997 resultados para 792


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In 1999, the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI), Fisheries Queensland undertook a new initiative to collect long term monitoring data of various important stocks including reef fish. This data and monitoring manual for the reef fish component of that program which was based on Underwater Visual Census methodology of 24 reefs on the Great Barrier Reef between 1999 and 2004. Data was collected using six 50m x 5m transects at 4 sites on 24 reefs. Benthic cover type was also recorded for 10m of each transect. The attached Access Database contains 5 tables being: SITE DETAILS TABLE Survey year Data entry complete REF survey site ID Site # (1-4) Location (reef name) Site Date (date surveyed) Observer 1 (3 initials to identify who estimated fish lengths and recorded benthic cover) TRANSECT DETAILS Survey ID Transect Number (1-6) Time (the transect was surveyed) Visibility (in metres) Minimum Depth surveyed (m) Maximum Depth surveyed (m) Percent of survey completed (%) Comments SUBSTRATE Survey ID Transect Number (1-6) then % cover of each of eth following categories of benthic cover types Dead Coral Live Coral Soft Coral Rubble Sand Sponge Algae Sea Grass Other COORDINATES (over survey sites) from -14 38.792 to -19 44.233 and from 145 21.507 to 149 55.515 SIGHTINGS ID Survey ID Transect Number (1-6) CAAB Code Scientific Name Reef Fish Length (estimated Fork Length of fish; -1 = unknown or not recorded) Outside Transect (if a fish was observed outside a transect -1 was recorded) Morph Code (F = footballer morph for Plectropomus laevis, S = Spawning colour morph displayed)


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Aurora kinases are essential for chromosomal segregation and cell division and thereby important for maintaining the proper genomic integrity. There are three classes of aurora kinases in humans: A, B, and C. Aurora kinase A is frequently overexpressed in various cancers. The link of the overexpression and tumorigenesis is yet to be understood. By employing virtual screening, we have found that anacardic acid, a pentadecane aliphatic chain containing hydroxylcarboxylic acid, from cashew nut shell liquid could be docked in Aurora kinases A and B. Remarkably, we found that anacardic acid could potently activate the Aurora kinase A mediated phosphorylation of histone H3, but at a similar concentration the activity of aurora kinase B remained unaffected in vitro. Mechanistically, anacardic acid induces the structural changes and also the autophosphorylation of the aurora kinase A to enhance the enzyme activity. This data thus indicate anacardic acid as the first small-molecule activator of Aurora kinase, which could be highly useful for probing the function of hyperactive (overexpressed) Aurora kinase A.


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It is well known that Alamouti code and, in general, Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) from complex orthogonal designs (CODs) are single-symbol decodable/symbolby-symbol decodable (SSD) and are obtainable from unitary matrix representations of Clifford algebras. However, SSD codes are obtainable from designs that are not CODs. Recently, two such classes of SSD codes have been studied: (i) Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) and (ii) Minimum-Decoding-Complexity (MDC) STBCs from Quasi-ODs (QODs). In this paper, we obtain SSD codes with unitary weight matrices (but not CON) from matrix representations of Clifford algebras. Moreover, we derive an upper bound on the rate of SSD codes with unitary weight matrices and show that our codes meet this bound. Also, we present conditions on the signal sets which ensure full-diversity and give expressions for the coding gain.


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Hamilton’s theory of turns for the group SU(2) is exploited to develop a new geometrical representation for polarization optics. While pure polarization states are represented by points on the Poincaré sphere, linear intensity preserving optical systems are represented by great circle arcs on another sphere. Composition of systems, and their action on polarization states, are both reduced to geometrical operations. Several synthesis problems, especially in relation to the Pancharatnam-Berry-Aharonov-Anandan geometrical phase, are clarified with the new representation. The general relation between the geometrical phase, and the solid angle on the Poincaré sphere, is established.


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The structures of complexes of 1,3-diaminopropane With L- and DL-glutamic acid have been determined. L-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic. P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 5.199 (1), b = 16.832 (1). c = 20.076 (3) angstrom, V = 1756.6 (4) angstrom3, z = 4, D(x) = 1.39 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm-1, F(000) = 792. T = 296 K, R = 0.044 for 1276 observed reflections. DL-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic, Pna2(1), a = 15.219(2), b = 5.169 (1), c 22.457 (4) angstrom, V = 1766.6 (5) angstrom3 Z = 4, D(x) = 1.38 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm F(000) = 792, T = 296 K, R = 0.056 for 993 observed reflections. The conformation of diaminopropane is all-trans in the DL complex but trans-gauche in the L complex. The main packing feature in the L complex is the arrangement of diaminopropane around dimers of antiparallel L-glutamic acid molecules. The diaminopropane in the DL complex is sandwiched between two antiparallel glutamic acid molecules of the same chirality and this forms the basic packing unit. This might be the dominant form of interaction between L-glutamic acid and diaminopropane in solution. The structures reveal the adaptability of the polyamine backbone to different environments and the probable reasons for their choice as biological cations.


