906 resultados para 3D-CAD


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Scopo del presente lavoro di tesi è dimensionare a livello preliminare e modellare con software CAD 3D, un dirigibile non-rigido per riprese aeree di eventi sportivi o musicali. Il dimensionamento viene svolto attraverso un metodo tratto dalla bibliografia che si avvale di un processo iterativo che cerca la convergenza tra il peso ottenuto in base al carburante necessario per la missione da compiere e il peso ottenuto sommando tutti i contributi dei componenti del dirigibile, al variare del volume dell’involucro. La descrizione del metodo è preceduta da un’introduzione che descrive alcuni concetti fondamentali legati alle innovazioni che si sono susseguite nel tempo a livello di progettazione e dimensionamento strutturale dei dirigibili. Il dimensionamento ottenuto dal processo iterativo è stato preso come base per la modellazione CAD di un dirigibile equipaggiato con un sistema composto da una camera per riprese aeree e batterie per permettere l'alimentazione degli apparati video e di trasmissione.


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In Italia hanno visto stampanti 3D commerciali, e grazie al gruppo di professori e ricercatori della Facoltà di Ingegneria Meccanica dell'Università di Bologna, con cui ho avuto la possibilità di realizzare questa tesi, è nato il progetto di una stampante 3D ibrida, dotata sia di una fresatrice che di un estrusore: una stampante talmente grande che si va a posizionare come la stampante più grande di tutta Italia. Il mio progetto, si chiama PrinterCAD, è in grado infatti di gestire le diverse fasi della stampa 3D ibrida con i necessari parametri di lavorazione e controllo. Questo applicazione è un modulo realizzato in Python e segue la filosofia del MVC; inoltre estende il software opensource FreeCAD.


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This thesis work has been carried out at Clarkson University in Potsdam NY, USA and involved the design of a low elongation wing, consisting of parts made by polylactide (PLA) using the fused deposition model (FDM) technology of Rapid Prototyping, then assembled together in a thin aluminum spar. The aim of the research is to evaluate the feasibility of collecting electrical energy by converting mechanical energy from the vibration of the wing flutter. With this aim piezoelectric stripes were glued in the inner part of the wing, as well as on the aluminum spar, as monomorphic configuration. During the phases of the project, particular attention was given to the geometry and the materials used, in order to trigger the flutter for low flow velocity. The CAD software SolidWorks® was used for the design of the wing and then the drawings were sent to the Clarkson machine shop in order to to produce the parts required by the wing assembly. FEM simulations were performed, using software MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN®, to evaluate the stiffness of the whole wing as well as the natural vibration modes of the structure. These data, in a first approximation, were used to predict the flutter speed. Finally, experimental tests in the Clarkson wind tunnel facility were carried out in order to validate the results obtained from FEM analysis. The power collected by the piezoelectrics under flutter condition was addressed by tuning the resistors downstream the electronic circuit of the piezoelectrics.


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For crime scene investigation in cases of homicide, the pattern of bloodstains at the incident site is of critical importance. The morphology of the bloodstain pattern serves to determine the approximate blood source locations, the minimum number of blows and the positioning of the victim. In the present work, the benefits of the three-dimensional bloodstain pattern analysis, including the ballistic approximation of the trajectories of the blood drops, will be demonstrated using two illustrative cases. The crime scenes were documented in 3D, using the non-contact methods digital photogrammetry, tachymetry and laser scanning. Accurate, true-to-scale 3D models of the crime scenes, including the bloodstain pattern and the traces, were created. For the determination of the areas of origin of the bloodstain pattern, the trajectories of up to 200 well-defined bloodstains were analysed in CAD and photogrammetry software. The ballistic determination of the trajectories was performed using ballistics software. The advantages of this method are the short preparation time on site, the non-contact measurement of the bloodstains and the high accuracy of the bloodstain analysis. It should be expected that this method delivers accurate results regarding the number and position of the areas of origin of bloodstains, in particular the vertical component is determined more precisely than using conventional methods. In both cases relevant forensic conclusions regarding the course of events were enabled by the ballistic bloodstain pattern analysis.


