957 resultados para 3D-Printing
This article describes the first steps toward comprehensive characterization of molecular transport within scaffolds for tissue engineering. The scaffolds were fabricated using a novel melt electrospinning technique capable of constructing 3D lattices of layered polymer fibers with well - defined internal microarchitectures. The general morphology and structure order was then determined using T 2 - weighted magnetic resonance imaging and X - ray microcomputed tomography. Diffusion tensor microimaging was used to measure the time - dependent diffusivity and diffusion anisotropy within the scaffolds. The measured diffusion tensors were anisotropic and consistent with the cross - hatched geometry of the scaffolds: diffusion was least restricted in the direction perpendicular to the fiber layers. The results demonstrate that the cross - hatched scaffold structure preferentially promotes molecular transport vertically through the layers ( z - axis), with more restricted diffusion in the directions of the fiber layers ( x – y plane). Diffusivity in the x – y plane was observed to be invariant to the fiber thickness. The characteristic pore size of the fiber scaffolds can be probed by sampling the diffusion tensor at multiple diffusion times. Prospective application of diffusion tensor imaging for the real - time monitoring of tissue maturation and nutrient transport pathways within tissue engineering scaffolds is discussed.
Additive manufacturing (AM) technology was implemented together with new composite material comprising a synthetic materials, namely, polycaprolactone and bioactive glass with the ultimate aim of the production of an off-the-shelf composite bone scaffold product with superior bone regeneration capacity in a cost effective manner. Our studies indicated that the composite scaffolds have huge potential in promoting bone regeneration. It is our contention that owing to the fruits of such innovative efforts, the field of bone regeneration can metamorphose into a technology platform that allows clinicians worldwide to create tissue-engineered bone with economies of scale in the years to come.
In this paper we describe the design of DNA Jewelry, which is a wearable tangible data representation of personal DNA profile data. An iterative design process was followed to develop a 3D form-language that could be mapped to standard DNA profile data, with the aim of retaining readability of data while also producing an aesthetically pleasing and unique result in the area of personalised design. The work explores design issues with the production of data tangibles, contributes to a growing body of research exploring tangible representations of data and highlights the importance of approaches that move between technology, art and design.
The primary aim of this multidisciplinary project was to develop a new generation of breast implants. Disrupting the currently prevailing paradigm of silicone implants which permanently introduce a foreign body into mastectomy patients, highly porous implants developed as part of this PhD project are biodegradable by the body and augment the growth of natural tissue. Our technology platform leverages computer-assisted-design which allows us to manufacture fully patient-specific implants based on a personalised medicine approach. Multiple animal studies conducted in this project have shown that the polymeric implant slowly degrades within the body harmlessly while the body's own tissue forms concurrently.
Melt electrospinning and its additive manufacturing analogue, melt electrospinning writing (MEW), are two processes which can produce porous materials for applications where solvent toxicity and accumulation in solution electrospinning are problematic. This study explores the melt electrospinning of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds, specifically for applications in tissue engineering. The research described here aims to inform researchers interested in melt electrospinning about technical aspects of the process. This includes rapid fiber characterization using glass microscope slides, allowing influential processing parameters on fiber morphology to be assessed, as well as observed fiber collection phenomena on different collector substrates. The distribution and alignment of melt electrospun PCL fibers can be controlled to a certain degree using patterned collectors to create large numbers of scaffolds with shaped macroporous architectures. However, the buildup of residual charge in the collected fibers limits the achievable thickness of the porous template through such scaffolds. One challenge identified for MEW is the ability to control charge buildup so that fibers can be placed accurately in close proximity, and in many centimeter heights. The scale and size of scaffolds produced using MEW, however, indicate that this emerging process will fill a technological niche in biofabrication.
This paper identifies two narratives of the Anthropocene and explores how they play out in the realm of future-looking fashion production. Each narrative draws on mythic comparisons to gods and monsters to express humanity’s dilemmas, albeit from different perspectives. The first is a Malthusian narrative of collapse and scarcity, brought about by the monstrous, unstoppable nature of human technology set loose on the natural world. In this vein, philosopher Slavoj Zizek (2010) draws on Biblical analogies, likening ecological crisis to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. To find a myth to suit the present times, novelist A.S Byatt (2011) proposes Ragnarök, a Norse myth in which the gods destroy themselves. In contrast, the second narrative is one of technological cornucopia. Stewart Brand (2009, 27), self-described ‘eco-pragmatist’ writes, ‘we are as gods and we have to get good at it’. In his view, human technologies offer the only hope to mitigating the problems caused by human technology – Brand suggests harnessing nuclear power, bioengineering of crops and the geoengineering of the planet as the way forward. Similarly, the French philosopher Bruno Latour (2012, 274), exhorts us to “love our monsters”, likening our technologies to Doctor Frankenstein’s monster – set loose upon the world, and then reviled by his creator. For both Brand and Latour, human technology may be monstrous, but it must also be turned toward solutions. Within this schema, hopeful visions of the future of fashion are similarly divided. In the techno-enabled cornucopian future, the fashion industry embraces wearable technology, speed and efficiency. Technologies such as waterless dyeing, 3D printing and self-cleaning garments shift fashion into a new era of cleaner production. Meanwhile, in the narrative of scarcity, a more cautious approach sees fashion return to a new localism and valuing of the hand-made in a time of shrinking resources. Through discussion of future-looking fashion designers, brands, and activists, this paper explores how they may align along a spectrum to one of these two grand narratives of the future. The paper will discuss how these narratives may unconsciously shape the perspective of both producers and users around the fashion of today and the fashion of tomorrow. This paper poses the question: what stories can be written for fashion’s future in the Anthropocene, and are they fated, or can they be re-written?