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A galactose-specific seed lectin was purified from the legume Spatholobus parviflorus and crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belonged to space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 60.998, b = 60.792, c = 78.179 angstrom, alpha = 101.32, beta = 91.38, gamma = 104.32 degrees. X-ray diffraction data were collected under cryoconditions (100 K) to a resolution of 2.04 angstrom using a MAR image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray (Cu K alpha) generator. Molecular replacement using legume-lectin coordinates as a search model gave a tetrameric structure.


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A galactose-specific seed lectin from Spatholobous parviflorus (SPL) has been purified, crystallized and its X-ray structure solved. It is the first lectin purified and crystallized from the genus Spatholobus (family: Fabaceae). The crystals belong to the space group P1, with a = 60.792 angstrom, b = 60.998 angstrom, c = 78.179 angstrom, alpha = 78.68 degrees, beta = 88.62 degrees, gamma = 104.32 degrees. The data were collected at 2.04 angstrom resolution under cryocondition, on a MAR image-plate detector system, mounted on a rotating anode X-ray generator. The coordinates of Dolichos biflorus lectin (1lu1) were successfully used for the structure solution by molecular replacement method. The primary structure of the SPL was not known earlier and it was unambiguously visible in the electron density. S. parviflorus lectin is a hetero-dimeric-tetramer with two alpha and two beta chains of 251 and 239 residues respectively. SPL has two metal ions, Ca(2+) and Mn(2+), bound to a loop region of each chain. The SPL monomers are in jelly roll form. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Since Brutsaert and Neiber (1977), recession curves are widely used to analyse subsurface systems of river basins by expressing -dQ/dt as a function of Q, which typically take a power law form: -dQ/dt=kQ, where Q is the discharge at a basin outlet at time t. Traditionally recession flows are modelled by single reservoir models that assume a unique relationship between -dQ/dt and Q for a basin. However, recent observations indicate that -dQ/dt-Q relationship of a basin varies greatly across recession events, indicating the limitation of such models. In this study, the dynamic relationship between -dQ/dt and Q of a basin is investigated through the geomorphological recession flow model which models recession flows by considering the temporal evolution of its active drainage network (the part of the stream network of the basin draining water at time t). Two primary factors responsible for the dynamic relationship are identified: (i) degree of aquifer recharge (ii) spatial variation of rainfall. Degree of aquifer recharge, which is likely to be controlled by (effective) rainfall patterns, influences the power law coefficient, k. It is found that k has correlation with past average streamflow, which confirms the notion that dynamic -dQ/dt-Q relationship is caused by the degree of aquifer recharge. Spatial variation of rainfall is found to have control on both the exponent, , and the power law coefficient, k. It is noticed that that even with same and k, recession curves can be different, possibly due to their different (recession) peak values. This may also happen due to spatial variation of rainfall. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this paper, we study the inverse mode shape problem for an Euler-Bernoulli beam, using an analytical approach. The mass and stiffness variations are determined for a beam, having various boundary conditions, which has a prescribed polynomial second mode shape with an internal node. It is found that physically feasible rectangular cross-section beams which satisfy the inverse problem exist for a variety of boundary conditions. The effect of the location of the internal node on the mass and stiffness variations and on the deflection of the beam is studied. The derived functions are used to verify the p-version finite element code, for the cantilever boundary condition. The paper also presents the bounds on the location of the internal node, for a valid mass and stiffness variation, for any given boundary condition. The derived property variations, corresponding to a given mode shape and boundary condition, also provides a simple closed-form solution for a class of non-uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams. These closed-form solutions can also be used to check optimization algorithms proposed for modal tailoring.


