942 resultados para 66-2


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This is the first successful attempt to produce simultaneously ultrafine grain size and weak texture in a single-phase magnesium alloy Mg-3Al-0.4Mn through an optimal choice of processing parameters in a modified multi-axial forging (MAF) process. An average grain size of similar to 0.4 mu m and a weak texture could be achieved. This has led to an increase in the strength as well as room-temperature ductility (55%). The plot of the yield loci shows a decrease in anisotropy after MAF. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study optimal control of Markov processes with age-dependent transition rates. The control policy is chosen continuously over time based on the state of the process and its age. We study infinite horizon discounted cost and infinite horizon average cost problems. Our approach is via the construction of an equivalent semi-Markov decision process. We characterise the value function and optimal controls for both discounted and average cost cases.


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In this paper, we report a breakthrough result on the difficult task of segmentation and recognition of coloured text from the word image dataset of ICDAR robust reading competition challenge 2: reading text in scene images. We split the word image into individual colour, gray and lightness planes and enhance the contrast of each of these planes independently by a power-law transform. The discrimination factor of each plane is computed as the maximum between-class variance used in Otsu thresholding. The plane that has maximum discrimination factor is selected for segmentation. The trial version of Omnipage OCR is then used on the binarized words for recognition. Our recognition results on ICDAR 2011 and ICDAR 2003 word datasets are compared with those reported in the literature. As baseline, the images binarized by simple global and local thresholding techniques were also recognized. The word recognition rate obtained by our non-linear enhancement and selection of plance method is 72.8% and 66.2% for ICDAR 2011 and 2003 word datasets, respectively. We have created ground-truth for each image at the pixel level to benchmark these datasets using a toolkit developed by us. The recognition rate of benchmarked images is 86.7% and 83.9% for ICDAR 2011 and 2003 datasets, respectively.


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Traz a biografia e seleção de discursos do deputado e ex-presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Ulysses Guimarães.


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Cephalopod remains (beaks, bodies, and parts of bodies) were collected from the stomachs of 157 sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) taken off central California (lat. 37°-39°N). At least 24 species representing 14 families were identified. Frequencies of occurrence of the six most numerous taxa were Moroteuthis robusta 72.0%, Gonatopsis borealis 66.2%, Histioteuthis dofleini 36.9%, Galiteuthis spp. (including G. phyllura and G. pacifica) 36.3%, Octopoteuthis deletron 35.0%, and Vampyroteuthis infernalis 27.4%. One find of two Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni beaks strongly suggests transequatorial migration by one large male sperm whale. (PDF file contains 18 pages.)


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Sex ratio and fecundity variations of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and Chrysichthys walkeri from Asejire Lake (Nigeria) were examined. The Logarithm transformation of weight (W) against standard length (SL) gave a straight-line graph represented by the following equations: 1) C. nigrodigitatus LogW =-0.66 + 2.13 Log SL; = 0.854; (P < 0.001) n = 209; 2) C. walkeri LogW = -1.23 + 2.63 Log SL; = 0.759; (P < 0.001) n = 237. Males were generally more than females in both species. The ratio of males:females was higher in C. nigrodigitatus (1:0.18) than in C. walkeri (1:0.8). C. walkeri attained sexual maturity at a smaller size of 20.0 g (12.0 cm Standard Length) compared with C. nigrodigitatus maturity size of 45.0 g (14.0 cm Standard Length). Relative fecundity was not dependent on body weight and standard length for C. walkeri but it was significant at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 respectively for C. nigrodigitatus


