1000 resultados para 634[821.2]
"April 1970."
What is the contribution of the provision, at no cost for users, of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC; copper intrauterine device [IUD], the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system [LNG-IUS], contraceptive implants and depot-medroxyprogesterone [DMPA] injection) towards the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted through a Brazilian university-based clinic established over 30 years ago. Over the last 10 years of evaluation, provision of LARC methods and DMPA by the clinic are estimated to have contributed to DALY averted by between 37 and 60 maternal deaths, 315-424 child mortalities, 634-853 combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. LARC methods are associated with a high contraceptive effectiveness when compared with contraceptive methods which need frequent attention; perhaps because LARC methods are independent of individual or couple compliance. However, in general previous studies have evaluated contraceptive methods during clinical studies over a short period of time, or not more than 10 years. Furthermore, information regarding the estimation of the DALY averted is scarce. We reviewed 50 004 medical charts from women who consulted for the first time looking for a contraceptive method over the period from 2 January 1980 through 31 December 2012. Women who consulted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Campinas, Brazil were new users and users switching contraceptive, including the copper IUD (n = 13 826), the LNG-IUS (n = 1525), implants (n = 277) and DMPA (n = 9387). Estimation of the DALY averted included maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality and unsafe abortions averted. We obtained 29 416 contraceptive segments of use including 25 009 contraceptive segments of use from 20 821 new users or switchers to any LARC method or DMPA with at least 1 year of follow-up. The mean (± SD) age of the women at first consultation ranged from 25.3 ± 5.7 (range 12-47) years in the 1980s, to 31.9 ± 7.4 (range 16-50) years in 2010-2011. The most common contraceptive chosen at the first consultation was copper IUD (48.3, 74.5 and 64.7% in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively). For an evaluation over 20 years, the cumulative pregnancy rates (SEM) were 0.4 (0.2), 2.8 (2.1), 4.0 (0.4) and 1.3 (0.4) for the LNG-IUS, the implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively and cumulative continuation rates (SEM) were 15.1 (3.7), 3.9 (1.4), 14.1 (0.6) and 7.3 (1.7) for the LNG-IUS, implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively (P < 0.001). Over the last 10 years of evaluation, the estimation of the contribution of the clinic through the provision of LARC methods and DMPA to DALY averted was 37-60 maternal deaths; between 315 and 424 child mortalities; combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality of between 634 and 853, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. The main limitations are the number of women who never returned to the clinic (overall 14% among the four methods under evaluation); consequently the pregnancy rate could be different. Other limitations include the analysis of two kinds of copper IUD and two kinds of contraceptive implants as the same IUD or implant, and the low number of users of implants. In addition, the DALY calculation relies on a number of estimates, which may vary in different parts of the world. LARC methods and DMPA are highly effective and women who were well-counselled used these methods for a long time. The benefit of averting maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality, and unsafe abortions is an example to health policy makers to implement more family planning programmes and to offer contraceptive methods, mainly LARC and DMPA, at no cost or at affordable cost for the underprivileged population. This study received partial financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), grant # 2012/12810-4 and from the National Research Council (CNPq), grant #573747/2008-3. B.F.B., M.P.G., and V.M.C. were fellows from the scientific initiation programme from FAPESP. Since the year 2001, all the TCu380A IUD were donated by Injeflex, São Paulo, Brazil, and from the year 2006 all the LNG-IUS were donated by the International Contraceptive Access Foundation (ICA), Turku, Finland. Both donations are as unrestricted grants. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this study.
Adsorption of Ni(2+), Zn(2+) or Pb(2+) by dry biomass of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and Chlorella vulgaris was studied as a function of contact time and initial metal concentration. The zero point of charge calculated for these biosorbents (pH(zpc) 4.0 and 3.4, respectively) and additional pH tests suggested the use of pH in the range 5.0-5.5 for the experiments. The equilibrium isotherms were evaluated in terms of maximum sorption capacity and sorption affinity. The pseudo first and second order kinetic models were considered to interpret the experimental data, and the latter best described the adsorption system. Both the Freundlich and Langmuir models were shown to well describe the sorption isotherms, thus suggesting an intermediate mono/multilayer sorption mechanism. Compared to A. platensis (q(e) = 0.354, 0.495 and 0.508 mmol g(-1) for Ni(2+), Pb(2)+ and Zn(2+), respectively), C. vulgaris behaved as a better biosorbent because of higher equilibrium sorption capacity (q(e) = 0.499, 0.634 and 0.664 mmol g(-1), respectively). The removal efficiency decreased with increasing metal concentration, pointing out a passive adsorption process involving the active sites on the surface of the biomasses. The FT-IR spectroscopy evidenced that ions removal occurred mainly by interaction between metal and carboxylate groups present on both the cell walls. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[Excerpt] This section is the second part of a special issue on Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, which was organized for WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. As in the first part of this thematic issue, this one comprises thirteen papers that were peer-reviewed and, finally, accepted for publication. This issue includes the work of authors from eleven countries all over the world. The variety of the presented works is not limited to their geographical origin, but it is also visible on the topics that are addressed, ranging from typical studies on ergonomics to safety management studies, as well as occupational hygiene topics.
A diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é responsável por uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade em todo o Mundo, essencialmente devido às suas complicações, entre as quais a retinopatia diabética (RD), considerada uma das mais graves, e responsável por 4,8% dos casos de cegueira. Estudos sugerem uma componente genética como um dos principais factores para o desenvolvimento da RD. O gene do VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) é um dos mais estudados, por promover a angiogénese e a neovascularização. Outro importante gene candidato é o RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products), e, mais recentemente, os genes da paraoxonase, PON1 e PON2. Objectivou-se avaliar a influência dos polimorfismos VEGF -634C/G, RAGE -374T/A, PON1Gln192Arg e PON2Cys310Ser no aparecimento e progressão da RD em indivíduos com DM2 e a sua influência no aparecimento da DM2. Analisaram-se 129 indivíduos, 86 com DM2 e 43 indivíduos saudáveis. Os polimorfismos foram avaliados em todos os indivíduos por PCR-FRLP. A caracterização clínica e a determinação da actividade enzimática da PON1 foram avaliadas em 47 diabéticos. Não se obtiveram diferenças para o polimorfismo do VEGF-634 G/C. O alelo A do polimorfismo RAGE -374A/T mostrou-se mais frequente em indivíduos sem RD ou EMD quando comparados com indivíduos com RD ou EMD. O alelo Q (Gln) e o alelo S (Ser) dos polimorfismos PON1Gln192Arg e PON2Cys310Ser, respectivamente, mostraram-se mais frequentes em indivíduos com DM2 quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Não houve quaisquer diferenças relativamente à actividade enzimática da PON1, nem em relação ao polimorfismo da PON1 nem em relação à presença ou ausência de RD ou EMD. Conclui-se que o alelo A do polimorfismo RAGE -374A/T é factor protector para o aparecimento da RD e do EMD, enquanto os alelos Q e S dos polimorfismos PON1Gln192Arg e PON2Cys310Ser, respectivamente, são factores de risco para o aparecimento da DM2
Granular shoulders need to be maintained on a regular basis because edge ruts and potholes develop, posing a safety hazard to motorists. The successful mitigation of edge-rut issues for granular shoulders would increase safety and reduce the number of procedures currently required to maintain granular shoulders in Iowa. In addition, better performance of granular shoulders reduces the urgency to pave granular shoulders. Delaying or permanently avoiding paving shoulders where possible allows more flexibility in making investments in the road network. To stabilize shoulders and reduce the number of maintenance cycles necessary per season, one possible stabilizing agent—acidulated soybean oil soapstock—was investigated in this research. A pilot testing project was conducted for selected problematic shoulders in northern and northeastern Iowa. Soapstock was applied on granular shoulders and monitored during application and pre- and post-application. Application techniques were documented and the percentage of application success was calculated for each treated shoulder section. As a result of this research, it was concluded that soybean oil soapstock can be an effective stabilizer for granular shoulders under certain conditions. The researchers also developed draft specifications that could possibly be used to engage a contractor to perform the work using a maintenance-type construction contract. The documented application techniques from this project could be used as guidance for those who want to apply soapstock for stabilizing granular shoulders but might not be familiar with this technique.
Contient : 1° Roman d'Hercule ; 2° « Ici commence de ciaus d'Athenes et de ciaus de l'isle de Crete... », extrait de l' « Histoire ancienne depuis la création », relatif à Hercule et aux Amazones ; 3° « Liber Catonis », traduit par « MACE de Troie » ; 4° « Optimum documentum de regimine familie », lettre (supposée) de saint BERNARD à Raymond de Château d'Amboise ; 5° « La Complainte de la tribulation del mirable phylosophe qi fu appelez BOECES, et de la Consolation de la phylosophye », traduction anonyme, avec prologue et conclusion ; 6° « La Ystoire dou Nostre Seignor Jhesu Crist, et coment il soufri passion et torment et mort pour sauvement de la humaine generation » ; 7° Enseignements à Alexandre, en prose, suivis des Dits des Sages ; 8° « De dous Roiaumes dou monde et des aages dou siecle et des rois qi regnerent ça en arieres... », abrégé d'histoire universelle ; 9° Roman de la Guerre de Troie, par BENEOIT DE SAINTE MORE » ; 10° Extrait de l' « Histoire ancienne depuis la création », contenant les origines romaines, depuis Enée jusqu'à la mort de Romulus ; 11° Roman de Landomata, fils d'Hector, en prose ; 12° Histoire du roi Alexandre (d'après le Pseudo-Callisthène)