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In this paper we present a model-based approach for real-time camera pose estimation in industrial scenarios. The line model which is used for tracking is generated by rendering a polygonal model and extracting contours out of the rendered scene. By un-projecting a point on the contour with the depth value stored in the z-buffer, the 3D coordinates of the contour can be calculated. For establishing 2D/3D correspondences the 3D control points on the contour are projected into the image and a perpendicular search for gradient maxima for every point on the contour is performed. Multiple hypotheses of 2D image points corresponding to a 3D control point make the pose estimation robust against ambiguous edges in the image.


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Recently, stable markerless 6 DOF video based handtracking devices became available. These devices simultaneously track the positions and orientations of both user hands in different postures with at least 25 frames per second. Such hand-tracking allows for using the human hands as natural input devices. However, the absence of physical buttons for performing click actions and state changes poses severe challenges in designing an efficient and easy to use 3D interface on top of such a device. In particular, for coupling and decoupling a virtual object’s movements to the user’s hand (i.e. grabbing and releasing) a solution has to be found. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for efficient two-handed grabbing and releasing objects and intuitively manipulating them in the virtual space. This technique is integrated in a novel 3D interface for virtual manipulations. A user experiment shows the superior applicability of this new technique. Last but not least, we describe how this technique can be exploited in practice to improve interaction by integrating it with RTT DeltaGen, a professional CAD/CAS visualization and editing tool.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas basadas en técnicas de onda completa para el diseño asistido por ordenador (Computer-Aided Design,‘CAD’) de dispositivos de microondas. En este contexto, se desarrolla una herramienta numérica basada en el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño y análisis de antenas impresas mediante algoritmos de optimización. Esta técnica consiste en dividir el análisis de una antena en dos partes. Una parte de análisis 3D que se realiza sólo una vez en cada punto de frecuencia de la banda de funcionamiento donde se sustituye una superficie que contiene la metalización del parche por puertas artificiales. En una segunda parte se inserta entre las puertas artificiales en la estructura 3D la superficie soportando una metalización y se procede un análisis 2D para caracterizar el comportamiento de la antena. La técnica propuesta en esta tesis se puede implementar en un algoritmo de optimización para definir el perfil de la antena que permite conseguir los objetivos del diseño. Se valida experimentalmente dicha técnica empleándola en el diseño de antenas impresas de banda ancha para diferentes aplicaciones mediante la optimización del perfil de los parches. También, se desarrolla en esta tesis un procedimiento basado en el método de descomposición de dominio y el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño de dispositivos pasivos de microonda. Se utiliza este procedimiento en particular para el diseño y sintonía de filtros de microondas. En la primera etapa de su aplicación se divide la estructura que se quiere analizar en subdominios aplicando el método de descomposición de dominio, este proceso permite analizar cada segmento por separado utilizando el método de análisis adecuado dado que suele haber subdominios que se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos por lo que el tiempo de análisis es más reducido. Se utilizan métodos numéricos para analizar los subdominios que no se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos. En esta tesis, se utiliza el método de los elementos finitos para llevar a cabo el análisis. Además de la descomposición de dominio, se aplica un proceso de barrido en frecuencia para reducir los tiempos del análisis. Como método de orden reducido se utiliza la técnica de bases reducidas. Se ha utilizado este procedimiento para diseñar y sintonizar varios ejemplos de filtros con el fin de comprobar la validez de dicho procedimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la utilidad de este procedimiento y confirman su rigurosidad, precisión y eficiencia en el diseño de filtros de microondas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of numerical tools based on full-wave techniques for computer-aided design ‘CAD’ of microwave devices. In this context, a numerical technique based on the finite element method ‘FEM’ for the design and analysis of printed antennas using optimization algorithms has been developed. The proposed technique consists in dividing the analysis of the antenna in two stages. In the first stage, the regions of the antenna which do not need to be modified during the CAD process are initially characterized only once from their corresponding matrix transfer function (Generalized Admittance matrix, ‘GAM’). The regions which will be modified are defined as artificial ports, precisely the regions which will contain the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna. In a second stage, the contour shape of the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna is iteratively modified in order to achieve a desired electromagnetic performance of the antenna. In this way, a new GAM of the radiating device which takes into account each printed antenna shape is computed after each iteration. The proposed technique can be implemented with a genetic algorithm to achieve the design objectives. This technique is validated experimentally and applied to the design of wideband printed antennas for different applications by optimizing the shape of the radiating device. In addition, a procedure based on the domain decomposition method and the finite element method has been developed for the design of microwave passive devices. In particular, this procedure can be applied to the design and tune of microwave filters. In the first stage of its implementation, the structure to be analyzed is divided into subdomains using the domain decomposition method; this process allows each subdomains can be analyzed separately using suitable analysis method, since there is usually subdomains that can be analyzed by analytical methods so that the time of analysis is reduced. For analyzing the subdomains that cannot be analyzed by analytical methods, we use the numerical methods. In this thesis, the FEM is used to carry out the analysis. Furthermore the decomposition of the domain, a frequency sweep process is applied to reduce analysis times. The reduced order model as the reduced basis technique is used in this procedure. This procedure is applied to the design and tune of several examples of microwave filters in order to check its validity. The obtained results allow concluding the usefulness of this procedure and confirming their thoroughness, accuracy and efficiency for the design of microwave filters.