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A series of terl-butylperoxide complexes of hafnium, Cp*2Hf(R)(OOCMe3) (Cp* = ((η5-C5Me5); R = Cl, H, CH3, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2, CH=CHCMe3, C6H5, meta-C6H3(CH2)2) and Cp*(η5-C5(CH3)4CH2CH2CH2)Hf(OOCMe3), has been synthesized. One example has been structurally characterized, Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)CH2CH3 crystallizes in space group P21/c, with a = 19.890(7)Å, b = 8.746(4)Å, c = 17.532(6)Å, β = 124.987(24)°, V = 2498(2)Å3, Z = 4 and RF = 0.054 (2222 reflections, I > 0). Despite the coordinative unsaturation of the hafnium center, the terl-butylperoxide ligand is coordinated in a mono-dentate ligand. The mode of decomposition of these species is highly dependent on the substituent R. For R = H, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2 a clean first order conversion to Cp*2Hf(OCMe3)(OR) is observed (for R CH2CH3, ΔHǂ = 19.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -13 e.u.). These results are discussed in terms of a two step mechanism involving η2-coordination of the terl-butylperoxide ligand. Homolytic O-O bond cleavage is observed upon heating of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3) R (R = C6H6, meta-C6H3(CH3)2). In the presence of excess 9,10-dihydroanthracene thermolysis of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)C6H6 cleanly affords Cp*2Hf(C6H6)OH and HOCMe3 (ΔHǂ = 22.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -9 e.u.). The O-O bond strength in these complexes is thus estimated to be 22 kcal•mol-1.

Cp*2Ta(CH2)H, Cp*2Ta(CHC6H5)H, Cp*2Ta(C6H4)H, Cp*2Ta(CH2=CH2)H and Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHMe)H react, presumably through Cp*2Ta-R intermediates, with H2O to give Cp*2Ta(O)H and alkane. Cp*2Ta(O)H was structurally characterized: space group P21/n, a= 13.073(3)Å, b = 19.337(4)Å, c = 16.002(3)Å, β = 108.66(2)°, V = 3832(1)Å3, Z = 8 and RF = 0.0672 (6730 reflections). Reaction of terlbutylhydroperoxide with these same starting materials ultimately yields Cp*2Ta(O)R and HOCMe3. Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHR)OH species are proposed as intermediates in the olefin hydride reactions. Cp*2Ta(O2)R species can be generated from the reaction of the same starting materials and O2. Lewis acids have been shown to promote oxygen insertion in these complexes.


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O lagarto Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820) possui ampla distribuição geográfica e é encontrado em abundância nas áreas onde ocorre, sendo considerada uma espécie apropriada para estudos ecológicos. No presente estudo nós analisamos o período de atividade, o uso do microhabitat, a intensidade de forrageamento, a dieta e a ecologia térmica de uma população de T. torquatus do Costão de Itacoatiara, no Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, situado nos municípios de Niterói e Maricá, RJ. Os dados foram coletados em dois períodos: entre julho de 2004 e janeiro de 2008 para estudo do período de atividade, uso do microhabitat e intensidade de forrageamento, e entre julho e agosto de 2010 para estudo da ecologia térmica e dieta. Todos os indivíduos coletados eram adultos, com comprimento rostro-cloacal médio de 66,2 12,0mm para machos (n = 11) e 64,1 8,0mm para fêmeas (n = 03). O período de atividade de T. torquatus no Costão de Itacoatiara durou de 12 a 14 horas. Teve um padrão unimodal na estação seca, com pico de atividade entre 09:00h e 13:00h, durante as horas mais quentes do dia. Na estação chuvosa o padrão de atividade foi bimodal, com um pico entre 8:00h e 9:00h e outro entre 16:00h e 17:00h, ambos associados aos horários de temperaturas ambientais mais amenas. O período de atividade não diferiu entre as estações, o que pode ser explicado pelo extenso pico de atividade dos lagartos na estação seca. Os microhabitats mais utilizados foram o substrato rochoso do Costão e a bromélia, refletindo a disponibilidade destes na área. A intensidade de forrageamento não diferiu sazonalmente e o tempo médio que os lagartos ficaram parados foi maior do que o tempo médio em deslocamento. A dieta foi onívora e esteve composta por artrópodes, principalmente insetos, e material vegetal, principalmente frutos. Os principais insetos consumidos foram Formicidae, Coleoptera e Hymenoptera não-Formicidae como pequenas vespas e abelhas. Os frutos, as sementes e as flores consumidos pertenciam às cactáceas Rhipsalis cereoides e Coleocephalocereus fluminensis, para as quais T. torquatus pode ser um potencial agente dispersor de sementes na área. Lagartos maiores consumiram itens maiores, mas em menor número, indicando um balanço energético positivo. O consumo de material vegetal variou de acordo com o tamanho dos lagartos, aumentando sua proporção nos indivíduos mais velhos. A temperatura média em atividade de T. torquatus foi de 34,3 2,5C, estando na faixa de temperatura corpórea média encontrada para outras populações e para outros Tropidurus. O substrato foi a fonte de calor ambiental com maior importância relativa para a termorregulação dos lagartos durante a estação seca, explicando cerca de 48% da variação na temperatura corpórea da população. Os lagartos termorregularam de forma passiva, principalmente em relação à temperatura do substrato.


