being of such origin, corresponding on average to 123,123 reads in mock-infected samples (0.40%) and 129,149 reads in HIV-1-infected samples (0.45%) mapping to the genomic Repbase repository. This analysis highlights key details in the generation and interpretation of high-throughput data in the setting of HIV-1 cellular infection.
Background. In cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) patients, fibrinolysis may enhance postoperative inflammatory response. We aimed to determine whether an additional postoperative dose of antifibrinolytic tranexamic acid (TA) reduced CPB-mediated inflammatory response (IR). Methods. We performed a randomized, double-blind, dose-dependent, parallel-groups study of elective CPB patients receiving TA. Patients were randomly assigned to either the single-dose group (40 mg/Kg TA before CPB and placebo after CPB) or the double-dose group (40 mg/Kg TA before and after CPB). Results. 160 patients were included, 80 in each group. The incident rate of IR was significantly lower in the double-dose-group TA2 (7.5% vs. 18.8% in the single-dose group TA1; P = 0.030). After adjusting for hypertension, total protamine dose and temperature after CPB, TA2 showed a lower risk of IR compared with TA1 [OR: 0.29 (95% CI: 0.10-0.83), (P = 0.013)]. Relative risk for IR was 2.5 for TA1 (95% CI: 1.02 to 6.12). The double-dose group had significantly lower chest tube bleeding at 24 hours [671 (95% CI 549-793 vs. 826 (95% CI 704-949) mL; P = 0.01 corrected-P significant] and lower D-dimer levels at 24 hours [489 (95% CI 437-540) vs. 621(95% CI: 563-679) ng/mL; P = 0.01 corrected-P significant]. TA2 required lower levels of norepinephrine at 24 h [0.06 (95% CI: 0.03-0.09) vs. 0.20(95 CI: 0.05-0.35) after adjusting for dobutamine [F = 6.6; P = 0.014 corrected-P significant]. We found a significant direct relationship between IL-6 and temperature (rho = 0.26; P < 0.01), D-dimer (rho = 0.24; P < 0.01), norepinephrine (rho = 0.33; P < 0.01), troponin I (rho = 0.37; P < 0.01), Creatine-Kinase (rho = 0.37; P < 0.01), Creatine Kinase-MB (rho = 0.33; P < 0.01) and lactic acid (rho = 0.46; P < 0.01) at ICU arrival. Two patients (1.3%) had seizure, 3 patients (1.9%) had stroke, 14 (8.8%) had acute kidney failure, 7 (4.4%) needed dialysis, 3 (1.9%) suffered myocardial infarction and 9 (5.6%) patients died. We found no significant differences between groups regarding these events. Conclusions. Prolonged inhibition of fibrinolysis, using an additional postoperative dose of tranexamic acid reduces inflammatory response and postoperative bleeding (but not transfusion requirements) in CPB patients. A question which remains unanswered is whether the dose used was ideal in terms of safety, but not in terms of effectiveness.
OBJECTIVE Increasing evidence indicates that the Fas/Fas ligand interaction is involved in atherogenesis. We sought to analyze soluble Fas (sFas) and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) concentrations in subjects at high cardiovascular risk and their modulation by atorvastatin treatment. METHODS AND RESULTS ACTFAST was a 12-week, prospective, multicenter, open-label trial which enrolled subjects (statin-free or statin-treated at baseline) with coronary heart disease (CHD), CHD-equivalent, or 10-year CHD risk > 20%. Subjects with LDL-C between 100 to 220 mg/dL (2.6 to 5.7 mmol/L) and triglycerides < or = 600 mg/dL (6.8 mmol/L) were assigned to a starting dose of atorvastatin (10 to 80 mg/d) based on LDL-C at screening. Of the 2117 subjects enrolled in ACTFAST, AIM sub-study included the 1078 statin-free patients. At study end, 85% of these subjects reached LDL-C target. Mean sFas levels were increased and sFasL were reduced in subjects at high cardiovascular risk compared with healthy subjects. Atorvastatin reduced sFas in the whole population as well as in patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Minimal changes were observed in sFasL. CONCLUSIONS sFas concentrations are increased and sFasL are decreased in subjects at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting that these proteins may be novel markers of vascular injury. Atorvastatin reduces sFas, indicating that short-term treatment with atorvastatin exhibits antiinflammatory effects in these subjects.