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This paper suggests a new strategy to develop CAD applications taking into account some of the most interesting proposals which have recently appeared in the technology development arena. Programming languages, operating systems, user devices, software architecture, user interfaces and user experience are among the elements which are considered for a new development framework. This strategy considers the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD application together with the development framework. The architectural and organizational aspects are based on the programmed design concept, which can be implemented by means of a three-level software architecture. These levels are the conceptual level based on a declarative language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. The development framework which has been considered is Windows 8. This operating system offers three development environments, one for web pplications (HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript), and other for native applications C/C++) and of course yet another for .NET applications (C#, VB, F#, etc.). The use rinterface and user experience for non-web application is described ith XAML (a well known declarative XML language) and the 3D API for games and design applications is DirectX. Additionally, Windows 8 facilitates the use of hybrid solutions, in which native and managed code can interoperate easily. Some of the most remarkable advantages of this strategy are the possibility of targeting both desktop and touch screen devices with the same development framework, the usage of several programming paradigms to apply the most appropriate language to each domain and the multilevel segmentation of developers and designers to facilitate the implementation of an open network of collaborators.


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Uno de los aspectos más complicados del diseño de sistemas HVAC en buques es la correcta evaluación de las necesidades de aire fresco y el correcto dimensionado de los conductos que suministran dicho aire y evacuan el calor generado a bordo. Contrariamente a lo que sucede en los sistemas de tuberías, las características particulares del caudal de aire hacen que el dimensionado de los conductos sea muy sensible al trazado y geometría de los mismos, por lo que para obtener un buen diseño es necesaria una relación muy estrecha y una integración bidireccional entre los cálculos y el trazado de los propios conductos en el buque. Asumida la utilización de sistemas CAD/CAM para las tareas de diseño, históricamente, aquellos que permitían modelar conductos HVAC no incluían en su alcance de suministro los aspectos de cálculo, y como consecuencia de ello, el trazado de conductos se reducía a la inclusión en el modelo 3D de circuitos y sistemas previamente calculados y dimensionados, Así, servían únicamente para calcular interferencias con otros elementos del modelo 3D y para obtener posteriormente planos de fabricación y montaje. Esto, que por sí no es poco, dejaba el diseño de sistemas HVAC pendiente de una importante interacción manual y de habituales retrabajos, ya que cualquier modificación en el trazado de los conductos, consecuencia de otras necesidades del diseño, obligaba a los diseñadores a recalcular y redimensionar los conductos en un entorno diferente al del propio sistema CAD/CAM, y volver a realizar el modelado de los mismos, reduciendo significativamente las ventajas de la utilización de un modelo 3D. Partiendo de esta situación real, y con objeto de solucionar el problema que para el diseño y la propia producción del buque se creaba, se concibió una herramienta que permitiera la definición en el modelo 3D de diagramas de ventilación, el cálculo de pérdidas de presión, el dimensionado automático de los conductos, y que toda esta información pudiera estar disponible y reutilizarse en las etapas posteriores del diseño. Con ello, los diseñadores podrían realizar su trabajo en un entorno único, totalmente integrado