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The hatching rates of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) eggs on four natural substrates: the roots of Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes), water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), pond weed (Ceratophyllum dermasum) and green grass leaves (Commelina sp.), and four artificial substrates: sisal mats, nylon mats, papyrus mats and kakaban mats, was assessed. Concrete slabs were used as control. The natural substrates performed better than the artificial ones. Pistia roots gave the best mean hatching rate of 66.2 ± 3.62%. Green grass leaves were second with a mean rate of 54.0 ± 3.46%, water hyacinth was third with 49.7 ± 3.16% and Ceratophyllum fourth with a mean of 13.0 ± 2.37%. Concrete slabs gave a mean rate of 18.6 ± 2.8%, sisal mats 18.6 ± 2.0%, papyrus 12.2 ± 1.2% and kakaban 11.8 ± 1.9%. Nylon mats were the last, with a mean rate of 4.0 ± 0.7%. The best performing natural substrates were those with the ability to float and thin fibrous roots that seemed to allow higher aeration of the eggs during incubation. The cost of using natural substrates was minimal.


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The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) launched its National Bycatch Strategy (NBS) in March 2003 in response to the continued fisheries management challenge posed by fisheries bycatch. NMFS has several strong mandates for fish and protected species bycatch reduction, including the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Despite efforts to address bycatch during the 1990’s, NMFS was petitioned in 2002 to count, cap, and control bycatch. The NBS initiated as part of NMFS’s response to the petition for rulemaking contained six components: 1) assess bycatch progress, 2) develop an approach to standardized bycatch reporting methodology, 3) develop bycatch implementation plans, 4) undertake education and outreach, 5) develop new international approaches to bycatch, and 6) identify new funding requirements. The definition of bycatch for the purposes of the NBS proved to be a contentious issue for NMFS, but steady progress is being made by the agency and its partners to minimize bycatch to the extent practicable.


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ABSTRACT—Since the late 1950’s, a multi-national longline fishery has operated throughout the Atlantic Ocean to supply the growing global demand for tunas (Scombridae) and swordfish, Xiphias gladius. Two species caught as bycatch include Atlantic blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, and white marlin, Tetrapterus albidus, referred to in this paper as “Atlantic marlin.” Pelagic longlining has consistently been the principal source of adult mortality for both species, which are currently depleted and have been so for more than two decades. In this paper, we examined aspects of the Atlantic marlin bycatch of the Japanese pelagic longline fishery from 1960 to 2000. Temporal and spatial patterns in effort, target catch (species combined), marlin bycatch, marlin catch-per-unit-effort (nominal CPUE), and ratios of marlin bycatch to target catch (B: T ratios) were analyzed. An objective was to reveal changes, if any, in marlin bycatch associated with the fishery’s target species “switch” (ca. 1980–87) from mostly surface-associated tunas to mostly the deeper-dwelling bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus. The highest values of all variables examined occurred during the 1960’s and then fell by the second half of that decade. Since 1970, mean levels of fishing effort, target fish catches, and blue marlin landings have increased significantly, while blue marlin CPUE and B:T ratios have remained relatively stable. Concurrently, white marlin landings, CPUE, and B:T ratios have all declined. While results suggest the fishery’s target species change may have been a factor in lowering white marlin bycatch, the same cannot be said for blue marlin. Relative increases in blue marlin B:T ratios off the northeastern coast of South America and in the wider eastern Atlantic are cause for concern, as are continuing trends of CPUE decline for white marlin in this data set as well as others.