BACKGROUND: Safety and economic issues have increasingly raised concerns about the long term use of immunomodulators or biologics as maintenance therapies for Crohn's disease (CD). Despite emerging evidence suggesting that stopping therapy might be an option for low risk patients, criteria identifying target groups for this strategy are missing, and there is a lack of recommendations regarding this question. METHODS: Multidisciplinary European expert panel (EPACT-II Update) rated the appropriateness of stopping therapy in CD patients in remission. We used the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, and included the following variables: presence of clinical and/or endoscopic remission, CRP level, fecal calprotectin level, prior surgery for CD, and duration of remission (1, 2 or 4 years). RESULTS: Before considering withdrawing therapy, the prerequisites of a C-reactive protein (CRP) and fecal calprotectin measurement were rated as "appropriate" by the panellists, whereas a radiological evaluation was considered as being of "uncertain" appropriateness. Ileo-colonoscopy was considered appropriate 1 year after surgery or after 4 years in the absence of prior surgery. Stopping azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine or methotrexate mono-therapy was judged appropriate after 4 years of clinical remission. Withdrawing anti-TNF mono-therapy was judged appropriate after 2 years in case of clinical and endoscopic remission, and after 4 years of clinical remission. In case of combined therapy, anti-TNF withdrawal, while continuing the immunomodulator, was considered appropriate after two years of clinical remission. CONCLUSION: A multidisciplinary European expert panel proposed for the first time treatment stopping rules for patients in clinical and/or endoscopic remission, with normal CRP and fecal calprotectin levels.
F. 1 Séquence et messe de la Fête-Dieu. F. 2 Calendrier romain, avec additions des Chartreux de Sainte-Croix de Jérusalem à Rome. F. 8-134 et 151v-197v Temporal : « Ordo missalis romane curie » : — Exultet (122v). F. 134v « Ordo missae. » F. 199-255v Sanctoral : Vig. s. André (199) ; — ste Catherine (255) ; — ste Claire (255v). F. 255v Commun des saints. F. 277v Messes votives. F. 290 Bénédiction de l'eau (incompl. de la fin).
BACKGROUND: Elderly people often have multiple chronic diseases, are frequently treated by several physicians, and also use over-the-counter medications. Excessive prescribing, imperfect therapeutic adherence, treatment modifications after hospitalization, and oversized drug packages result in home storage of leftover drugs, resulting in a waste of healthcare resources. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients aged >/=75 years hospitalized for >24 hours during a 6-month period in an urban teaching hospital in Switzerland were eligible for inclusion in a study collecting sociodemographics, medical, functional, and psychosocial characteristics. Six months later, a research nurse visited the patients at home and recorded the names, number of tablets, and expiration dates of all open or intact drug packages, and the doses actually taken. Acquisition costs of these drugs were computed. RESULTS: One hundred ninety-five patients were included (127 women; mean age 82.2 +/- 4.8 y, range 75-96). They had a total of 2059 drugs (mean per patient 10.3 +/- 6.7, range per patient 1-42), corresponding to a total cost of (US) $62 826 (mean per patient 322 +/- 275, range per patient 10-1571). Self-reported drug intake was regular for 36% of the drugs (46.5% of total costs) and occasional for 11% (6.1%), whereas 35.7% (30.1%) had been stopped during the last month. Cardiovascular drugs amounted to 36.6% of the drugs and 55.5% of the costs. None of the patients' characteristics was significantly associated with a greater number of drugs and higher costs. CONCLUSIONS: Drugs stored at home by elderly patients were worth about $320 per patient. Only about one-third of these drugs were regularly taken. In the context of resources shortage, innovative solutions should be found to reduce the waste linked with drugs stopped in previous months.
Survey of retail local voice services for Iowa Utilities Board