con el resto de disciplinas. El objeto de esta Tesis Doctoral es analizar en detalle el problema y las ineficiencias actuales del diseño de HVAC, describir la innovadora herramienta concebida para paliar estas ineficiencias, detallando las bases sobre la que se construye, y destacar las ventajas que se obtienen de su uso. La herramienta en cuestión fue concebida como una funcionalidad adicional del sistema CAD/CAM naval FORAN, referente tecnológico en el mundo del diseño y la construcción navales, y como consecuencia de ellos se llevó a cabo el desarrollo correspondiente. En la actualidad, el sistema FORAN incluye en su alcance de suministro una primera versión de esta herramienta, cuya utilidad queda avalada por el uso que de la misma hacen astilleros y oficinas técnicas en todo el mundo. Esta Tesis Doctoral es eminentemente práctica. No es un estudio teórico de dudosa aplicación, sino que tiene por objeto aportar una solución eficiente a un problema real que muchos astilleros y oficinas técnicas, incluidas los más avanzados, padecen hoy en día. No tiene otra motivación que servir de ayuda para lograr diseñar y construir mejores barcos, en un plazo más corto, y a un coste menor. Nada más, pero nada menos. ABSTRACT One of the most complicated aspects of the design of HVAC systems in shipbuilding is the correct evaluation of the fresh air needs, the correct balancing of the ducts that supply this air and evacuate the existing heat on board. In opposition to piping systems, due to the particular characteristics of the air flow, the balancing of the ducts is very sensitive to the routing and the aspect of the ducts, so the correct design requires a close interconnectivity between calculations and routing. Already assumed the use of CAD/CAM systems for design tasks, historically, those CAD/CAM systems capable of modelling HVAC ducts did not cover calculation aspects, with the result that the routing of HVAC ducts was reduced solely to the input of previously balanced circuits into the 3D Product Model for the purpose of interference checking and generation of fabrication and assembly drawings. This situation, not negligible at all, put the design of HVAC ducts very dependent on manual operations and common rework task, as any modification in the routing of the HVAC ducts, derived from design needs, obliged engineers to re-balance the ducts and eventually to re-size them independently of the CAD-CAM environment, thus annulling the advantages of the 3D Product Model. With this situation in mind, and with the objective of filling the gap created in the design and construction of the ship, it was conceived a tool allowing the definition, within the 3D Product model, of HVAC diagrams, the calculation of pressure drops, the automatic dimensioning of ducts. With this, engineers could make the complete HVAC design in a single working environment, fully integrated with the rest of the disciplines. The present Ph. D. thesis analyses in deep the existing problem and the current lack of efficiency in HVAC design, describes the innovative tool conceived to minimize it, details the basis on which the tool is built, and highlights the advantages of its use. This tool was conceived as an additional functionality of the marine CAD/CAM system FORAN, a technological reference in the shipdesign and shipbuilding industry. As a consequence, it was developed, and nowadays FORAN System includes in its scope of supply a first version of the tool, with its usefulness endorsed by the fact that it is used by shipyards and shipdesign offices all over the world. This Ph. D. thesis is on top everything, of practical nature. It is not a theoretical study with doubtful application. On the contrary, its objective is to provide with an efficient solution for solving a real problem that many shipyards and shipdesign offices, including those more advanced, suffer nowadays. It has no other motivation that to help in the process of designing and building better and cheaper ships, within a shorter deliver time. Nothing more, but nothing less.