This thesis is about the social orientation of new venture ideas and how the degree of social orientation is influenced by the entrepreneur's level of altruism, by industry norms, and by nonprofit work experience. Potential entrepreneurs were asked to generate new venture ideas based on 3D-printing and their ideas were rated for degree of social orientation. It was found that while greater altruism leads to more socially-oriented venture ideas, the influence of altruism on the venture idea is constrained by the profit-maximization norm that is prevalent in most industries.
Emissions of gases and particles from sea-faring ships have been shown to impact on the atmospheric chemistry and climate. To efficiently monitor and report these emissions found from a ship’s plume, the concept of using a multi-rotor or UAV to hover inside or near the exhaust of the ship to actively record the data in real time is being developed. However, for the required sensors obtain the data; their sensors must face into the airflow of the ships plume. This report presents an approach to have sensors able to read in the chemicals and particles emitted from the ship without affecting the flight dynamics of the multi-rotor UAV by building a sealed chamber in which a pump can take in the surrounding air (outside the downwash effect of the multi-rotor) where the sensors are placed and can analyse the gases safely. Results show that the system is small, lightweight and air-sealed and ready for flight test.
Polilaktida oinarri duten inplante polimeriko biodegradagarrien diseinu, fabrikazio eta propietateak
[EU]3D inprimaketa gaur egun, biomedikuntzaren garapenerako aukera ezberdinak ematen dituen teknologia iraultzaile gisa aurkezten da; bai medikuntza arloan formazio eta ikerkuntzarako erreminta gisa, baita dispositibo berrien diseinu eta fabrikaziorako. Bere abantailarik aipagarriena prototipaketa azkarra da. Gainera, teknologia honek barne egitura eta forma ezberdineko objektuak fabrikatzea ahalbidetzen du koste lehiakor batean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailuen bidezko prototipoen fabrikazioan zentratzen da, horretarako lehengai bezala polimero biodegradagarri eta biobateragarria erabiliz. Horrez gain, metodo tradizionalarekin konparatuz teknologia honek izan ditzakeen abantailak ere aztertu nahi dira, ez bakarrik alde ekonomikoari edo denborari begira, baita fabrikatutako objektuen propietateei begira ere. Dena dela, horrekin hasi aurretik ezaugarritze fisiko eta termikoa burutu beharko zaie lehengaiei, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen aukeraketa egokia egiteko eta parametro horien eta amaierako produktuaren kalitate, egitura eta propietateen artean erlazio egokia ezartzeko. Lan hau aurrera eramateko poli(L-laktida)-rekin (PLLA) egingo da lan, bai ehun ingeniaritzan baita hezurren apurketen finkapenerako dispositiboetan oso erabilia izan den polimeroa.
Inkjet printing relies on the formation of small liquid droplets to deliver precise amounts of material to a substrate under digital control. Inkjet technology is becoming relatively mature and is of great industrial interest thanks to its flexibility for graphical printing and its potential use in less conventional applications such as additive manufacturing and the production of printed electronics and other functional devices. Its advantages over traditional methods of printing include the following: it produces little or no waste, it is versatile because several different methods exist, it is noncontact, and it does not require a master template so that printed patterns can be readily modified on demand. However, the technology is in need of further development to become mainstream in emerging applications such as additive manufacturing (3D printing). This review contains a description of conventional and less common inkjet methods and surveys the current applications of inkjet in industry. This is followed by specific examples of the barriers, limitations, and challenges faced by inkjet technology in both graphical printing and manufacturing. © 2013 by Begell House, Inc.
A sacrificial templating process using lithographically printed minimal surface structures allows complex de novo geometries of delicate hydrogel materials. The hydrogel scaffolds based on cellulose and chitin nanofibrils show differences in terms of attachment of human mesenchymal stem cells, and allow their differentiation into osteogenic outcomes. The approach here serves as a first example toward designer hydrogel scaffolds viable for biomimetic tissue engineering.
Computer vision is a field that uses techniques to acquire, process, analyze and understand images from the real world in order to produce numeric or symbolic information in the form of decisions [1]. This project aims to use computer vision to prepare an app to analyze a Madeira Wine and characterize it (identify its variety) by its color. Dry or sweet wines, young or old wines have a specific color. It uses techniques to compare histograms in order to analyze the images taken from a test sample inside a special container designed for this purpose. The color analysis from a wine sample using an image captured by a smartphone can be difficult. Many factors affect the captured image such as, light conditions, the background of the sample container due to the many positions the photo can be taken (different to capture facing a white wall or facing the floor for example). Using new technologies such as 3D printing it was possible to create a prototype that aims to control the effect of those external factors on the captured image. The results for this experiment are good indicators for future works. Although it’s necessary to do more tests, the first tests had a success rate of 80% to 90% of correct results. This report documents the development of this project and all the techniques and steps required to execute the tests.
The expressive possibilities within the field of surface design come up with increasingly larger with the emergence of technologies that allow the construction of forms and structures of high complexity such as three-dimensional printing. Establishing a relationship between design and complex systems, this work seeks to address the significant interrelationship of new paradigms of science, designed from concepts such as chaos, complexity and self-organization along with the cyber and parametric design, assuming thus the consequent impact of these in the creation and construction of process surfaces. Starting from the investigation of the applicability of the aforementioned conceptual bases, will be exemplified prospects of surface, produced in the first instance through computer interfaces, assigning the emergence of new creative processes and technology. Furthermore, elucidating biomimetics and its importance in the design of the design as a means of inspiration in complex systems of nature.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)