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Estimates of incidental marine mammal, sea turtle, and seabird mortality in the California drift gillnet fishery for broadbill swordfish, Xiphias gladius, and common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, are summarized for the 7-year period, 1996 to 2002. Fishery observer coverage was 19% over the period (3,369 days observed/17,649 days fished). An experiment to test the effectiveness of acoustic pingers on reducing marine mammal entanglements in this fishery began in 1996 and resulted in statistically significant reductions in marine mammal bycatch. The most commonly entangled marine mammal species were the short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis; California sea lion, Zalophus californianus; and northern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis. Estimated mortality by species (CV and observed mortality in parentheses) from 1996 to 2002 is 861 (0.11, 133) short-beaked common dolphins; 553 (0.16, 103) California sea lions; 151 (0.25, 31) northern right whale dolphins; 150 (0.21, 27) northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris; 54 (0.41, 10) long-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus capensis; 44 (0.53, 6) Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli; 19 (0.60, 5) Risso’s dolphins, Grampus griseus; 11 (0.71, 2) gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus; 7 (0.83, 2) sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus; 7 (0.96, 1) short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhychus; 12 (1.06, 1) minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; 5 (1.05, 1) fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus; 11 (0.68, 2) unidentified pinnipeds; 33 (0.52, 4) leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea; 18 (0.57, 3) loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta; 13 (0.73, 3) northern fulmars, Fulmarus glacialis; and 6 (0.86, 2) unidentified birds.


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ABSTRACT—Bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, in nontarget fisheries is composed primarily of immature fish, and substantial reductions in yield to directed halibut fisheries result from this bycatch. Distant-water bottomtrawl fleets operating off the North American coast, beginning in the mid 1960’s, experienced bycatch mortality of over 12,000 t annually. Substantial progress on reducing this bycatch was not achieved until the of extension fisheries jurisdictions by the United States and Canada in 1977. Bycatch began to increase again during the expansion of domestic catching capacity for groundfish, and by the early 1990’s it had returned to levels seen during the period of foreign fishing. Collaborative action by Canada and the United States through the International Pacific Halibut Commission has resulted in substantial reductions in bycatch mortality in some areas. Methods of control have operated at global, fleet, and individual vessel levels. We evaluate the hierarchy of effectiveness for these control measures and identify regulatory needs for optimum effects. New monitoring technologies offer the promise of more cost-effective approaches to bycatch reduction.