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Customizing shoe manufacturing is one of the great challenges in the footwear industry. It is a production model change where design adopts not only the main role, but also the main bottleneck. It is therefore necessary to accelerate this process by improving the accuracy of current methods. Rapid prototyping techniques are based on the reuse of manufactured footwear lasts so that they can be modified with CAD systems leading rapidly to new shoe models. In this work, we present a shoe last fast reconstruction method that fits current design and manufacturing processes. The method is based on the scanning of shoe last obtaining sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the shoe last 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organizing network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates up to 12 times the surface reconstruction and filtering processes used by the current shoe last design software. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared with methods with similar efficiency as voxel grid.


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We propose the design of a real-time system to recognize and interprethand gestures. The acquisition devices are low cost 3D sensors. 3D hand pose will be segmented, characterized and track using growing neural gas (GNG) structure. The capacity of the system to obtain information with a high degree of freedom allows the encoding of many gestures and a very accurate motion capture. The use of hand pose models combined with motion information provide with GNG permits to deal with the problem of the hand motion representation. A natural interface applied to a virtual mirrorwriting system and to a system to estimate hand pose will be designed to demonstrate the validity of the system.


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This paper describes a study and analysis of surface normal-base descriptors for 3D object recognition. Specifically, we evaluate the behaviour of descriptors in the recognition process using virtual models of objects created from CAD software. Later, we test them in real scenes using synthetic objects created with a 3D printer from the virtual models. In both cases, the same virtual models are used on the matching process to find similarity. The difference between both experiments is in the type of views used in the tests. Our analysis evaluates three subjects: the effectiveness of 3D descriptors depending on the viewpoint of camera, the geometry complexity of the model and the runtime used to do the recognition process and the success rate to recognize a view of object among the models saved in the database.


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In this work, we propose the use of the neural gas (NG), a neural network that uses an unsupervised Competitive Hebbian Learning (CHL) rule, to develop a reverse engineering process. This is a simple and accurate method to reconstruct objects from point clouds obtained from multiple overlapping views using low-cost sensors. In contrast to other methods that may need several stages that include downsampling, noise filtering and many other tasks, the NG automatically obtains the 3D model of the scanned objects. To demonstrate the validity of our proposal we tested our method with several models and performed a study of the neural network parameterization computing the quality of representation and also comparing results with other neural methods like growing neural gas and Kohonen maps or classical methods like Voxel Grid. We also reconstructed models acquired by low cost sensors that can be used in virtual and augmented reality environments for redesign or manipulation purposes. Since the NG algorithm has a strong computational cost we propose its acceleration. We have redesigned and implemented the NG learning algorithm to fit it onto Graphics Processing Units using CUDA. A speed-up of 180× faster is obtained compared to the sequential CPU version.