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茅坪滑坡 茅坪滑坡位于湖北清江隔河岩水库库区近尾部左岸,下距隔河岩水库大坝66km,上距正在施工的水布垭坝址25km。它是目前库区规模最大、变形最严重的一处堆积层滑坡。因该滑坡有发生堵江的极大可能性而倍受有关方面关注。目前,该滑坡已被选作中科院知识创新工程重要方向支持项目“山体滑坡灾害防治中的关键力学问题研究(2001~2005)”的样板地段(封面照片)。


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El objetivo del presente estudio fue el determinar el rendimiento y adaptabilidad de tres cultivares clonales de quequisque Masaya (MY), Nueva Guinea (NG) y Apalí (AP), en la comunidad de La Poma, Masaya establecidas en época de postrera. El ensayo se estableció siguiendo arreglo del diseño de bloque completos al azar, unifactorial, con tres tratamientos y tres bloques. La parcela experimental estuvo conformada de 4 surcos de 13 m y l m de separación entre ellos, para un área de 52 m2 En cada surco se establecieron 22 plantas y una separación de 0. 6 m entre las mismas, para un total de 88 plantas por parcela, 264 por bloque y 792 totales en el ensayo. La parcela útil la conformaron los 2 surcos centrales sin incluir las primeras 5 plantas, para un total de 20 plantas evaluadas. El área del bloque fue de 156 m y el área total del ensayo de 468 m . Las variables evaluadas fueron: las morfológicas (altura de planta en cm, número de hojas, grosor del seudotallo en cm2, área foliar en cm2 y número de hijos), los componentes del rendimiento (peso promedio por cormelo en g, peso promedio de cormelos por planta en g, dimensión de cormelo en cm2 y número de cormelos); los eventos morfológicos (velocidad de brotación y ahijamiento, momento de cosecha), incidencia de enfermedades virales, fungosas y bacterianas y el efecto del DMV sobre el rendimiento. El análisis de varianza realizado a las variables morfológicas indica que: los 3 genotipos presentaron valores estadísticamente similares en las variables altura de planta, grosor del seudotallo, número de hojas y área foliar al menos en las 6 primeras evaluaciones, únicamente en variable número de hijos el clon NG obtuvo resultados estadísticamente superiores a los otros dones en estudio. El ANDEVA de los datos de los componentes del rendimiento señala que no hubo diferencias estadísticas entre los cultivares en cuanto a peso de los cormelos por planta: NG (75.26 qq/mz), AP (53,67 qq/mz) y MY (64.98 qq/mz)y dimensiones del cormelo; sin embargo, el número de cormelos por planta las plantas NG reportaron valores promedios superiores estadísticamente a los reportados por el clon MY (2.94) y AP (3. 28). El peso promedio de los cormos fue superior estadísticamente en el don MY (79.16 g) con relación a los reportados por NG (58.35g) y AP (79. 16 g). Se realizó un primer test de ELISA a las muestras de hojas de plantas que presentaban los síntomas, se encontró un 96 % de incidencia del DMV en las muestras . Considerando el total de plantas por cultivar en el ensayo, la mayor incidencia la presentó el clon NG con 47 %. Tres conteos visuales posteriores indican que los valores de plantas que presentan los síntomas. varían en cada fecha de evaluación encontrándose el cv. Apalí con los mayores valores de infección. Los conteos visuales de los síntomas de la bacteria Xanthomona campestris (Pammel) Dowson registran los mayores valores al cultivar AP con valores de 6 %, seguido del cultivar NG con 3.33% y MY con 1.66% a los 150 dds y un leve incremento a los 210 dds de 8. 33% para el AP y 5 % para los cultivares NG y MY. Los conteos visuales de los síntomas de Collectrotichum Kloesporioides (Penz) indican que los valores de reportados a los 150 dds redujeron a los 210 dds en todos los genotipos. En el caso del cultivar NG de 13.33 % en la primera fecha a 5% en la segunda, de 10 a 3.33% en el cultivar AP, y de 13.33 a 6.66% en el caso del clon MY.


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A hybrid finite difference method and vortex method (HDV), which is based on domain decomposition and proposed by the authors (1992), is improved by using a modified incomplete LU decomposition conjugate gradient method (MILU-CG), and a high order implicit difference algorithm. The flow around a rotating circular cylinder at Reynolds number R-e = 1000, 200 and the angular to rectilinear speed ratio alpha is an element of (0.5, 3.25) is studied numerically. The long-time full developed features about the variations of the vortex patterns in the wake, and drag, lift forces on the cylinder are given. The calculated streamline contours agreed well with the experimental visualized flow pictures. The existence of critical states and the vortex patterns at the states are given for the first time. The maximum lift to drag force ratio can be obtained nearby the critical states.


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<正> 在星系密度波的渐近理论中,泊松方程的近似解析解有着十分重要的意义.对于无限薄盘,徐遐生、Bertin等以旋臂倾角参数i_0=m/kr为小参数先后求得相应泊松方程的一、二级渐近解,这些解可以很好地用于比较紧卷的螺旋结构,在平面盘密度波理论中起过重要作用;对于有限厚盘,彭秋和等人也曾得到相应泊松方程的一种解,不过此解需假定物质密度