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A frota de veículos movidos por biocombustíveis tem aumentado nos últimos dez anos e com isso as emissões para a atmosfera nas cidades têm sofrido alterações. Devido a esta problemática, estudos com modelos de previsão de emissões são o foco deste trabalho. Alguns modelos, homologados por agências de regulamentação de alguns países ou comunidades, servem de base para as análises de risco com auxílio de simulação.O objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto do uso de biocombustíveis na qualidade do ar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e estudar cenários de qualidade do ar, em função do aumento da quantidade de biodiesel e álcool adicionada ao diesel e gasolina. Nesta dissertação, monóxido de carbono, óxidos de nitrogênio, compostos orgânicos voláteis e ozônio são os principais poluentes estudados para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A avaliação de cenários foi realizada empregando um modelo de qualidade do ar com base no modelo de trajetórias OZIPR e no modelo químico SAPRC. Os resultados demonstram que o aumento do uso de biodiesel diminui a concentração de ozônio na atmosfera em relação ao caso base estudado, em 10,23% utilizando a mistura BE Diesel, em 5,28% utilizando a mistura B20 e apenas 0,33% utilizando a mistura B10. Isso de fato acontece pois o biodiesel possuiu mais oxigenados na sua estrutura. O estudo revelou o aumento nas emissões e concentrações de NOx na troposfera da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para as mistura de BE- Diesel, B20 e o B10 em relação ao caso base, foram de 5,66%, 2,83% e 0% respectivamente. Em especial na cidade do Rio de janeiro existe um consumodo O3 pelo NO presente na atmosfera urbana. A redução na concentração de CO para as misturas de BE- Diesel, B20 e o B10 em relação ao caso base, foram de 13,11%, 6,56% e 4,12% respectivamente. O aumento da disponibilidade de oxigênio presente no biodiesel produz uma melhor queima do combustível, contribuindo para uma menor concentração de CO na troposfera


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本文以芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体为材料,比较了两者在形态、生理生化以及分子生物学特性上的差异,对耐盐变异体抗盐能力提高的机理作了初步的探讨。为了适应推广芦苇耐盐变异体的需要,进行了耐盐变异体快速繁殖的研究,建立了两种诱导丛生芽的技术系统。对耐盐变异体芦苇在滩涂上的利用作了有益的尝试。结果总结如下: 1.通过对芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体的基因组DNA用随机引物扩增分析,发现两者的基因组DNA在序列上存在着一定的差异,并克隆测序了几个对变异体而言是特异的标记序列。 2.生化分析发现,在盐胁迫下,两者在可溶性蛋白上存在着差异,芦苇耐盐变异体在胁迫下分别在20~30 kD和43~66.2 kD之间各有一条特异的蛋白带表达。而且变异体盐胁迫下在同工酶的表达上也与野生亲本有着显著的区别。 3.生理测定发现,芦苇耐盐变异体在200 mmol/L NaCl盐胁迫下光合作用要比野生亲本强,叶绿素测定的结果与此相吻合,在此浓度的胁迫下,变异体叶绿素含量受影响较小,而野生亲本的叶绿素含量明显降低。对两者胁迫前后的离子含量测定发现,虽然K+含量最多,但是植株内离子含量变化最大且增加最多的离子是Na+,而且变异体内Na~+增加的量比野生亲本高得多。另一个变化较大的是游离脯氨酸的含量,其变化情况类似于Na~+,在胁迫后脯氨酸含量增加明显,而且变异体内的增加量比野生亲本高。对变异体进一步的胁迫反应证实了Na+和脯氨酸含量变化与胁迫反应的密切联系。推测它们的这些变化与变异体抗盐能力提高密切相关。 4.将芦苇耐盐变异体的种子苗切去种壳和种子根,以此作为外植体,通过筛选大量的激素组合,最终建立了两种快繁技术系统(MP-A和MP-B)进行丛生芽诱导。两个系统都包含预处理和诱导两个主要步骤,其中预处理培养基激素组合是相同的(NAA 2~5 mg/L + 2,4-D 0.05 ~ 0.1 mg + BA 1mg/L),而诱导处理的培养基激素组合不同,分别为:MP-A的诱导处理的激素组合是将预处理的激素组合中的2,4-D去除即可;MP-B诱导处理的激素组合为1mg/L NAA + 0.05 ~0.1mg/L 2,4-D + 2~5mg/L BA. 两个系统都获得显著的丛生芽诱导效果。 5.在滩涂水产养殖中引入芦苇种植、发现耐盐芦苇能有效地降低水体污染和病害,实验了两种模式的种养殖方式:围隔模式和混合模式,初步结果表明混合模式效果较好。这一初中初步验证了芦苇对海水养殖的价值,对开发滩涂具有很大的意义,具有创新性。