998 resultados para 665


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The aim of this research is to determine if there is a significant difference in public transport usage between Australian-born and overseas-born travellers in South East Queensland and identify if further investigation into this demographic factor is necessary. Using the household travel survey data of Southeast Queensland, Australia, this paper analyses the travel behaviours of immigrants and non-immigrants in the region. The immigrant population is divided into six sub-groups based on their continent of origin. The analysis results suggest that immigrants are more likely to use public transit in Brisbane over other regions in the study. Overall, this research strongly suggests that in Australia, a higher proportion of the immigrant population is more likely to use public transit compared to the proportion of the local population.


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Based on a Hamiltonian description we present a rigorous derivation of the transient state work fluctuation theorem and the Jarzynski equality for a classical harmonic oscillator linearly coupled to a harmonic heat bath, which is dragged by an external agent. Coupling with the bath makes the dynamics dissipative. Since we do not assume anything about the spectral nature of the harmonic bath the derivation is not restricted only to the Ohmic bath, rather it is more general, for a non-Ohmic bath. We also derive expressions of the average work done and the variance of the work done in terms of the two-time correlation function of the fluctuations of the position of the harmonic oscillator. In the case of an Ohmic bath, we use these relations to evaluate the average work done and the variance of the work done analytically and verify the transient state work fluctuation theorem quantitatively. Actually these relations have far-reaching consequences. They can be used to numerically evaluate the average work done and the variance of the work done in the case of a non-Ohmic bath when analytical evaluation is not possible.


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Experimental cattle are often restrained for repeated blood collection and faecal sampling and may baulk at entering the crush, possibly from learning that crush entry is followed by an unpleasant experience. We asked whether repeated sampling affects temperament. One measure of temperament is flight speed, which is the time, measured electronically, for an animal to cover a set distance on release from a weighing crate (Burrow et al. 1988). 22nd Biennial Conference.


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An investigation of the phase transitions at high pressures in the alums mentioned in the title has been carried out using EPR of the Cr3+ ion (at the trivalent metal ion site). It is observed that at ambient as well as at high pressures there is a change of slope in the linear variations of the zero field splitting with temperature and that the low temperature phase is characterised by a large number of lines in the EPR spectra. The transition temperature shows a large positive shift with pressure, for both the alums. All these facts are explained in terms of our model of the origin of the trigonal field at the trivalent metal ion site as well as the details of the motion of NH4+ ion.


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In this paper, we present an approach to estimate fractal complexity of discrete time signal waveforms based on computation of area bounded by sample points of the signal at different time resolutions. The slope of best straight line fit to the graph of log(A(rk)A / rk(2)) versus log(l/rk) is estimated, where A(rk) is the area computed at different time resolutions and rk time resolutions at which the area have been computed. The slope quantifies complexity of the signal and it is taken as an estimate of the fractal dimension (FD). The proposed approach is used to estimate the fractal dimension of parametric fractal signals with known fractal dimensions and the method has given accurate results. The estimation accuracy of the method is compared with that of Higuchi's and Sevcik's methods. The proposed method has given more accurate results when compared with that of Sevcik's method and the results are comparable to that of the Higuchi's method. The practical application of the complexity measure in detecting change in complexity of signals is discussed using real sleep electroencephalogram recordings from eight different subjects. The FD-based approach has shown good performance in discriminating different stages of sleep.


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Generation of H2O2 by rat liver mitochondria with choline, glycerol 1-phosphate and proline as substrates has been shown by using high-concentration phosphate buffer. Rates obtained under these conditions were higher and more consistent as compared with the earlier reports with high-concentration mannitol/sucrose/Tris buffer. Sulphate ions could replace phosphate indicating a requirement for a high concentration of oxygen-containing anions. H2O2 generation was dependent on the presence of native mitochondria and substrate. Maximal rates with various substrates were found to be the same as with succinate. Values of Km and Vmax for H2O2 generation were considerably less than those obtained for respective dehydrogenase activities, measured by dye reduction. Scavengers of O2-. and OH. inhibited generation of H2O2. ATP, ADP, thyronine derivatives and a number of phenolic compounds also showed very potent inhibitory effects of H2O2 generation, whereas phenyl compound had no effect. Phenolic compounds did not have any effect on mitochondrial superoxide dismutase and choline dehydrogenase activities as well as on O2-. generation by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Inhibition by phenolic compounds may have potential for regulation of the intracellular concentration of H2O2, that is not considered to have a "second messenger' function.