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Introduction: Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided-Manufacture (CAM) has been developed to fabricate fixed dental restorations accurately, faster and improve cost effectiveness of manufacture when compared to the conventional method. Two main methods exist in dental CAD/CAM technology: the subtractive and additive methods. While fitting accuracy of both methods has been explored, no study yet has compared the fabricated restoration (CAM output) to its CAD in terms of accuracy. The aim of this present study was to compare the output of various dental CAM routes to a sole initial CAD and establish the accuracy of fabrication. The internal fit of the various CAM routes were also investigated. The null hypotheses tested were: 1) no significant differences observed between the CAM output to the CAD and 2) no significant differences observed between the various CAM routes. Methods: An aluminium master model of a standard premolar preparation was scanned with a contact dental scanner (Incise, Renishaw, UK). A single CAD was created on the scanned master model (InciseCAD software, V2.5.0.140, UK). Twenty copings were then fabricated by sending the single CAD to a multitude of CAM routes. The copings were grouped (n=5) as: Laser sintered CoCrMo (LS), 5-axis milled CoCrMo (MCoCrMo), 3-axis milled zirconia (ZAx3) and 4-axis milled zirconia (ZAx4). All copings were micro-CT scanned (Phoenix X-Ray, Nanotom-S, Germany, power: 155kV, current: 60µA, 3600 projections) to produce 3-Dimensional (3D) models. A novel methodology was created to superimpose the micro-CT scans with the CAD (GOM Inspect software, V7.5SR2, Germany) to indicate inaccuracies in manufacturing. The accuracy in terms of coping volume was explored. The distances from the surfaces of the micro-CT 3D models to the surfaces of the CAD model (CAD Deviation) were investigated after creating surface colour deviation maps. Localised digital sections of the deviations (Occlusal, Axial and Cervical) and selected focussed areas were then quantitatively measured using software (GOM Inspect software, Germany). A novel methodology was also explored to digitally align (Rhino software, V5, USA) the micro-CT scans with the master model to investigate internal fit. Fifty digital cross sections of the aligned scans were created. Point-to-point distances were measured at 5 levels at each cross section. The five levels were: Vertical Marginal Fit (VF), Absolute Marginal Fit (AM), Axio-margin Fit (AMF), Axial Fit (AF) and Occlusal Fit (OF). Results: The results of the volume measurement were summarised as: VM-CoCrMo (62.8mm3 ) > VZax3 (59.4mm3 ) > VCAD (57mm3 ) > VZax4 (56.1mm3 ) > VLS (52.5mm3 ) and were all significantly different (p presented as areas with different colour. No significant differences were observed at the internal aspect of the cervical aspect between all groups of copings. Significant differences (p< M-CoCrMo Internal Occlusal, Internal Axial and External Axial 2 ZAx3 > ZAx4 External Occlusal, External Cervical 3 ZAx3 < ZAx4 Internal Occlusal 4 M-CoCrMo > ZAx4 Internal Occlusal and Internal Axial The mean values of AMF and AF were significantly (p M-CoCrMo and CAD > ZAx4. Only VF of M-CoCrMo was comparable with the CAD Internal Fit. All VF and AM values were within the clinically acceptable fit (120µm). Conclusion: The investigated CAM methods reproduced the CAD accurately at the internal cervical aspect of the copings. However, localised deviations at axial and occlusal aspects of the copings may suggest the need for modifications in these areas prior to fitting and veneering with porcelain. The CAM groups evaluated also showed different levels of Internal Fit thus rejecting the null hypotheses. The novel non-destructive methodologies for CAD/CAM accuracy and internal fit testing presented in this thesis may be a useful evaluation tool for similar applications.


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This paper describes an implementation of a method capable of integrating parametric, feature based, CAD models based on commercial software (CATIA) with the SU2 software framework. To exploit the adjoint based methods for aerodynamic optimisation within the SU2, a formulation to obtain geometric sensitivities directly from the commercial CAD parameterisation is introduced, enabling the calculation of gradients with respect to CAD based design variables. To assess the accuracy and efficiency of the alternative approach, two aerodynamic optimisation problems are investigated: an inviscid, 3D, problem with multiple constraints, and a 2D high-lift aerofoil, viscous problem without any constraints. Initial results show the new parameterisation obtaining reliable optimums, with similar levels of performance of the software native parameterisations. In the final paper, details of computing CAD sensitivities will be provided, including accuracy as well as linking geometric sensitivities to aerodynamic objective functions and constraints; the impact in the robustness of the overall method will be assessed and alternative parameterisations will be included.