994 resultados para 54 Geografía


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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El propósito del texto es ofrecer un material de uso de los estudiantes del primer año básico de las carreras de la UNA. El origen de dicho texto básico surge a raíz de la no existencia de materiales o textos adecuados al programa elaborado para la formación general e integral de los estudiantes en la Universidad Nacional Agraria en las distintas carreras que ofrece esta como son: Las Ciencias Agropecuarias, Forestales, Agronegocios y Desarrollo Rural. La Geografía de Nicaragua, es una asignatura que forma parte de la formación general que debe poseer todo estudiante nicaragüense, especialmente el del sector agropecuario esta aporta los conocimientos científicos geográfico en general y en particular a nuestro ámbito nacional; el carácter físico del país y su situación económica permitirá apreciar y valorar lo que nuestra tierra posee y ofrece en beneficio de sus ciudadanos. Los conocimientos que ofrece este texto serán en función de la formación de los nuevos profesionales de nuestra Alma Mater con la finalidad de un mayor compromiso como Nicaragüense.


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Reúne as informações pessoais e sobre a vida profissional e política dos 513 deputados eleitos no pleito de outubro de 2010, no momento inicial da 54ª Legislatura, tendo por objetivo constituir-se em importante fonte de pesquisa e de preservação da memória da Câmara dos Deputados


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Apresenta dados e imagens dos deputados federais da 54ª Legislatura, 2011-2015, 1ª Sessão Legislativa, atualizados em 25 de fevereiro de 2011.


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Apresenta dados e imagens dos Deputados Federais da 54ª Legislatura, 2011-2015, 3ª Sessão Legislativa, atualizados em 3 de setembro de 2013.


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Apresenta dados e imagens dos deputados federais da 54ª Legislatura, 2011-2015, 1ª Sessão Legislativa, atualizados em 25 de janeiro de 2011.


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Apresenta dados e imagens dos deputados federais da 54ª Legislatura, 2011-2015, 1ª Sessão Legislativa, atualizados em 22 de março de 2011.


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Apresenta dados e imagens dos Deputados Federais da 54ª Legislatura, 2011-2015, 3ª Sessão Legislativa, atualizados em 7 de março de 2013.


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Fecha: 11-8-1972/9-5-1982 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 7-18 / Nº de pág.: 7 (mecanografiadas)


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El curso está diseñado y escrito para estudiantes con nulo o muy bajo nivel de conocimiento en Estadística y que, además, se incorporan por vez primera al mundo de la Estadística aplicada a un ámbito de conocimiento, en este caso, la Geografía. El objetivo fundamental del curso no es que el estudiante llegue a manipular el mayor número posible de técnicas estadísticas sino que llegue a comprender cuál es el valor que tiene la Estadística cuando se quiere analizar determinados aspectos o problemas de la realidad.


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<正> 第54届国际宇航大会于2003年9月29~10月3日在德国布莱梅召开.国际宇航大会是国际宇航联合会(IAF)、国际宇航科学院(IAA)和国际空间法律联合会联合主办的国际宇航界盛会,每年举办一届,至今已举办了54届,一直得到国际宇航领域的科学家和工程技术与管理人员的极大重视.来自世界多个国家和地区的超过2000位代表参加了会议,此次国际宇航大会共交流学术论文约 1170篇,分26个专题,分别是:


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One of the causes of lower artesian pressure, water waste and aquifer contamination is the misuse and insufficient care of artesian wells. In 1953, Senate Bill No. 57, entitled "An Act to Protect and Control the Artesian Waters of the State" (see Appendix) became a law. This law was passed through the efforts exerted by leading members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who understood the need for a wise and controlled expenditure of our most valuable natural resource. The State Geologist and his authorized representatives were designated by this law to enforce this conservation measure; however, no financial provision was included for the 1953-55 biennium. The proposed program of the Florida Geological Survey for this biennium did not include the funds nor provide any full-time personnel for the enforcement of this statute. As a result, little actual work was accomplished during these two years, although much time was given to planning and discussion of the problem. Realizing that this program could provide additional basic data needed in the analysis of the water-supply problem, the State Geologist sought and was granted by the 1955 Legislature adequate funds with which to activate the first phase of the enforcement of Florida Statute No. 370.051-054. Enumerated below is a summary of the progress made on this investigation as outlined previously: 1. Data have been collected on 967 wildly flowing wells in 22 counties. 2. Chloride determinations have been run on 850 of the 967 wells. 3. Of the 967 wells, 554 have chlorides in excess of the 250 ppm, the upper limit assigned by the State Board of Health for public consumption. 4. Water escapes at the rate of 37, 762 gallons per minute from these 967 wells. This amounts to 54, 377, 280 gallons per day. The investigation is incomplete at this time; therefore, no final conclusions can be reached. However, from data already collected, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. That the present inventory of wildly flowing wells be completed for the entire State. 2. That the current inventory of wildly flowing wells be expanded at the conclusion of the present inventory to include all flowing wells. 3. That a complete statewide inventory program be established and conducted in cooperation with the Ground Water Branchof the U.S. Geological Survey. 4. That the enforcement functions as set down in Sections 370.051/.054, Florida Statutes, be separated from the program to collect water-resource data and that these functions be given to the Water Resources Department, if such is created (to be recommended by the Water Resources Study Commission in a water policy law presented to the 1957 Legislature). 5. That the research phase (well inventory) of the program remain under the direction of the Florida Geological Survey. (PDF contains 204 pages.)


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Atualizada em 18 de novembro de 2013.