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A strongly connected decentralized control system may be made single channel controllable and observable with respect to any channel by decentralized feedbacks. It is noted here that the system example considered by Corfmat and Morse to illustrate this fact is already single channel controllable and observable, with respect to one of the channels. An alternate example which fits into the situation is presented in this item.


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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(I): M r = 258.34, triclinic, Pi, a = 9.810 (3), b=9.635(3), e=15.015(4)A, a=79.11(2), #= 102.38 (3), y = 107.76 (3) o, V= 1308.5 A 3, Z = 4, Din= 1.318 (3) (by flotation in KI solution), D x = 1.311 g cm -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~, g = 20-05 cm -1, F(000) = 544, T---- 293 K, R = 0.074 for 2663 reflections. (II): M r = 284.43, monoclinic, P2~/c, a= 17.029 (5), b=6.706 (5), c= 14.629 (4), t= 113.55 (2) ° , V=1531.4A 3, Z=4, Dm=1.230(5) (by flotation in KI solution), Dx= 1.234gem -3, Mo Ka, 2 = 0.7107 A, g = 1.63 cm-1; F(000) = 608, T= 293 K, R = 0.062 for 855 reflections. The orientation of the C=S chromophores in the crystal lattice and their reactivity in the crystalline state are discussed. The C--S bonds are much shorter than the normal bond length [1.605 (4) (I), 1.665 (8) A (II) cf. 1.71 A].


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The depressed activity of hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase in starved or cholesterol fed rats was stimulated on intraperitoneally administering small quantities of ATP.


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The thermally driven Structural phase transition in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 has been investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This system consists of positively charged alkyl-amine chains anchored to a rigid negatively charged PbI4 sheet with the chains organized as bilayers with a herringbone arrangement. Atomistic simulations were performed using ail isothermal-isobaric ensemble over a wide temperature range from 65 to 665 K for different alkyl chain lengths, n = 12, 14, 16, and 18. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential Features of the experimental observations of this system, including the existence of a transition, the linear variation of the transition temperature with alkyl chain length, and the expansion of the bilayer thickness at the transition. By use of the distance fluctuation Criteria, it is Shown that the transition is associated With a Melting of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer. Ail analysis of the conformation of the alkyl chains shows increased disorder in the form of gauche defects above due melting transition. Simulations also show that the melting transition is characterized by the complete disappearance of all-trans alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer, in agreement with experimental observations. A conformationally disordered chain has a larger effective cross-sectional area, and above due transition a uniformly tilted arrangement of the anchored chains call no longer be Sustained. At the melt the angular distribution of the orientation of the chains are 110 longer uniform; the chains are splayed allowing for increased space for individual chains of the anchored bilayer. This is reflected in a sharp rise in the ratio of the mean head-to-head to tail-to-tail distance of the chains of the bilayer at the transition resulting in in expansion of the bilayer thickness. The present MD simulations provide a simple explanation as to how changes in conformation of individual alkyl-chains gives rise to the observed increase in the interlayer lattice spacing of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 at the melting transition.


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Synthesis and densification of monolithic zirconium carbide (ZrC) has been carried out by reactive hot pressing of zirconium (Zr) and graphite (C) powders in the molar ratios 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, and 2:1 at 40 MPa, 1200 degrees-1600 degrees C. Monolithic ZrC could be synthesized with a C/Zr ratio similar to 0.5-1.0 and the post heat-treated samples have the lattice parameter in the range 4.665 to 4.698 A. Densification improves with an increasing deviation from the stoichiometry. Fine-grained (similar to 1 mu m) and nearly fully dense material (99% RD) could be obtained at a temperature as low as 1200 degrees C with C/Zr similar to 0.67. Microstructural and XRD observations suggest that densification occurred at low temperatures with nonstoichiometric Zr-C powder mixtures.


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